perfection 7


Taemin’s Pov



Jinki hyung just bring me to the car and placed my sitbeld,he then run hurriedly to his sit and turn on the mecine,I’am not brave yet to start speak,he looks really horrible,I know he just cried,he bit his finger during our way to my house,glare at everything passed in front of him,i couldn’t hold this silent anymore,finally I raise my hand and place it on his head,I rub his soft hair a little with my tumb,hoping for a good reaction..he directing the car to stop for a while,I keep rub his hair as he close his eyes,enjoying the love trought my fingers,




“better?”I asked softly




“much..”he look at me and smile,its so pure..i love his pure smile,so white and nothing lie in there,he take my hand and kiss my palm,then place it right in his heart probably there,he close the distance between us fastly before I realize his nose touch mine,try to catch my lips,but then he raise his head,and kiss my forehead warmly




“sorry to shocked you..and iam ok now,lets just forget it?”





I just smiling at him as an agreement,when he want to catch my lip once again,my body reflected as I go away a bit to avoiding his action,its not because I want to act like such a innocent person,but it just remind me something I want it to disappear,”sorry”I said without looking straight to his eyes,he smile understandingly and pinch my cheeks,and riding again







Key’s pov




I my forehead,I feel extremely broken as jinki’s words still hang around in my mind,there’s nothing I could say to defent myself,it was my entire fault..




I feel minho’s body behind me,he backhugged me tighly,makes me back to reality,I just patting his head as he mumbled a “sorry” to me,I turned my body until I face his already red eyes,I cant let any tears fell down from my eyes………..not yet




“look,minho..i tried my best to help you guys,but I cant do know,jinki hates me more right now,and I don’t think I can involved anymore,it would hard for you too..”he just looking on the floor,I placing both my heands on his cheeks and lift his head,”you can solve it by yourself,right?you already a mature honey,there’s so many things,waiting for you in the future..”I heard a heavy sob from minho,I immedietly hug him and resting his head on my shoulder,”sssshhhh,I know,it would hard in the first session,but sometimes,you have to let go one you love for good..dont take a long time,make it up soon, go to sleep..”he give me a goodnight kiss on my cheek and leave the kitchen,I place my hand to cover my face,take a sit and hold on my voice when I heard jonghyun’s wheelchair come closer to me




“are you ok key?”he said,rubbing my back worriedly




“please jonghyun,I need to be alone now...”I replied,still in the same position




“I understand..ill wait you in room..”



Here I am,alone in my favorite place in the world,while looking at my beautiful little garden throught the window,Iam walking closer to the window,just to amazed the night view,and I cant….i cant hold it anymore,I let out my tears rapidly,I cant burned this feeling,the fact that I hurted jinki,it also makes me broken,I imagine again,the time when we were go out for the first time,I remembered how he looked so nervous and shy,even he asked me if he could hold my hand,I never thought I could throught in relationship for more than 4 years with the same person,jinki changed me into the better one,and I was the happiest guy when he asked me to married,I never felt any happier,as long as I could see his smile everyday,and felt how much we drown into the deepest love,but no….iam not deserved to be loved,even thinking about him…..iam not deserve anymore.




Minho’s pov




I heard it,umma’s sob..i really wanted to comfort him,to hug him,but I also a crybaby right now..i want taemin..





i want taemin..





i want taemin





I want taemin




I WANT TAEMIN!!!AAAAAAKH,THIS IS CRAZY!!!how could I move on without someone I love??how could Ill be happy to see him with my own dad?everything just perfect until he came,how could he ruined my life?!*heavy breath*




Choi Minho,what the hell you thinking??you cant blaming someone like that!!its your own fault,taemin hated you!!realized it!!open your eyes!!isnt it good?iam sure taemin will be happy and save with appa,yes..appa love him,there is nothing will harm or hurt him..surely minho,you will be happy if you see taemin happy right?




No I cant..i will broken for sure..or maybe I could die slowly..but I have to make it up with him,and tell him the truth..



I must tell him the truth






Jonghyun’s pov




Key must be very broken right now,why he had to forced himself,pretended to be strong in front of Minho and Jink??he doesn’t deserved to receive any hurt,especially from jinki..




I wonder how key changed into very lovable person?he always pranked and do whatever he wanted ever since we were befriend,that’s why I love him so much,since the day we entered junior high,I know it was too early,but I just realized that I couldn’t being far from him,and all I could do was,be his best friend,forever,even now..its all because our stupid promised we made in elementary school,if only I wasn’t being blind with that promised,I didn’t need to forced key to accompany me until my last time..




But then again,I cant far from him..i wanna waste my time just to be with him..




“jonghyun?you don’t sleep yet?”he then closed the door and joined me in the bed,I stretched my hands and bring him in my hug





“you know I cant sleep without you”I said as he turn of the light on the table





“well,good night”he gave me a peck kiss on my lips and closed his eyes quickly




I hugged him tigher,”just a little while Key”








Jinki’s pov




Iam damn tired,maybe laying my body in bathtub with hot water could lessen my sickness..iam walking to bathroom,opening the water tap and let the water flow down motionly while I take off anything on my body one by one..i come to bathtub,this is comfortable,so peacefull,really relaxing




I thinking again,what was I say when we got into fight,iam not that dumbous to not realized what people think around me,specially my son,Minho,wether he doesn’t like taemin…or yes,he has no right to judging my love



And I feel satisfied with my confession,let them now iam already happy now,iam not lonely anymore,and there is someone beside me,they cant mocked me and played with my heart again!!



But why I feel so worst in the same time?








A weeks has passed from that day,and everything is back to normal again,or maybe,pretend to be normal




Its night already,the right time have a dinner and jinki patiently waiting outside the flower shop,sit down calmly with a big box of fried chicken accompany him,smiling,watching his young lover being busy with the costumer,he knows taemin is really attractive one,he will understand why the costumer love to lengthen their time there,as for Jinki,there is the most interesting flower,the most smelly,and most beautifull flower named taemin,he knows it so cheesy to think that way,but jinki cant help it




Finally,after get his permission,taemin excused himself and rushed to someone




“sorry,waiting so long?”asked taemin,wrapped his hand around jinki’s neck





“no problem..lets eat,iam hungry.”said jinki,placed taemin beside him and opening the box hurriedly,taemin let out a cute chuckle,seing his chicken maniac like a 7 years old kid




They spent their time,eating the chicken,talk,make a joke and jinki is never failed to make taemin laught with his failed humor




“ill pick you up as usuall ok?”said jinki while cleaning his hand with tissue




“will you sleep in office again?”




“yes..i must to get that promotion tae,ill can get a much better position and training to England for a weeks,and start my first successful..maybe ill sleep again in office”




“you must be really don’t have to pick me up jin,just concentration with your works,beside,I have an extra time tonight,and I don’t know what time ill finish my work”said taemin, his jinki cheek lovingly




“you sure you’ll be okay?”asked jinki worriedly,taemin smiling widely due to jinki’s reaction




“iam not an elementary anymore mister..ill be fine…”said taemin









“ill go home now taemin..dont forget to lock the door alright??”taemin bowed to his boss,took of his apron and keep it in his cupboard,turn off the light and lock the door…taemin use his mantel and wrapping his hand around his body to warming himself,after a few step away from the shop,he stoped




“you may out now,no need to hide”and after turn his body 180˚,his eyes chaught a tall figure,walking straight to his position




an : sorry for very long time update,iam start collage T.T(feel old),hope you like this story!!enjoy the story :D

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Chapter 9: When you will update this??? Please update soon... ^^
I'm happy you finally uodate your story....
And your sorry accepted..
Just update soon....
i know im !!i really happy there is still want to read my story TTATT,SO SORRY *sob,dance suju sorry sorry for you!!!
Update soon please...
I'm dying for waiting this story for update...
Update soon<br />
Must know wat happens next^^
2min88 : yes yes,lets pray for 2min!:D
2min88 #8
No more ontae!! I want 2min <33
2min88 : *sob*,THANK YOU!!ILL WORK HARDER :D
2min88 #10
This is unexpected O.O<br />
I will never get bored of this ^^