The New Partner

Believe In Me


Chapter o2: The New Partner

"Excuse me!! Sorry! Excuse me!" Haeri called, as she squeezed between the cracks of the large crowd in downtown Seoul. This was her 2nd year in the acting industry, and the partner who she was paired up last time became a model instead, so her boss need to find her a new partner.

I wonder who she'll be like. Haeri thought after making through the crowd and rushing into the acting building.

As Haeri approached the studio, she heard the manager's assistant calling out attendance.

"Go Haeri....?" The person called, looking around the group of people to find the person.

Haeri slammed the door opened and saluted to the assistant, "Here!"

The assistant raised his eyebrow, clearly already used to Haeri's entrances in everyday's attendance. "Please take a seat, Ms. Go." Was all the assitant said before returning to his job.

When Haeri was about to be seated, she heard a voice. "Go Haeri, come over here." Boss, Haeri knew instinctively and she hurriedly jogged to find her boss. As Haeri caught up with her boss, the boss ushered her in, then closed the door to her office.

"Please take a seat, Haeri." Her boss said, as she also settled into her office seat.

"So, you called me for,....?" Haeri started, and left the phrase hanging, because she knew, that the boss would only call her for the introduction of the new partner.

"You are probably wondering about your new partner, right?" The boss started as she pulled open the drawer of all the portfolios of the actors in the building. "Let's see...." the boss mumbled to herself, "......A.....B......C.....D.......Ah! I've found it!" The boss drew out a folder which was labelled in scrawled letters, "Do......" And the rest was covered up by her fingers.

Then, the boss pulled out, what seemed to be a picture from the file and slapped it onto the table. "Here is your new partner."

Haeri stared blankly at the folder. A guy? Wasn't it suppose to be a girl? Haeri wondered, slightly bewildered by the sudden transition. I guess it's alright, since he looks like an innocent guy.

Just then, a knock came from outside the door. "Come in, please." the boss called and one of her helpers nodded in response and in came another person. "Haeri, meet your new partner, Do Kyungsoo."

Haeri blinked a couple of times, and glanced back at the photo and to the person many times. They're the same person?! 

"Annyeong," the person respond, extending his right hand as an offer of a shake, "My name is Do Kyungsoo. Please take care of me." Kyungsoo ended with a small smile.

Haeri took his hand and shook it, "My name's Go Haeri. Do also take care of me." Kyungsoo smiled. "I've heard much of your achievements, Miss Haeri."


As if Kyungsoo could read Haeri's thoughts, he said, "After your boss kind of showed some of your acts, I find you're actually quite good too."

"Um, thanks." Haeri scratched the back of her head awkwardly. 

"Ahem..." Haeri and Kyungsoo turned to see it was the boss looking slightly irritated. "So, let me introduce what both of you are going to be doing." She waited for the response for two bobs of the heads. "It's going to be a tragic romance that we're assigned to place for every Sunday broadcast. So, Haeri, you should be prepared because you have the female lead role. While Kyungsoo is the male lead role."

A romance series on TV? That's interes---! 

"Boss!" Haeri suddenly blurted out.

"Yes, Haeri?" The boss turned and casted a lazy and irritated look at her.

"There's no........'those' types of scenes, right?" Haeri bit her bottom lip nervously, a habit she could never get rid of. However, in response, Kyungsoo and Boss just blinked at her emptily. "What do you mean by 'those' scenes? The homerun or a single? double? triple?"

"Any?" Haeri winced a little.

The boss then threw her hands up in exasperation. "Go Haeri! Snap out of it! You've been working here for 2 years! Don't fret out here!" The boss lectured, while lightly slapping both of Haeri's cheeks.

"But---!" Haeri started.

"No but's are going to get you excused out of your situation now." The boss interrupted. Then, she suddenly turned to Kyungsoo. "Do Kyungsoo."

"Yes....?" Kyungsoo looked up and awaited for the order.

"Go easy on Haeri. She's an extremely inconfident, tender-hearted girl." Boss stated, before Haeri could prevent her from saying anything.

Kyungsoo nodded, then the boss released her hold. "Now, you too should be headed out. Go catch breakfast and get back here at 10." And the boss pushed both Kyungsoo and Haeri out.

*I'm not sure if this is how you explain it (haha) but in Chinese, love is like a baseball game. To first base=hold hands, second base=hug, third base=kiss, homerun= did 'that'  



So, the second chapter is up :)!

I hope it's going along well (? <--inconfident voice

Do stay tune for more.

And ummm, I might be off and on sometimes because school's getting so busy I want to just throw everything away and fail it

Anyways, 'til next time ;D!!


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[Believe In Me] updated chapter two :)


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