A Nice Chance (p2)

The Tutor


A/N:I need to finish this chapter already I’m running out of time. xD School's about to start.


I should be at my very best right now…


Everything will happen on how I planned for it to happen…


Everything needs to fall in order…


Everything needs to work together…


I may not be perfect but I promised you this, mom.


I will make myself shine for the night.



The carpet floor edges around my feet. A chill running down my spine, it was freezing cold as the air condition was a few moments before I entered this room, but still my sweat trickles down my spine. I couldn’t move nor even twist. I’ve been sitting for hours here in this sweet scented room. A girl full of youth standing before me, her face close to mine, eyes concentrated to where she gazes upon. I heard her gulped as her face grew near me with her bathing eyelashes, focus eyes, and puckered lips. Her icy fingers put traces on my face. She was about to do something I am not entirely prepared of…



“Hold still…” she said, I grew frantic



I’m going to feel pain any minute now…












“GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!” I screamed! It hurts sooooooo freaking bad. She laughed at me as I threw myself to the floor, horror striking in every part of my body especially on my face.


“Unnie quit whining will yah? It will be finished soon enough and if I don’t do this then your eyebrows will fall out of place!” Taeyon chuckled while holding the tweezers that causes so much pain.


She had been plucking my eyebrows for about an hour already. Fixing the shape of it, she wanted to make me looked more seductive rather than a fierce fox. I regretted the moment she had plucked one hair out of my brow.


“Uuuughh! It freaking hurts! It sore! I’m getting dizzy.” I said twirling my way to her bed, indeed the soreness made me felt really dizzy, I haven’t suffered this much pain for years.


“But Unnie! There is one last hair that needs to be plucked! Please hang on! After this I’ll finish up your hair and make-up, we have three hours before the pageant starts.” She pleaded with a hint of laughter in her lips. I rolled my eyes in frustration.



The pageant will start at exactly 8:00 pm, everybody is preparing for the event, even Onew and Jonghyun disappeared before noon. It was a really big event I must say, the outdoors were very noisy and crowded. Guest from other schools came to visit. I felt anxious; I didn’t know that it’s going to be this grandeur and more like a school festival. My heart starts to pound harder.


“WAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!! Get that tool away from me!”


I started running around her room, going crazy. She followed patiently trying to convince me to just pluck that one last freaking hair.


“Oh Come on! Unnie! It’s a good thing I didn’t pluck the hairs out of your armpits! You waxed them already. Stop running inside my room you might trip over your dress!”


That’s right. We were already wearing our dresses but to prevent it from dirt; we used a clean and big robe to cover it in. Taeyon let me borrow her gown and it was extremely beautiful. Although it’s pink, which I hated the most, it was still beautiful. It fits me perfectly! My body doesn’t need too much work because I know to myself that I am y and have firm long legs. My skin is very smooth and gentle to touch. The only problem that we’re having is on my face. Taeyon, trying to take away all the unnecessary make-up and unlocking my hair out of a curled bun was a stressed to me. It’s like she’s taking away my identity. But oh, she still succeeds. After all, I did agree to her request. There’s no turning back.



 “Fine! Fine! I’ll take it out myself! Give me that…UGH..I’m so regretting this pluck-thing.” I took the tweezers in her hand and went in front of her big mirror, and then right after that I steadily yank that single strand of eyebrow out of my face.









“Hahaha! Stop screaming, Unnie! There you’re all done. Now, now, for a more natural make-up, come and sit here.” She patted the chair where I sat before. I walked there whining, my eyes covered with tears.




She made me sit in a straight position. Her frame moves swiftly to get another chair from afar, and her make-up box. Yes, it was a box. My eyes widened in surprise.



“And to answer your eye movements, no, this not mine, I borrowed this from my personal stylist. And yes, I don’t need too much make-up. So does you.” She spoke, opening all the drawers from the box.



“Are you some kind of a telepathic something? How could you just–“


“No, I’m not reading your mind, unnie. It’s just that, I can see right through you.” She stated. I blinked.


I sat there staring at her, my lips slightly opened. I don’t know why but it made a sudden impression from my heart. I was curious of what she said. I was curious to know what she seen right through me.


“Do tell me” I started slightly.


She paused for a moment, gently applying soft touches on my cheeks. She was still in the middle of putting less make-up on my face.


“An imposter” she muttered, her voice sounded flat.


“What?” I asked her blankly.


The air seems to be driven to somewhere else.


“The person I am seeing right now is not the real you. Just like make-up, you were covering your true self. Hiding something you don’t want others to see. You pretend to be strong but inside you are weak. Everyone see you as someone who is fierce and aggressive but on the contrary, you are not. Your eyes don’t sparkle because it was covered by deep shades of sorrow. Even if everyone sees you in the glimmering light, but to yourself, you were just casting a shadow of fear around them. You were afraid of something, and that fear made you act indifferently. You have not yet recovered from your past and yet you carried that past up to this very moment.”


I was frozen, stunned.


She stood up and got something from her bag. A tissue? I watched her carefully returning from her sit, she gently wrapped around the tissue in her index finger and pressed it softly at the side of my eyes.



A liquid trickled down my eyes…



“Realizing this now, you made yourself shed tears. You were suddenly relief that someone actually does understand you. You were emotionally unstable and I am happy that you are not afraid to cry. It does make you sound weak. But crying unleashes some of the pain that was buried inside of you.” She paused looking at her box.


“Like make-up, you wear it every day but once the day settles into night, you washed it and it will reveal your true identity. But, if that make-up makes you more confident, go ahead and put it.”


She was almost done with my face, adding a few more touches. I had to breathe deeply. I was shaking.


“But Balance is more important. Try to make things at the same level, let your sorrows be covered but don’t let it sacrifice the real you. You are not alone. I’m here for you, unnie, you can always talk to me.”


She smiled so brightly; I smiled too, feeling very light.


“Be free as you can be, and when the time comes, everything will feel more…”


She softly dragged me to the biggest mirror in her room, her fingers swiftly removing my robe revealing my awesome pink gown.










And there she was, a girl standing before me, her long golden brown curled hair that had reached through the side of her waist. Her gown so wonderful that it glitters when light passes through it, her body so slender and close to perfection, like a fragile ballerina. Her face so beautiful that glimmers each time she surpasses a smile. Her brown innocent eyes that can attract a thousand lives, her nose so small and cute, her luscious curvilinear red lips…


A sight of a girl…no, a woman in front of me, so pure, so gentle…










It’s me…


It was me, every part of what I saw… it’s all me.


I gasped, and made a sudden turn to my left. Taeyon looking at me, smiling as if she was really content, it made me really happy, so happy that I ran and hugged her to death.




“Oh my gosh! Taeyon! You’re so wonderful! I couldn’t believe you made me look so beautiful! Thank You soooo much!” I hoarse out trying to maintain myself and not to break into a sob, it’s a total make-over.



“I’m glad you like my renovations. You’re really beautiful, unnie, it’s just that your make-up turns you into a weird creature.” She grinned. I hugged her one last time and started packing up. We’re almost done, Taeyon has already finished her essentials ahead of time and she may just be adding some finishing touches with herself in the dressing room later. Her actual main point was me having a make-over. Haha, I so much love her.



After 30 minutes of cleaning up everything, we headed out for the secret pathway for the candidates so that no students or outsiders can see us. Pretty amazing actually, it’s like a long tent from the student’s building to the stadium and I was like, how the hell did that thing ended up here?!



So there, the whole thing was set and done, our costumes for our talent portion, our brains for the question and answer portion, and our confidence for the people who’s going to watch the competition.



As we enter the back stage to the dressing room, we were absorbed by a lot of suspicious and bewildered gazes coming from the other contestants. It can’t be help. Taeyon, who was effortless in preparing for the contest is just too beautiful for them to see. And what more if they see her unbelievable talent! I was so astounded by her the first time I saw it. I was completely engulfed when she unleashes her powerful incomparable beauty, brains, and skills. She’s a true-blooded dancer, I can’t really connect the fact that she was so gentle in nature but completely wild on the dance floor! And one more thing, she sings too! When God bestowed all the gifts and talents above all things living, she caught it all! And I was so blessed to have a friend like her.



But she’s not the only one causing the attention. I was satisfied in a different way, the first time they saw me enter this school was a shock to them because I made a complete freak out of myself. But when it turns out that I can totally change my appearance into a 360 degrees make-over, it surprises them more. No one recognizes me at the first place, they were whispering something about me, being a beautiful girl and catching up with Taeyon’s level of superiority until they realizes it was me all along.



A smirk ran across my face.



“What? That drag…her?” she gritted her teeth, stuttering when she spoke. Her pair made the blonde girl hush as she sees me walking my way to them.


“Are you kidding me?” she scoffed. “That pretty white girl can’t be her! I mean she’s way more high class than that .”



“Why thank you for the compliment, Jessica. You’re not really that bad after all.” I spluttered on her back, she jolted a few inches away from me, shocked.



“Freaking ” she hissed, anger aggravating in her eyes.



Oh so now, she recognizes me. Funny….



“Heh, One advice for you, if you can’t keep your temper down, you might end up in squash. Do you want your throne to be taken away from you?” I scorned her, seeing her brows furrowed in anger but she suddenly relaxed after what I said.



“I guess you’re right, I don’t want to end up losing to you. You may have hooked Onew’s eyes away from me, but this I tell you. You may never take away the eyes of those who adore me and not you.” She said showing off.



“Oh maybe I can’t, Jessica, but SHE CAN.” I emphasized the last phrase and pointed towards Taeyon who’s talking to some of her friends from the contestants. “I may not be as popular as you, but see that girl over there? She’s getting more and more of the attraction from the people who WERE attracted to you. And when she steps on the stage for everyone to see, I’d like to warn you Jessica. Do your best.” I smiled devilishly, she seems to be taken aback and frowned at my face. Jessica suddenly stepped back and walked away.



It made me laughed so hard that my lungs would fall off.



Jessica threatened by Taeyon’s superiority, funny…



I began to wander, seeing beautiful people here with me. I should ask myself.



Do I have as much confidence as these people here? Do I really have the guts to stand in the stage and let them judge me by my beauty?



I need some inspiration

I need someone to talk to

I need hope

I need Jong –



I need my tutor…



“Eve!” someone called me from behind, a deep husky voice. I threw myself around excited to see who the person is. Hoping I would see him…



He hugged me so fast I couldn’t breathe. He was so tall and muscular. I was slightly disappointed with my conclusions. But then again, he’s hope.



“Oh hey, cousin” I mumbled. He laughed at me.



“You don’t look like you’re happy to see me!?” he said complaining and was about to turn and leave jokingly. I laughed and caught his arm.



“Oh NO NO NO! I’m glad you came to see me!” I cheered clapping my hands. He burst into a sweet laughter.



“And I’m so surprise to even see you here!” he exclaimed holding my hand. This made the people around us shoot their heads towards us. Oh, I totally forgot. He’s the dean.


“Haha, don’t questioned it. Anyway, why are you here, oppa? You’re not going to judge?”



“To wish you good luck, silly, and have I told you that you’re extremely beautiful?” he said holding his hand across my cheek. This caught ninety-nine percent of the candidates’ attention, everyone seems to notice me and my handsome cousin.



“Ack! Stop with the skinship, oppa, deceiving death glares around 9’oclock” I told him and he just chuckled.


“I can’t be a judge since your joining the contest. I invited other principals to judge and as for me, I’m going to watch you do your best!”


“Unnie! Unnie! Show’s about to start in less than three minutes! Hurry! Oh! Good Evening, Sir Yunho!” Taeyon suddeny coming towards us and bowing once she saw the dean, I giggled when Taeyon blushed furiously in front of my cousin.



“Haha, oppa, this is my best friend, Taeyon, we coincidentally got paired-up in the pageant. Isn’t she gentle and beautiful?” I told him, hugging the girl’s arm. She bowed formally and seems so embarrass.



“Yes, she’s very beautiful. You guys are both beautiful and be awesome okay?” without warning, he suddenly planted his lips on my forehead and gave me a soft quick kiss. I heard Taeyon yelp in shock.



“Oppa!” I called out glaring at him, flushing red in embarrassment.



“Hwaiting!” he made a balled fist high up in the air, we just laughed at how manly he appears but really childish when he acts. After that he bid us goodbye and vanished through the darkness of the corner.




The show was about to start. We were all lined up at the stage facing the curtains. The host of the pageant was outside hyping up the audience attention. We heard different kinds of screams, cheers, and horrifying screech. I made a sudden gulp, feeling a bit nervous, no wait, feeling so freaking nervous.


I heard cheers for Jessica who’s standing beside me, smiling through the curtains. She was succumbed by her name the audience cried for her. I was astounded and made me really curious how good can she be


A soft hand grasped mine and as I turn to my other side, Taeyon was right there, smiling at me. She looked so relax and so perfect.


“Here we go.” She whispered and giggled afterwards. It made me feel better.



“The moment you’ve all been waiting for! Let’s welcome this year’s most awaited goddesses of youth! Are you REAADYY?!!” the host cheered and the whole stage crumbled when the audience replied. How many people are there anyway?


Without warning, the curtains suddenly dropped off the ceiling revealing us standing bewildered as we scanned the area.


The loud music booming through the air, the moist smell of the whole building combines through it. It was breathtaking, completely breathtaking!




The stadium was fully-occupied, loud shrieking voice coming from every area, every person watching us. It’s like a thousand flies wheeled over a

Yummy food in the table.


Bad example… Ugh…



I waved them a hand confidently trying my best to look really beautiful in their eyes.


“And now it’s time for the Popularity Test! Scream your lungs out as we choose the most popular and the most gorgeous candidates out of the juniors and the seniors! Go ahead and gaze all you want! I’ll give you 60 seconds!” the host said walking around the stage.


After those 60 seconds, the stage lights suddenly went off.


“Here’s candidate number one, Ms. Lee Shim Ji, of the Junior Batch!”


The spot light came directly from the corner as the girl named Shim Ji, made cute faces to try and attract the audience. A minimum cheered from the audience.



I laughed at my head.



Why do I always fall from the last lane? And even Jessica and Taeyon were here. I complained arguing with myself.



Wait a minute…



Are they saving the best for last?



Nah… I giggled at the thought again, spacing out.


“Lee Taeyon!”


The spotlight turned to her, and as soon as that light reaches her face, everyone seems to strike their hearts out just by looking at her. She just smiled and bowed gently and ohh I tell you this…


It made a HUGE IMPACT on the audience. The biggest scream we’ve ever heard.



How’s that Jessica?



Now it’s the turn of the seniors to stand out. Me, being the last from the batch got bored and explored my eyes around the audience, looking for someone that I might know, at least Jonghyun.


I saw him through dim light talking to someone from his side.


A girl?



“Last but not the least, KIM EVEONY!”




I was startled that I didn’t know I was next, the light stopped at the top of my head and this light manipulated my gown and made it shine the most. I suddenly forgot what to do, and panic at that very moment. All of them stared at me. It was a moment of silence; they were all contemplating if I was really Kim Eveony, the girl who has a FACE on a make-up.



I closed my eyes and prayed that everything I saw now is all part of a dream.




Oh please…oh please…oh please…




“WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! KIM EVEONY!!!!” someone roared from the audience that made everyone else applauded for me! It was the loudest cheer I ever heard! The crowd gone wild and it almost made me cry, thank God I’m beautiful!



I clapped and waved my hand, thanking every one of them for this wonderful moment of my life.



“Wow, tons of people here in the stadium, it’s like a concert don’t you think? Hahaha. Well then, one of the most awaited performance of the night. The talent portion! Girls, you may leave the stage and prepare…” the host gestured around us; we went to the backstage and hurriedly ran to our respective little dressing rooms. Taeyon and I were seriously running, because our talent portion needs a whole lot of work.



We’re going to dress up as guys.



Hell, I really like the awesome idea; I never thought I would fit in as a guy. I was sorta disgusted but still awesome that I could turn myself into a handsome one; Taeyon is no exemption at all.



We were laughing as we tried our best to cover are front; mine was a little bit bigger than Taeyon so it was a lot of effort. After that we tied our hair into a light bun and put on our wig.


Another 360 degress make-over, this time with Taeyon.



“, Taeyon, you’re such a cute boy!” I burst into laughter, she followed afterwards.



“You’re a handsome guy, unnie, I’m going to name myself, Taemin.” She told me while fixing her shining jacket.



“You’re right, if my voice sounded a little bit flat, I could really turn myself into a guy, ohh yeah, me too, I’m going to name myself, Key.” I grinned.



We walked back to the line and prepped up for our act. Some girls screamed when they saw us, two things, one, we looked really good being guys or two, they were running around half and saw two guys they did not expected to see.


“Here are the next candidates to perform a sensational sing and dance combo to the tune of SHinee’s new hit single, Lucifer! Give it up for Lee Taeyon and Kim Eveony!!!” the host announced.



Lights suddenly went out…



The song’s instrumental echoed the whole stage…



It made a really big impact on the audience…




Lights suddenly back on stage and shined two guys on the dance floor…



The audience shocked…



The judges were not, it’s on our performance sheet…



As soon as the music roared on the speaker, we started dancing, tutting to the song. All eyes on us, speechless…



Taeyon was really good. I did my best too, not letting myself fall behind.



The dance steps were complicated but we both pulled it off and made it look really easy.



As soon as the music was done, the crowd cheered really hard!

But it’s not finished yet!




The lights went back out again…




The audience waited for another shock of their life.



As Taeyon and I struggled to take out every man props we have…



Another loud instrumental roared on the speakers…




Lights once again illuminated…










“Baby, stop breaking my heart



“Oh no!”



“You heard me, no more next time”



“I hope you got that boy…”



Another loud scream came from the audience. Who wouldn’t want to scream when they see two y girls singing on stage to the tune of Sistar’s Ma Boy? Guys went crazy because of this…



We were wearing underneath those man clothes, a plain blue and pink fitted sleeveless tees and shorts. The iest of all…



Taeyon took the part of Hyorin’s high notes while I took Bora and her rap parts…



I’m really good at rapping; it was my one and only talent…



We were both singing and dancing at the same time, doing the famous body wave that causes the audience to scream their lungs out every time we did it.



We finished smoothly and bowed afterwards.



“My! My! My! What a hot and powerful performance we have here! Woooo!” the host said acting like he’s sweating really hard. Taeyon and I were gasping for air; we couldn’t breathe but was really happy with our outcome. We did our best.



We went back to the dressing room sweating and puffing air, the other candidates praised us whole-heartedly. They never saw a performance like that in their entire lives.



I saw Jessica and her pair going up to the stage, it was her turn now.



“Omg, Jessica’s turn” One girl whispered behind me.



“What’s her talent?” I asked them nonchalantly.



“She has amazing singing skills; she can catch every person’s attention just by looking right through her glamorous eyes. That’s her talent.” Sooyoung retorted showing up beside me and made me jump a little.




“And now she’s paired-up with her younger sister, they’re unstoppable.” She commented looking intently as Jessica made her way to the stage.



The host introduced the former beauty queen and her duo. A soft and light music rang into our ears, a moment of silence. They started to sing beautifully. So beautiful that it made my back hairs stand. Their performance was great; she looked so gentle in nature.




Bleh, she’s still a to me.



I shrugged her out of my conscience and made a turnaround walking towards the less few people corner, I stayed there for a while thinking about some things that should be left unsaid.




“Hey.” a gentle soothing voice called me. I looked up to where the voice came and realized who was calling me. I smiled and my heart suddenly felt at bliss.




The very person I wanted to see…






A/N: Hahahaha GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH…I can’t believe I already finished this part! It was soooo long. But it’s worth it. Finally! Eveony’s evolution! Omg! Omg!


My idea off changing them back to their true selves as guys was a mind blowing experience to me. xD Taeyon and Eveony, so precious.


Please stay tuned for the next chapter. More ONKEY! I need to make time for them on their own story. LOL. 

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More Het coming in In Between Love and Desires! -Honnietokki


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962 streak #1
Chapter 35: I knew they left their clothes downstairs. Hahaha!
962 streak #2
Chapter 23: Eve deserves all the praises and gifts for her hard work. And also Onew's patience and good teaching skills. Would she be pursuing college?
962 streak #3
Chapter 5: I just started rrading this.
It is very interesting.
Chapter 46: Uwu. I finished another great series from you <3
It was really beautiful :)
Chapter 44: The is too cute. <3
Chapter 43: Ugh finally. Drama is over! I hope for a fluff and some y time now. XD
Chapter 28: I really didn’t see that coming. I was expecting Luna >< nice twist.
Chapter 24: I love Minkey relationship here even though it’s completely platonic.

And I’m so curious who Is jinki’s ex girlfriend and what happen to them.
Chapter 20: Oh I’m right that it was Minho who save Eve but I’m wrong with Jjong. TT sorry baby Dino i doubted you TT
Chapter 13: I’m waiting excitedly for the side story now kekeke