The park

I'm a voodoo doll


"I'll go out to get some fresh air." Donghae said and get out of the room.

"Now that Donghae isn't here. There is someone after you, right?" I looked N.

"Yes." N patted my shoulder.

"Ravi and I will help you when we can." I nodded to N.

"Thank you very much." I said to him and he smiled to me. He get out of the room and shut the door.

Donghae pov:

I walked at the city, but I didn't walk far from my home. When I stopped walking I felt someone touching my shoulder. I turned around and saw that girl named IU.

"Good day mister~" She said smiling. She give me a letter. I looked her.

"I am not going to kill you now." She said smiling. I take the letter and opened it.

"Meet you at evening at the park?" I read the letter and looked up. The girl was already gone. I don't want to trouble Eunhyuk about this. I put the letter inside my pocket.

I walked right away to my room when I was at my house. I lock the door. I just have to act normal. Someone knocked my door. I put my letter inside my jacket and I put the jacket inside the closet. I close the closed door. Then I opened the door. N was standing there. He smiled to me.

"I will make food today~" He said to me and I nodded to him. He walked to the kitchen. I get out of my room. Few hours and I have to go and meet that girl. Then I will put an end to this craziness. Eunhyuk isn't a doll. He is a human and I have to make that clear to her.

"Hey Donghae!" Ravi yelled to me. I looked him.

"What is it?"

"You can tell me anything. You know that, right?" I nodded to him. But I can't tell him this or he will stop me and I will be a burden to them too. I sit at the sofa. The time passed quickly. I could see it moving really fast. Like it wanted me to go the place as soon as possible.

"Donghae do you want to eat?" N said to me and I shake my head.

"I will go out now." I said to N and walked out from the door. I run to the park where I have to be. I breath in and out. I was running all the way here. I looked around. Where is she?

"Thank you for coming!" The familiar voice said to me and I turned around towards the sound. I looked IU.

"Now you can give me the boy." She said smiling to me.

"I didn't come here for that and anyway he is not a item!" I said to her. She looked me surprised.

"Oh now I know! You want money! Take this!" She throw me money. There were so many of them. Then I looked her.

"Like I said. He isn't a item!" I yelled to her and her smile fade away.

"I have to now waste my energy on you. I didn't really want my pretty dress to get blood on it." She said looking at me. She pull out a knife.

"But I have to kill you now." My eyes got bigger from the shock. She is really going to kill me?!

"Run or die." She said smiling evilly to me. I started to run, but then something pulled me down. I fall to the ground. She walked towards me.

"Bye bye mister." She said and I closed my eyes.

How was it? Sorry for mistakes!

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diastikananda #1
Chapter 16: Woww. Like this
Is it over??? You should update moree
Chapter 16: is it will end soon???
MyeolchiHyuk #3
Chapter 16: glad that hyuk is alive....

257471 #4
Chapter 15: How come they become vd like that???still don't get it...
thanks for the update anyway, hope to see another soon
LaurelYoonie #5
Chapter 15: But I don't get it and yet I love it, hope you update soon
Chapter 15: I don't want to be mean! RLY! But you could ask help from your friends on your writing..
It is good but it's so disturbing to read sometimes. Love to read your fanfics though!
MyeolchiHyuk #7
Chapter 15: poor hyukkie.. he really got a bad past...
Chapter 15: I am sad that huyk's past is horrible ... but then again ravi I guess starts to feel emphatic forwards to him