Part 2

The Past
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Sehun was still in the kitchen when Suho and Kris had finished talking. He sat at the same chair and looked like he wanted to be invinsible. Xiumin sat in front of him and talked about something. Sehun tried to look like he listened, but actually felt trapped. This Xiumin-guy was talking about some food that Sehun didn't care about. 

"Did you try it?" Xiumin asked. Sehun wasn't aware that he had asked him a question. "Yah! Are you even listening to me?" 

Sehun snapped out of his trance. "Eh?" 

Xiumin sighed. "Nobody's listening. You're just like all the others." Then he went out of the kitchen. Sehun looked confused. Did he say something? He looked after Xiumin and noticed Suho and Kris. They walked out of the room and saw him. He looked away fast and pretended nothing had happened. Nothing had actually happened, but Sehun just felt like it had to be like that. 

"He's just like all the others," Xiumin told Suho and Kris, "He doesn't listen when you tell him something." 

Kris and Suho both laughed. Xiumin looked really anoyed. 

"Sehun-ah." Sehun got a shock when Luhan was right in front of him. He didn't say anything, he just stared at him. "Do you want to walk with me? None of the others want to," Luhan asked and pouted. He looked really cute but Sehun didn't know what to say. 

"You never asked us," Baekhyun said as he came into the kitchen with Chanyeol. 

"I don't want to go with you," Luhan answered, not looking away from Sehun. "Do you want to?" he asked again. 

Sehun would have said no but something made him nod. He didn't know what, but maybe it was the look Luhan gave him. It reminded him of someone, someone he loved and couldn't say no to. 

"Great," Luhan said happily. 

"But we want to go too," Chanyeol complained and pouted. Baekhyun pouted together with him. Luhan ignored both of them. 

He grabbed Sehun's arm and pulled him out of the house. Sehun just got to wear his shoes. Luhan let go of Sehun's arm and asked where he wanted to go. 
Sehun didn't know what to say. He just kept quite. 

Luhan sighed. "What do you like? Let me treat you something." 

Sehun thought about it. "Bubble tea," he then said. He hadn't said it loud but it wasn't a whisper either. The thing that was important was that Luhan had heard it. 

"Fine, then let's go get some bubble tea." Luhan smiled. 


"Why did you want me to go with you?" It surprised Luhan that Sehun spoke first. "You only want me to speak, right?" 

Luhan smiled at Sehun. He hadn't thought that Sehun would be that clever. "You're clever." Sehun didn't know what to say. 

"Why did you say yes to go with me if you knew I just wanted you to speak?" Luhan asked. He was looking forward to Sehun's answer. Being curious as always. 

"You remind me of my sister," Sehun answered. Again, he didn't know why he actually talked to Luhan. He didn't even know him. It just felt normal to answer him. Probably because Sehun always answered his sister. 

"You have a sister?" Luhan asked. He sounded more shocked than he should have. 

"Had," Sehun mumbled. It didn't sound like he was suprised by Luhan's shocked tone. 

"I'm sorry," Luhan said. He really was sorry and he felt bad. 

The next minutes nobody said anything. It was only a few minutes but it felt like more hours. 

"What happened?" Luhan asked. He didn't like the silence, but he wasn't sure Sehun would answer him. Why should he? But Sehun surprised him. 

"Suicide," he said. He talked in small sentences. He had a feeling that if he didn't, then he would begin to cry - cry really hard. He didn't want to do that in front of Luhan. Luhan had seen him cry once already, and Sehun felt that it was one time more than it should have been. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Luhan asked. He didn't really know how to react. 

Sehun looked at him like he was some kind of idiot. 

"It's okay if you don't want to," Luhan said. He was secretly hoping that Sehun would talk about it. He was curious, and he wanted to help the younger. 

Sehun took a sip of his bouble tea. There was a knot in his throat and he didn't want to say more than he already had. The tears were still about to fall, but he was able to hold them back. 

"Gues not," Luhan mumbled to himself. Sehun heard it but ignored it. 

Sehun didn't really listen to Luhan, when he began to talk about something. It was something about a drama he had seen - he only began to talk about that to lighten up the mood. 

Yet again, there were no emotions to see at Sehun's face. It was back to the emotionless mask. 


When it was Monday, Sehun was going to start at the same school as Kai, Tao and Kyungsoo. 

Kai and Tao had tried to talk to Sehun a lot. They wouldn't let him be alone when he was out of his room. He had figured that it was best just to stay in the room.

When he was in the room, nobody tried to make him talk - except for Suho - and he wouldn't get mad at anyone. 

There had been one time four days ago, - the day after he had been drinking bouble tea with Luhan - where he almost had been in a fight with Chanyeol. Maybe not a fight. Chanyeol had just said something stupid again - he hadn't meant any bad to happen, he just tried to be nice. The thing he had said had made Sehun upset. That was when he said to himself that he should stay in his room. 

Sehun was now standing in front of the mirror. He wore a yellow school uniform. The colour yellow wasn't really his farvorite. It was a bright colour. Sehun didn't like bright colours. 

He looked at himself in the mirror. Why would Suho and Kris make him go to school? No one who were completely sane, would make a boy who had killed someone go to school with other kids. It wasn't something Sehun could understand. Actually, he didn't like the fact that he had to go. He was afraid that something would happen. 

Sehun was pulled out of his trance, when he heard someone knock on his door. The  door opened just enough to let Suho get his head inside. "Are you done? Kai's waiting," he said, and sent Sehun one of these nice smiles. 

Sehun nodded and took his back. 

Kai smiled when he saw him. He walked over and laid an arm around Sehun's shoulder. Sehun shook it off, not caring that he tried to be friendly. He didn't say anything when he left the house - Kai walking closely behind him. 


"The principals office is over there," Kai said, and pointed towards a door. "I'll help you find your classroom. Oh right. There is this guy and his gang. They'll probably try to bother you, if they do then-" Kai stopped when he looked to the side. The spot where Sehun should have been were empty, and Kai could see Sehun's back rounding a corner. He sighed. Couldn't he at least listen to him? It was actully important. 

Suho had told Kai, Tao and Kyungsoo about Sehun's anger-issue. He was really worried if Sehun would do something. The three of them had promised to keep an eye on Sehun - not that Kyungsoo would be to much help if Sehun was fighting with someone, but still. 

Kai sighed once again, then left to find his own class. 


It wasn't as hard to find the classroom as Sehun had thought it would be. The system at this school seemed to be easy to figure out. 

Sehun took a deep breath before he knocked on the door. 

"Come in," an voice came from the other side. When Sehun pushed the door open, he could feel all the students look his way. He tried to ignore it. 

"Ahh, are you the new student?" the teacher asked and turned to Sehun. 

Sehun nodded and bowed at the teacher. She smiled at him and said, "My name is mrs. Jung. Would you please introduce yourself?" 

Sehun hestitated and tried to think of a way to get out of this, but ended up bowing to the class and said, "My name is Oh Sehun." 

Mrs. Jung looked at him, like she expected him to say more, when he didn't she said, "You can sit over there." Sehun nodded and sat on the chair she had pointed at. 

He ignored the whispers in the room.   


When it was lunch time Sehun choose to stay in the classroom. He wasn't hungry and he didn't  want to be together with all the other students. 

He looked up when someone slammed a pair of hands on the taple. In front of him were three boys. 

"Sehun, right?" one of the boys asked and smirked. 

Sehun didn't answer, but raised an eyebrow. 

"Do you want to join us?" the same boy asked. He looked at Sehun with a face which showed that he expected a 'yes'. 

"I don't know you," Sehun mumbled, looking away from the boys. They hadn't even told him their names, yet they wanted him to join. 

"Right. I'm Ryung," the boy who had been talking all the time said. "And that's Hyo and Jongwook. So what do you say?" 

Sehun didn't even want to pretend that he was thinking about it. "No thanks," he answered as soon as the question had been asked. 

The students in the room gasped. It was the first time someone had rejected Ryung that fast. 

"Fine," Ryung said, "I understand if you need time to think about it." Then he turned around and walked out of the room. 


When Sehun arrived at the house - which he was supposed to call home - he went straight to the door to his room. He wanted to go inside and stay there, but the door was locked. It shouldn't be locked. It should be open. 

With all his strength he tried to get the door open again. 

"Oh, Sehun, you're home," Suho's voi

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Chapter 2: End ?? Just like that ??
It great actually but don't you think of making a sequel ??
And I would to read them :)
BTW thanks ^^
Chapter 2: The end ??
Okay.. it nice. But I think you can make it more nice by adding a sequel maybe ?? Just suggesting.
I love it though. Thank you for the story. *thumbs up*
strafield #3
Chapter 2: Ehh..?
Its end?
Great story though /thumbs up! ^.^