Part 1

The Past
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"His name is Oh Sehun and he is 18," the man in front of them said. He was from the police. "He doesn't speak much." 

Suho looked at the papers in front of him. There was a picture of a boy. He didn't smile and he didn't show any emotions either. It looked like he didn't care about anything, or like his world had colapsed and he had no emotions left. 

"So what has he been through since he has to come here?" Kris asked as he also looked at the picture. 

When the policeman began to talk, they both looked at him. They wanted to be sure not to skip any of the details. 

"He came to the orphanage when he was 14. When he came he had just witnessed his father kill his mother, and then commit suicide. He didn't talk in over a month to anybody, and he tried to run away and to commit suicide many times," the man sighed, "three days ago he was in a fight with another boy. It didn't end as everyone thought it would.." 

Kris looked down at the picture again. It sounded like this Oh Sehun had had a tough life, and it would probably be hard for him to become fine. 

"What happened in the fight?" Suho asked. 

"The other boy died," the man answered. Suho and Kris looked shocked. The boy in the picture didn't look like a person, who could kill anyone. "Sehun broke the boy's neck. I think he was shocked himself, but he didn't show any fellings towards it." 

This boy was probably good at hidding his own feelings. There were some of the other boys in the house, who had been like that too. But Suho had the feeling that this case was much different than any of the others. 

"If he killed another person, shouldn't he be in jail?" Suho asked. Kris thought the same thing, but he didn't say anything. 

The policeman sighed. "He should have been, but everyone said that he wasn't emotionally stable."

"Is there anything we need to know before he comes?" Kris asked to change the subject. There was always something, that was good to know anyway. 

"He is probably going to be distant, angry and don't talk to anyone. Nobody knows how to make him open up and tell about what he feels. Don't let him be near a sharp knife, even if he has to help with the dishes." 

Suho cut him off. "Why must he not be near a knife? He isn't going to try to kill someone right?" 

The man laughed a bit. "No, but he could take it into his room and cut himself. He did that yesterday, so when he comes he has new wounds." Now Suho understood. He didn't actually think that Sehun was going to hurt anyone, but he never knew. 

"Is there any other important things to know?" Kris asked. The policeman looked at his own papers and shook his head. 

"Only that he has quite a temper, he gets mad easily and he can't control his anger, other than that I don't think so." 

Kris and Suho both nodded and bowed before the man walked out of the room. 

They looked at eachother and had the same thought at that moment. Neither of them thought that this was going to be easy. They weren't even sure if Oh Sehun was going to open up to any of them. 


"I'm not going!" Sehun yelled and slammed the door hard. 

What would make them think he would go to some house with a lot of other boys? It was terrible enough that he had to be here. What in the world would it even help to live with some other boys? He didn't understand why he wasn't going to jail. He had killed another person. He couldn't find a reason why he still had to be here. 

Sehun kicked his taple hard enough to flip it. All the things on it ended up laying at the floor. He didn't care at all. 

Something beside the taple took his interest. There was a scissors. They had forgot to take it. He looked at his wrists and the bandage. Then again at the scissors. And again at the bandage. He slowly took the scissors in his hand. 

He didn't want to go to that house. He just didn't. 


"There is comming a new boy tomorrow," Suho announced. The boys around him began to whisper. It was the first time in the last two years there was comming a new boy, so of course they were like that. 

"How old is he?" Kai asked. 

"He is 18 like you, but a little younger than you," Kris answered. Kai had always been bothered as the youngest. He always said it was only because he was the youngest. Kris didn't agree with him. It wasn't only because of that, but also because he sometimes annoyed his hyungs.

"Then I'm not the youngest anymore," Kai yelled happily. All the boys looked suprised at him. It was the first time they had seen Kai yell like that. Usually he was trying to be very chick and y. He had always been like that. 

Baekhyun and Chanyeol both laughed. "We're still going to bother you," Baekhyun said laughing. It was mostly the two of them who bothered Kai, but actually they bothered everyone. 

When Suho began to talk again they became quit. "When he comes don't ask him questions." When he said that he looked at Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Chen. They all tried to look as innocent as possible. The other boys just laughed at their faces. "Any questions?" 

"Who is he going to room with?" Luhan asked.

"Me," Suho said. "I'm the only one who doesn't have a roommate," he explained. He and Kris had discussed it as soon as the policeman had left. They had both agreed on that it would be smartest if one of them had to share a room with Sehun. 

"How is he?" Tao asked. Everyone knew that he was asking about his personality and not his look. 

"We don't know him, so we can't say. But we were told that he might be a little cold," Suho said. A little was probably a lie. They were told that he was very cold, and that he didn't talk to anyone. 

When they got that answer the atmosphere went cold. It was like they suddenly became nervous. "But all of you were like that too, right?" Suho said. 

All of them agreed, and they became like they had been all the time. All of them asked some questions, and they began to talk. They all became quit when Lay asked a question, no one had dared to ask. 

"Why does he have to come here?" Everyone was anticipating Kris' or Suho's answer. 

Suho answered calmly. "We can't tell you. If he wants you to know, he is going to tell you himself." Nobody said anything to that answer, because they had all tried to come to this place. None of them had looked forward to it back then, but now none of them wanted to leave. This was now their family, and they loved this family. 


There was a knock on the door and Suho and Kris opened. Outside was the same policeman who had been there the day before. Behind him was a boy. He looked exactly like the picture, and both Suho and Kris saw the bandages at his wrists, even though he had his hands in the pockets. It was obvious that he tried to hide it. 

"Come in," Kris said and moved aside. 

The Policeman went in first, but Sehun didn't move. He just stood like a statue and looked at the ground. The policeman sighed and took Sehun's arm to pull him inside. 

"Don't. Touch. Me." Sehun whispered, slowly, and walked inside without the help from the policeman. 

"I have to talk about something with one of you," the policeman said. Kris nodded an led him into the kitchen. 

Suho looked at Sehun who still looked at the floor. "I'm Suho," he introduced himself. He knew that Sehun wasn't going to say anything. "Follow me if you want to know where your room is," Suho said and walked into a room. Sehun followed. 

He just laid his bags on the floor, and didn't know what to do. He looked around the room and saw two beds. He didn't like that he had to share a room with someone. That meant that he wasn't going to be alone. 

Suho saw how Sehun was looking at the two beds. A little smile couldn't help but form on his lips. "Don't worry," he said, "I'm your roommate." 

Sehun didn't like the thought. How in the world was he going to have any privacy? 

"I have to go," Suho said, "You can come, if you want to." He then went out. 

Sehun wasn't going to follow. He just closed the door, and looked around the room. He had no idea, how long he was going to stay here. But if it was his choice he wouldn't be here long. He already hated this place, and he hadn't even met any of the other boys - beside Suho and Kris. 

He still didn't understand why he had to be here, or why people didn't let him kill himself. It wasn't their business if he was dead anyway. The people here didn't even know him, so they shouldn't care at all. 


Suho found Kr

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Chapter 2: End ?? Just like that ??
It great actually but don't you think of making a sequel ??
And I would to read them :)
BTW thanks ^^
Chapter 2: The end ??
Okay.. it nice. But I think you can make it more nice by adding a sequel maybe ?? Just suggesting.
I love it though. Thank you for the story. *thumbs up*
strafield #3
Chapter 2: Ehh..?
Its end?
Great story though /thumbs up! ^.^