Little Things

Little Things

Don’t you know that you smile while you sleep?

Don’t you know that the corner of your eyes arch cutely?

Don’t you know that your lips look so soft?

Don’t you know that your cheeks blush in the morning?

These are the reason why I keep on waking up earlier just to watch you sleep.

I just want to stare at your sleeping beauty.


Don’t you know that I’m falling for you now?




“Good morning.” Xiumin mumbled as you slowly open your eyes.


Caught off guard, you shifted your position to avoid his crystal gaze.


“G-good mor-ning.” Your voice failed you and ended up stuttering.


He is staring at your back while smiling on how you stuttered with his simple morning greeting. He wants to assume that there is something.


“Let’s cook breakfast – together.”


Your ears perked up upon hearing the word together.


Before he could grab your hand and force you to be his cook mate, you throw the blanket that covers your shivering body that landed on his face.


“I’m going to eat breakfast in the office. I have tons of paper works to do.” You ignore his offer on you as you stand up and go to the bathroom.


He watches you with a disappointed look on his eyes. He’s hoping that at least you will pay attention to him and give him chance to love you.


“O-kay.” He sighed then buried his face on his pillow.


When will you notice my feelings Jaekyungie? Xiumin asked himself.



Inside, you stared on the pink mug resting beside the faucet. In it are two toothbrushes as if standing proudly – one for you and one for Minseok, your husband.

Kim Minseok used to be your husband for almost 9 months and honestly speaking, husband by papers. There is no love attached; you were force to marry him because of your parents and so he is; both of you are bound to a loveless relationship.

For your parents’ sake, you agreed unto something that in the end, both of you will regret.


What if you find your one true love?

What if you fall for someone else?


You just let the pieces fall unto their places. Hoping that this arranged marriage you are into will at least work out.

Until when?

You don’t know, only God knows.


Will there be a change of heart?


You grab your blue colored toothbrush and put an ample amount of toothpaste. As you brush your teeth, all you can do is to stare at your messed up hay-like hair.

How can this car avid fan husband of yours fall for you if every morning, this ugly you welcomes his cute squishy face?

You keep asking yourself on the impossibility of Minseok falling in love with his ugly used-to-be-wife – you.


Yes, there is a change of heart. You are falling in love with this cold hearted-guy.


Is it possible for a married couple to fall in love in their ‘forced’ married years?

You guess so. The only question that is still bugging you was, when will Minseok fall for you?


For the first three months of staying on his fully paid condo unit, you’ve seen how this cold-hearted guy ignores you. You don’t love him and so he is but for the sake of being a good wife, you tried your best to show him how a good wife cooks, cleans house, prepares everything and the likes but in the end, all you felt is his ignorance and rejection.

Little by little, all these action of yours turns to be out of your league.

You are preparing his clothes for work.

You are cooking his favorite breakfast every day.

You are cleaning his mini office every day.

You are waiting for him till midnight every day.

Bad for you, you’re just the one who fell hard.


“I hate you Baozi.” You mumbled on yourself as hot tears trickles down on your cheeks.


You went out after almost one hour. You must be carried away with all your silly thoughts and didn’t even notice how long you are inside.

When you went down with all your things on your bag, you saw foods on the table with sticky notes on it.

You took the yellow sticky note on your glass filled with milk.


Milk is good for your skin so drink it. Stop drinking coffee, okay?


Unknowingly, your lips curved to a thin smile.


Then there is another note on the covered bowl. You opened it then notice that it is still hot. Did he cook it?


I’ve cooked porridge for you, it will freshen you up. Don’t skip meals.


Another smile lightened up your face.  You look on your watch and saw that you still have a 20 minutes allowance so you took your seat and eat everything.

You might be wondering with the sudden change but your insecurities and doubts still bother you. How you wish all of these are true.

Because you don’t want to be late with your appointment today with a client, you ate as fast as you can.

At least, Minseok made you smile a little bit.





Minseok almost buried his face on the papers he has to sign- all are for his approval. As the head of the design department of a car company, he has to be sure that all the designs will be liked by the market. But behind his busy aura, his smiles are still evident. He can’t help his self on smiling alone on his four-cornered room, aside from the fact that the wall as made from glass. This made the staffs of his department smile out of the blue too. For all the years, this cold-hearted guy they knew knows now how to smile.

Since Minseok got married, little by little, changes began to occur on his actions then to his behavior.

He’s learning to be more human.


“Knock. Knock.”


Minseok looked up and saw Luhan, his best buddy grinning like a maniac at him.


“Don’t look at me like that.” Minseok pointed his fountain pen on his friend.


Luhan sat on his table and pat him on his shoulder, “Well, well, well, look who’s the maniac? Am I?”


Minseok raise a brow on him. Luhan sat down on the chair in front of the table.


“Look, everybody now thinks that their boss is crazy. Glass walls Umin, glass-walls.” Luhan emphasized it more.

Minseok shook his head, “Sorry, I just can’t help remembering something.”


Luhan stared at his friend,”Is it about Jaekyung again?”


Minseok blushes. That’s the answer Luhan is waiting for.


“That’s it. The twenty-six year old friend of mine really knows how to smile now. You love her. Finally, you love her now.” Luhan almost rejoice on his newly found fact about his friend.


Minseok covered his mouth, “Luhan?”


“Sorry, I’m just so happy for you. So, will this be a happy ever after story?” Luhan asked excitedly.


Minseok lean back on his chair and blew a raspberry.


“She’s ignoring me for almost two months.”


“You ignore her first.” Luhan reminded.


“But, I’m starting to make her feel that I like her now; that I’m starting to love her.”


“Put more effort.”


“I am.”


Luhan sighed in frustration.

“Remember that you are the married man not me, you know her more than I am.”


Minseok cup his cheeks, almost squishing it out of frustrations too.

“How I wish that I realize all of these earlier. Her smiles, her sighs, and her pouts, everything about her – I’m falling for it and loving it. But she’s filled with insecurities that I don’t even know where it came from.”

“Just understand her.”

“What should I do?”


“Ask her again.” Luhan answered.




“What I mean is, renew your vow.” Luhan clarified as he do little gestures with his hands.


As the idea, sank in, Minseok give him a tight hug and a pat, “Thanks Luhan.”


“You’re welcome and good luck.”





When you went home, you notice that Minseok is not coming home yet. You turn on the lights and saw some minor changes inside. You hang your coat on the stand near the door and went in further. There were CDs on the table with labels in the cover. Audition #1, Audition #2, and Audition #3 and so on. In total, there were six CDs with the same labels with different numbers.  You took the first CD labeled Audition #1 and open it.



You’re not fat. Your belly looks fine for me.



You gawk at the sticky note on the CD and out of curiosity; you hurriedly put it in the player to watch it.

You were surprise to see the younger Minseok singing one of your favorite songs from Stairway to heaven.



“He auditioned to be an idol before?”


After watching the video clip of his audition, you open the next CD and another sticky greets you.



Please be patient with me. Follow my notes.



You wander your eyes and saw bunch of sticky notes posted on the wall heading outside.


On each of the notes posted, there were written descriptions that you least expect that he’ll write.

One by one, you take it and read it.



Your snore sounds good but don’t tire yourself too much.




There’s a scar on your spine. I want to know its story.




Can a make a request? Drink milk instead of coffee.




You smile when you sleep. You’re beautiful. I swear.




Your lips are pinkish in the morning. Can I kiss it again, someday?




You can feel your blood filling up the area of your cheeks, making you blush in red.

Then, that’s the only time you’ve notice that you are climbing up the stairs up to the pool area of the condominium.


You took another sticky note posted on the railing. All the sticky notes are heading upward.




When you’re mad, you sigh three times before you walk out. I’m sorry for being insensitive.




Your pout is the cutest. I want to see you do an aegyo.




You look dashing in red but I love you more in white.




I love how you fold my clothes, can we do it together?




I’ll be the cook from now on, what’s your favorite food?




By the way, can we have a duet? I heard you singing a couple of times.





You took the rest of the notes as you walk on your way to the rooftop.



I want to comb your hair every morning so don’t worry about your hay-like hair, you’re still pretty.



You walk on the poolside and didn’t even notice the candles lighting your way.

You took the last note on a table covered with white linen where a bouquet of red roses was laid.




With all these little things, I fell in love with you, more and more.

Jaekyung, will you be my one true love?


You’re not ready for this. You’re not prepared to face all this drama.


At the end of, there’s a mini stage floating in the center of the pool where a familiar face holding his courage and hope, waiting for you.

He is dressed in black suit with neatly combed hair. You remembered this same handsome face of his. The only difference is, he is smiling warmly at you. It made your heart jump in excitement and at the same time the butterflies flew frantically on your stomach. It’s weird but you love how it seemed to be so weird.


Carefully, you walk on the platform towards the stage. You grasp at the notes you’ve gathered in your hands firmly.


You nervously took your one last step nearer to his.

Now, his smile appears clearer now.


He cleared his throat first. He fidgeted a little that makes you smile a bit for noticing how nervous this man was.



“Kim Minseok, what’s the meaning of this?” you pretended that you hate all of this drama.




You gaze at him and you can see on the black orb of his eyes that he’s afraid of your answer.


“I don’t like it.”


His face fell.


“’Coz I love it.”  You whispered on his ears.




The kid Minseok appeared.


Though it’s a little bit awkward, you pinch his cheek and said, “You’re twenty-six mister not a five-year old kid.”


“Age is just a number Jaekyung.”


“I know.”


Then, there was a long silence as you trail your eyes on the surroundings. The roof top was filled with white and gold lights. Red petals were floating in the pool that will probably give a hard time to the staffs – thanks to Minseok’s idea. The whole area was filled of lights and at Minseok’s back was a table with a bottle of champagne and two wine glasses.

“You did these for me?”


“Yes. Am I forgiven?” he asked.


You put your finger on his lips and said, “Not yet. Do you think it’ll be easy?”


He shook his head and said, “I know that’s why I’m doing this.”


“But, Min---“


You were surprised when Minseok kneel in front of you, doing the traditional proposal you always dreamed of. From his pocket, he took out a royal blue velvety small box and opened, there nested a silver diamond studded ring.


“Park Jaekyung…”


“M-Minseok… I…”


“Park Jaekyung, will you…”


Your stomach churned so you have no choice but to turn your back at him and run towards the nearest rest room.

Minseok was left astounded.


Inside the restroom, you feel so bloated that anytime you’re going to throw up. You clutch your stomach and hold on to the sink for suppot.


“Jaekyungie! Jaekyungie!”


You heard Minseok calling you from outside as he knock on the door.


“I’m fine.” You answered him but still, your stomach churned again.


Geez, what’s wrong with you stomach.


“Are you really alright?” Minseok asked again.


Before you can answer, you felt something went up from your stomach and started puking on the sink. You the faucet as you continue vomiting.


After a few minutes, you went out with sweats dripping from your forehead.

This is the second time you vomit in a day.


“Jaekyung, are you alright? What happened?”


You stared at Minseok’s worried face as he wipes off your sweat. You stared at him for a long while and tried to gather your thoughts.


You gulp after gulp.

You are outside the restroom because you couldn’t walk even a few steps as if you drained your energy.


“Minseok, can you ask me again?”


“Ask you what? Are you alright?”


“No! the other one.”


“Oh! Ahm… Jaekyung…”


You cut him again for his talking too slow for you.


“Speak normally.”


“Jaekyung, will you marry me, again?”


“Yes.” You answered him without hesitation.




“Do I have to answer it again?”


“No, but… are you…”


“Kim Minseok, do you really want to marry me again or not?”


“Of course yes.”


“Then, you’re going to be a father.”



“I. Said. You’re. Going. To. Be. A. Father.” You emphasized each word for him.


“Me? With Minseok Junior?” his eyes rounded in surprise.


You nod at him and you’re happy to know that he seems so excited about it.


“You’re going to be a father.” You repeated.


He caressed your cheek and embraces you with a warm hug careful with his grip.


“You’re going to be Mrs. Kim again.”


“I love how it sounds. It sounds better than before.”


He took your hand and guides you towards the mini stage again to continue your conversation.


On your way, he leaned on your ears and said, “I love you.”




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Chapter 1: <3 -that's all that matters :) <3 <3
mirae5 #2
Chapter 2: I think during their marriage they never doing "it" because they look shy with each other and before they ignore each other too, thats why I'm shocked when she said that she is pregnant..
but I love the story.. the way minseok propose her again is so sweet ♥♥
Chapter 2: omgomgomg im gonna be a big fan of you If you made more Xiumin's and Luhan's fanfic. seriously this really makes my heart flutters
Chapter 1: This was so kawaii and fluffy *sobs the han river*
Miemela #5
Chapter 1: So sweet. Arghhhh
ChocoCaramel #6
Chapter 1: so sweeeeeeet ><
banggjin #7
Chapter 1: This is freakin sweet ... ><