Chapter 5 : Your What?



“That was good.” Seungri smirked as he looked at Yen who was on the bed, covering herself in a bed sheet, sobbing. “We should try it again.” He looked at her.


“Chorong-ah, Chorong!” Doojoon poked her several times, she was spacing out. They were in a park, sitting on the bench together.


“Oh? Oppa.” Chorong smiled at Doojoon then she looked down. It can’t be, no, Yen’s going to be fine. She shook her head dramatically.




“You should even be thankful that I let you borrow my clothes!” Seungri shouted. He was lying on the bed, staring at Yen who was fixing herself.


She turned to look at Seungri who was looking at her seductively. Yen gave him a disgusted look. “What are you looking at?”


“Nothing, go back tomorrow same time.” Seungri sneered.


“Mwo? Tomorrow?” Yen’s jaw dropped. She scoffed. “Why would I go back tomorrow?”


“Yeah, why? Got a problem with that? And you better bring back my clothes!” Seungri jumped off from the bed and walked near the door where Yen was. He leaned closer to her until their faces were inches close. “Don’t be late.” He smirked and went out of the room.


“Aigoo, who does he think he is?” Yen hissed as she watched him go down the stairs. “Aissh, I should get rid of that guy soon.” She looked at herself in the mirror. “Aissh, why am I even wearing his clothes!”




On her way out of the house she bumped into someone. “Sorry! I didn’t see you coming.” She bowed for apology.


“No, it’s okay.” The guy smiled at him. He has mohawk hair and small eyes.


Omo, his smile, his eyes when he smiled.“I have—to go!” Yen stuttered as she swiftly went out.




“Omo what are you wearing!” Chorong greeted Yen as she arrived at the house. Yen wore a loose shirt and some baggy pants.


“It’s a long story, but I showered with clothes on in a garden.” Yen slumped on the couch.


“You’ve what!?” Chorong couldn’t help but make her imagination turn up once again. “Omo! Don’t tell me…”


Seungri pushed Yen inside the bathroom. He closed the door quickly. “It’s also adventurous when there’s some flowing water.” He said as he took off his clothes.


“I’ll accuse you for , Help! Someone help me!” Yen screamed inside the bathroom.


“Aigoo, that’s not what happened!? What kind of mind do you have?” Yen gazed at her friend with disgust.


“I’m just thinking of the possible things that could have happened.” Chorong sat on the couch with Yen.


“SO what really happened? I talked to Doojoon Oppa, he told me that Seungri is a nice guy.”

“Nice? He’s not nice at all!” Yen shouted. “He makes fun of other people!”


“Make fun of other people?” Chorong looked at her friend with confusion.




“You haven’t found her still!” Changmin’s grandpa shouted at him. “This is frustrating me, you need to find her immediately.”


Changmin ruffled his hair. “She’s hard to find! Do you think I’ll be able to find her in just one night? You could have used your power to find her, why use me instead? What do you need in her? You were the one who pushed them away before, now you want them here?” He rolled his eyes.


“We have to find her before the year ends, or I’ll cut out your accounts! I won’t buy you that new car and I won’t make you the president of this company!” His grandpa warned.


“What?! What did I do? It’s not my fault! Aissh!” Changmin stood from his seat. “I’m getting hungry, I’ll just eat!”


“You’re always eating!” His grandpa yelled at him.


“I’m human! Of course I’ll be hungry!” He said before slamming the door close.


“Aigoo, that kid!”



The next day.


“Wow, you’re early.” Seungri grinned as he let Yen enter inside.


“I can’t be for too long, I have to help my Appa. Now what do you want again?” Yen told him.


“Really? Why are you saying that to me, it’s not my problem. I’m hungry, cook me some breakfast.” Seungri headed to the living room and sat on the sofa.


Yen jeered. “What? What do you think of me? Your slave?”


“Well.. it can be!” Seungri chuckled. “Go on, I’m hungry. Cook for me slave!” He looked at Yen, smirking.


Yen’s eyes widened at what he said. “Go cook yourself, you lazy!”


“I hope you didn’t forget our agreement.” Seungri sat comfortably on the couch, leaning, he the television. “I can always break it if you won’t listen.”


Yen just sighed heavily. She went to the kitchen. “Urghh, I wanted to poison him!”




“Here! Go and eat, can I leave now?” Yen put the plate of food on the table in the living room, raising her eyebrow, she looked at Seungri intensely.


“Aww, my back hurts, Uhh, can you massage me?” Seungri winced in pain (or should we say fake pain).


Yen was almost pissed off. It was too early and this was just beyond the limit. “Yah! I’m not easy to deceive! You don’t look like you’re hurt! I’m leaving.”


“Oh no, you’re not. I think I’m tempted to call someone on the phone.” Seungri said.


Yen went back immediately, knowing what he was up to. She put down her bag on the sofa and went behind it to massage Seungri’s shoulders.


“You know what, you’re a very obedient slave.” Seungri laughed.


“You’re out of your mind. I’m doing this because you’re blackmailing me, idiot!” Yen said harshly.


“Well, whatever you say, it seems like you’re helpless.” Seungri said.


“I’ll make sure I’ll be the one to kill you once I get out of this.” Yen muttered.


“You saying something?” Seungri asked.


“Nothing.” Yen shrugged it off.




Yen was still with Seungri for more than two hours. He was watching a variety show, laughing alone. He told her to stay sitting on the sofa until he said she could leave.


“Don’t you have a life? Why are you here in your house!?” Yen blurted out.


“I don’t have anything to do for now. I don’t have classes today so it’s fine.” Seungri said, his eyes focused on the screen.


There was a long moment of silence once again.


“Yah! I need to go home!” Yen complained.


“You have to kiss me first.” Seungri looked at her seductively.


“Kiss yourself, that’s impossible.” Yen looked away.


“Then stay here until you die in hunger!” Seungri looked back at the screen.


“I won’t be one of your girls! And I’m not interested with your lips. You must have even kissed a lot of girls already!” Yen rolled her eyes.


“Well, let’s see, you might take back your words someday.” Seungri grinned.


“That will happen when I die.” Yen assured him.




Yen got home in the afternoon. She went to the ramen house first. It surprised her to see the guy she bumped yesterday was there, eating with someone.


“Yen! You’re back!” Chorong approached her. “I told your Appa you went to look for a part time job.” She whispered. She grabbed Yen’s wrist and dragged her. “This is my friend, the one I’ve been talking abut, her name’s Yen.” Chorong introduced her to the two guys dining. “Yen, this is Hyunseung Oppa, and this is Youngbae Oppa.”


“Aren’t you the one who was in Seungri’s house yesterday?” Youngbae suddenly asked.


“Oh---“ Yen just faked a chuckle. “Yes it was me.”


“Are you his new girlfriend?” Youngbae kept up.


“Me?! No! No I’m not.” Yen half-smiled, she looked at Chorong who was looking back in confusion too.


“So, why are you in his house? I saw you wearing his clothes, I thought something might have had happened.” Youngbae ‘s brows furrowed.


“Uh, me? I’m—“ Yen scratched the back of her head, she ran out of ideas.



Updated! I hope it’s just fine! ^.^


@cezheartsyou thanks! Thanks for taking time to read and dropping a comment!^^ I hope this is okay to you! keke..xD

@yenisvip12 hehe.. sorry! I got Seungri’s playful personality..hahaha..xD it’s to make it more interesting and funny!! Haha.. that’s why it’s what it took.. =P I hope it’s fine!!! :D


-Thanks for everyone who takes time to read! For the subscribers, thank you! Thank you specially for those who leaves a comment!! ^.^ I hope you’ll drop a feedback after reading, it motivates me. Thanks!




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Chapter 35: Aigoo Seungri is so _______... at least he is behaving too long xD And she had a hard life that I was pitying her, but she was rewarded a cute panda like him x]
I like this story a lot! :3 It's really great though Seungri's kinda a bastard at the begining >< SEQUEL!!!~~~~
musiclover251 #3
its over???!! :O<br />
anyway thanks for writing this story!!! it was awesome!!!!!!!!
Awe! How sweet XD
Sweetsailish #5
Kya~~~ SEQUEL!!! :D
seungriism #6
Omg! It ended so soon :( hope u make a sequel hehe :) fighting
J-cryptic #7
awe..its finished. :))<br />
two thumbs up for this fic!~♥
awwww!! thank you so much for this! and just in time for Christmas! <3 merry christmas~ :D this is such a very sweet story <3
@onewmintjongkey HAHAHA! He told me he loves me XD<br />
<br />
@iLoveChorong chingu! Omo! Thank you so much for writing this fic for me! Love ya!