Crazy beach date

How did I fall in love with you
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       Jiyeon wanted to take her back home so she searches for the keys in Qri purse. "Ahjussi! Can you please make sure these two gets home safely?" She referred to Soyeon and Boram. "Yes ma'am!" Jiyeon tried to carry Qri out but her dead weight was too much for her to handle. "Aish" she trips and fall over and Qri body landed right on top of her. Qri picks up her head drowsily and look at the girl underneath her and smiled. "Jiyeon-ah, i like really really like you." Qri giggles and began hiccuping. At any moment now Jiyeon felt like she's about to melt. Her face heated up to the point that her cheeks turned burnt red. Jiyeon manages to snap out of it when she realize their in public. "I'm taking you home. I hope you don't mind that I drive your car."  "Take whatever hic hic you hic want and do whatever you hic hic with me." Qri said seductively. Jiyeon couldn't help but blush even more but she knew it was the alcohol talking. As she carries her into her room, qri kept on mumbling gibberish, she found it really cute. And as she lay her down on the bed, jiyeon stopped and found herself staring at the other girl's perfect thin body. "Yah! Since when did you become such a ert" Jiyeon try to change her view but her mind wouldn't let her. Suddenly Qri pops up and sat like she was possessed. She scared Jiyeon half to death because she thought that she was caught. Unexpectedly qri starts gagging and interrupted Jiyeon's train of thought. Almost vomiting, Jiyeon panics and rush by her side with a bag. Qri threw up so much, you would think she'd sober up by now. Not even after a minute she fell straight to sleep. Jiyeon voluntarily stayed awake by her side to make sure she's okay. 

       "I'm sorry." Qri realize Jiyeon haven't left yet. She tried to sit up correctly after awhile.  "Don't be, here have some water." Jiyeon rubs her back so she would feel better.  "Jiyeon-ah...thank you for taking care of me."  Qri voice became serious. It was a sign she was back to normal. "Ani. It's nothing." She shook her hand shyly. "You would've done the same for me too, I'm sure." She smiles. "Shouldn't you be getting back home now? Eunjung is probably waiting for you." "Haha you were right about her. She hasn't called yet so I'm positive she's still sleeping." "If-if- you want, you can stay the night." Qri hesitate to say. Jiyeon couldn't reject the offer but it was rude to leave a slumber party, especially when it's your own. "I don't know if I can.."  "Okay. Then ..I will take you home." Even though a part of her wants Jiyeon to stay, she didn't have to the courage to convince her. "Ani! Okay I will stay. You're not in the condition to drive." Jiyeon change her mind right away because she was worried about her well being. "Are you sure?" "Yes I'm sure, I'll be sleeping over there, if you need me." Jiyeon tried to walk away to the living room couch. "Wa-wait" qri stutters and held her concernly by the arm. "Yes?" "You can sleep on my bed..That's if you don't mind." Jiyeon blushes and didn't refuse. She wanted to be closer to her and being able to do so, she felt like the luckiest girl in the world. "O-Kay.." She agrees right away,trying not to sound too desperate. Qri smiles at the younger girl's eagerness. "It's been such a long time since.." she didn't finish her sentence and giggled. "What do you mean?" Jiyeon  was confused by her words. "Since I had someone in my bed." Jiyeon pouts at her. "Yah! Who else was in my girlfriends bed?" She rolled up her sleeves and became a grumpy dinosaur. "It was Eunjungie." Qri laughed cause of Jiyeon's priceless expression. "Eunjung Unnie?! I will beat her up!!" "You're so cute when you're like this. You know that?" Qri sweetly gaze at her with a lustful smile. "-- "like this?? Jiyeon tries to figure out what she meant.

       Jiyeon finally settled into bed. She purposely left a huge space between them so it didn't seem so awkward. She didn't dare to move closer because she didn't want Qri to get the wrong impression of her rushing things. Jiyeon was overly shy about it even though this is what she's been wanting. Qri surprises her by closing the gap between them without any warning and snuggle into her arm. Jiyeon's body quickly stiffened by her tender touch. It made it even more difficult for her to sleep. For Qri it was the opposite, she drifted off in to la la land right away. Jiyeon just watched as she sleeps like an angel. "Aish Jiyeon first you're being a ert! Now you're being a total creeper. Just close your eyes. Just close it." She finally forced herself to sleep. The morning came by fast, Jiyeon didn't want to leave without saying a word but she had to, so the other two wouldn't find out that she left the whole night. "Bye Qri-ah" she lightly touched her face and kisses her on the forehead before departing.

       Meanwhile Hyomin shifted in bed, she removed herself from Eunjung's body and stretches her arm out and yawn. She even smiled in her slumber, knowing that she had a great night of sleep. But before opening her eyes, she didn't realize she came back face to face with Eunjung. Their face was only a centimeter away now, which Eunjung's breathing could be heard clearly. That alone, alerted the sleeping Hyomin. She felt a breeze on her face so she slowly opens her eyes, in front of her was a blurred figure she couldn't make out. Suddenly world war 3 began. "Kya!!!!!!!!" She screams from the top of her lungs. Eunjung's eyes shot wide open. Her reflexes caused her to scream back."Ahh!! What's going on? Is the house on fire?" Eunjung became aware of her surroundings. Again Hyomin screams . "Kyaaa !" Back and forth they scream in each other's face.  "Wait why are we screaming?" Eunjung asks cluelessly. Finally it ended with a slap to the face. "!" Hyomin accused Eunjung of being a predator. "Aish!!" Eunjung held on to where it stings. "!?! Please stop praising yourself." She insulted her. Hyomin took that very offensive so she starts to throw things at her. First the pillows goes flying and some stuff on the dresser. "Yah! Yah!" Eunjung dodges everything, except the pillow smacked her in the face. "Aishhhhhhh!" She screams loudly that Hyomin starts to laugh and forget that Eunjung was half . Eunjung felt how cold it was and she looks down at she understood why Hyomin reacted that way. "Yah..I swear I didn't do anything to you. This is just how I sleep." She covered up and tried explaining herself. Hyomin believed her since none of her own clothes were missing, but she remain giving her a hard time on purpose. Suddenly the door flings open.  "Eunjung unnie, Hyomin unnie  I got us some--" Jiyeon smiled holding breakfast in her hand but her smile slowly disappear and her words were cut short. Jiyeon didn't know why she felt a swirling rage inside of her. She didn't know how to react to this unusual feeling. She couldn't bare to look anymore  so she took the food and left quickly out of there. 

       "Jiyeon! Wait!! It's not what you think." They both shouted at the same time. Their faces changed, like they've seen a ghost.  Eun

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Eunyeon12 #1
Chapter 17: Will this still be updated?? Huhu
liaaharada #2
Chapter 17: This story is great :)
Thanks so much for this story...
Good luck for next chapter, author :D
Hahmcha #3
Chapter 17: many many hearts involved..i like it a lot..can't wait for the next chap..
Chapter 17: Everything is messed...Why Hyomin doesn't listen to her heart sound???
like the story... thanks for it
Chapter 17: luckily I can still remember the last chapter so i didn't have to re-read it... you're a good author so please update soon~ :)
1122 streak #6
Chapter 17: Poor Jungie but luckily Jiwon is always there forher even if it hurts her... why do Eunjung keeps on blocking out? Authourssi make Hyomin realize that her feekings for Eunjung is stronger than for Jiyeon...
finna57 #7
Chapter 17: I think eunjung is sick :(
Chapter 17: Oooohhh yeessssss!!!!! You update this!!! Its been awhile, i missed characters appearing in this chapter... I wonder what will be their role in this story... This is really interesting... Anyway thanks for updating this... Will wait for the next chapter :)
J_T-ara_M #9
Chapter 17: I used to be like minyeon but... recently eunmin is really so attractive... so.. i'm give 100% support for eunmin!!!
Can't wait too for reading your other eunmin!!
greenjade21 #10
Chapter 17: Thanks authorssi for the update! I really missed this story! I'm glad that Eunjung finally confessed her feelings to Hyomin, and I hope she doesn't stop! And maybe, the idea of making Hyomin jealous by being close with James and Yoona seems a good thing! Well, she doesn't have to be with them but, befriending them wouldn't hurt! Hopefully, Hyomin will realize how strong her feelings for Eunjung were! This is getting more interesting every time you update! Can't wait for the next update! Good luck authorssi! :)