I'm with Pabo

5 White Girls and 5 Asian Boys (A SHINee SuJu story)

Melissa pulled my arm as we entered the office. Apparently we had to wait "just a bit" longer for the executive and some people who had seen the submission and loved it. I looked at Melissa who was a bit frazzled.

"Melissa-unni?" I asked.


"Are you blushing?" Her eyes were as wide as dinner plates when I asked her.


"You are!" All of us started laughing at her. "Now why would that be?"

"Because she met Minho!" Oona said.

I doubled over in laughter. She's such a fangirl! Mel was so in love with Minho it broke her little stick up the facade. She hit me and I straightened up. My face was red from laughing as I fanned myself and straightened my hair.

"So you met Minho?" Kaitlyn asked.

Melissa nodded as she bit her lip.

"I met Taemin."

We all stared at her. No way, so I wasn't the only one that met a SHINee member. Did the other girls meet them too?

"He said I could call him Oppa." Katie smiled a million watts. "It's awesome, we get along really well.

"I met Dino-Oppa." Jessie said. "He snuck up on me when I was singing to myself. Then it got really awkward..."

Of course it got really awkward with Jessie. She's the queen of awkward when she doesn't want to be. So that's Minho, Taemin, Jonghyun, and I met Key... What about Oona, did she meet any of them?

"Oona, what about you?" I asked.

"Onew-Oppa and I talked for a while. I mean, we are at SME, what are we supposed to expect, to be the only ones here?"

I bit my lip. "I-I ran into Key."

Everyone looked at me. "I mean, literally ran into him. Neither of us were looking where we were going and then we hung out of a while." I smiled weakly...

Everyone looked at me. I felt my face warm up more as I fanned. I hate when they stare at me. "Hey, stop it!" I yell and they turn their heads. Then the door opened and the man that greeted us at the airport walked in.

"Hello, welcome to SM Entertainment." My stomach started to churn and I felt sick. "First off I want to congratulate you one winning the competition. There are some people waiting in the hall that want to greet you, they loved your submission."

And he let them in. Oh, my God!

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ashleynr #1
Chapter 91: Wow I read your story in three days. Loved It.
Not a reader sorry :/ but I do want to say don't let anyone bully you or make you feel bad about your writing. It may not be a piece of art or a masterpiece but the fact is, you took time to write it. You put effort into this. You put your heart and your work online, which is probably more than what most of the rude and uneeded commenters can say about themselves.

Writing is a process and a skill that is developed over time. Great writers didn't become great over night. So I hope you don't let rude, mannerless keyboard warriors hiding in the anonymity of the internet, callously cutting people down without even stopping to think of the effect they're having on someone.

Stay strong! Don't let anyone hold you down! Aja aja hwaiting!
This is a legitimate story right
Chapter 91: uh.... o_O
asianfanfic____ brought me here! XD
.....I'm not sure whether to take this story seriously or not...
dayana92 #6
i love this story...pls post the next chapter :)
xyerenade_14 #7
love all the photos,,,it gives me some laugh...same with the chapter...^_^<br />
xyerenade_14 #8
well im back again to read!!!!:D well i didn't read your last updates last time 'coz of the weather...aish and wish there's no more storm coming in our country...^^<br />
xyerenade_14 #9
nice work...:D <br />