Chapter 3

Love Triangle

"... but i don't think we should be this way oppa, i feel so wrong for treating u this way, yes u have acknowledge your love to me and i know how your feelings is towards me but i've yet to accept it properly''. 

Kyuhyun didn't get what Seohyun was trying to deliver. He let go of his hands that was wrap around Seohyun awhile ago and stood up.

"Seohyunnie ahh, what are you trying to say? Oppa don't get it. " asked the confused Super Junior member.

Seohyun stood up and hold Kyuhyun hand, "Oppa.. what i meant was.." She paused and smile.. "I love you too oppa, like how your promises to me all this while, i promise that i wont leave you, let's spend our time, our life together like waht you have always dream off oppa" ..

Kyuhyun who was confused awhile ago couldn't believe what he had just heared, the moment he has been waiting for has arrived, it feels like it was all a dream. Seohyun who has always been the pure innocent girl, the one who was very focus on her career say all that to him? finally accept his love.?

Seohyun laughed shyly when she see Kyuhyun with the disbelief face, she slightly pinched Kyuhyun cheek.

"Ouchh!" Kyuhyun shouted but quickly close his mouth while rubbing his cheek. He look left and right, worried that people might heard and notice them. 

Seohyun laughed again and say, "Oppa, see it's not a dream. I, Seohyun say all this in a stable state of mind, i've thought about it, yes im still worried, what if poeple finds out? but i know we can make it through, seeing how ur love is too me really touches my heart, im sorry to have kept u waiting oppa"..



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Chapter 3: WHHAOOO I wonder how lulu feels?
diemanhlu298 #2
Chapter 3: Woooohhh!!!!she accepttt!!!happykyuday for her accept...Happy birthday my Evil Kyu,inoccent oppa of Seohyun^^
Guixuxian0206 #3
Chapter 3: Wow amazing..
beready #4
Chapter 3: HOORAY FINNALY seohyun accepted kyuhyun lololol
anyway forget abt luhan HAHAHA
eugenenni #5
Chapter 3: Seohyun accepted Kyuhyun as her boyfriend!!! But poor Luhan.
Thanks for the update~~
suehyun #6
Chapter 2: nooo!! don't reject Kyu please TT__TT
update soon!
diemanhlu298 #7
Chapter 2: please dont reject to him,seohyunah!!!he love U so muchhh.please accept and happy together...hehe.i really hope it is realllll^^
aysan-seo #8
Chapter 2: I want seohan ,update soon.
Chapter 2: But???
Poor Luhan :(
He is oblivious about this.
Chapter 1: They are already like a lovey dovey couple eventhough they're not an official couple.