Silly Little Bunbun

Tiny Tokki

When they arrived home Minho picked out the pair of pajamas he knew the bunny loved. Jinki was in no shape for a bath, because all he wanted to do was curl up and try to forget everything that had happened, but the boy new that the bunny needed to be cleaned; that he would never be able to forget it until all trace of it was gone from his skin. He had run a bath, and when Jinki was still staring down in the water not a smile in sight Minho brought out his blue rubber ducky. A small smile formed on his small lips, as he held the duck close to him.


Jonghyun was sitting a little ways away, making sure that Jinki was okay but keeping his distance. He had accepted the fact that he didn’t have someone to go back to; he had promised himself that he would protect Jinki and get the bunny out of there over himself in a heartbeat. So when Minho turned to him, a warm smile on his face as he held out a change of clothes and motioned toward the bath, he really didn’t know what to say.


“Go on Jonghyun.” The puppy backed up a little, his ears down and back and Minho knew that he was scared. “I’m not going to hurt you. You’re safe now.”


A small splashing noise could be heard and both of them turned toward the bunny in the tub. “Jongie… Come clean yourself. You smell like a wet dog.”


Jonghyun pouted for a moment, before yelping as he was softly picked up and his rags of clothes were pulled over his head. He was set in the warm water before he could do or say anything, and when Jinki softly giggled both Minho and the puppy’s hearts ached.


“I’ll be back in a moment okay? I know you’re both hungry.” Minho kissed Jinki’s tiny head softly before walking out of the room, closing the door behind him.


When Minho returned he had two strawberries, two miniature muffins, and a glass of Jinki’s favorite juice with two straws. He set them on his bedside table, before returning to gently wipe away the dirt. The bunny hissed as the warm cloth was run over his puncture wounds. Minho frowned, because he hated it when the boy was in pain, but soon the boy was looking up at him with those sad eyes asking quietly if they could go cuddle now.


Minho gently pulled on the pajamas he had taken out earlier onto the small bunny, and made sure his overly long hair was out of his face and dried, before doing the same to Jonghyun. The puppy was a little bit harder, because he was a little iffy when it came to trusting Minho, but Jinki loved him and that was enough to allow the boy to do what he wanted. Jinki then found his stuffed cat, the other sock from the pair and curled up against Minho’s stomach as the boy handed the both a muffin. Jonghyun could hold the muffin by himself, but Jinki’s hands were bruised and he missed how the tall boy fed him.


Jinki nibbled on the muffin, but couldn’t finish even a fourth of it. It was strange compared to the way he would eat all the time. Jinki had always been pudgy; covered in a soft layer of skin, his thighs round and his cheeks chubby, but now his cheeks were hallow. The usually rosy big, soft cheeks were sunken; cheekbones more protruding than ever. It scared Minho, more than ever, because he wasn’t sure that Jinki would ever go back to how healthy he was before being taken.


“Minho?” The bunny’s soft voice asked as he gently climbed onto the boy’s chest, his tiny hand gently rested on the boys chin.




“Did… did you miss me?” Jinki asked softly.


Minho propped himself onto his elbow, allowing Jinki to lay in his palm, “You have no idea. I was worried sick.”


Jinki’s lip quivered as he curled himself up, nuzzling his cheek into the warm skin, “My Minnie.”


Minho laid down, his hand that Jinki was curled in close to his chest. “I won’t let anything happen to you. Not again bunbun.”At the sound of his nickname the tears fell; his hands clutching the fabric of the boy’s shirt. “Shh. You are safe now.”


“Love.” Jinki said softly between his broken sobs.


Minho swallowed the lump in his throat as he blinked away the tears on his eyelashes. “I love you too Jinki.”




Minho woke up to hear Jinki screaming and holding his stomach as he curled up into a ball. When he moved to help him Jonghyun swatted his hand away as he rushed to help the little bunny. The puppy laid Jinki’s head into his lap, forcing him to uncurl himself. He then gently pressed his hand against his stomach, softly massaging the soft skin as he held the boy’s hands with his other. “Shh. It’ll pass soon.”


“It’s…. Different.” Jinki groaned.


“Just breathe okay.” Minho had no idea what to do, as he watched Jonghyun help Jinki.


After a moment the worst of the pain passed, but there still was an ache as he curled up against Minho once again. “Are you okay?” He asked worriedly.


Jonghyun came to lay next to him, wrapping his arm around him and gently massaging his tummy still to get him to relax more. He looked up at Minho as the bunny softly began to fall asleep. “It will pass. This happens every night after they inject him.”




It did pass, and even though he woke up because of nightmares for months afterwards Minho didn’t mind being woken up by him. Kibum came to talk to Jonghyun, and even though it was Gwiboon’s wish for him to go with the man, the puppy refused to ever leave Jinki’s side.


Jinki did get better, his cheeks gained their normal chubbiness, and his appetite was back to normal. He still had moments where he would freeze and break down, needing to climb up into Minho’s arms to feel him next to him.


Of course all of them were worried of being caught and found by the facility that had taken them in the first place, but Minho made sure that both of them were with him at all times and never left at the house alone. Jinki adopted the man’s messenger bag, playing video games on the man’s phone when they were gone; they usually were at the college, and Jonghyun had a great time just watching Jinki smile and play the games. Jinki really enjoyed when Minho took him down stairs and allowed him and Jonghyun to help him cook, because he got to taste everything; even if the man didn’t know anything about it.


 He still had nightmares, and the memory of what happened to him would never fully go away, but he had his Minnie back, and that was what really mattered. He still couldn’t look at himself without his clothes on, but his scars were getting better.


 “You know Jinki if you keep eating the batter there won’t be enough to actually make cookies.” Minho commented as he turned to see Jinki leaning into the big bowl with his small hand covered in oatmeal cookie batter.


Jinki paused in his motion to the batter off his hand as he looked up with wide eyes. “You mean this isn’t the finished product? There’s more to it?”


Minho chuckled. “Yeah. That’s how you make cookies.”


Jinki looked down at the bowl filled with batter before him and frowned. “But this is so good. Why mess with something so delicious?”


He gasped as Minho gently pulled him off the bowl and set him on the table next to it. He pouted as he looked up at the tall man, but Minho just smiled and poked his tummy. “You’ll see when the first batch comes out okay?”


“I still want the chunky pudding.” He mumbled as he slowly what he had on his hand.


Jonghyun came over and sat next to him, for he had been watching the timer on the oven like Minho asked him to, and poked his cheek. “Why are they so chubby?”


“I dunno. It’s kind of like my tummy.” Jinki poked his middle and giggled. “See?”


Minho looked over at the two fondly for a moment before opening the oven and taking out the first batch of cookies. Needless to say Jinki was all over the tiny plate he put in front of him as soon as it was let go of.


“Silly little Bunbun.” Minho said softly as he shook his head. Jinki just beamed, even if there were tiny crumbs still on his cheeks and shirt from his rushed consumption of the oatmeal cookie.


and this is over! wow uh thanks for subscribing and reading this! This story has the most upvotes for me and the most subscribers so it means  a lot to me :D 

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toastedbrownrice #1
Chapter 13: This was so soft and cute, so healing to read. And wow, this was written 7 years ago but the members are still as baby and bright as ever, it was too easy imagining them the way you wrote them. Thank you for writing!!
BreyBrey #2
Chapter 13: Adorable and cute... Wish the story is longer. Would like to read more of their times together.
n_silver89 #3
Chapter 13: Ooooo...cute
Chapter 13: adorable ><
reading this makes me felt so happy
jinki and jonghyun are so adorable
minho is so sweet and always ensure jinki and jonghyun are safe and happy
flrite #5
Chapter 13: I love this story so much. I really hope the bad guys get punished and locked away forever so that jinki and jonghyun no longer have to worry about anything
oconje #6
Chapter 13: Omg, so darn cute but well written!
Chapter 13: This has to be one of the cutest stories I have ever read. I just love it so much. I like all your stories as well.
Chapter 13: Aweeee. It woulda been cute tho if they did turn into humans tho
Krisyeolsdaughter #9
Chapter 13: Minho feed me skittles please.