
The Tutor


A/N: Hello! I'm back :D sorry for the delay, I was busy with school ^^

And so about the last chapter, sadly, Eveony fell asleep just before Jinki told her the last line. Hahaha I wouldn't let them caught one another coz it'll spoil my plans xD


Btw, this chap contains Onew and Eve's POV so it'll be switching between two POV's in some scenes. I'm not really used to directly saying who's POV is it so that's the challenge for you guys haha although it can be determine easily.


Anyway on with the fic!


Lousy morning indeed, I wouldn't want to wake up just now because the gravity of laziness kept my body pulled from the bed. It was comfortable and so fluffy. Last night I was a total wrecked from being sick all day, I even fell asleep hugging Onew's body...


Wait a minute...


I patted my side where he lied and it was cold already. He must have left after I fell asleep.


I growled waking myself up. I started stretching on the bed pushing the bed sheet away from my body. My eyes slowly opened greeting the sunlight that glimmers from the windows. Everything was completely blurred so I tried adjusting, curling my fist on my eyes to scratch them gently.


As soon as my vision came, I recognized my surroundings a little better. The sleepiness still haunts me so my mind was not communicating well with my eyes, looking at something a little far away from the end of my bed.


It was moving slowly, standing at the foot of my bed. It was tall and bulky, the belts were unbuckled and the button of the pants was slightly opened. On top of that I saw a white satin which was pulled up a few seconds later and revealed a skin as white as milk with six packed bread pasted in it.




Am I describing a person?


Blinking a few times, I managed to refocus again on the same spot. And gasped...




I didn't mean to scream feverishly that moment but when I clearly saw everything, it was Jinki who was standing in front of me half . The guy was wearing completely nothing on top and his hot freaking tight black silvery pants exposed his strong firm legs. I didn't mean to stare at his upper body which was god-like y and undeniably super hot but my eyes can't resist looking at it. Freaking bastard! What a y way to wake me up!


I think the bolts on my head where rolling already on the floor.


"Ah, nice good morning greeting." he chuckled not really minding that his body was exposed.


"Put some clothes on!" I demanded throwing my pillow at him. He caught it with one hand and put it down again like nothing was thrown. I gulped; my stupid eyes can't look away from his body.


He smirked and ran his hand through his neck, "I thought you were sick but, wow...last night you were pretty wild and got some nice moves." He his lips looking at me seductively, my eyes widened and my jaw dropped. Did something happen? Did we? No no...that couldn't be. I was sleeping I know it.


"Seeing those shaking pupils of yours I could tell that you were trying to figure out if something really happened" he grinned and crawled on top of the bed towards me. I moved back, too scared to even think.


"Don't you recall? You were all over me last night." he said with a husky alluring voice. I tried to push him back even though he was not really that near yet.


"No, Jinki, don't..."


He stopped and burst into laughter, his hands hitting his legs. I regained my strength back and realized my complete stupidity.


"Silly Girl." he laughed.


I knew it! He was taunting me again! This lecherous chicken maniac teasing idiot that totally scared me to death! I thought my heart would deteriorate if everything was true. Thank God it was a joke. But still was freaking annoying. I hate his jokes but I'm gonna let him pass this time coz he's so damn hawt.


I threw him one death glare and launched at him, pushing his back on the bed to sit on top of him then I grabbed my pillow and started hitting him hard as I can.


"Pabo! Pabo! Pabo!"


"Ouch! Yah! Stop it! Let me go!"


"No! Die Jinki! Die!"


Not realizing what I was already doing, the door opened wide and a loud gasped came after it. We both stopped and shoot up to the door's direction and saw her with a giddy expression.


"I think I came in at the wrong time!" she giggled and hold out her hand to a hug. I threw myself away from Onew and ran to gave her a quick hug. For some reasons, I missed her like she's my sister.


"Unnie! Whatever you saw it's not what you think it is! That punk right there annoyed the hell out of me again!"


"I didn't mean it!"


"Yah! Go put some clothes on! And stop showing her that y body of yours. She's still a girl you know! That can make her faint!" she laughed and clapped her hands with him who was turning to leave.


Onew grabbed one shirt and went outside stealing glances from me again. I stuck my tongue out on him.


"See you in Hyoyeon's room." he said and closed the door. His statement made me confused for the moment, why would I see him in Hyoyeon's room?


I switched back to see Hyoyeon from my side grinning at me like a crazy girl. I suspiciously looked at her and leaned in.


"Which side are you in, anyway?" I said with a hint of laughter. She was true about the fact that his awesome body could make a girl faint.


"haha neither, anyway before anything else, any developments?" she waggled her eyebrows and swayed her body. Maybe my face gave it all the way.


"I uhmm...I realize I like him."


"Hah! Knew it!" she raised her fist in mid-air admiring herself. I giggled. It feels so light to reveal something so frustrating.


"Don't tell him please...I don't want him to know just yet."


Hyoyeon smiled and patted my back, "You have my word, dear. And don't you worry too much that guy pretty much like you too."


"You think so?" I blushed looking down.


"Definitely. Yeah, so I came here to beg you about something."


"Beg me? What for?"


"Could you please model for me? Please, please, pleeeeaaaaaseee...." she crossed her fingers tight and made a cute puppy dog face. I was stunned but the idea of modeling was fine by me. I was even please at it.


"Yeah, sure no problem." I said lightly, she sighed heavily and laughed after.


"Well that was easy, hahaha I'll go get some stuffs for you. I already planned everything out. Be back in a jiffy." She rushed outside and went to her room screaming when she opened the door.


"Freaking put some goddamn clothes on, you idiot! Don't give me a heart attack! Sheeeesshh!!!"


Onew just laughed at her. I laughed too, those two were so close. Well, of course, they've dated before and have been long time siblings, no wonder.


I was suddenly curious what it’s like to be Jinki's girlfriend...


Should be fun and a little nostalgic, I guess.


She came back with a whole bunch of stuffs, a trolley bag, a make-up box, a blow dryer and a hair iron. I sat on the bed waiting for her to open up her bag and when she did I was utterly surprised by the high-fashioned clothes that lay lifelessly there. I squealed in excitement, totally absorb of the thought that I'm going to wear these clothes.


She started dressing me up, happy that everything fits me so well. It was like it was all made for me. Totally awesome! We managed to choose one outfit that fits the theme of the photo shoot and now on to the hair and make-up.


I patiently sat on the stool while she gently applied make-up on my face. Seeing her work professionally made me admire her more, she must have love her job a lot than any other necessities. I wish one day I would be like her, being able to dedicate myself to one thing and one perspective in life.






"What was it like to be Jinki's girlfriend?"


I asked without turning back, my words came out unpredictably and I couldn't stop it. She smiled sweetly at me and paused for a while retracing her past with him.


"Back then, he was cold and lifeless. I know he likes me but he doesn't really know how to act it out in front of me, so he started reading things about dating and it was really funny. He was still a kid that time and I'm sure he learned a lot more from experiences in school after I left him. But Jinki is a passionate lover, after he had his first kiss with me...he was unstoppable." she laughed really hard but still her focus was more on my face so I felt a little embarrass about it.


"If that's the case then, I conclude Jinki now is a great kisser."


She giggled nodding her head. The topic was so sensitive that I could feel my cheeks burned to form a blush once again. How can this guy be so close to perfection?


"He's probably good in bed too."




"Perfect, don't you think, Eve?"


"Close enough..."


We looked at each other and burst into laughter. Horrifying as it was, our topic was just one door away from us and it'll kill me if he knows what kind of conversation we are having.


"So now that you've seen his gorgeous body. What's your initial reaction?" she asked, she was done with the make-up and switched on to the straightening iron for my hair.


"I screamed."


"Oh really?!"


"I couldn't even recognize it at first and I thought I saw milky chocolate bars in front of me."


"You were pertaining to his abs right?"


"Yes, they were indeed yummy."


"Hahaha, yummy."


We giggled having the same thought. I was facing the mirror while she was working on my hair. A few minutes passed and my curly hair turned into straight silky long hair. It surprised me how well I looked with a different hairstyle. She also seems contented at my transformation.


"Beautiful!" she clapped her hands and fixed a few things. I swayed my body on the mirror delighted as well.


It was a y rebelled concept, so my outfit appeared tempting and a whole lot revealing. My long legs were clearly shown off and my cleavage was exposed too. I was wearing a black tube and a short mini skirt with torn red fishnet leggings plus the long y boots that gave off the chic edge.


"Take a look at some of these previous shots I took at my models so you'll have an idea of what to do later and of course I'll help you also."


I took the clear book and browsed at it, the shots were really good and stunning. The models were great; every shot gives off the vibes. I hope I can deliver myself as good as them.


"Ahh this one also, these were the shots of Onew last two years before and a lot more from his teenage years." she handed me another clear book and my hand automatically went through it. I couldn't help but to gasped at the first photo I saw.


Wow, he was young but handsome and manly. As I turned the pages, his face grew older and manlier and of course handsome. I saw some of the shots on a famous magazine before and I was shocked to remember he was that model.


"Woah! I saw this one before. My friends told me he was hot. I didn't know that one day I'll face him and now's my tutor."


"Haha yeah, another reason why he's so popular in school, that photo made him famous, it's a good thing he was cold, it's his way of protecting himself from overly obsess fan girls."


I nodded, that was pretty much a hot guy can do if he had more focus on his goals rather than hitting on girls. The last photo took me by surprise, his clothes were thorn from his body and his face left a devilish looking smug. I almost fell off my stool because it was so y and intense. I looked at her and she was staring at the photo too.


"I did not dare release that photo on the mag. It was so hot it can send shivers down a girl's hahaha"


"Yeah, I can feel it right now."








Those two were taking so long. I'm set and ready for the shoot. Hyoyeon already told me what concept the shoot was for and I practically need to prepare myself considering Eveony was involved in this.


She told me that Eveony approved so fast she didn't even need to work on it. That girl is so surprising sometimes. I still feel clueless in everything she does. I couldn't really determine her moves and it starts to get me a little interested on her.


The teasing counts also...


I smiled remembering her a while ago, seems like her brain malfunctioned when she saw me topless. But I didn't do it on purpose. I was just changing my clothes for the photo shoot.


It doesn't really need too much effort since Hyoyeon told me that my outfit should only be consist of a white wife-beater and a pair of black pants. I sighed, this should be fine, I guess.


The door knob twitched and I stood up from the Hyoyeon's bed eager to see them both. Hyoyeon came in with a wide smile on her face.


"What took you so-"


I stopped halfway; the girl behind her took me by surprise. She definitely nailed my attention this time.


"Close your mouth, hun, I know it's really jaw dropping."


Indeed, she was gorgeous and insanely hot. That was the first thing that popped out of my brain. I couldn't grasp my eyes away from her even though we both look like we were doing the same thing. Her eyes followed the curves of my waist and abruptly went back to meet mine. She smiled her ever so sweet and ty smile.


"Meow~" she purred out and I laughed nervously, that caught me off guard.


"You look fat." I told her sarcastically, she seems shocked and opened wide taking my joke seriously.


"I do?!"


"Hell no! Ignore that punk, dear, he's just mentally retarded. Stop it Jinki-ah!!! Tell her she's pretty and lovely!!!" Hyoyeon harshly demanded tugging my arm along.


"Meow, try meow-ing again."


"Hahaha, you chicken maniac."



We were both laughing and punching each other lightly in the arm when Hyoyeon clapped her hands, signaling us both to enter her little studio. Her bedroom was a part of her work, using her white walls as a background for the models and big light boxes from every corner of the space provided for her mini studio. I've been here for years so I'm used to it but since it's Eve's first time to see this she can't help but to be amaze by the work space that can be found in such a small room.


"So cool!" she exclaimed happily lifting her arms up in the air


The shooting starts with Eveony entering the model area. She looked relax and confident angling herself like a professional, moreover she knew how to work her body and her assets. Hyoyeon adjusted the settings on her camera, adding the flash and lights. She started directing Eveony's every move with a tone of a real sharp-eyed photographer, the intensity arises when Eve seems to know every detail there is to work on and deliver the angles perfectly for Hyoyeon making her take several photos with just one angle. She was pleased enough and I felt the sudden pressure when I now need to step up to the scene with after Eveony.


"The camera loves her, Jinki, give your best shot." Hyoyeon whispered and winked. I smiled waiting for Eve to walk out of the modeling area.


We were doing solo shots first before pair shots.


She stood near Hyoyeon watching me with amazement as I do poses for the camera. Being a man with pride, I showed her my professionalism, following Hyoyeon's instructions carefully.


I ran my hand through my hair and bit my lip from the side. Hyoyeon broke out and squeaked, liking my angle so much.


"That's it! Oh my god you're so good, Jinki."


I put my right hand on my pocket and the other hand to pull the end of my shirt upward revealing half of my lower abdomen, my face tilting a little with my eyes piercing the camera. Hyoyeon giggled trying hard not to enter her world of fantasies while working.


I smirked when I saw Eveony's pouty lips were being chewed by her own teeth, her eyes focusing more on my lower part rather than any part from my body. She was definitely irresistible that moment that it made my teasing glands urging to get out of my system.


I turned my body to the side facing her. When her eyes met mine, I winked at her cheekily which made her lost her balance, that locking legs of her was the nicest thing I've seen so far.


"Ahh almost done, Eve, join Jinki now, we're going to have a couple shoot."


Eveony nodded timidly entering the set. She paid attention to Hyoyeon's direction for our poses. I'm a bit taller than her so when I suddenly looked down I flinched and turned away abruptly. Her clothes were so revealing that it could her soul away from her curvaceous body.


"While facing each other...lean a little, closing the gap between his chest, your hand should be place somewhere in his chest."


"Like this?"


Surprisingly, she leaned in her body. Her touching against my upper front, her left hand trailed over my chest placing it neatly and her candle-like fingers lightly tapping the skin from my bare collarbone. While she was so serious in doing this, my mind was driven off to somewhere else.


Get a hold of yourself, Jinki, relax.


"Yes, very good, dear, now tilt your head a little to the left and look at the camera. Jinki-ah, your lips should be near her forehead then your eye focus should be on her shoulders."


"How's this?"


"Yes yes good, now, Jinki, place your hand on her waist, grip it like you want her so bad."


When I did what she said. Eveony muttered a soft 'eep' on her lips. I chuckled, she must be sensitive on that part and I purposely gripped it to . Basing from her reactions, it was supper effective.


Hyoyeon started taking shots, moving from the side to see the perfect angles. In my head I tried calculating the number of times she clicked for a photograph and shockingly, it was around 200 clicks per pose.


"Okay, onto the next position. Eve, move forward then Jinki will move back behind you. Jinki's body should be a little to the left and Eve to the right. Jinki, put your right hand on Eve's waist and your fingers stretch out up to her stomach. Eve, position your right hand on his wrist as if to stop him from touching you more."


"Like this, unnie?"


"Yes, now your left hands should be intertwined. The posing for it is up to you guys. The concept shot is like push and pull. You resist but still be tempted, you deny but still you accept."


I lead the scene and took grab of Eve's hand holding it with feelings of temptation as prompted by our cunning photographer. Hyoyeon started taking shots again while directing the movement and emotions on our faces. The pose was really this time and I eyed Hyoyeon continuously. When she saw my gaze, she wickedly smiled. I mentally sighed. I know for sure she was doing this for her own entertainment even if Eveony was so clueless about it.


Eveony was calm even though every part of her back side was touching my front. It was clearly intimate. I could feel the curling stream of blood rushing through my veins.






I tried to suppress my nervousness. The heat coming from his body was blowing me up. It seems like it was inevitable to get out of this situation right now.


Everything inside this room was new to me and I totally felt I needed to act like I know what I was doing. I wonder if I was good enough, Hyoyeon appears to be happy with my projections and haven't really made me change anything.


But when I saw how Jinki looks. God, I swooned internally. He was freaking hot as usual, with just black fitted jeans and wife-beater, it looks like it was made for him. His hair was neatly styled-up and damn I thought I would choke just by seeing his striking smile.


"Good job guys! Take a break for a while." Hyoyeon smiled and went to her laptop plugging in her camera to it. I drew back from Jinki's touch and ran all the way down to the kitchen. I need to drink, something that will liquefy my rotten throat.


I quickly opened the fridge grabbing a pail full of water; the glass was already in my hand.


I shoved the glass to my mouth, drinking happily that cold icy water.




"Refreshing enough?"


I thrashed against the wall, surprise by the voice behind me. I nearly choke the water I was drinking.


Stop suffocating me, Jinki.


"What do you want?" I glared at him. He just stared blankly at my face and took the glass from my hand and poured water from the pail.




"Then stop following me..."


He smirked and drunk the water, his eyes on me. My eyes trailed down his lips to his voice box. I gulped, everything about him was sensual.


"Stop it, Jinki."


"Stop what?"


"Stop teasing me..." I mumbled but I know he heard it. He smiled and leaned near my cheek tucking the strands of hair that hid my ear and whispered...




His y ty voice hurdled against my ear, I stiffened immediately and I almost fell off my knees. He moved back and walked away with a little smug on his face.


Why is he always like this? Teasing me but still treats me with care. Although I like him better like this than before it still keeps me hanging from thoughts...


Is it possible for Jinki to like me?


I wish it is...


I wonder what he thinks of me...


Probably some girl with mental issues...


I sighed. I can't help but to think of something negative.


When I went back to Hyoyeon's room I was surprised, there was a high class chair which came out of nowhere and now was place on the modeling area. The lights where low and the red felt cloth from the ceiling was rolled-down as the background, the atmosphere changed into a romantic and edgy feeling. I felt really nervous about this.


"Eve, you ready for the next shoot?" Hyoyeon said tapping my arm lightly. I smiled, "Yeah."


Jinki's hands traveled on my arm pinching me lightly, he was behind me and I can feel his breathings near my ear.


"Whatever we're going to do it's just part of the shoot." he softly muttered on my ear. I shivered. The electrifying sensation reached my spine.


I stepped in next to the chair, I was waiting for him to walk in but when I turned around my heart beat stopped.


There in his spot, Jinki slowly lifted his shirt up and pulled it off of him revealing his hard pecks. Dang! I couldn't breathe. It was like his body the air inside of me. He really got that nice chocolate abs and toned chest, oh God, he's so damn perfect!


The chair was giving me the idea already of what pose we're going to do and I need to calm my screaming blood vessels before we start to shoot. I looked at Hyoyeon and she was staring at Jinki too.


"Jinki, you know what to do." she giggled, probably they've already talked about this earlier.


Jinki walked pass me and sat in the chair, he slacked off his back a little and his knees protruded. His arms positioned on the arm chair, one hand rested under his chin and the other hanging.


"Now, Eve, sit on him like what you did earlier when you guys were pillow fighting, your left hand on his chest and right hand on his abdomen."




Sit on him...


Then touch his body...


I'm gonna faint.






Sitting on the chair while looking at Eveony's surprise face made me excited, this was the first time I actually had a girl with me in a y concept shoot so I rather feel excited than nervous.


She turned to look and beg with her eyes, pleading me into something. I smirked tapping my lap to gesture.


Come to me Eveony...


She wheeled to me, her lips curled into a pout. I tried my hardest not to laugh and guided her while she sat on me, whimpering like a dog.


"If you don't want to do this then don't, we're not forcing you..." I told her.


"It's okay, I mean, I'm glad to help Hyoyeon." she replied with a grunt, her landing perfectly on my lap. I smiled at her, I don't want to ruin this moment for teasing her and instead I kept quiet and watched her closely.


She hesitated first in touching my chest, looking at my eyes as if waiting for approval. She doesn’t need to but I still nodded. Her cold hands dropped from my chest, my skin absorbed her coldness reciprocating it with warm. She sighed heavily and rolled her eyes to where my abdomen lies. I couldn't help but to laugh seeing her so stiff like this.


"Eve, you okay?" Hyoyeon said a little concern. Crazy girl, this was part of her entertainment.


"Yeah, I uhmm..well, Jinki's just too hot to handle." she mustered the courage to blurt one funny statement in. I laughed making my stomach shaky.


"Oh, C'mon I know you had fantasies with these." I grabbing her hand and quickly placed it on my abs. She squealed but didn't take it out from there.


"Relax, baby, I'm not gonna eat you..." I said eyeing her. She quivered biting her lips.


"Stop doing that, Eve, it's y..." I couldn't help teasing her again. She pouted pressing her small hands on my body. Little did we know that Hyoyeon started taking photographs of us while we were on that situation.


"You're such a bully."


"I'm not."


"You are."




I stared at her face, her feline eyes sparkled and her cheeks flustered. My hand involuntarily traveled on her cheek, cupping it tenderly. She didn't move and looked down, her pulpy lips opening a bit.


Hyoyeon, on the other hand, continued to take pictures. After a while she directed us into another position where Eveony has to lie on her back pressed against my body.


There were several shots taken in each different post, some of them wholesome while the others were plain . I don't know whether she's going to release the shots on the magazine she's working on or just to take them as her stash. But my instincts tell me she's going to put it in her private collection.


Poor Eveony...


We finished past twelve and the two girls were starving to death. Since mom was out, I had to cook for them feeling responsible for Eveony and Hyoyeon's hard work today. The two of them waited patiently talking about stuffs only girls could understand while I got busy inside the kitchen. After lunch, Eveony went upstairs and told us she wants to sleep before we head back to the University tomorrow morning. Yes, were going back to school. The home-tutoring was done and I’m glad it's over.


But a part of me wishes it would last for a few more days...


"Hey..." Hyoyeon pinched my side. I jolted to the left glaring at her. I was in the middle of wiping the dishes.




"You like her don't you?" she grinned sheepishly, I nearly dropped the plate on the sink.


"W-what are you talking about?"


"It's time for you to move on, boy, stop living in the past."


I was silenced off.


"Oh, C'mon! The way you look at her! It's so different!"




"So, I'm saying you like her."




"Stop Hm-ing me! Answer the question." she snorted slapping my arm playfully.


"Don't wanna.."


"Urgh! So stubborn!" she walked off crossing her arms playfully. I trailed behind her and hugged her from the back.


"Why? Are you jealous?"


"No, I'm not! I just like Eveony so much and I'll be happy if you guys would be together."


"I don't know about that but it’s better to wait for any progress."


She sighed, "She has a boyfriend, right?"




"Don't you think it's weird? She told me her boyfriend never called her ever since she got here."


"It's not really weird for me, her boyfriend is an ."


"Ohh boy...well at least you're still there for her, right?" she turned around and pinched my nose. She hugged me and buried her face on my chest.




"Gonna miss you, still."


I smiled and patted her hair. I palmed her cheeks and tilted her head up then kissed her softly on the lips. She giggled through the kiss and pushed me back.


"Ahh, she might see us..."


"What's wrong if she sees us? It's natural." I retorted leaning again for a kiss. She flustered pushing me again.


"Haha! No, Jinki, that's just wrong."


"Wow, this was the first time you resisted to kiss me."


"It's a different issue now, and besides you already like Eveony. So why kiss another girl aside from her?"


"You're not another girl, Hyoyeon. And I didn't actually tell you that I like Eveony."


"Well, you told me now." she laughed. Hmm...she got a point.


"Anyway, later before midnight, are you up for some drinking? I bought beer."


I grinned at her, that's a nice offer. I'm in the need to drink.


"Yeah, come to our room later so we could party there."


"Haha, yeah let's check out Eve's attitude when she gets tipsy hahaha. I bet she would do something to you. Wooopptieedoo" she chuckled noisily. I beamed at her. The idea was worth anticipating...


"We'll see"



A/N: And that's how we wrapped up the chapter! Hahaha It's a loooong chapter and I had to work on this for days coz of my busy schedule at school. Woo


Jinki's hot right? You gotta love the abs..mmmh. And the photoshoot where Eve was sitting on his lap I flipped over at that part. Gaaah the abs will haunt me to sleep :D hahaha


If you guys worry about Hyoyeon and Jinki's real relationship, dontcha worry. One thing's for sure is that Hyoyeon's a good girl and she's on Eve's side.


And oh yeah, tune in for the last chapter before they go back to school. You guys will love it! Hahaha


Looking for Minho? He's on his way! :D


this chapter was inspired by these vids

ROA-Onew's Photoshoot --- dang, he's so y here...

Onew flash his abs fanservice --- the ever so famous flash!

Dubu on ice --- hahaha another tease. omg...i need to sharpen this though lol

Onew happily swimming in Pattaya --- this was a wholesome vid but when he got out of water i literally went *Q*

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Thank you!
More Het coming in In Between Love and Desires! -Honnietokki


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962 streak #1
Chapter 35: I knew they left their clothes downstairs. Hahaha!
962 streak #2
Chapter 23: Eve deserves all the praises and gifts for her hard work. And also Onew's patience and good teaching skills. Would she be pursuing college?
962 streak #3
Chapter 5: I just started rrading this.
It is very interesting.
Chapter 46: Uwu. I finished another great series from you <3
It was really beautiful :)
Chapter 44: The is too cute. <3
Chapter 43: Ugh finally. Drama is over! I hope for a fluff and some y time now. XD
Chapter 28: I really didn’t see that coming. I was expecting Luna >< nice twist.
Chapter 24: I love Minkey relationship here even though it’s completely platonic.

And I’m so curious who Is jinki’s ex girlfriend and what happen to them.
Chapter 20: Oh I’m right that it was Minho who save Eve but I’m wrong with Jjong. TT sorry baby Dino i doubted you TT
Chapter 13: I’m waiting excitedly for the side story now kekeke