▓ ↷ Polar Opposites

Secrets and Wishes [Oneshot Request Shop] [BUSY] + [OFFICIAL TUMBLR IS HERE. #yehet]


request #15

polar opposites


“Oh hey! It’s our favorite clown.” I felt someone’s fingers gently ruffling my hair, which caught my attention abruptly. I averted my eyes upwards and saw Jongsuk, the student council vice president, smiling down at me – or was it a smirk?

“Well, hello there, Mr. My-Voice--And-I’m-Proud-Of-It.” I let a chuckle escape past my lips, watching his smile or smirk turn 360 degrees. A light frown tugged on his lips as he reached over to poke me on the forehead repeatedly.

“Ah, you’re so mean to the vice president. I won’t treat you out anymore.” He said bitterly, his childish side was showing up once more. I let another laugh escape my lips but I immediately put a halt into it when my eyes landed on the guy sitting at the farthest corner of the classroom.

I saw his eyes shifted towards me and in a split second, his eyes got wide in confusion before it settled into his normal, large eyes. I quickly turned my attention back to Jongsuk, who was happily blabbering on about something weird like him when he paused and shot me a suspicious look.

“Hey, were you listening to me?” The corner of his lips turned down in annoyance as he raised an eyebrow at me, cocking his head to the side. I quickly straightened my back, looking at the guy at the corner of my eye before turning my full attention to Jongsuk, who was waiting impatiently for my answer.

“I-“ I was cut off when someone else burst into the room and I let a groan escape my lips, shaking my head repeatedly while the girl who suddenly burst into the room threw me a smile.

“Oh, hey Bomi!” I buried my head in my arms, refusing to acknowledge her because Jongsuk and her, when combined, are really weird and crazy. They make you think twice why they were even voted as the president and vice president of the student council.

“Oh hey Yura!” Jongsuk grinned cheekily at the sight of her and in a split second, they began teasing and arguing with each other about who’s better at Flappy Bird, making everyone shoot us a weird look.

“Guys, why are you even here? This is not even your classroom – heck, you guys belong to the seniors and juniors!” I complained with shooting them glares, making them burst into a fit of laughter, dismissing what I even complained to them. Oh well, that’s very typical of them and unfortunately, I have to spend my morning with them, inside my own classroom.

“Aw, don’t be sad, Bomi! I-“ Yura paused for a while as Jongsuk leaned towards her, whispering something that made a smirk grow on their faces as their eyes avert towards us.

“Hey, you never told me you have a crush!”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“I mean, your crush is Kyungsoo-“ I quickly rose from my seat and covered Jongsuk’s mouth, quickly turning around to see if he heard it or not but thankfully, he was busy talking and laughing with Jimin, one of my rebellious classmates or something like that.

Thankfully, the school bell rang for the first class and Jongsuk and Yura ran out of the classroom after giving me a thumbs up and a wink. They hurried down the hallway and I felt a chuckle escape past my lips as Prof Eric went inside, holding onto the past Math quiz we had.

Oh dear god.

“Good morning, class! I’m going to give out yesterday’s quiz!” No, no, no. Please don’t let it be a failing grade. Please don’t let it be a failing grade. Please don’t let it-

“Well, I guess this is better than your last score.” Prof Eric stopped by my desk, looking over my score with hesitation before handing me my quiz paper. I reluctantly took a look at it and I almost fainted at my score.

39 over 70.

Well, this is exactly even worse than my previous score. I lowered my head, wanting a black hole to swallow me up when I heard Prof Eric’s voice boomed over the classroom.

“Alright class! I won’t ask you what’s your reaction about the test results-“ Immediately, the room was filled with cheers, mixed with boos while some just sat there with no reaction and guess what? I’m one of them.

“Class, please settle down.” In a snap, everyone got back to their seats and began listening carefully to the teacher in front of us. Prof Eric cleared his throat and looked over at us with interest.

“Alright, I have a special project for you guys.” Once again, everyone let out a groan of despair but what Prof Eric said next made everyone shut their mouths in surprise.

“And I’m letting all of you choose your own partners!” Everyone in the classroom, except for me, stood up, trying to find their partner. I looked behind and saw Kyungsoo still seated on his seat, glancing around the classroom. I was about to go to him when I felt a hand on my elbow, which caught my attention in a blink.

“Hey, can we be partners?” It was Oh Sehun, one of the rebellious boys in my class. I was about to reject his offer when I felt an arm wrapping itself around my shoulder, pulling me closer to the intruder.

“I’m sorry but she’s taken by me.” I quickly moved my head to the side, only to see Kyungsoo and his infamous expressionless face. Sehun held up his hands in defense, releasing a light chuckle before moving to our other classmates.

“H-Hey.” Kyungsoo quickly removed his arm around my shoulders and his cheeks became pinkish with embarrassment. He lowered his head and stared straight at his shoes, which made him look adorable like a puppy.

“Uh, so are we partners?” I awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck as I held out my hand for him to shake. He reluctantly raised his head and stared back at me, a smile started to grow on his face as he nodded in agreement. He quickly shook my hand and retreated it, his cheeks becoming redder than ever.

The next bell rang, signaling it was time for Chemistry, which is my favorite. I hope you can detect my sarcasm there. Anyway, I grabbed my things and stuffed them immediately in my bag and in a blink of an eye, I saw Kyungsoo standing beside me, a sheepish grin plastered on his face.

“Hey, you have Chemistry next, am I right?” I hummed softly, accompanied by a nod from my head, which made him smile softly at my direction.

“Can we go together?” I turned my head upwards to look at him and a smile spread across my lips.

“Of course.”


“So, I have to swap the signs when I switch the places of the numbers.” I mumbled as I put my forefinger on the paper, tracing the marks of my pencil as Kyungsoo chuckled lightly beside me. He put a hand on my head and ruffled my hair slightly, making me jut out my lower lip unconsciously.

“Hm, you got that right. Your method is correct however, your answer is all muddled up because you forgot to do that rule.” He turned his head to look at me with a small smile, which made me smile brightly at his direction.

I can’t believe that the same cold guy that I met a few months ago is actually quite dorky and adorable, at least when he’s around me. I began working on the problem when I felt Kyungsoo rest his head on my shoulder. I felt my body stiffened in shock as I secretly took a peek at him.

“It’s alright if I sleep on your shoulder, right?” I could feel my heartbeat accelerating as I stiffly nodded my head in agreement. A smile tugged up on his lips as he gently closed his eyes, letting himself enter dreamland. I had a very small amount of self-control because duh, Do Kyungsoo is right beside right now.

I let out a shaky sigh and continued to solve the problem when I heard him mumble, “You forgot to switch the signs again.”

I thought he was having another dream again so I merely ignored him and continued to solve the problem when I heard him say again, “I said, you forgot to switch the signs again.”

I looked beside him and surprisingly, my shoulder felt light and found Kyungsoo staring at me with his eyebrows raised in curiosity. He leaned toward my paper and inspected it before shaking his head and turned to me with wide eyes.

“I guess you forgot the rule again.” He mumbled before look at me from the corner of his eye and I felt my breath getting knocked out of me. Gosh, he really is handsome, even if it’s his side profile.

“Look, why don’t you take a break?”

“No! I’m fine!” I quickly said as I buried my face on the table, too embarrassed to look at his reaction. I didn’t hear a sound and I raised my head, due to curiosity and I felt my heartbeat accelerating as I watched a big, happy smile approach his face.

“Have I told you how adorable you are?” I was exactly taken back by what he said and I stared at him, slack-jawed. A chuckle escaped his lips as he reached forward to give me a pat on the head. I swear, he can hear my heartbeat beating so loudly against my ribcage right now.

“I-I need to tell you something.” I shot him a look mixed with curiosity and wonder as I nodded my head, as if I was granting him permission to continue his statement. He looked extremely embarrassed as he lowered his head, fiddling with his fingers, trying to buy some time for himself. I just sat there, dumbfounded as he gently lifted his head, staring back at me.

He mumbled a few incoherent words and I leaned closer, wanting to hear it. But still, even if he repeated it, I still couldn’t hear it.

“What did you say?” He took a deep breath and carefully catch my gaze with his wide but soft eyes before softly whispering to me the words he want to say.

“I like you.” My heartbeat stopped – my breath was caught up in my throat; I couldn’t say a single word to me.

“I like you. Like, a lot.” He released a light and embarrassed chuckle as he carefully fixed his gaze at me, waiting for my reaction. But my face blank – I didn’t know what to say to his confession. I mean, come on, he’s confessing to me! Do you even realize that?

“Okay, I think I know what your answer is.” He let an awkward chuckle slip past his lips but I was able to catch the saddened look plastered on his face. He was about to turn away from me when I held his arm, preventing him from turning around.

He sent me a very confused and worried look and I lowered my head, my cheeks felt like they were on fire. I bit down my lips, preventing the smile on my face to grow any bigger.

“I like you too.” He stiffened immediately once those words were released from my mouth. I didn’t know what to do exactly during that time because he remained silent and just stared at me in surprise and disbelief.

“Really?” He asked, dazed by the answer I have given him. I tried so hard not to tackle him to the ground and just hug him tightly because damn you, Do Kyungsoo – why do you have to be so cute? A smile tugged on his lips as he quickly pulled me into a hug and laid a kiss on top of my head, making my cheeks feel like they’re on fire.

“Oh wow, you don’t know how happy I am right now.” He kept me close to him and I just wanted to die in his arms because mind you, it’s very comfortable, to be honest. I just simply nodded my head and laid my head against his chest, chewing down on the flesh of my lower lip, trying not to cream out of happiness.

“I really, really like you.” I softly said to him as I raised my head, staring back at his soft, gentle eyes. An amused chuckle slipped pat his lips as he nodded his head.

“I like you too.” Before I knew it, I felt him press his lips on mine, feeling happy and contented.


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theperfnerd #2
Requested~! Hwaiting!!
I requested again. orz ♡
Requested! c:
I requested again ~ ! :3