Part I

Be My Eyes...

A kiss on the lips; a sweet embrace

Just to make you feel loved and happy as you make me…

Stares that seem to burn holes right through me,

I can bear with them as long as you’re with me…


Yoochun and Junsu were happy together. Really really happy together…

Yes, they were a couple, in this society that would never accept them. But this did not pose obstacles towards their love. In fact, it only proved the strength and importance of their feelings towards each other. Despite knowing that they would not be accepted, they did not give a care.

They were not afraid of displaying their love in public and were used to curious eyes, so they did not really take notice of that one particular pair of eyes that were eyeing them…

“stupid in homos…” A middle-aged man limped past them muttering deliriously under his breath while glaring at them menacingly.

The couple were just doing some window shopping , arms entangled around each other’s waists and walking down the streets on a weekend afternoon. Somehow, they managed to ignore the hurtful curses that were directed towards them.

“Chunnie, what should we do now? I’m bored,” Junsu pouted. He was hugging onto Yoochun’s left arm and was walking on the side closest to the busy road. He rested his chin on Yoochun’s shoulder and looked up at him with puppy eyes.

“Hmmm…” Yoochun hummed, looking thoughtful. “What do you want to do, Subaby?”

Junsu blushed, He wasn’t that used to his nickname yet, although Yoochun had been calling him that since he couldn’t even remember when.

“I don’t kno-”

“Die… disgusting homos… die…” They heard the same delirious chanting, louder than before.

Suddenly, a hand pushed Yoochun’s side. Unprepared for the sudden force, he stumbled, pushing Junsu off the pavement.

Junsu’s screams mixed into the sound of the honking of car horns.

Everything happened so fast.

The next thing he knew, he was pushed back onto the pavement while Yoochun was in the middle of the huge road. Rooted to the ground, he stared at the headlights of the oncoming car dumbfoundedly.

Furious honking of horns and the frantic screeching of the tires against the road brought Yoochun back to reality. It was too late.

The driver could not pull the brakes in time and crashed into the man.

Junsu’s eyes widened in shock and tears pooled in his eyes as he watched Yoochun’s body roll all the way from the bonnet to the boot of the car. Finally, his bloodied body dropped onto the ground.

“YOOCHUN!” The tears that were previously welled up rolled down his cheeks.

By then, a crowd had quickly formed itself around the barely-breathing man. Junsu ran over and squeezed his way through the crowd. The shaking figure dropped onto his knees beside Yoochun’s lifeless body, not caring that his jeans were stained by the pool of blood.

The madman who had pushed them out laughed crazily and continued to trudge and limp and shriek in joy. From the distance, he could hear him mock, “HAH! YOU DESERVE THIS, SICKENING HOMOS!”

“Yoochun!” he cried, hugging Yoochun’s head towards his chest. He stayed in that position and cried. The crowd broke out in chattering. “Someone call the ambulance!” Junsu shouted.


A/N: First part is up ^^ Next part will be the final. I shall see when i should post up the next part, and it all depends on the number of comments i get, really.

So... how is this part? I swear this is not the yet. So don't leave me :3

Please leave a comment! Constructive criticism please! ^3^

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Chapter 2: prove that their love is so strong...
Chapter 2: OMG why so sweet and so beautiful (T.T)
lanny01 #3
omo...why this ended up so sadly?

i love yoosu.. :) and this is a sweet story...
DecidedFanficLover #4
That's so sweet & sad...<br />
It makes me realize that there are a lot of people that hate gays/homophobic (like the super crazy driver), but I'm not and I think people are allowed to love whoever they want to love! I hope Yoosu & Yunjae are real hahaha :D
Mirage #5
VoldeMin is a doctor????? :DDDDDDDD Oh, but that's a sad and beautiful story :)
lovely sweet!! love your story!! <3
touching!! :P love your one shot!! :P
That was super sweet...he sacrificed himself for Yoochun...*tears*...I love it...thanx for sharing...<3
caszie_xiahjun #9
ooooooooommmmmmmmmggggggg...<br />
it's a great storyyyy
Um... I meant... he is like some angel sent from Heaven. LOL.