Lift me like a rice bag.

Never thought of falling in love with him again

Previously in Chapter 6:

I queued for food and joined Janisse and Luke at the table.I placed down my food tray and plopped myself to the chair.Using the fork,stabbing the mushroom and flipped it a couple times.Janisse suddenly cupped my cheeks and turned my head facing her.She observed for a while and gasp"Alyssa again?"  my best friend know the best without me opening my mouth.

"You know you can be beat the crap out of her with your mouth skill,but it is just that you have to withstand her for a while since your mother is out in town for a business trip.Your family is more powerful than Alyssa's, you are the bill-io-" i cupped before she said it out loud.She realised that she almost said the word out, turned into 'o'.

She wispered in my ears,"You know,if she know who you are,she would literally begged on her knees for forgiveness.I can predict that already,hahahaha."

Luke spoke up after a long time,"You know i am hot but you no need to wispered about it,i gladly to hear the compliments from you two."

we both raised our eyebrows at him and his cold jokes.

After lunch,we were separated for science class.Me and Luke are in the same course but not Janisse so i took the chance to ask Luke about Janisse.

I nudge him in the shoulder playfully,"Hey,Luke"

"Hmm" drinking water from the bottle."

You like Janisse,don't you?" i smiled,raising my eyebrow.

He spitted out the water drank,and choked with the water afterwards.I never seen hime so flustered before,my hunch is right.

He stuttered," wh-hat? what what ar-e yyou even talking about?"

"Don't act dumb Luke,i can smell the love in the air,when you and Janisse are together."

"Maybe,it is because you smelt my fart."

But then his ears went pink,when i said Janisse name just now....

Hahahaha,This would be fun to in the future.

:)  {evil smile}


Chapter 7:Lift me like rice bag


I checked my watch,3:50pm,finally ended today's school.I waved goodbye to Luke before heading to the locker.Luke finally decided to join soccer,he was troubled between choosing soccer and basketball.Today after school,the soccer team is having a soccer trial for newcomers.I looked up and saw Janisse at the front,i quickened my pace to catch up with her but i stopped when I noticed her with somebody next to her.They both wore a serious look on thier faces.I took a step closer to take a clearer look at the guy,it was Gwen-something,her boyfriend.


A while later,Gwen-something said something and stomped off furiously,leaving Janisse looking confused with a little mixture of sadness.She turned around and saw me,she ran towards me with all her energy.I spread my hands,and she hugged me back.I rubbed her back to console her,and quietly asked her,"What happened?". 


She sobbed softly,I can feel the tears seeping through my shirt.But then it doesn't matter now.It has been a long time since i saw her crying.She is such a strong person,seeing her cry means something  bad really happened a while ago.She tried to tell me but her sob is cutting her words."Shhh.." i rubbed circle on her back,"Don't have to say anything now."


She nodded her head.I bring her to the ladies' nearby for wash-up.All her make-up was smudged,there were dried black tears on her cheek,her face was puffy and red.Her clothes were crinkled and her hair was everywhere.She splashed the cold water onto her face and removed the make-up.I don't think that Janisse have to put make-up in the first place,she have the natural beauty.She is more prettier than me and boy prefer her over me all the time.I don't understand.


She cooled down for a while,looking at the ceiling.Deep in thoughts.The silence broke when she spoke up,"Thank you,Hyo Soon,for being there for me." i chuckled ,"I did not even do much for you,i should have kneed his nuts." 


"Just now..." she paused,thinking of how to phrase it into words,"Gwende,broke up with me", so his name was Gwende."He said that he cheated on me with Alyssa,they went to bed last night at the party.He said he prefer Alyssa over me 'cause she is more usefull,pretty and a good lay." and she told me how she found out when she went to his house to pick him.


Gwende and Janisse always meet up with each other and walk to school.I told her,"I know how much you love him,but then since we found out that he is not the type of guy we thought he was,he is not worthy anymore.Give this useless guy to Alyssa.You deserve more better than him."


A single tear fall from her eye,"I know but then i still love him since he was the first one that i gave everything i could,But in the end he still falls into Alyssa's trap." I hugged her tighly,Janisse's mother came to pick her up,i offered her that i could walk her there but then she declined it.So stick to the main plan,i need to get to the locker.Walk,walk,walk. Walk,walk,walk. Stop.U-turn.wall,walk.


"Oi,don't walk away from me",he grabbed my wrist tightly,i tried to swing it out of his hand.But fail obviously."Oi !' ,He repeated.Ignore him as always."Oi,oi,oi,oi,oi,oi,Hyo,oi,oi,oi,oi,oi,Hyo,oi,oi", i am still ignoring him,that is not going to work."Giving me cold treatment,i have no choice but to...tickle you." He poked my sides several time.I jumped away from him as far as possible.


"what do you want?" i say while my hands are in the defense position i learnt from Luke in the morning,he said that if i do this position,most of the guys would get it and get scared of it.So i stayed in that position and circle around him,pretend to know that move but i know only the position.I look at him to see if he was already peeing his pant.Hm? He is not affected by it at all.Why?.Luke said that it was the best trick ever.Why? 


"what are you doing now?" he asked casually,putting his hands in his jeans'pocket.


" Can't you see what i am doing now? You scare of me aren't you,muwhaahaahahaha." i smiled to myself,feeling proud.


I pounced on him but he easily flipped me up and put me over his shoulder like a rice bag.What? Luke's method did no at all.It to the core,and he said it was the best of the best.or maybe i just haven't master it yet,i should just use the pepper spray that my mom prepare for me.


I kicked randomly hoping that one of them would kick his face.My hands feel sore from dangling so i used my left hand and grabbed a bunch of his hair and pulled them upwards."AH Let go,Let go,Let it go." he whined in pained.Nevertheless, i am not going to let it go unless he let me go.


He stopped all the sudden,i looked around,we are in the carpark,since when?.i wiggled with all my might but he opened the door and threw me inside.He walked to the other side and settle down at the driver seat.I was dazed and shocked,I am going to get kidnapped for goodness' sake.He glanced at me,like he knew what i was thinking,he noticed me that the door is locked so i have no place to run.


He started the engine,he leaned towards me.His face is so close to me,i could hear his breathing.My heart skipped at a very high speed,i mentally told myself that if this keeps on,i would get heart attcack and die. I tooked a quicked look at him,he looked really handsome up close,his eyelashes is so long.He looked the same as before.He smirked suddenly,and realisation hit me like a big wave,"I still have effect on you do i?' his smirked remained on his face,i feel like ripping it off.


I deadpanned at his response.Tch,so full of himself."You are a past Jiyong,i moved on and i will never look back."I told him,and his smirk disappear."Even if i was a past to you,i can always create a future between us.And we dated back then was  something that cannot be erased." he said seriously.


He pulled the seat belt for me and procceded to his own and drove off.The drive was akward,really akward.Dayum.I spoke up,breaking the silence," so,where are you going to bring me to?"


"To your home."


"Kidnappers don't bring victim home.Spill."


"I bet you don't remember that today was the day our parents decided to have dinner together."


My mouth formed an 'O'.I could not recall anything about my mom talked about it before.Dinner with him? It has been quite a long time since we ate together.Back then,when we dated,we used to go each others house for sleepovers and movie night.Our parents were highschool best friend and we lived just next to each other.It was fun last time.But now sleepover and movie night are impossible,'cause i could never forgive what he did to me.


" so why did you give me a ride home? from what i know,you are not that kind."


he placed his hand over his heart,faking that he was offended by it,"I saw your car was send for repair in the morning,because some kid threw eggs at your car,and made your car tire flat so i kindly give you a ride home."


"those kids were immature and devilish." i shook my head at the thought.


Silece took over again,I saw jiyong's mouth opened slightly but closed again.Like he wanted to say something but decided not to.Making my temper worser."Just spill"


He hesitated for a while but said it anyway,"Are you okay?" he sounded corcerned.


"What do you mean?"


"I saw Alyssa disturbed you again today,didn't she?"


I nodded my head.His grip tightened."i will make sure that she won't disturb you again." he growled.


"You don't have to,since you are not my boyfriend or anything." i looked at him and saw an unreadable expression his face,sad? but why? " I will hurt whoever hurted you,and i mean it." O_o


Tch,pretend to care about me again,making my heart waver at the vow i made during middle school.


Ps:in the end,i still haven't gone to my locker.So near yet so far.




Hello pretties,how is your day today? I finally wrote another chapter after squeezing all my brain juice all at once.Hope you like my story,and enjoyed it.Teaser: Jiyong and Hyo Soon dated before, during middle school but broke up after that,Hyo Soon was so depressed at that moment,she lead herself into some trouble but jiyong doesn't know.So what do you think  her trouble was?Remember: Don't be a silent reader and comment below because i love to read your comments,it makes me :) happy :).And this story had 1946 view.Ahhhhhjsgdyfkbvheg.So happy and of course i have to thank you guys so supporting me.:) Byeee,and holiday is going to be over soon so stay happy before hell starts:)

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update soon i really love the story
cherryaizawa #2
Chapter 14: its kinda more exciting
thx to update
i really like it
Chapter 13: a wall with hand. nice authornim ~~
cherryaizawa #4
Chapter 13: thx for update soon i really love it annd love you.^^
cherryaizawa #5
Chapter 12: thx to update authorssi
i like it
what will her answer?^^
Chapter 11: waaa i just found your story .. keep updating authornim, and i want to know if you can make OC change into a beautiful just for once and i want to know too about the others reaction if they're know about OC family ... she's billion dollar baby right ??? *imitating dara* billion dollar babyyyy ~~~~
cherryaizawa #7
hi i found your story and interesting in it.hope you will update so soon for the next chpter coz kinda can't wait to read the next chpter.^^
Carrotme #8
Chapter 8: I like it when you call me pretty,it flatters me.Update!^^
Carrotme #9
Chapter 3: Luke is hot.I like to comment bout' everything,don't mind me
Carrotme #10
Chapter 2: I like where this is going..hehe....