
He/She is MINE!

(ChangJo pov)

Naeun said that she want to come visit us today with NaHyun. Thankfully today we have no schedule but I was too excited that I woke up early than usual. Well, I miss them after a few months we didn’t meet. We, Teen Top, held our Asia tour which took a few months and it just ended a week ago. I really really miss my wife and daughter.

“Jonghyun!” Niel took his seat beside me on the couch. I watch drama early morning alone as all of them still sleep but now Niel with me. “Can I pick up Naeun?”

What? Wae?”

“Just because.”

“I can pick her up. Do you like my wife?” I eyed him, anxious.

“No.. I just.. I just have bad feeling.”

“Bad feeling? Really? I don’t know why but I also feel the same as you.”

I hope it’s not about them.” I also hope the same.

“We’ll go together later. Get ready in half an hour. Go take your bath.” I pushed him so that he will get ready.


“I already took my bath.” He walked away and leave me alone watching the drama alone. But.. talking about bad feeling. Why I feel something bad will happen? Please don’t make it something important to me.


 “Hyung.. Can you call Naeun? I forgot to tell her that I’ll pick her up.” I asked Niel hyung because I’m driving right now.

“Ne..” he took out his phone and dialled Naeun’s number. “Yeoboseyo.. Naeun-ah..”.. “Where are you now?”…. “Just wait there.. Jonghyun and I are going to pick you up. We’re on our way now.”…. “Ne~ Bye..”

“They’re still at home?”

“Ne.. They just finished their breakfast.”

“I can’t wait to see them.” thinking of them just making me misses them so much.

“Before, I really can’t believe that you are already married. Why you get marry early? I’ve wanted to ask you this.”

“Because Naeun is too pretty.” I giggled at the fact. Indeed, it’s truth. “I don’t want to lose Naeun to any guys. She’s only mine. So that’s why I decide to get married with her at early age.”

“Is she your first love?”

“First love? Of course not.. But she’s the last one that I’ll love forever. Nobody other than her.”

“You can be cheesy sometimes.”

“Just for Naeun.”

“Haaa… Looking at you guys, I think I want to get married.” He sighed while looking through the window. I chuckled at his word.

“Really? Do you have someone already?”

That’s the problem. I don’t have girlfriend yet.” Again he sighed.

“Then search for one. Oh.. Why don’t you confess to your crush?” all of us, Teen Top member, already knew that Niel hyung have a crush on someone. And to which that person is also working in the same industry, a singer. She’s kind, pretty and cute at the same time which is NIel hyung’s ideal type. I can’t reveal yet who that person is.

“I-I can’t.. We’re both singer. I don’t want to ruin her career.”

“You can date secretly. If you don’t want to start immediately, just begin as friend first.”

“I don’t have any courage.”

“I can help you. Not that I close to her, but  I have a friends that is close to her. I can ask for my friend help.”

“Never mind. I don’t want to burden you.”

“Ya~ Hyung~ Just give a try.”

“I’ll think about it later.. Stop.. Don’t talk about it again.”

“Alright alright.. I’ll talk about it next time.” I giggled as he scoffs at me. “Call Naeun that we’re near already.”

“Ne..” he called Naeun. “Naeun-ah.. We are already near your house.”… “Ne..” he hang up… “She said she will wait for us outside.” Niel hyung said to me.

“Ne..” I turn the car to the right, and finally saw our house. Why is there a van  in front of our house? It’s blocking my way. Eish.. “Why is that van there? Aish.”

“Maybe that person just park that for a while. Oh.. That’s Naeun and Nahyun.” Both of them just got out from the house and I’m still a few away from them. I made my way toward the empty parking space behind the van. “OH!! Jonghyun! Naeun! Nahyun!!” Niel hyung sound panic and I looked up immediately and saw that a few guys pulled Naeun and Nahyun into the van in front of us.

I just stop before I got to park my car and got out of my car. “NAEUN!!” I shouted but I’m late that the van door was locked already and they drove away. I looked at the van plate before heading back toward my car. Niel hyung who ran out with me just now, followed back toward my car.

“WHO’S THAT GUYS?” I know he’s mad and so do me. I speed up my car, following the van just now. Who care about safety or anything right now when someone important to you are being kidnapped right in front of your eyes. “I’ll call the others.” Niel hyung called the others while I focused on the van just now. Naeun, Nahyun, please be save.

“SH**!!!” I hit on the steering as I lost them. They are too fast and the car in front of me stop at red light. “Hyung! You saw the van number, right? Can you call the police?”

“Alright.” he quickly called the police, telling all the information they need. I keep my eyes on the van but it lose so quick. When the light turn green, I immediately speed up at where the van went just now before I lose it.

“Please be safe.” I prayed for a few times already. Please..

“Jonghyun-ah.. They will be save.. Don’t worry.” Niel hyung tried to calm me down but nothing can help me not to feel worry about them. They’re important to me.

“I lose them.” I stopped at the side road. I don’t know which way they go. “Hyung.. There’ll be nothing happened, right? They’ll be safe, right?”

“Ne.. Police is on their way and they’re tracking the van. We’ll find them.”

“W-why is this happening?”


About half an hour, the others already arrived. They all looked panic like us. They all trying hard to calm me down from being frustrated.

“Oh.. Sir..” Niel hyung greet the police who had been there before the member came.

“We get to track where the van is. You can follow us.” I feel happy when I heard it but not fully cause we’re not sure about their safety yet. All of them ride in my car.

“Alright, sir.” All the police get in their car while I waited for them to go so that I’ll follow them from behind.


“Sir.. You can’t go in.” a few police blocked us from entering the place. “We’ll safely bring your wife and daughter out from there.”

“I want to go in!! I want to safe them.”

“We will-“ I pushed one of the police who’s blocking me and rush toward the building.

“Jonghyun-ah..” the others yelling out my name but I don’t care anything other than Naeun and Nahyun. I want to make sure they are safe. I ran up stair at the source of the sound of police.

“Why are you here?” another policeman blocked me before I get to went up. “It’s dangerous here.”

“Please let me save them.”

“No-“ I pushed him aside and ran passed him, going up stair. I saw a few guys surrounding the person who’s unconscious on the chair. I-it’s Naeun. They can’t see me because there’re a lot of police blocking my view.

“Arrest them.” all of the guys who’s involved been arrested by the police. Even if some of them tried to escape, there are police everywhere. Without thinking twice, I went toward Naeun. Wait! W-where’s Nahyun?

I stood up and dash toward one of the guy, stopping the police from dragging him. I grabbed his collar up. “WHERE’S MY DAUGHTER?!” I yelled at him.

“Daughter? How should I know? It’s only that girl that had been brought here.” that guy smirked.

“DON’T LIE!!” I almost landed a fist on his face but the police blocked me.

“Sir! Don’t do this. We’ll settle this at the station.” I sighed and went back toward Naeun. The police has released the tie on her hand.

“Naeun-ah..” I slightly caressed her cheek, making her slowly opened her eyes. “Naeun.. It’s me, Jonghyun.”

J-Jonghyun..” she blinked a few times before it suddenly wide open as she realised something. “Nahyun.. Where’s Nahyun?” she looked around, got up and searching everywhere.

“Naeun-ah.. We’ll search for her together.” I grabbed her hand and pulled her into my embrace to calm her down.

“Where is she? She’s with me before. Where’s our Nahyun?” she cried loudly. I know how it felt. It’s our daughter. If only I can kill the person who did this and kidnapped out child. “Where’s the guy who kidnapped us? Ask him. Where he hid Nahyun?” she looked up at me and desperate shown through her eyes.

“I’ll bring you to the police station.” I held her hand tightly, preventing her from doing something bad. We made our way toward my car with the others making sure Naeun is safe and of course we all extremely anxious and worried about where Nahyun is. I followed the police car from behind, heading toward the police station.

“We need to find where Nahyun is right now? Would that guy tell us where he hid her?” CAP hyung said in extremely mad tone.

“Why he did this to them?” I’ve been thinking the same things as L.Joe hyung. I think Naeun have no enemy at all. She’s always kind to people and would never make enemy.

“Jonghyun-ah.. Our Nahyun will be fine, right?” Naeun sound worried as she keeps asking me.

“Ne.. I’ll kill anyone who hurt her.” I held her hand tightly, calming her down.

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Chapter 34: i hope to see more soon !
Chapter 33: Who kidnapped nahyun? Is that person know that jonghyun already married with naeun?
Chapter 30: AWWWW so adorable!! KAWAII!!
Chapter 29: author nim.. PLEASE update soon. I cant wait for it. xD
Chapter 29: yeahh .. finally the baby ! how bad changjo was not there .
Chapter 29: The BABY'S HERE!!!!! That's like so messed up on different levels since Mark was there and not Changjo. But thanks for the update ><
S2nancy #7
Chapter 29: The baby is finally here!!! Haha Mark come instead that's funny! Thanks for the update
Chapter 28: kyaa ! changjo so sweet >.<
Chapter 27: kyaaa ! this story so cool >.< i love this story . they're so cute ! oh my changjo <3
update soon juseyo author-nim ^^