
How did I fall in love with you
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       Hyomin tries to avoid hand holding with Eunjung but she kept on insisting,successfully she grabs Hyomins hand firmly into her own. Further away, they walk hand in hand and Eunjung couldn't wipe the smile off her face. For some reason she was enjoying it. Suddenly Hyomin tries to tug her hand away and gives the older girl a death glare. Eunjung immediately let go as she saw a dark aura surrounding Hyomin. "Unnie! You're back! And you brought...Eunjung unnie" jiyeon mutters. She rolls her eyes straight away when she looked at Eunjung. Eunjung avoided the gaze. "Chagi!" Jiwon interrupts, once again clinging onto her arms. "Don't you ever cheat on me again. I won't forgive you next time." Jiwon pecks her cheek and pouted. Eunjung just look at her like she's crazy. "Yah! We're not even together.." She blurted out. Jiwon expression changed into a frown. "I mean yet." She almost forgot she's doing this for her father's business. One thing he ask of her is to make Jiwon happy for the time being.  Qri act as if she didn't see her cousin and looks the other way. "Yeobo, let's go swimming" Jiyeon blushes at her own words. Qri didn't expect that so her face was also glowing. With one hand she grabs Qri's and with the other Hyomin's. "Come on unnie!" She says excitedly like a child. Hyomin looks down at their intertwining hand and blushed. She couldn't help but wonder "why doesn't it feel the same?" "I'm coming too!" Jiwon runs towards the shore just as excited as Jiyeon. Those two became really good friends within just an hour. "Kids" Eunjung utters under her breath. "You're not coming?" Hyomin asks Eunjung who sat there all cool with her huge sunglasses on. "No thanks" she answered nonchalantly. Hyomin gave her an evil stare. Eunjung knew right away from those eyes she had to tag along. 

        Before entering the water, she tested it out by sticking the tip of her toes in. "Aish! It's too cold." She whines with a huge amount of aegyo. Hyomin found it so annoying but something about it hits her soft spot. Qri looks at her strangely and kept her sight on Eunjung. "She can't swim and hates the water, so why is she coming in, does she really want to be with Jiyeon that badly?" Qri worriedly look her way. Eunjung didn't want to strip out of her clothes but she had no choice but to. Hyomin couldn't stop staring at her. "Yah!! Quit looking Hyomin! Just look away." She shouts to herself. But her head just wouldn't move. Eunjung milky white skin was radiant in the sun. Although she was palest of them all, she had the perfect color pigment and meat in all the right places. Eunjung scrunches up her face and squints when she entered the water. She was a afraid. "Chagi!" Jiwon pulls her more deeper til it was just above her waist. She stood there like a stone. *Splash!*Hyomin scares her by swimming underwater and grabbing her feet. "Aaaah!!!!" Eunjung pushes her off. "Hahahaha" Jiyeon couldn't stop laughing at how adorable Eunjung looks when she's scared. Qri tries not to laugh but it escapes . "Pabo's!!" She screams and walk back to shore then a light bulb suddenly flash above her head. She smirks to herself  and headed back into the water. This time the water was above her chest. Somehow her thoughts overcame her fear. They were all playing around, giggling and splashing. Suddenly Eunjung screamed for help as she struggles against the water. "Helpp!" Her head dunked back into the water. Hyomin and the rest didn't believe her. "She's probably just trying to get back at us. Haha" Jiyeon kept playing with her unnies and ignores her. Hyomin was a tad bit worry, though she knew it could be a trick.  "She's not playing! Eunjung can't swim!" Qri rushes to where she was. "Gotcha!" She pulls Qri into the water. "I knew it! Qri I can't believe you fell for that." Hyomin shook her head. Qri gave her a cold stare and pull her aside far from the others.          "What are you doing?" Qri talks very low as if the others can hear. "What do you mean!? I can't swim in a public place now?" "You know what what I mean. You can't swim and you hate the water. I've known you my entire life." "Well I'm a changed person. So Hmph!" She folded her arms with an attitude."Really?? I don't get you. I tried all these years just to help you get rid of this fear. But just because of this silly little crush of yours you get over it that fast?" Eunjung can see the hurt in her unnies eyes when she said that.  "I'm sorry unnie." She finally calls her Unnie again. Somewhat the anger inside her subsided. She didn't resent Qri as much anymore. She just wanted to be happy at this moment. " so You're not mad at me anymore?" Now now don't push it. I still want your girlfriend." They both laughed at how she expresses it in the worst manner. "I have a con
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Eunyeon12 #1
Chapter 17: Will this still be updated?? Huhu
liaaharada #2
Chapter 17: This story is great :)
Thanks so much for this story...
Good luck for next chapter, author :D
Hahmcha #3
Chapter 17: many many hearts involved..i like it a lot..can't wait for the next chap..
Chapter 17: Everything is messed...Why Hyomin doesn't listen to her heart sound???
like the story... thanks for it
Chapter 17: luckily I can still remember the last chapter so i didn't have to re-read it... you're a good author so please update soon~ :)
1123 streak #6
Chapter 17: Poor Jungie but luckily Jiwon is always there forher even if it hurts her... why do Eunjung keeps on blocking out? Authourssi make Hyomin realize that her feekings for Eunjung is stronger than for Jiyeon...
finna57 #7
Chapter 17: I think eunjung is sick :(
Chapter 17: Oooohhh yeessssss!!!!! You update this!!! Its been awhile, i missed characters appearing in this chapter... I wonder what will be their role in this story... This is really interesting... Anyway thanks for updating this... Will wait for the next chapter :)
J_T-ara_M #9
Chapter 17: I used to be like minyeon but... recently eunmin is really so attractive... so.. i'm give 100% support for eunmin!!!
Can't wait too for reading your other eunmin!!
greenjade21 #10
Chapter 17: Thanks authorssi for the update! I really missed this story! I'm glad that Eunjung finally confessed her feelings to Hyomin, and I hope she doesn't stop! And maybe, the idea of making Hyomin jealous by being close with James and Yoona seems a good thing! Well, she doesn't have to be with them but, befriending them wouldn't hurt! Hopefully, Hyomin will realize how strong her feelings for Eunjung were! This is getting more interesting every time you update! Can't wait for the next update! Good luck authorssi! :)