The first step (#1)

The Kingdom

Everything was going perfectly, even more than Dongsung expected. 2 days past since Sangwon came back from his “little journey” with the box of documents Dongsung was suppose to get by himself. He has no idea what his brother have gone through, the image of Sangwon dozing off after he collapsed into his arms have been bustling in his mind since then. But Dongsung couldn’t deny he was pretty much proud of the boy. Risking his life for his older brother… It is kind of noble, if he puts aside the fact that he defied him and went against his ban.
The documents Hojoon provided was highly important, so getting them as fast as they could was the ideal situation, and thanks to Sangwon they were able to do that even before dawn.
The documents included only some main sheets - already fake-signed by Sehyuk - that allowed Dongsung to enter the WLU although he is a Lion. Hojoon even left some space for him to fill it by himself - and the young Lion added that he completed all 12 years of schooling with perfect grades, so it won’t be too suspicious that a fool will be accepted to the WLU with no problem.

Dongsung’s first day as a pre-Wizard was about to start, and his two best friends came along with him to wish him luck before he enters. Luckily, Yoonchul was able to pull Hyunho and Chaerin out of their work by telling Hyosang he needs them for ‘Middle Level businesses’. Hyosang didn’t care much, 2 missing employees won’t matter when you practically own an army of male and female workers. The 3 Lions and the Knight stood near the main gate to the Upper Level, where students, workers and Wizards already made their way into the school buildings. Dongsung was wearing some “noble-like” clothes that he borrowed from Yoonchul - that he of course “borrowed” from Hyosang - so he would look as high-classed as possible
Hyunho already gave his buddy a hug, and he was now talking with Yoonchul as it was Chaerin’s turn to say her farewell. It was too damn clear to Hyunho that Chaerin was showing a bit too much affection. She had her arms looped around Dongsung’s neck, their cheeks pressed together while she talked to him gently, wishing him good luck and other cheesy farewell stuff. Hyunho stared at the ground and ran his foot across, making dust to rise from the action. Chaerin pulled away a little and pecked Dongsung’s cheek as he replied with a smile and a nod. What was she telling him anyway?
“Stay safe, and out of troubles. And please don’t be too friendly, I don’t want you to invite your Wizards friends over.” She said lastly, and pouted. Hyunho then looked at his girlfriend and his best friend, talking and flirting like he is not even there. He exhaled with a sigh and chewed on the inner side of his mouth.
“Take care of Sangwon, I know he admires you a lot more than me.” He took her hand in his.
“Don’t say that! You’re an amazing brother.”
“It doesn’t matter, he just really likes your company. I really have to go now, I promise nothing bad will happen, the plan is clear.” Dongsung let his hand drop Chaerin’s, and then turned to Hyunho. “You are now in charge of the next steps of the plan. I trust you.” He sent him a smile too, and the other Lion returned him one as well.
And then Dongsung took off, going through his documents, making sure they are all there, fake and ready. Chaerin sighed, and turned to the 2 left males near her, looping her hand around Hyunho’s arm.

“Hey Yoonchul,” Hyunho spoke to the tall Knight while they started to walk back to the Lions’ districts gate, making their way through the busy people in the street. “Do you think you can arrange us a day off?”
“What kind of a day off?”
“It’s been a while since me and Chaerin were alone, and we are already out of work… Maybe you can tell Hyosang something so he won’t be mad.”
“It is really out of the blue, but fine. I can tell him Baekhyun asked for your help at something, he never asks questions when it comes to Baekhyun.”
“Understandable, though.”
“I hope it’s a one-time thing, right?”
“Don’t worry. Tomorrow we’ll be the first at the quarry!” The 3 of them passed through the gates, passing the drunk Knights who guarded - they are starting to get less watchful than usual.
“By the way, tonight the Western district should approve their weapon supplement too. I’ll inform you.” Yoonchul waved to the couple as he ran down the street in the quarry’s direction, leaving the 2 of them alone.
“Wow, a day off. You really are something you know?” Chaerin grinned to her boyfriend, who just stared forward. “Hyunho, is everything ok?”
“I’m fine.” He said harshly, walking down the street with Chaerin who was still looped around his arm.
“I know you, something is bothering you. Spare your time and tell me, maybe I can help.”
“You and Dongsung seems pretty close lately.” He spit it out.
“Are you seriously jealous?” She loosened her grip.
“Do I have a reason to be jealous?” He then stopped and faced her, and she stared at him with wide eyes, lips partly-parted from the sudden question.
“What are you talking about? I’m your girlfriend for more then two years already, it never bothered you before.”
“Stop denying, I’ve seen you two. Giggling and holding hands, flirting right in front of my eyes.”
“I know Dongsung for a long time as much as you do, we’re good friends.”
“Oh save it, Chaerin. If you weren’t stuck with me you were already all over him.”
Stuck with you? I’m not ‘stuck’ with you!”
“Then explain this.” He now pulled out of his shirt a folded piece of paper, old and crumbled. He unfolded it, and served it to Chaerin, who took it slowly with her palm.
“I know my father paid your parents to make you date me.”
Chaerin stared down at the paper. It was written right in front of her - ‘I, again, thank you Mr. Lee for your agreement to the deal I offered. I hope it wasn’t too hard to convince Chaerin to cooperate with it, She and Hyunho were close even before the deal. Thank you, Park Youngho.’
“I found it at the my attic. Look at the date. It was 2 and a half years ago, Only few weeks after we became a couple.”
Chaerin didn’t know what to say. She kept staring down at the paper, her palms gripping tightly at the edges, almost ripping it apart.
“You don’t love me, and you never did.” Hyunho turned his gaze to the air, trying to avoid the tears from pooling. “You can’t even deny it. My proofs are right there on the paper.”
“No, I can’t… But I can deny your statement that I don’t love you.”
“Save it-”
“No, Hyunho! Ok, yes, My father received payment from Mr. Park to convince me to date you, he worried about you.”
“Oh good now I’m much better! My dead father cares about me!”
“Let me finish!” She shrieked, stumping and glaring at her boyfriend with an intense gaze while she pursed the paper, tossing it. “It was difficult at first, I admit. I never saw you more then a friend to me. But trust me that after being in sort of a romantic relationship with you I understood how blind I was. I learned to love you, and it wasn’t hard at all, you know.” She reached to his hand with her’s, interwinding her fingers with his.
“It still doesn’t matter the fact that you probably like Dongsung more than you ever liked me.”
“Hyunho, please.”
“No, don’t ‘please’ me. If I won’t say anything now I will wake up few years later, realizing how careless I was. You’re acting like a couple, like something happened between you two.”
Chaerin didn’t reply. She bowed her head and stared at the ground, inhaling and exhaling slowly as she lets the memories take over.
“Oh my god, Chaerin.” He realizes at once, pulling her hand forcibly. “I can’t believe it.” He let go of Chaerin’s hand, looking elsewhere, not wanting to make any eye contact with her. She sighed and clenched her fists, pressing her lips together. He wasn’t suppose to find out, no one should.
“Did you kissed?” He still looked away.
“It was more than that…”
“You slept with him?”
“No, no… It wasn’t like that. We were kind of together, for a while.” Hyunho now stared back at the girl, a complete shock taking over his expression, eyes already red as Chaerin’s. “We were just 17 years old and, well, I was really interested in him... I clung him every time I could-”
“I don’t want to hear any of it.” He swung his hand with disagreement, starting to walk away towards his house’s direction.

Chaerin didn’t want him to leave. She truly loves him. Every couple hides secrets from each other, right? This is just another thing they need to figure out.
“Would you let me finish please?!” She tugged his shirt, forcing him stop and turn.
“I liked him, I’m not going to lie. I tried to hint him in any way I could. He finally got the message at the end, and we used to hang out during the weekends… It was before the Dragons announced the weekend lockdowns. We got pretty close, and yes, we kissed. Actually, I kissed him. He didn’t really reacted the way I expected. He immediately said that he is sorry, but he just doesn’t feel the same, and that he sees me as a friend and a friend only. I was heartbroken... I never thought I could feel the same thing I felt for Dongsung four years ago, Until I became your girlfriend.”
“He... rejected you?”
“Yes. With no shame. I can never love him as much as I love you, okay? I am not his girlfriend, I’m yours. Maybe it is just a consequence of a shady deal, but I don’t regret any minute of our time together.” She put her palms over his chest, not breaking eye contact as her eyes sparkled from tears. “I don’t regret the way you hold me. The way you kiss me. The way you make love to me. I don’t regret any of it, and I don’t regret being with you - with your dad’s pittance or without... Because I love you, Park Hyunho.” She leaned forward, pressing her lips to his gently, letting her hands snake around his neck.
“I don’t want to lose you.” He said through the kiss, holding onto her waist.
“You’re so dumb. You will never lose me.” She said as she pulled away to look back at him. “How can I assure you that?”
“Marry me.”


* * * * *

Although it was Dongsung’s first time in the Upper Level, he tried really hard to suppress his excitement. Thanks to the well-fitted clothes Yoonchul brought him, none of the guards at the gate suspected him to be a Lion, or not even a real Knight. He wore a suede jacket with magnificent brackets tied to the front over a new cotton shirt. His pants’ hems were crammed into his boots that came up almost all the way to his knees. All the people around, Knight’s and even Wizards once in a while, was wearing similar clothes to his, except that the Wizards had some kind of dark hoods over it. The women were all so skinny and tall, wearing dark fabrics wrapped around their slim figure from head to toe, with majestic additions to the bottom and the sleeves.
In the wide space of the Upper Level there were three main buildings - two of them were positioned from the gate’s sides, one of them carried the sign “Offices”, probably the Wizards management building. The other was the WLU itself.
And in front of him, the Dragons’ household, which also included the Council Hall, with the auditorium and the head of the Council’s office. The gothic styled castle rose above him, shadowing the western part of the Upper Level. He hated the place deep inside him, but the human part of him was fascinated by it, his eyes exploring as many sights as he could before someone bumped into him, making him realize his state and remember what he is here for.
‘Now don’t make fool of yourself, think like a Knight. Be a Knight.’ Dongsung thought to himself while he marched into the WLU, his fake documents in his hand.

“A new student? Why were you accepted so late?” The lecturer, who was also Wizard Taeil, asked. Dongsung shifted uncomfortably, scratching the back of his head.
“Problems with the documents. I lost them and had to get new ones.”
“I see… It must be hard for a Lion to get a second chance into the WLU.” oh . How could he possibly know that? - The teacher must hate him by now.
“Don’t worry young man, I won’t tell. You must be a Choi, right? your height fits, and so is your Lion roots. You don’t get such light hair from being a Knight from both sides. Plus, your messy hair strands gives away your origin.”
“You really are sharp, Wizard Taeil.”
“I’m not a Wizard for nothing. This place is strict - Know your place, Choi Dongsung.” Dongsung laughed in his mind as he heard the amusing combination of the names. He bowed to his lecturer, and stepped towards one of the seats. This Wizard was actually… nice. He didn’t even bother to care about Dongsung being a Lion.
It’s going to be easier than he thought.

Between one lecture to another, Dongsung was already assigned 3 books and some papers to study and read. It was more exhausting than he predicted - learning to be a Wizard was actually hard and agonizing.
“The first day is always the hardest.” He heard an unfamiliar voice from his left. He looked at the source of the voice and noticed the dark hood that was enveloping the little man next to him. They were standing almost completely alone at the second floor’s hallway, the other pre-Wizards leaving the building for lunch.
“Do I know you?” Dongsung was pretty shocked someone interacted with him like that, without even knowing who he is.
“Oh sorry, how rude of me. I’m Hojoon, Taeyang must have told you about me.”
“So you are the famous Hojoon!”
“I wouldn’t say I’m famous, but all the Wizards are well known.” He grinned, and lifted a hand to push up his glasses. “And in the Upper Level it is polite to introduce yourself after the other does.”
“I’m Dongsung, but you already figured it out, I guess.”
“Pretty much, yeah.”
“Taeyang never mentioned you’re so… nonthreatening.”
“Tsk! Lions really don’t have any manners at all. And why everyone keeps telling me that?”
“Well sorry for not growing up in a noble house like all of the other people here.”
“I wasn’t trying to be offensive, Dongsung. Being a noble is a little bit more complicated than you think. Most of us does sits on their butts all day long, but some need to work hard to assure their status.”
“Okay, I think we should start over.”
“It’s fine, brat. Would you walk with me please? Put those books aside.” Dongsung put his study material on a random shelf, and went along with Hojoon outside the building, just treading around, making their way to nowhere through the crowd.
“There are some rules you must remember when you are acting as a noble man,” Hojoon started. “Never, and I mean Never - disrespect others unless you have an excuse to do so.”
“An excuse?”
“You are just a pre-Wizard. You can push a servant or swear a made, but you can never make fun of or mock another pre-Wizard or someone who came from a family with a higher economic status than yours, which is everyone.”
“Wizard Taeil thought I’m a Choi... What are their economic status as Knights?”
“High, but not as much as Jin, Kwon or Shin. Come with me please.” Hojoon rested his hand on Dongsung’s back and led him to a small group of people - Wizards and pre-Wizards who was chatting together near the office’s building.
“Jiho!” Hojoon called one skinny brown-haired Wizard, who turned to the call’s direction, a smirk forming on his lips. “I would like you to meet someone.” Hojoon pushed Dongsung’s back lightly and signalled him to bow - he wasn’t really used to be formal with others, especially not with high-classed Wizards. His back bent in a 90 degrees angle, and he pulled up with a grin.
“This is Choi Dongsung, a new pre-Wizard at the WLU. Dongsung, This is Wizard Shin Jiho, one of the seniors of the Council.”
“I’m always happy to see more people wanting to be part of the rule. So, you’re a Choi I see. I have never heard of you Dongsung.”
“I’m not really a social kind of person.”
“Oh, It’s understandable. My uncle used to be just like that.” They shared a giggle.
“If you don’t mind that I’m asking, but you look quite young for being one of the seniors.”
“It may sound bizarre, but I was accepted to the WLU when I was 14, and I completed my pre-Wizard years within 3 years only instead of 4. I was the youngest Council member at the age of 17.”
“You must be incredibly smart, Ji-! I mean, Wizard Jiho.”
“Haha, It’s fine. It takes time to get used to stay around Wizards for so long. If you’ll excuse me I must go back to my office, lunch is about to end. It was a pleasure to meet you, Choi Dongsung.”
“Thank you, Wizard Jiho.” He bowed, and the brown-haired left as his hood was cloaking with the wind.
“You were great Dongsung, stop shaking.” Hojoon whispered in his ear, and Dongsung immediately crammed his trembling hand into his pocket. He was talking to a Wizard, it was enough for him to be scared like that.
“Is he like you?” Dongsung asked, walking with Hojoon back to the building of the WLU.
“Like me how?”
“Is he against the Dragons as well?” Hojoon almost burst in laughter to Dongsung’s question. “What’s so funny?!”
“He hates the Lions. Deeply hates them. The Dragons are his role models and he follow them like a lost puppy. He used to be a good man once.”
“Are you serious? And you made me talk to him?!”
“Hey, he never suspected a thing! If Jiho trusts you, everyone would. Which leads me to the 2nd rule of the Upper Level - make friends, gain trust and make sure you’re catching the Wizard’s attention in a good way only.”
“I already got you, it’s something right?”
“I’m the newest member of the Council, so it doesn’t mean much. Try to socialize, make up stories about where you came from and about your wealth.”
“I’m not sure I can-”
“Your plan’s future depends on it, Dongsung. Don’t let your friends down.” Hojoon grabbed the tall Lion by his shoulders, forcing him to face him. “I’m not letting you back up, okay? I will be in my office most of the time, come visit when you need anything, and don’t hesitate to ask.” Hojoon was very enthusiastic about this whole plan, more than Dongsung was nervous. He really hates the Dragon that much? It is so unnatural for a Wizard to hate on a Dragon. “I also remember most of the tests I took here, I can help you cheat if it’s needed.”
“I appreciate it, but if you mention that, there is something else I need - can you get me updated maps of the Upper Level and the household please?”
“I think there are some in the archives. I’ll try to sneak some out.”
“Thank you. I must go now, Wizard Taeil’s lecture is about to begin again.”
“Go then, I will go to archives now to get your maps.” Dongsung smirked and started to walk towards the WLU, waving to Hojoon. He feels so damn lucky to have someone like that inside the Upper Level. If he was by himself he must’ve get caught right away.


* * * * *


Kyungree was sitting in her office, going through some papers for her next class. She and various of other Wizards such as Taehyung, Kibum, Jiho and another 19 Wizards were lecturers at the WLU, passing their knowledge to the younger generation so they can form the next Council from the best Wizards they can find. It wasn’t hard as everyone thought, you just need to stand in front of a bunch of frivolous spoiled Knights and talk about irrelevant occasions that happened and teach them some concepts that are founded during the Council’s meetings. If you were a good lecturer like Kyungree, your students will pass the exams. If you , like Kibum, your student won’t be able to even know how to write a standard proposal.
When she was a pre-Wizard, few years in the past, she met Hyosang. He was beautiful - dark brown hair resting on his forehead, smile from the heavens and a mysterious look in his eyes he still own until today. It didn’t take long before he proposed to her, after completing her 3rd year in the WLU. How could she refuse? A handsome, high-classed and rich man is offering her to marry him - only a moron would say no. She wished she was a moron.
As the thought of being part of Hyosang’s gigantic quarry industry led her to the marriage, Hyosang was constantly preventing her from getting near his money or estates, discreetly or not. What is the point of being married to a rich man if you are not rich yourself? Luckily, her brother was agreeing with her - Sanggyun, the new face of the southern gold quarry. She and Hyosang has no kids yet, so Sanggyun was practically the only option to continue Hyosang’s work.
If Hyosang didn’t want to give her a piece, she will take it by force - thanks to Sanggyun.

“Hey sister.” Sanggyun entered his sister’s office, closing the door behind him as he smiled and waved dorkly, his left hand holding a big folder, clenched with leather strings.
“I already told you brother, when you are at the Upper Level you must call me Wizard Kyungree.” She sat back at her chair and crossed her arms, motioning with her chin to the young Knight to take a seat in front of her desk. He complied, and placed the folder on the wooden table.
“But we are alone, no one can hear me.” he smirked. Pissing her off was one his favorite hobbies. His hair was red and long, sometimes tied up with a ribbon, and sometime, as today, it was cascading with curls over his shoulders. Everyone was really interested in his cherry hair color and they were sure it wasn’t his natural color - but Kyungree remembers how kids used to make fun of him when he was just in pre-school, which made him have difficulties in socializing in the future - the main reason he is clinging to his sister so much. He is now 17 and already kind of a man and the color gives him some special noble-like look.
“I see you brought what I asked for.” She brushed her palm over the folder.
“Yes sister, it’s all here, I’m sure of it. We don’t have to live in his shadow anymore!”
“Keep your voice down, Sanggyun! someone might hear you.”
“Sorry… We should sign the papers already don’t we?”
“Patience, dear brother. I need to go over them to make sure it is the right ones.”
“I already said I’m sorry… What kind of an idiot locks his marriage documents in a safe?”
“My dumb husband does.” She lifted the folder and rested it in her lap, browsing through the pages of parchment that was written in orderly mannered cursive scripts.

“I think this is it, Sanggyun. Pass me my fountain pen and the knife.” She was ready so scratch Hyosang’s name off the paper and write her own - which made all of his property, her’s. Kyungree was about to scratch off the ‘H’, but the last page she passed caught her attention.
“Wait a second.” She looks at the last page from both sides, eyebrows knitted together with confusion. “This isn’t right.”
“Is everything okay, sister?”
“The seal. Where is the wax seal Wizard Hansol uses to sign on property documents?”
“Wax seal? There is no wax seal…”
“Wizard Hansol always uses a wax seal to approve his consent to the property demands! It’s small, round, red with the Wizards star symbol on it - where is it?!”
“There is none I tell you...”
“You little screw-up you brought the fake ones!”
“I didn’t even know there were fake ones!” He shriveled in his seat, hands holding the chair’s armrests as his puppy eyes looked up at his sister, who now rose up from sit - furious.
“I’m sorry Sanggyun... I didn’t mean to yell…” She always saw him as such a fragile doll. Hurting him was the last thing she wished for. He exhaled and bit his lower lip, settling in his seat again. “He is probably hiding the real ones. Have you checked his room at the mansion?”
“No, Wizard Kyungree.” Great, now he is scared.
“You can stay here for the rest of the day if you’d like. After my last lecture this noon I will walk you to our mansion and we’ll look together in his room, he shouldn’t be out of the quarry until sundown.”
“Okay. It should be easier since you guys have separate bedrooms.”
“The exact same reason we have no kids.” She said, walking towards the door as her slim dress’s edges flew with every step of her. Her right hand reached for her hung dark hood and she wore it quickly. “You can make yourself busy, feel free to snoop around my stuff.” And she left her office, making her way to the WLU.


Hello again guys~
Sorry for keeping you waiting…
So I’ve decide to actually divide this chapter into two different chapters because it came out wayyy longer than I thought… So tomorrow I will upload the continuance :) And c'mon don't you think Chaerin and Hyunho deserves a storyline of their own? 
Plus, since it is suppose to be a GohnxHansol fic but they are still not really interacting with each other, I’ve decided to write a GohnxHansol one-shot later on. Stay tuned!
Anticipate for tomorrow as well please ^^
peace out


cr: Sangdocom_Tumblr

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The 1st chapter will be up in few days! Sorry for keeping you waiting so long~


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Dream-With-Iseul #1
Chapter 5: ermagawd Hansol nuuuuuu xD
I love this story! I hope you do continue :)
tiaravissa #2
Chapter 6: hi ^^ just wanna let you know that we still waiting for your update :))

p.s : I love this story!! >o<
sandrafilipamm #3
Chapter 6: updtate please ? :c
dewgongs #4
Chapter 5: I love this! Update please~
Chapter 2: Woah, I'm in love with this story! <3333
i love this story !
luthytha #7
Looking forward to it <3 sounds awesome ^^
wooow this sound sooooo good <3 <3 i can't wait to read it!