New Me?

Anothor Year

I stopped my tracks, in front of Star High, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. Alright Mihyun, don't mess up like you did when you where in L.A. The past was the past. Don't mention it to anyone, don't even think about it and you'll be alright. New friends, new life, new me.


" Alright class, settle down, settle down. Since it's a new year, I expect you guys to work even harder than before, you got that?" The teacher lowered his glasses eyeing some students.

"And since it's a new year, of course there will be  having new students here." He said. The class started to whisper to each other. 

"Alright new student, you can come in."

I took a deep breath to settle down my nervousness and slide the door open. 

"This is Park Mihyun, she came from the states to come here to study. He said. 

"Hello, I'm Park Mihyun. Nice to meet you all." I smiled. This is it, finally, I can have my life back. 


Break time came, I didn't know what to do. I sat in my seat beside the window, thinking what I should do. Should I go greet that group of girls in front of me? Or should I wait until they come to me first? Seriously, I wanted to punch myself. 

I peeked at the group of girls glancing at me, and I smiled at them. It seems like their discussing about something. Is it me? Nah, it can't be, can it? 

The group of girls started to come up to me. Alright Mihyun, act normal. Don't mess this up. 

"Hi." One of them said. 

"Hey." I smiled a bit to excitingly. 

"So Mihyun, is it? I'm soyong." A girl in the middle greeted me with a cute smile.

Ugh, god. Is all korean girls like that? Cute and girly? Crap, what the hell Minhyun? You promised no more of this. 

"Do you want to go eat lunch with us? We'll tell you about this school and all. You'll be glad you came to this school." She said with that smile of hers. 

What the? Her smile kind of creeps me out. 


"Alright than, we'll meet you in the cafeteria." She smiled again and gave a little princess giggle.

Ok, I am defiantly not so sure about this group of little princesses, maybe I should of been that quiet mysterious girl. Hmmmm....I'd definitely get alone time. Put some thought into it Mihyun, it maybe useful later on. 


Lunch time came around. I took a tray of food, deciding where I should sit, when giggle face raised her arms out, telling me to come over.

"Hi Mihyun!" Soyong gave a little wave.


"So, how'd you like the school so far?" She said.

Woman, I've only been her for a few hours.

"Alright." I stabbed my food, uninterested in it.

"That's great!" She gleamed.  Man how many octaves can she go?

She glanced at the girls beside her and gave a mischievous smile. "I saw him today, and he said hi to me." Soyong squealed.

Good god, my ears.

"Who? Kris again?" One of giggles friends said.

"Yeah, he, he was so dreamy." Soyong said. For a second I litterly thought she was going to faint. 

Than again, who the hell is this Kris? Is he like one of those Kingkas in those korean dramas? That would be so funny. 

Too my interest. I looked up at them. 

"Who's this Kris guy? Is he in our school?" I asked. 

Soyong gleamed. And nodded. 

Ahhh young love. How it can corrupted your mind in to stupidity. 

Soyong continued. "Kris isn't in our school, but he's the hottest man I've ever met and I will be his girlfriend." 

Whoa, obsessive much?

"How do you know him if he isn't from this school?" I asked. 

Soyong snapped out of her world and faced me. 

"He's from one of the hottest schools!" She gleamed.

"You know how there's two schools beside us, right? Well, on the left it's a school called SM High and the right it's TS High." She said. 

Ok....I've never seen a Highschool that are like right beside each other. Than again, it's Korea. 

"They both have the most baddest, handsomest Kingkas ever!" She clasped her hands. 

My eyes bulged out, I literally choked on my juice. Holy crap! So this thing is real? Man, I would love to laugh right now, but I don't want to offend them.  In America, they have the popular people, but I guess it's kind of the same. 

"Are you alright Mihyun?" The other of giggles friends asked me. 

"Fine, just fine." I merely speaked out.  "So if their badass, does that make them, what? Gangs or something?" 

"You could say that." Soyong replied. 

"Wouldn't gangs have a name?" 

"Of course! SM High has Kingkas who are named Exo and TS High has one called B.A.P." Soyong took a bite of her salad. 

Ok, what? Exo and BAP? Sounds like some brand of clothing. 

"Are they dangerous?" I asked. God, why am I so interested.  Maybe because I think it's funny. I've never seen the popular people in America have their own group name. Than again, it's Korea. 

"Well." The other of giggles friends started off. "From what I heard, they get in to a lot of fights, and they even go  to clubs. And I even heard they've been caught by the police several times before." 

Some gangs they are. They should see the ones in America. 

"Yea, don't even dare touch my Kris oppa." Soyong pointed her fork at me, with her eyes narrowed. 

Whoa there, I don't care about your god damn gang dude. 

I laughed it off. "I'll probably won't want to meet them. They kind of scare me." Sarcasm. Complete sarcasm. It's not that I want to meet them, I just don't want to bother with such annoying things like boys. Judging from the dudes in this school, they're probably the same as them. 

"Good." She smiled and chomped on her salad. 

I rolled my eyes as the bell rung. 

"Guess I"ll see you guys in class." I said.

"See ya Mihyun! Oh! On the way, can you get us some juice." Soyong said. 

The fu? Can't she get it herself. Whatever. 

"I guess..." 

"Awesome! See you later!" Soyong giggled again and turned to her friends, talking again,and giggling. Probably about those Kingkas. Man,I'll never understand korean girls.

Good thing my mom took me to korean lesson or else I wouldn't have understood them. For a moment, I thought back to when I was on the plane. I wanted to be bubbly and outgoing. Now that I've met Soyong I'll leave that thought to rest   .

I shuddered.

I could not see me like that. Not like Soyong. All cutesy and girly. Good god, how annoying it can be. I have no idea what that Krisus? Krispy? Kris? Whatever that guys name is have interest in her. Speaking of him. 

I laughed my off. 

People in the hallway started to give me weird looks. 

But I don't care. Really? Exo? BAP? They sound like some geek club. I would love to see them. 

Seeing myself like this and the promised I made earlier.

How the heck will able the change this old me to the new me?


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Chapter 2: Cool chapter & keep up - Yuki
Chapter 2: I really like it ><
erunino09 #3
Chapter 2: a nice story ~~ i hope u could update soon and more
Chapter 2: More please?
Chapter 1: I love it so far.. keep it up authornim ^^ fighting!!