
The Tutor


A/N: Hello ^^ I’m back, I updated early since finals is coming so I need to concentrate for a while in my studies. I hope you guys like this chapter even though it’s a bit short, but this chapter contains some major points in the developing chapters to come and scenes to fill up the tease you’ve been having for a long time with the two protagonists. Hahahah 


Anyway here’s the fic! Enjoy!

And yes, I had to re-post this chapter because aff erased it. LOL


I told them I would sleep but it was already seven in the evening and my eyes were still wide awake. I couldn't sleep at all after what I saw inside his cabinet.


It was my excuse, I was being mischievous and told myself to sneak and explore some of his stuffs trying to find some funny or weird evidence from him like a stash or a heart patterned boxers.


But I didn't realize that I might encounter a thing from his past. A thing I know he wants to throw away but hides it instead and left it there to just rust off and get old.


I opened his drawers and smiled to myself sheepishly, looking through the pair of boxers neatly placed inside. I started messing with it and roughly took my hands somewhere in the drawer.


"What's this?" I questioned myself touching something from the end of the drawer. I pulled it out from there and stared at it.


I couldn't take my eyes away from it followed by a short stabbing pain from my heart.


It was a heart shape picture frame, grungy and rusted. There was a photo of him smiling widely. He was I think about seventeen years old. What shocked me the most was that he was with a girl in the photo. His arms wrapped on her waist and his chin rested on her left shoulder. The head of the girl was torn out and I could only see a part of her cheek and her long hair, her complexion was beautiful and she had a peace sign gestured on her soft looking fingers. I noticed their wrist. Both of them had the same silver bracelet.


Couple bracelet.


I sighed heavily. So Jinki had a girlfriend...but he never told me? Why would he tell me anyway? He was just my tutor and he's only there to help me pass. There's nothing more from it. I'm stupid for hoping something was bound for us to happen. Hoping one day he would bloom his love for me. Hoping he would return my feelings.


Maybe he's just like this because he feels responsible for my grades and a favor for my cousin. Maybe after all this, he'll walk away and never talk to me ever again.


My chest...was aching so hard.


But I rather not cry. I need to think it out. Why would he hide it like that? Why was the girl's head torn of? Did something bad happen? Did they break up? I don't know, I really don't know...


But it hit me just then...


That girl, she might be Jessica? Hyoyeon?


Or worst...




She said she never found the guy who saved her and went back to Korea to find him. After she met Jinki, she never talked about that guy ever again. Could it be? It was Jinki who saved her and she's being secretive about their relationship.


Wait, that's way too absurd.


Why would Taeyon be Jinki's girl if she came back looking for a guy?


Aish, I'm making nonsense.


I groaned moving sideways on the bed. I shut my eyes tight cuddling over my pillow. I don't want to think about it anymore, I'm not really a thinking person.


I'm sorry Taeyon for involving you partially with my insanities.


I heard the door creaked and I tried to make him think I was asleep. He moved inside the room stopping by the side of my bed. He sat down and leaned his body against me. My heart palpitating again...


"...ireona, baby, ireona." he whispered in my ear, tucking the hair that covers it. I couldn't help but to smile, he knew how to pull out the best in me, making me forget what I just saw a while ago.


I mumbled words to distract him like saying 'oppa' cutely. He seems amused and chuckled hitting my lap softly. I turned around to face him and oh! He's still beautiful as ever.


I thought that I really fell asleep just by looking at his angelic face.


"Mmmm..morning is it time to go back to school?" I said with my acting-sleepy-head tone hoping he would buy it. He shook his head and smiled, "Aniyo, it's time for dinner. Mom made steak."


I sat up from the bed aligned with his body and stared at his face. He stared at me back with a blank expression.


I lifted my arms around his shoulders and grinned sheepishly.


"Carry me, oppa." I joked trying to sound cute again. He was flustered but his hands automatically swooped under my legs and back then lifted me up bridal style. It happened so fast that I had to squeal from terror of falling down, gripping his neck like a kid.


"Put me down! Can't you take a joke? Yah!"


"That doesn't sound like a joke to me. Let's have dinner."


"Yaaaaaahh!!!" I squealed again when he started to walk out of the door while carrying me downstairs. Mom and Hyoyeon turned their gazes on us and had this unrecognizable expression in their faces.


I blushed deeply when I was put down in front of them. Of course, they laughed hysterically as I jut down my explanation. Then we ate our dinner.


A while after dinner, we started packing our clothes and stuffs with Hyoyeon helping us. She had this 'I'll-miss-you-guys' face every time we took glances from each other. I was sad too. I wish I get to see Hyoyeon and Onew's mom again. So when I finished packing, I went down to hug and kiss Onew's mom saying I will miss her so much and hoping she would visit the school some time. She almost cried cuddling me to her arms. She was so happy I came to her life and never would expect to get attach to me in such a short period. I felt really please too, I'll never ever find a mother as loving as her.


I came back to the room with puffy eyes. I knew I would cry, I'm very sensitive when it comes to things like this, leaving a person behind. I sighed heavily and opened the door.


"Bottles up!" someone cracked up from the room. I jerked my head up and to my surprise they already set the table and have drinks standing on it.


"Let's drink, Eve! This is my farewell party for you guys!" Hyoyeon chirped loudly. I smiled and went there, sitting on the floor near my bed beside Onew and across Hyoyeon. I took my first shot straight.


"Impressive" he blurted out. I laughed punching him in the arm. Hyoyeon suggested having a contest, Hyoyeon and I on the same team against Onew. She told me he can withstand Alcohol pretty well and I felt competitive on that so I agreed, not really contemplating whether I would flip out or not.


We were drinking and talking about weird things and people. I was holding the liquor in pretty seriously not losing my control on it.


"So that guy pretty messed up with me big time! I was like, you stupid dog! Don't ever try and hook me up again and you'll get this!" Hyoyeon lifted her fist in the air. I was laughing really hard and she's beginning to get affected by the drink. Onew remained calm watching us carefully, so he's like this when he drinks? Just sitting there watching...


I knew I'm close to being wasted and I have no idea what I was trying to do but my hand slowly made its way to Jinki's lap under the little table. He looked back at me and I knew I gave him a tish smile.


Oh God, no, don't. Please let me stop.


Hyoyeon kept on storytelling, she was totally wasted this time, finishing her shot with one gulp then back to storytelling. I listened attentively but my freaking brain won't let me drag my hand away from his leg. I even started to massage it back and forth.


Hyoyeon stopped and stared at us. I took my hand from his lap and brought it back to me. I thought she already caught what I was doing.


"Ohh... Sheeesshh..I think..uhmm. I gotta go" she said rushing outside, she made a barfing sound so I guess it was her time to release the unwanted and I know she was tipsy, not even remembering we have a bathroom inside.


My mind went to haywire already, I didn't know what happened next and I kept on drinking. Onew was drinking too. His eyes all over me, I suddenly got pissed off and glared at him back.


"What?!" I growled, he remained calm and moved a little closer.


"Jinki-yah! Why are you so smart and pretty and talented? Are you a god or something?"




"And why do you care for me that much? And like tease me all the time?"




"Do you like me, Jinki? Coz I know I like you too..."


Ohh . I'm really wasted...


He didn't answer and I thought it was time for me to fell asleep, leaning on the table. He caught me just in time when my head almost banged the table and pushed me to the side of the bed. His frame cornered me, arms clanged on the ridge of the bed, his face so close and his breathings slowed.


I knew I wasn't done yet, smiling again under him, "Yah, do you know...sometimes I get jealous when you kiss Hyoyeon? I was jealous because she can kiss your lips freely, while I restrain myself from doing it."


I stared blankly at his lips, unmoved. "You have nice lips, pulpy and big." my fingers went there unknowingly and fumbled gently on his lower lip. He opened his mouth a little and my finger slides in suddenly. He bit it.


"Yah, don't do's ."


, I'm totally wasted.


I grabbed his fingers from the side, holding it out in front of us my fingers fumbling it clumsily to pick his index finger and the pulled it up to my own lips.


"Oppa, don't you like my lips too? Mine was small and curvy." I didn't know what I was saying but the way he breathes air in and out of his nose was different. The heat coming from his body was enormous and I could feel my sweat trickling from my nape.


He chuckled huskily and my eyes opened wide.


"You little cat temptress..."


I knew now that it was dangerous when he started closing the small gap between our faces. I came back to my senses and abruptly put my hand from his chest to stop him.


"Uhmmm...I think it's time to go to bed." I mewled softly, looking at his eyes made me melt the organs inside my body, the liquor still mixing in my bloodstream.


He bit his lip and took my wrist from his chest and lifted it up above my head. That's when I started to get nervous, nice move, Eve, you're gonna get what you deserve.


"Not this time.." he said between breaths, I moaned internally. He looks too hot now, the tempting all goes back to me.


I'm at the midst of choosing whether to get out of here or stay and get passionate with the guy I really like, but it's still wrong when I know I'm tied to someone else...


But the way he looked at me made me give up all my worries and commitment.


He leaned in again. My breath and my mind stopped altogether....


I was caught between urge and temptation when his lips reached mine steadily. Then he started to place soft gentle kisses on me making sweet ling sounds on our lips. I felt I was ready to faint when he deepened the kiss. Preventing me to stop him, his lips moved perfectly with the curves of mine. Before I even knew it, I was kissing him back.


I grew breathless when he now wanted me to open up for him, my lower lip smoothly. I bit his lip and let him enter my mouth. The faint smell and bitter taste of liquor coming from our lips, and the battling sounds of our tongue grew me frantic wanting him more. I moaned against him, my arms fleeting up to his shoulders and my fingers tugging his hair along.


He pressed his lips deeply. I was amazed by him, by how much he wanted this to happen. I can feel it with every hot soul searing kiss he gave me. It was stunning to even kiss him but of course the alcohol might influence him into doing this.


He broke the kiss and I gasped heavily, my eyes locked on him waiting for his reaction. He was panting too and way too hot to freaking handle. I thought he already cleared his mind that this was wrong and ready to stand up and regret everything but no, it was the complete opposite of what I was thinking.


He leaned in again and kissed me, I hungrily took him back to my arms kissing him back. His broad shoulders were my only way to ease up the pleasure I was feeling, gripping on him so hard. I moaned heatedly when he pushed me down to the floor, crawling on top of me while we were still kissing like crazy.


This was way better that I expected, I never thought my first kiss with him could be this hot.


He groaned a little and it made me screamed mentally. I don't know whether my mind was working properly or it's just alcohol that made me imagine things like this.


Maybe I'm sleeping already...


And this was the dream I'm having...


But damn this dream was way better than reality.


I bit his lip and he let out a y moan, his hands trailing at my waste and surely I can feel his hands traveling on my stomach. No, this was wrong but I have no idea why I am not stopping him.


The ragged sounds of our breathing told me there really is no turning back. I kissed him passionately, loving the feel of his tongue devouring mine. My mind was half empty and half full, all thoughts coming from Jinki.


But before we even get to the point where all the regret happens, my phone rang. It rang like it was needed to be answered. It rang like it was saying we should stop because it's a sin. I have to answer it and Jinki knew it has to be done.


He brought himself up as if there were no intense attachment between the two of us happened and looked at my phone at the top of my bed. I fixed myself really quick, wiping away the traces of kiss in my lips.


"Someone's calling you." he said with a low tone. I got up and took my phone outside, "I'll get this." I said to him before I turned to leave the room.


I saw Hyoyeon lying helplessly on the couch. I didn't care that much and clicked on to my phone to see who was calling.


I gasped and shuddered at the same time...


It was Jonghyun.


"H-hello?" I answered hesitantly.


"Hey, baby..." he sighed heavily. I couldn't believe it, the tears started streaming in my eyes.


"Jonghyun, listen, I'm very sorry If I left you because of my studying, I didn't do this on see my cousin put me up for this and I wasn't informed and --"


"Eveony..." his sweet voice calling from the other line, I gripped my pants, preparing for something I don't know whether I'll accept it or not.




"Let's break up."


A/N: Comments anyone? Would love to hear it! ^w^

And I really am sad about the LOST comments from this chapter :( if I could just see them again...

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More Het coming in In Between Love and Desires! -Honnietokki


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963 streak #1
Chapter 35: I knew they left their clothes downstairs. Hahaha!
963 streak #2
Chapter 23: Eve deserves all the praises and gifts for her hard work. And also Onew's patience and good teaching skills. Would she be pursuing college?
963 streak #3
Chapter 5: I just started rrading this.
It is very interesting.
Chapter 46: Uwu. I finished another great series from you <3
It was really beautiful :)
Chapter 44: The is too cute. <3
Chapter 43: Ugh finally. Drama is over! I hope for a fluff and some y time now. XD
Chapter 28: I really didn’t see that coming. I was expecting Luna >< nice twist.
Chapter 24: I love Minkey relationship here even though it’s completely platonic.

And I’m so curious who Is jinki’s ex girlfriend and what happen to them.
Chapter 20: Oh I’m right that it was Minho who save Eve but I’m wrong with Jjong. TT sorry baby Dino i doubted you TT
Chapter 13: I’m waiting excitedly for the side story now kekeke