50 Reason's Why I Love You


Key sighed as he sat up in bed, it was valentines day yet his lover wasn't there. Jonghyun had one more week in Japan before he would come home. Key felt alone, sad and just fed up, lost with out the older. While walking to the kitchen, a red envelope sticking out the letter box catch's his eye, becoming extra curious as to who sent him something.


Hello Lovelies <3 :D

Only a small, fluffy drabble that came to me ><

And it's for valentine's so extra lovely dovey XD

Comment and Subscribe lovelies <3 <3


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Chapter 1: *Dies from too much fluff* this is so perfect. I don't know what to say, but I love it!! XD It's so cheesy and fluffy~ :)
Chapter 1: *dies of perfection* this was so amazing! I could actually feel the love. I can't wait to have this for my own. Damn you stupid brain why don't you fall in love already! XD

I would check the grammar and sentences, cuz there are some words missing and stuff. It's all positive feedback and you don't have to do anything with it if you don't want to.
Chapter 1: -pukes rainbows-
So mush cute ;_____;
kara224 #4
Chapter 1: Wen he said he had to write more than 50 i started spazzing...u cant not love jongkey :)
Chapter 1: ah sweetness overload.you always do best and write great fics ever.as always like your other fics i loved it.
Chapter 1: This is the cutest thing. Ever. Jong is so cute and fluffy, glad he came back to make our Key happy!