
Soulmate vs Lover

Wooyoung came back with his car and both Nichkhun and Suzy were rushed to the hospital in a fairly bad condition.

~~24 Hours Later ~~

After about 24 hours the doctor finally comes out with a clip board in his hand. Everyone in the room, including all the members of F(x) (minus Amber), 2pm, MBLAQ, and Sweeti3 turn to look at him with wide, anticipating eyes.

The doctor smiled and introduced himself.

“Hello Everyone, My name is Dr.K--”

But he was attacked by Lee Joon before he could finish.

“DOCTOR DOCTOR!” Lee Joon grabbed Dr.Kim’s shoulders and started to shake him back and forth frantically. “Thank god you finally came out! I was about to go CRAZY!...How is she?!”

Dr. Kim closed his eyes and tired to get rid of the headache he suddenly had.

“Ahhh Lee Joon-sii...I see your st---”

“OMO! Doctor why are you making that expression?...Don’t tell me...S--Something bad happend to my Jagiya?!” Lee Joon hugged the doctor with all his strength and shook his head back and forth. “No..NO! Doctor PLEASE! You can’t let anything happen to Suzy! I’ll do anything, just make sure she’s okay...I have--I have money! I don’t care how much it is, I’ll give you everything!”

He took out all of the money from his wallet and then ran over to grab Luna’s purse and Junsu’s watch.


“Is this enough?”

Dr.Kim shook his head. “Lee Joon-sii, there is no nee--”

“Wait! I can get more!”

Lee Joon ran over to Seungho and grabbed the new IPad that he was playing on.

“How about thi--”

“Oh no you don’t! No one touches my gadgets!” Seungho tackled Lee Joon onto the floor, trying to get it back.

“Hyung! I need it..Suzy is sick!”

“That doesn’t mean you have to take my baby!”

“Your baby? This is for my honey!”

“No way, this was almost 700 dollars!”

“Well, Suzy doesn’t have a price!”

“Give it to me!”




“But I need it!”


Mir rolled his eyes.

    These two people right here are suppose to be my hyungs? immmature. I’m the maknae, but sometimes it feels like I’m the oldest.

He was tired of watching his two childish hyungs fight. Without a word he got up, walked over to them, and flipped both of them over.

“Yahhh!” Seungho and Joon yelled at the same time.

Lee Joon rubbed his .

Aigoo this kid. How did he even manage to flip Me and Seungho over anyway...Stupid farm boy muscles. -__-

“You disrespectful kid! How dare you do that to your elders?!

“Yeah! How can yo--”

“Shut. Up... Really Hyungs, Really? I expected better from you guys.” Mir gave the both of them death glares

Seungho and Lee Joon were silenced. Mir might be the adorable, hyper, happy maknae. But they both knew that when he was serious, it wasn’t anything to joke about.

“Good job Mir.” Taecyeon walked over to the three of them and grabbed both Seungho and Lee Joon by the arm. “I’ll take it from here.”

Taecyeon dragged them back to their seats and lectured them quietly.

Mir nooded at him and turned back to the doctor with a cute, sorry, smile on his face again.

“I’m so sorry about them Doctor. What were you saying about Nichkhun and Suzy again?”

“Ahh, it’s okay Cheolyoung--ssi. Nichkhun and Suzy are both in fair condition now. They aren’t fully recovered, but they will be fine. They are both very lucky because usually in a accident like this the patient can break something or go into a coma. But Nichkhun and Suzy only  suffer from a few bruises and cuts that will heal within a couple of weeks.”

“So it’s not serious?”

“Nope, not at all. Infact, it’s very minor.”

Everyone’s worried frown got replaced with a reasured smile.

They all bowed. “Thankyou, Dr.Kim.”

“No prolem--”

“Oh Thank you Dr. Kim! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!” Lee Joon somehow managed to escape from Taecyeon and ran up to hug the Doctor with so much force that he almost fell on the floor.
“Lee Joon you pabo!!


(In the hospital room with only Nichkhun and Suzy)

Nichkhun slowly opened his eyes as he was brought back to reality.

    Owww...My stomach stings so much.

He slowly lifter himself up onto his elbows and look down towards his stomach to see why it stung so much. But something was in the way.

    W-what is this? Aish..there must be some thing wrong with my vision.

He laid back back down and closed his eyes. whole body hurts..

Nichkun slowly ran his hand up his body but stopped near his chest.

    What it is again.

Curious, he started to feel the shape of what ever it was and poke at it.

    Hmm..well their are two apparently. They’re roundish...and soft..and when i poke it them they’re squi--

He paused, realizing what they felt like.


Nichkhun jumped out of the hospital bed and looked down towards his chest.

“O--Oh my god, I really do have s! He started to freak out inside his head, unsure of what to do.

    How is this even possible?! Why do I have s?! H-How can I have s?!..Oh.My.God..what do I do??..

He looked to his left and saw a mirror. But the reflection he was looking at wasn’t his own but...Suzy?!.. Wait...behind him he saw a reflection of someone laying down...someone who looked exactly like...him!

    OHMYGOD...W-Why am I laying there?! I can’t..I can’t possibly be dead can I?...No..that doesn’t make sense. If I was dead why would I be looking at myself from inside Suzy’s body?..Yup. I’m not dead I’m just in her body..and that means..Is my body?!

“Suuuuzzzyyyy!” Nichkhun ran over to the other bead and started shaking his body back and forth. “Suuuuzzzyyy! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Suzy, WAKE UP!. Suuuuzzzzzyyyy! Wa--”

“Alright, alright, I’m awake.” Suzy whined and slowly opened her eyes...and saw...herself staring back at her?!

“OMG A GHOST! AHHHH!!” Suzy screamed and pushed the person who looked exactly like her onto the floor.

“No, Suzy calm down I’m n--”

“H-How do you know my name?!?! Please go away!”

“Suzy! Be quiet or the whole hospital will hear you!” Nichkhun grabbed Suzy who was now in a ball crying, and pushed her towards the mirror.

“No! Let go of me! Don’t eat my brains--”

“Stop talking and look at the mirror.”

Suzy did as she was told and instead of seeing her own reflections she saw..Nichkhun’s?

“Why do I look like Ni--”

“Your in my body and I’m in your’s.”

Suzy turned back to look at herself.

“Why should I believe you?...How do I know that your really my op--”

“Pattina, stop talking right now. Why on earth would I be lying to you!”

Suzy’s eyes grew wide. Nichkun was the only one who would ever call her by her real name. Not even her parents did that..

“Oppa...w-why am I in your body and why are you in mine?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Well, how do we get out!”

“I don’t know Suzy.”

“Then we have to tell someone!” Suzy starting running towards the door.

“No! You can’t!” Nichkhun grabbed her before she could reach it.

“But I don’t want to be in your body!”

“Well I don’t want to be in your’s either! But lets not forget that we’re both idols Suzy. If you tell anyone they’ll think we’re crazy and send us to some mental institution. Do you know how big of a scandel that will cause? Not only for us but for the rest of our members?..We can’t do that to them.”

“..Then what do we do?”

“As of right now the only thing we can do is act like each other.”


“No buts Suzy. You have a responsibility as an idol to your other members and your company and your fans. I don’t care if you don’t want to. You have to do it. It’s time to stop being a kid and start acting like an adult.”

“Okay...but oppa..”


“How did you realize that you were in my body?”

“Oh, well I woke up and my body was really sore so I...”
    I realized I was in Suzy’s body when I realized I had s.Which means..did I...DID I MY DONGSAENG’S S?! OH MY GOD. I’M SO SORRY SUZY’S PARENTS. PLEASE FORGIVE ME!.. I CAN’T BELIEVE...



Suzy backed away at Nichkhun’s sudden outburst.

“Are you gonna answer my question?”

“..Oh..yeah. I just know. I jut looked in the mirror like you did.”

“Oh, alright.

Suzy still hadn’t processed that she’d now be living in Nickhun’s body. But when she did, it was her turn to spazz.

The same thing crossed both of their minds.

    How am I suppose to shower?!

But before the both of them could start freaking out, the doctor walked in.

“Nichkhun-ssi, Suzy-ssi, if your feeling okay, you have a few many visitors.   


kekeke..How was it? :) Isn't Joon adorable? And go Mir ^^ Lol. I feel like updating today so the next chapter will be up within the next 20 minutes. I hope your looking foward to the next chapter because in the next one alot of things wll be revealed and questions will be asked. :0

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wow, love this story
Bo-Remi #2
Chapter 9: OMO,Did Amber really do that to Krystal? Oh my stupid lamaber, she won't do that.
Chapter 11: i will be waiting author shii :)
Chapter 11: i will be waiting author shii :)
Chapter 11:'s been a long time :)
I definitely will anticipate it
just take ur time and i'll be wauting^^
Waffles #8
Take your time dude as long as the fic doesn't die we won't mind :D
What's wrong.with amber?? Kiss suzy have s** with kry n slap kry, what's going on?? :'( yeah so violent ><" what's krystal n suzy plan?? Cant wait update soon~
hahahaha...i cant wait for the plan~~