That little ,Thomas

Never thought of falling in love with him again

Previously in chapter 8:Mum!Your ship have sank ages ago!

"Mum,I am home.'' I shouted loud for her to hear,anywhere in this house.She walked out of the house with her apron on."Oh Hello,daughter and my son-in-law,Ji yong." she hugged him tightly in her embrace.How embrassing,how could she call him son-in-law,for goodness sake,mum,i am just 17 years-old.It is illegal,mum.So drop the thought.

"Hello,Mother-in-law,how is your day?" he played along,when he saw my jaw dropped.He winked at me,leaving me dazed.My mum's eyes are sharp at the unecessarily moment,she caught him winking at me.And there she goes.."Oh my..You two are just so cute together,just marry already.Ahhhh!!! Have you two kissed? Have your went on a date?" and blah blah.She said so herself that she was the biggest fan of us 'couple',which we are not.

"Mum! your ship have sank long ago." i protested,i grabbed his collar."This guy is no boyfriend to me,i don't even like mum stop." i continued.But then Jiyong just have to interupt my beautiful talk,"She only,but not me.".my mum's eyes literally glowed at that moment,and started squeeling.My mum nudge my ribcage teasingly,"Don't even deny that you two are not dating." she wiggled her eyebrows.

"So Jiyong,Hyo Soon would like to show you her new room." She patted his back and leaned in towards his ear and whispered,"Use protection,i prefer my daughter to get pregnant after her high school.'' she thought she was 'whispering' but then she was loud enough for me to hear.My like that all the time.

She pushed us from the back and up the stairs,pushed us in and locked the door.For your information,sadly my door cannot be locked or unlocked from the inside so we would be stuck till my mum let us."Kids,be sure to use protection,i would let you out when dinner is ready." and she left.

Leaving us in the same room,locked with a protection.


Chapter 9:That little ,Thomas


He glanced in my way a few times in a y way and i feel uncomfortable under that glance.I coughed fakely,and he broke the eye contact.He rubbed the back of his neck,which is what he do when he is either awkard or nervous.He stuttered,"I-I wasn't thinking about i-it at all-l".Yea i am right,he is nervous.


"Don't even think about it,it is not the same when we were dating so before you say anything,No!" i told him firmly.I stood up and walked over to my bed.I bend down to check if i have a rope or something.To get away from here because the in the air is heavy.I was about to reach my toy box area,my stupid leg tripped over a ing thomas and his friend toy.Of all the places,thomas just have to be in that spot,that little .


Oh no,no no no.I am going to fall flat on my face,I don't want my face to be flat.I shut my eyes really fast,accepting that i am going to be a pancake mascot tomorrow in school.A second later i fell on the floor,Hmm..,i didn't land on the floor with a 'thud' but a "omphf".My floor is alive,it is warm,hard but soft at the same time.When i opened my eyes,my eyes met with a chocolate brown eyes.The eyes were staring deeply in mine,like it was searching for answer.He was playing barbie and ken at the toy area,he was there,where i fall.Who plays barbie at this age and especially guy.


He winked and smirked at me,"I like the position right now".It was kinda of me straddling on him around his stomach area.Realisation hit me like car crash,this must definitely looked wrong.I leaned to the left,wanting to roll off him so badly.However,he placed his hands at my hips firmly,weighting me down.WTF.I struggled to get off but his grip just made it impossible.What does he want....I probably blushed like crazy right now 'cause i can literally feel my cheeks warming up.I really need to get out here no matter what.


I smacked his chest hard,"Faster let me go,fast,right now or else...",i can't think of anything threatening that would make him release me.I need to think fast.He challenged me,"Or else what,princess."




I scoffed trying hard not to blush but i guess i just messed up 'cause i am really happy and feeling giddy.He called me a princess,PRINCESS! Right now i feel like building a mansion of fluffy clouds with me riding a pizza,circling around it.You know how i feel? or is it just me."Why are you calling me that!" 


I love like how he calls me princess.He anwered back without hesitation,"Because you are really beautiful,like every fairy tale's princess." Oh my mothercornflake,h-h-he called me beautiful a-and princess.I want to scream out loud for goodness' sake.I need to fangirl or i could record his voice calling me with those nicknames so that i could play it all night.I would never get tired of this.N.e.v.e.r..He rolled his eyes,"Oh please,i know you like it,don't act like you don't because your face says otherwise.You were grinning just now." Being called a princess by a guy is like every girls' dream and fantasy. :) :) ;)


He reached for the back of my head and gently pushed my head to his chest.Then,he wrapped his hands around my waist.His is so close that i could feel that heat from him.So basically now,we are hugging or should i say he hugged me and we are still laying on the floor,with thomas and friend at the side watching at us.It was a creepy motherer,his eyes is excessively big and his cheeks are popping out like a balloon.


He placed his chin on my head and one of the hands playing with my hair.The feeling was nice and fuzzy feeling,I want this moment to stop forever.He mumbled,i felt the vibration,"Let stay like this forever."I was a little surprised that he took the words out of me,that was what i was thinking about.


Someone once told me that a guy's chest is a girl's comfort zone.It is a warmth feeling when a girl is leaning her head on the guys chest.A comforting feel.Like a cocoon is protected by the layer.That is what i am feeling right now.


He used his fingers and wrote something on my back,i could not figure what that was."What are you writing?" i asked,i was curious.He just shrugged it off,and mumble,"Random things."


Soon,i fell asleep on his chest.


(^_^)/ ~~~~~~~~~~~A while later.


I was half asleep and half awake,i woke up due to some noise that was chattering away.It was annoying 'cause you can't hear it properly.Then i heard 'click' sound clicking continuosly.I fidgited and the noise stopped."You are going wake them up,Katie."





I woke up and turned my head to the direction of where th noise came from.It was my mom and his mom,Katie,both holding a camera each.Katie squeeked happily,not in the slightest notice that i was glaring at them.I could not get up,his arm are still around me,it was weighting me down.It was kind of hard like me trying to push Mount Everest.My mom was like,"I told you so,Katie,i told you there would be spark between them.I just hope that they did not go so rough at each other."


Katie smacked my mom's hand,"#YOLO".


Way to go yolo,you made my life a livinh hell,i roll my eyes.


I shook him lightly to wake him up,a few times later.He woke up slightly annoyed but when he sees my face,he softened,"Yea?" he looked hot with his messy hair."Our moms are taking photo of us,me straddling on you,face on your chest and you wrapped around me.Even a little dumb kid could tell something is wrong."


"Mum!" i shouted,''delete that photo,right now." i demanded.She showed me the photo for a second and lock the phone,"You are going to get my phone," my mom is childish even though she is 42 years old.Sometime i wonder who is the mother,me or her.


I surrended my hands in frustration,i am sure Jiyong feels this way too.I turned around and i saw him asking his mom,"Hey mum,could you send me that photo the first one and the third one through watsapp." Then,the ringtone for the watsapp sounded off meaning that he recieved.He pecked on her mum cheeks and mumbled,"thanks!"


I shake my head in disappointment,and i the only who is feeling like crap because my mom is like opening a fan club,taking our picture and is now hanging on the wall.When my mom do something,i can't stop it.It is like trying to stop a tornado of fangirls.Impossible.


And the dinner goes on a normal dinner.It is all started with thomas' fault for tripping me.That little piece of ty train.



Hello,pretties.As i promised you that on thursday i would update,hope you like it,and thanks for supporting me by reading and commenting.I really love those comments.I will update probably at a later time since school is going to start.I am going to hell soon.So good luck for school and life.Keep in touch!

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update soon i really love the story
cherryaizawa #2
Chapter 14: its kinda more exciting
thx to update
i really like it
Chapter 13: a wall with hand. nice authornim ~~
cherryaizawa #4
Chapter 13: thx for update soon i really love it annd love you.^^
cherryaizawa #5
Chapter 12: thx to update authorssi
i like it
what will her answer?^^
Chapter 11: waaa i just found your story .. keep updating authornim, and i want to know if you can make OC change into a beautiful just for once and i want to know too about the others reaction if they're know about OC family ... she's billion dollar baby right ??? *imitating dara* billion dollar babyyyy ~~~~
cherryaizawa #7
hi i found your story and interesting in it.hope you will update so soon for the next chpter coz kinda can't wait to read the next chpter.^^
Carrotme #8
Chapter 8: I like it when you call me pretty,it flatters me.Update!^^
Carrotme #9
Chapter 3: Luke is hot.I like to comment bout' everything,don't mind me
Carrotme #10
Chapter 2: I like where this is going..hehe....