chapter 10 (EDIT)

Revenged! [Re-Edit] HIATUS
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Sumi's POV

My phone sudden buzzed in my pocket. A message came into my screen. I opened it and widened my eyes, !

Choi Sumi! WHERE THE HECK IS YOU? You better go home now or else...


-Jiyong Oppa-

I let out sighs and I can feel that Chanyeol peeked at my phone. I quickly put my phone back and stops walking. He raised his eyebrow.

I looked at him, "Well, we're here already." I shrug. He looked infront of him and jaw dropped. I know my house is way too big. For me, its just normal. I don't know why they must mouth agape. Its only a house that have two-storey in golden color with a flower garden. Its also have a big garage which is parking for the cars and motorcycle. I frowned when I saw Jiyong oppa's car there... I closed his mouth, "Close your mouth or you will catch a bug."

He clears his throat, "What are you? Are you someone famous?"

I chuckled? For the first time I reacted this way. We're not even that closed yet but...I'm surprised to myself too. I didn't act this way when I knew the person a few minutes ago...But with him it's different.

"Maybe. Thanks to my parent they worked hard for it." He just nodding his head indicating him understands.

"You should going inside. Its getting cold outside." He sadly said.

I tilted my head, is he being upset? "Yeah, you right." I salute at him while he just smiles at it.

I turned around and smile, "and Chanyeol, thank you for sending me home."

He smile widely that makes him look cuter, wait?! What am I thinking! "No problem! So, are we friends now?" He yells.

I looked at him and shook my head, "Maybe or maybe not." He sighed.

"wait! how did you know my name?" he yelled back in confusion how come i knew his name. I turned around and winks, "i have my ways."

I went to my house and shut the door behind me. I leaned against it and glanced out the window. Chanyeol was frustratingly scratching his head. I shook my head, "That guy isn't bad at all. Maybe...we can be friends." I mumble to myself when I heard someone cleared his throat.

I spun around and smile cutely at him, "oppa, I'm back aren't i?"

Jiyong raised his eyebrow, "Where the hell have you been?"

"I just went out for some fresh air. I feel so bored in my bedroom." I honestly said.

Jiyong oppa crossed his arm, "You said your back still in hurt. I just went out for awhile then i've got text from you saying that you going out for awhile but then you didn't reply i thought you will listen to me and knowing you weren't in your room makes me worried. Who knows that bastard trying to do something dirty. Please, this time don't try to sneak out again like that, you heard me?" With that he stalked off to his room and slammed the door in the case.

I let out sighed, "I make him angry again at me." Sadly, I went straight to my room.


No one POV

The Monday morning, Jiyong dropped Sumi off to a school. Its been quiet and silence all along the journey and she felt uneasy with it. she wanted to apologize at him but she can't find a right word to him. Instead, she let out a huge sighs.

"I see you later, oppa." she waved and trying to cheerfully said at him but he doesn't waved back nor smile at her. Instead, "I picked you later after school so don't try to escape this time." With that he drove off leaving her sad at his action. He never acted this way towards her but this time he looks serious about it.

"Ayo, Sumi!" Minzy greeted.

She snapped out and greeted back Minzy, "yeah, hi."

She looks

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Chapter 41: Oh no!!!
Don't say you want to delete or save it's has draft, please dont do this, it will be heartbreaking
Chapter 41: Oh no!!!
Don't say you want to delete or save it's has draft, please dont do this, it will be heartbreaking
aznperson #3
Chapter 36: Please continue!!
Heymama #4
Chapter 36: Plss continue..tqqq
Heymama #5
Hi Authornim...any upcoming update?
Heymama #6
Chapter 33: Any updates?
Chapter 31: Please update soon.....
kiyomi_xoxo #8
Chapter 19: i like it because of the plot and the ideas but can you put in some intense fights and yelling or maybe some romance between the oc and jiyong and maybe have it behind her appas back and i want her to have some kind of tattoo that jiyong sees .
No ?? YES??
Chapter 10: Ok, here is my comment... I like this story plot but, the plot was very easy to guess and also a bit lack in suspense... But, it's ok... Try to make the story more interesting and more suspense... There is a bit suspense but, it's not enough for readers to be interested and hook at your story... About the introduction with BAP... You just said that BAP break into their hideout place?? Shouldn't they be arguing instead of friendly greetings them... They're gangsters not an Idol... There's no need for you to introduce them so friendly... There's no need for "anneonghasaeyou we are BAP imnida", "anneonghasaeyo, we are 2NE1 imnida"... Just straight to the point... And you left that New gang chapter hanging... There supposed to be arguing and then ask why they break and messing with their place and also why they're messing with them... And stuff like that... Just do anything to make it interesting... Gosh, the Minhyun scene also, how can I say this... Now, it's not suspens and thrilling anymore when you've reveal the hiding enemy... The letter not supposed to be found so easily... It supposed to be start from suspicion, and then investigate and then they finally know who's the hidden enemy... What kind of hiding enemy or what kind of villain will expose themselved and leave a proof of his evil intention... Only a stupid or clumsy villain do that... Here's a tip for you... Don't give answer easily to your readers... Be naughty but still give a few hints for them to solvr the puzzle you leave in their head... If you give answer so easily than, this story won't be interesting... Keep up a good writing and work... I saw that you've improved a little bit... You stick to your plot and story and also the story is also convincing enough to the readers... So far, there's only a few mistakes and I've tell you what it is above... So, if you want any help from me for this story, I'll help if I can and also if I'm not so busy... xoxoxo
Chapter 9: Are you going to update author-nim ? Please oh please contineu !!! I love it SO MUCH !!