Giggle Face is Actually a Duck Face.

Anothor Year

Days have passed and it's the third week of the school year. Lately, things haven't been interesting. It's the same old same old. Giggle  face and her little ants sure have a lot of favours to ask me. Sometimes I think their on to something, but oh well. 

It was finally gym class, giggle face and her ants wanted me to go get towels from the girls washroom. Seriously, all these favours is ticking me off. 

After bringing out the towels, there was a strong gust of wind. What the hell? It's sunny outside, I don't remember the weather forecast saying there was wind? 

Anyways, that got damn wind blew my towel up on the tree branch. Oh how I wanted to just strangle that tree for being there. 

I climbed up the tree reaching for it. 

"Just....a....few.....more." I quickly yanked the towel towards me and did a little victory dance. 

"Yes! I got it! Who-ahhhhhhh!" Wow, what a coward Mihyun. Nice going. I thought you were experienced in this climbing thing? 

I closed my eyes waiting for the fall, but I felt something warm under, like a person. I opened my eyes to see a guy with big owl eyes. And a tan guy who just lifted his eyebrows in front of me, our faces is like inches away from each others. 

Wow, I seriously need to bang my head. This is so fricking embarrassing. 

"Umm I'd like it if you'd get off us." The owl guy said.

I quickly got of them and said sorry in English. Whoops, my bad, guess I was too use to America. 

"It's ok" the tan guy said in korean. 

I just stared at them like some idiot. But, really? How can two people be so handsome? 

The boys looked at each other. The owl guy asked me. "Do you speak korean?" 

Wait a minute, I looked behind them to see that school Soyong was talking about. SM High is it? It should be since it's close to that convient store. 

I don't see any gangs or Kingkas here? Where are they?

The two guys just stood there waiting for my answer, how embarrassing. Should I tell them I speak korean? Nah, it would be fun.

"Actually, no I don't speak your language." I said in English. Oh my god, the look on their faces. 

"How did she get to our side? How is she going to get back? The fence is really high." The owl guy said. I shall name you, owl eyes. 

I looked at the fence. Are you kidding me? Tall? Not even for me. 

"Thank you very much for uhh saving me?" I said in English and jumped over the fence. What a piece of cake.

But the look on their faces is what amazed me. They looked surprised. What? Haven't they ever seen a girl jump over the fence before? Guess not.

I gave them a small bow and waved goodbye. Oh, how I wanted to stay longer. 


"Mihyun, what took you so long?" Soyong asked. 

"Some things happened." I said and chuckled a bit from the two boys from before. They amuse me. 

"Well anyways, thanks for the towels. Can you get us some water? I forgot to tell you, but you left. 

This little- calm down Mihyun she's not worth it. Not just yet.


"We will meet you in the girls wash room." She said.

Yea, yea whatever.


After getting bottles of water, I headed to the girls changing room. That is until I overheard them. 

"I can't believe how stupid she is?" Giggle face laughed.

"I know right, she so gullible, she doesn't even know we're using her." The other little ant face said.

All three little ants laughed.

Oh no you didn't. s going down duck face. 

I came up to them and hands a bottle to duck face. "Here you go." I smiled oh so lovingly. 

"Thanks." Soyong was about to grab it until I released my hand, dropping the water the bottle. 

"Oops, my bad." And I dropped the rest of the water. "That's for being your slave for the past few weeks." I said. 

I grabbed her collar and pushed her against the locker. "You shouldn't have really messed with me. I would seriously punch you in the face right now." Soyong was frightened, she was trembling. Just how I liked it. 

"Don't even bother me from now on, considering your not even my friend anymore." I threatened her and left. 

Dang it Mihyun, you did it again. I think I'll consider being that quiet mysterious girl from now on. I don't want to have any dramas in my life anymore.

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Chapter 2: Cool chapter & keep up - Yuki
Chapter 2: I really like it ><
erunino09 #3
Chapter 2: a nice story ~~ i hope u could update soon and more
Chapter 2: More please?
Chapter 1: I love it so far.. keep it up authornim ^^ fighting!!