A Half of Her Turning Point

The Tutor




“It is advisable that a person know at least three things, where they are, where they are going, and what they had best do under the circumstances.”

                                                                                -John Ruskin



At that very moment I wanted to disappear but something tells me that I also needed to stay. And therefore my conclusion was to just cancel my argument. It doesn’t help me at all at this time.


I gasped.


He was the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen. He was wearing a white suit with red bow tie and polished shoes, his brown hair was neatly fixed up with slight curved bangs from the side of his left eyebrow down to his cheek. His eyes, dark but mellow, glimmered into the light and those full-lips of him melted me right in my spot.


Vampire? Nope, just Lee Jinki…


“Edward?” I choked out grinning at him.


“I don’t sparkle.” He said catching up to my humor. I laughed holding up my fingers to my lips.


“So, what brings you here?” I asked blankly, he moved forward and reach my ear.

“I came to see you, Bella” His upper lip slightly touched my ear. I jolted backward from that rare touch.


“Sorry, no Bella here”


“Oh, is that so? Well, have you seen a girl about this tall, looks like a duck and wears a rainbow on her face?”


I sniggered and push him back a little.


“You bastard”


“I thought I was Edward?”


“What brings you here?” I repeated forgetting about the weird vampire conversation. It took him a moment before he could speak.


“Just checking on you.” He turned his head looking somewhere; if I’m not mistaken I saw a pink hue tinted on his cheeks.


“So, how was your checking?” I asked him eagerly, waiting for him to give me a compliment on how I turned out.


“Anyway I was here because I thought you might need some help on the Question and Answer portion.” He said bluntly. My eyebrows curled down automatically, is he worried about me answering stupidly at the Q and A? Is he really pointing out that I have a bird brain? Well good riddance! I don’t need him and his awesome smartness. He didn’t even answer my question!

“Go away, Jinki, I don’t need your help.” I walked away avoiding him and his swanking.


“Wait! Where do you think you’re going?”


“Going back to business! You’re such a freaking bastard mocking me at the very last moment! Fine! I have no brain to answer some brilliant question only smart and pretty girls can answer! I admit it! And God, why you of all people who can irritate me at a time like this! Che! ” I hissed through my teeth, words coming out of my mouth uncontrollably.


“You’re pretty!”


I stopped walking and he skidded to a halt beside me.




“I said you’re pretty.” He retorted and grabbed my hand. I didn’t have enough time to react and I ended up looking right in his very eyes.


“I don’t know what you’re –“


“Beauty depends on size as well as symmetry. No very small animal can be beautiful, for looking at it takes so small portion of time that the impression of it will be confused. Nor can any very large one, for a whole view of it cannot be had at once, and so there will be no unity and completeness.” He cut me off.


What the hell did this punk just said? I left him with a big question mark on my face.


“Aristotle told that.” He answered to my confuse gaze. I roared into a laugh. I didn’t entirely know what he was saying but it made laugh so hard. The irritation gone


“You’re crazy.” I baffled, I was too lightheaded to control my wildly random actions.


“Forget what I said. I’m here to give you an advice.” He said flat dead serious.


“What is it?”


“Expect the unexpected. Never underestimate the power of surprise.” He told me staring straight at my eyes.


“You sound silly.” I giggled, blushing afterwards. It was really embarrassing to stare at him.


It sounded too fast but unexpectedly, he smiled.


This is the first time I saw him smile, it was actually the second time, but this time, he smiled at me and no one else. My heart beats really fast, pounding every millisecond. I can’t stop it. I might die.



I felt that my heart would crack open.



Why am I so happy to see him smile?



“Uhmm..well, I better go, there’s the signal.” I pointed out struggling to get away from him, his smiling face keeps flashing at my head.


“Kay, shall see you later at the dance night.” He turned around casually and walked off, I did the same.





The scent of the stadium was more intoxicating than before, the air that reaches our nostrils was warm and strong, those people who cheered before took their break and became quiet as we move in to the stage.


The last part of the pageant…


The one they called the judging part.


We were once again lined up in two parallel form, the juniors at lead while us seniors at the back, waiting for our turn to stand out.


One standing microphone took place from the face of the stage opposite to the judges and the audience, each contestant walking gracefully to the front and confidently answering the questions at their very best. I waited for my turn, sweat trickling from every part of my body. It was intense and nerve-wrecking; I felt my lungs tightened from the smell of fear and shattered confidence. Being on the last line was such a stress.


“Eveony” someone whispered beside me. I rotated my head following the voice. It was Sooyoung with her purple and white dress.


“Yes?” I choked out forgetting to breathe.


“Are you okay? Your pupils are shaking.” She said somewhat sarcastic, I recomposed myself and retorted.


“Yeah, I’m just nervous.” I laughed.


She stared at me for a while, her grace never left her face, and then she moves towards me and holds my hand. I flinched awkwardly and looked at her. She just gave me a sweet smile.


“You’ll be fine.” She said softly.


I unknowingly smiled. I need to get a good grip of myself. Every person I know was giving me the boost, why should I stand here so anxious? I’m a strong girl. Right, Mom?


I wish my mom was here to see this.


Well hopefully she’s there in heaven watching me.


As the question and answer portion goes on, I tried analyzing every question the judges throw to the candidates. To my conclusion, the questions are all quiet easy that I know I can undeniably answer. My nervousness drained down my system.


Finally, I was called. I breathe air deeply and puffed it out afterwards. I let out the biggest smile to the audience. The judges started nodding when I walked up to the middle.


“In your opinion, Miss Kim Eveony, how do you describe love?” One of the guest judges spoke.


What love is…



Love is…






I hesitated, fidgeting and forgetting why I’d stand there. I was stunned, not expecting a question that was, for me, the most difficult question of all.


What love truly is, that I don’t know.


I couldn’t just answer world peace.


Why the hell did they give me this question?


I hadn’t move an inch or relaxed a muscle. They were all waiting for my reply and I’m terribly sorry I could not answer that for a moment. My expression frozen in place


“I-I….” I started stuttering. The judges just smiled understanding my situation.


Then I remembered what Jinki said…


And my mind flashed his smile.


I looked down and laughed at myself. Inhaling the scent of the stadium and blowing it smoothly after.




I paused.


“LOVE is a slow development and a learning process between two individuals, it’s with the moments you have and the time spent together that you learn things about each other...Love is also accompanied with Moments and Memories by time. It will never fade and will be left in your mind forever.”


I exhaled, bowing nicely afterwards, the judges were expressionless as they wrote down my score. Whatever score they’ll give me, I’ll take it with all my heart.


Sometimes, I really don’t understand myself.



The soft dramatic symphony reached my ear; the lights were low and glittering, dancing to the tune of the slow music. The air was golden and sweet and the smell of the students’ perfumes mixes with it.


We were all gathered at the largest lounge area in the College Building. I haven’t been here before so I wouldn’t know how astounding the place could be. It really was breath-taking; the walls were beautifully designed, white with a mix of yellowish dots, the curtain draperies on the high paneled windows were so elegant that it compliments every color that surrounds it. The carvings from the furniture were bold and smooth that it may look as if they came from the old century. It will be more suited to say that this huge room was a grand ball where everyone is invited to come. It really was pleasing to be here.


Everyone was on their respective seats waiting for the performance prepared on stage. Each round table consists of six people, but the table that I and Taeyon were occupying was half empty. It’s just the two of us, sitting gracefully with our cocktail dress on view and our face that stunned everybody, our crowns shimmering from the light.


I won the pageant.



So does Taeyon.


Shocking is it? Well, not really, Jessica has been disqualified. Before the announcement of the winners, she erupted and started strangling me to death, pulling my hair and ripping my dress. And guess what? The scary old woman appeared at that very moment and disqualified her! She defended herself but to her surprise, the other girls turned her down and told the truth that she started it. It’s her big night of humiliation and she deserves it.


After that incident, I won the crown, but not because Jessica was kicked out, it was all because of me and the efforts I’ve done. I was 10 points higher than her and it amazed me so much that I cried. Taeyon won subsequently and will hold her title to her next year of stay. It was the most fantastic moment of my life.


The moment I’ll start to change.


So there I was, sitting, my chin rested upon my palm. The midnight party will start in a little while. Rumors going around that the first two guys who will enter the stage will be our .


I waited patiently, the suspense was killing me.


Then a sweet melody captured the scene, our eyes focused to whoever will appear on the stage. It was dark and thrill-seeking; it made my heart jump 20 beats faster, if that was even possible.


Hey I know this song…


The second I realize that I knew the song, a voice hummed on the speakers. There came a guy walking past by the black background’s shadow, it was too dark to even see his face but it would be definitely Jonghyun since I saw him a few moments ago.


But when the light reaches his face, I totally shoot my eyes towards the guy.


And I was completely wrong about my prediction.


My eyes widened, my muscles hardened, my teeth clenched, my stomach ached, my heart jumped, and my brain died.


I know your eyes in the morning sun
I feel you touch me in the pouring rain
And the moment that you wander far from me
I wanna feel you in my arms again”

Every little thing I saw in front just now will definitely leave a mark. His voice so close to perfection and that smiled that ran across his face was very different; it showed gentleness, compassion, and love.

“And you come to me on a summer breeze
Keep me warm in your love
Then you softly leave
And it's me you need to show
How deep is your love?”

He wore the same suit when I met him hours ago. But his face was more angelic and absolutely attractive.

“How deep is your love
I really need to learn 
'Cause we're living in a world of fools 
Breakin’ us down
When they all should let us be
We belong to you and me”


Of course a loud screeching scream from the girls that saw him loaded in the air, all of them envying me and Taeyon as he walked away from the stage and smoothly made his way towards us.


Lee Jinki held Taeyon’s hand and gave her a white rose; the innocent girl blushed so hard and bowed her head. She squealed after receiving the rose. Who wouldn’t?

I believe in you
You know the door to my very soul
You're the light in my deepest, darkest hour
You're my saviour when I fall
And you may not think I care for you
When you know down inside 
That I really do

After that, he slowly walked towards my place. With a bright smile in his face, I almost jumped out of the chair, my heartbeat racing. He gently grabbed my right hand, my fingers with his thumb.


Lee Jinki, planted a kiss on my hand.



And smiled wildly.


“And it's me you need to show
How deep is your love?
I really need to learn 
'Cause we're living in a world of fools 
Breakin’ us down
When they all should let us be
We belong to you and me”


I honestly felt his lips touch it. It was a soft and gentle touch. My heart raced and the heat covered my face.


Why the hell is he so freaking goddamn handsome at that moment!!!


Ughh…I need water.


While my head was still spinning, he reached the ending of the song and got back from the stage to bow.


“Good Evening everyone, I’m Lee Jinki, I’m here to one of the lovely ladies who won the pageant. But first of all I would like to congratulate everyone who tried their best. You all did a great job.” he said, the girls squealing behind me, my ears bleeding.


“But of course, I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for this young woman over there.” He pointed to our table.


“For the night, I’m going to be her dashing Romeo, and she’s my Juliette. She’s none other than Lee Taeyon.”  


I was surprised when he called out her name and I made a mental note to myself not to expect something so oblivious. I thought he was going to be my for the night.


Then I remembered what he said again, expect the unexpected. I winced and blinked a few times, watching him made his way to Taeyon’s other side. Dear God, why the hell did you made Lee Jinki so smart?


I wacked myself in the head forgetting my poise, I get it, I get it.


Just then, my favorite song entered the stereo. I clapped my hands, excited to see Jonghyun, I don’t know why, but the song somewhat helped me erase my thoughts over Onew.


Of course my was Jonghyun and now I’m really sure about it, the two of them being the most popular boys on the school. How lucky are we to have them as our . And come to think of it, Jonghyun was really my crush. Why the hell do I even care about Onew anyway?


Somehow he had the same impact from us, he really has the great voice and it was soothing that I couldn’t help but to fall for him more. He seems so dreamy.


He made his way out of the stage and headed for me, I was so gigglish that time when he held on his left hand a red rose. It nearly made me float from my seat. He kneeled down on the floor and gave me the rose, everyone screaming in jealousy or in delight. I don’t really care as long as this keeps on happening.


He was singing So Sick by Neyo, one of my favorite heartbreaking songs. I don’t know why he chose that song that was not really appropriate to sing it at a time like this, but who cares anyway? He’s too dreamy…


He finished the song and headed back to the stage, smiled at all the ladies out there and gave me a wink. I couldn’t concentrate enough and I’m lying if I didn’t feel my heart fluttering from joy.


He also introduced me to the people and once again walked back to sit right next to me. The party started with a little bit of introduction from the host and a few words from my cousin.


I was sitting there with my mouth tightly shut while contemplating on my surroundings. Jonghyun was beside me smiling at the stage, his arms wrapped around my frame, his body leaning to me. I can smell the scent of his strong perfume; I kindda like it, having my body so close to him like I’m his girl. Whether he only does this because he was supposed to be my , it makes me feel so contented. On the other hand, my eyes couldn’t help but to look at my opposite side, where Onew and Taeyon were sitting. They were at the same position like us, Onew’s arm wrapped over Taeyon’s shoulders. Taeyon wouldn’t allow a man to just touch her like that, unless it’s really okay with her. Either way, I saw her a while ago mouthing the word ‘I’m cold’ to Onew. I shrugged; maybe it’s because of that. We were both wearing a bared-shoulder dress, so it really was cold. Jonghyun noticed it faster and automatically enveloped his arms around me to ease the cold.


The stage was filled with people talking, most of them are comedians. I didn’t bother watching, I was pretty occupied with my surroundings. My gaze never left the other couple and luckily the lights were low so they couldn’t see me watching them.


They look so comfortable already, with a few inches of space between them, they talk as if they knew each other for a long time. They have meaningful gazes and sometimes Taeyon would laugh while Onew would just smirk at her. It was intriguing; my inner self was telling me to disturb them.


“Eveony.” Someone interrupted my stalking moment. It was Jonghyun leaning closer; I moved back, surprise a little.


“Y-Yeah?” I shifted my position to meet Jonghyun’s face. He smirked at me and turned his head to the dance floor.


“Wanna dance?” he asked me, holding out his hand for me. I didn’t notice that the dance floor was already occupied with dancing people. The music turns wild and I have this sudden urge to get on the floor. I really miss grinding my hips.


“Sure! I love that!” I said, taking his hand. I got up from my sit while fixing my dress. He went over to Onew’s place and talked to him.


“Hey man, why don’t you guys join us to the dance floor?” he invited, bowing to Taeyon. Onew looked at Taeyon as if waiting for approval.


“Well, okay, I guess it couldn’t be help.” She said shyly, I skipped a few inches from them and grabbed Taeyon’s hand.


“Let’s go Taeyon! Let’s have fun!” I screamed, the music getting louder. The two guys followed us. It’s party time!


It was awesome and I’m having a blast. I was dancing like wild, I don’t know if this is allowed but someone said that the professors and other officials turned to leave us young adults alone. They trust us too easily and I was hoping no one would go beyond the boundary.


Jonghyun was also dancing, waving his hot body before me. He was drop dead gorgeous; I bit my lip looking at him with my feline eyes. He saw it and smirked. It got a little bit crowded and so our bodies were perfectly locked at each other.  The sweat trickling from our faces, Jonghyun was still hot, he’s masculine features showing from his face. His hand moves swiftly to touch me from behind, I didn’t notice it once but then it started moving to my . I squealed but somehow I like being touch by him.


“Hey, you’re having fun right?” he said grinning at my face; I nodded focusing my eyes somewhere else. It was somewhat awkward to see his eyes.


Until I notice that Taeyon and Onew, where gone from the scene.


Oh no…


Could it be?


No…No…Taeyon wouldn’t do it…




I remembered we drank a few bottles of liquor and got a little bit tipsy. But I didn’t remember when Onew and Taeyon left.


I felt nauseous.


It’s not possible right?



-end of chapter-

A/N: AND I’M SOOOO SORRY FOR THE LONG LONG WAIT. Seriously…I’m so worried that I didn’t update for such a long time. It killed me.

credits to athena-unnie for something :)

Actually this chapter was longer than I thought. And I didn’t even get to the part where the ONKEY all happens…geeeeeh T-T I am apologizing for that folks. Anyway…WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED BETWEEN ONEW AND TAEYON? OMG. xDDD

Something about Eveony and Onew dontcha think? LOL.

Eveony was busy seducing Jonghyun… lol. I somehow wanted that to happen. Hahaha. And Jonghyun’s attitude, looks like it’s coming out already.woo


Please wait for the next chapter! I promise you the real ONKEY parts. Promise!!!

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More Het coming in In Between Love and Desires! -Honnietokki


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962 streak #1
Chapter 35: I knew they left their clothes downstairs. Hahaha!
962 streak #2
Chapter 23: Eve deserves all the praises and gifts for her hard work. And also Onew's patience and good teaching skills. Would she be pursuing college?
962 streak #3
Chapter 5: I just started rrading this.
It is very interesting.
Chapter 46: Uwu. I finished another great series from you <3
It was really beautiful :)
Chapter 44: The is too cute. <3
Chapter 43: Ugh finally. Drama is over! I hope for a fluff and some y time now. XD
Chapter 28: I really didn’t see that coming. I was expecting Luna >< nice twist.
Chapter 24: I love Minkey relationship here even though it’s completely platonic.

And I’m so curious who Is jinki’s ex girlfriend and what happen to them.
Chapter 20: Oh I’m right that it was Minho who save Eve but I’m wrong with Jjong. TT sorry baby Dino i doubted you TT
Chapter 13: I’m waiting excitedly for the side story now kekeke