
I'm so lucky to be a fangirl
"Natasha, right?" He asked. "Yes. How can you know me?" You said nervously. "You always got my eye-focus" he said while laughing. "So.... You noticed me already?" You said. "Of course. From MAMA era till now you still be exo stan. I'm so touched when I saw you're here because this morning you just got arrived in korea" he said. "Ah yes that" You stuttered. He start to open his upper little by little. "Excuse me, are I'm bothering you? You should change your outfit. I should go" You said. "You're very different from all fangirls. When they got my service too like this, they just run to me and hug me without any excuses. You're really have a good personality" he said while turn his head to you and flash a smile. "And anyway, you can not go. I just gonna change my upper" he said. You nodded lightly and then you saw a chair. "Can I sit?" You asked. "Aayy~ just do what you wanna do. Don't sit there. Sit here" he said and patting his lap. "So cheesy" You said while laughing. "I'm serious. This is for you. Only you" he said and walk towards you. OH DAMN OF COURSE YOU WANT TO SIT IN HIS LAP DAMN DAMN DAMN THAT Y CHOCOLATE ABS. He help you to stand up and he lead you to a fluffy white-red sofa. He put you sit on his lap and he grab your hands while put it on his neck. You feel your cheeks is burning right now. Can you die? Can you die? "You look so embarrassed" he said while laughing. "Its kinda hot here huh" You said while look to the wall and start talking non sense. You sit in his lap about 10minutes passed. You feel so comfortable and pull your body closer to him again. You put your head leaning on his neck and he caressing your hair. "I know you're tired. Always following my schedules and the others. You're really have a big warm heart. You never get tired of me" he said slowly. "I never gonna get tired of you" You said. "How can you be happy if you always like this. I won't you'll get sick. You always following my schedules from last year" he said. "Your smile always built my mood" You said. I can feel he's smiling. "I saw you always upload many photos that you got in many social media" he said. "How can you know? You don't have many account right?" You asked while look at him. "I have. Just for stalking you. I wear a random username so no one gonna notice me" he said while laughing. "What? You stalk me?" You said. He nodded. "I can't believe it" You said. He grab his phone and go to twitter app. "This. I just follow you" he said while show you his timeline is full of me. "So you're the owner of the account.... I thought you just a person that same with me, kai stan" you said.
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