My other half



“Hyung .. why you didn’t tell me about it?” I asked him and he look at me with a confused face.


“Tell you what?” He asked as he continue eating.


“That you’re gay.” I said. I don’t know why but I think I deserve to know about him too. He didn’t tell me anything about him except for some basic thing about but I deserve to know about this side of him too !


He looked at me with a shocking face but calmed and just smile at me with a smile ; a smile that makes my heart beat as fast as a train and as loud as a drum that I can even hear it in my head. A smile that makes me realize something, something that I should realize a long time ago ; from the first time we met.


“So you knew about it.” He said still smiling. I nodded as my answer as I continue looking at him and waiting for him to continue.


“Are you shocked? Are you scared of me now? Did your point of view towards me change?” He asked then he sipped his drink, Americano.


“Well yes, of course I’m shocked. Even though we just knew for a few days, I still deserve to know about it. But, I’m not scared of you and my point of view towards you didn’t change at all, well of course it changed but in a good way ! If I’m scared of you or hate you, did you think I will meet you today?” I said trying to convince him. Wait, why am I feeling scared? Why I don’t want him to leave me? Is my feelings for him really is …


He looked shocked at first but then smiled at me and I can see that his smile is a sincere smile. “Wow, I didn’t expect that from you hahaha. But I’m glad Ri, I’m glad that you’re not scared of me. I’m glad that you don’t hate me.” He said while looking at me with a face that I’ve never saw before. His expression, it’s sad but at the same time happy and it makes my heart beats so loud and makes my heart warm.


I blushed from his stare and decided that we should continue on our search. To be honest, I’m not sure if I want to continue it again. I think, I just want to stay with him, with Jiyong hyung.


We walked around again and laughed a lot as he sometimes told me some funny memories of him. We stop for a while at a park and I decided to go to the toilet so I left him alone at a bench in the middle of the park.


After doing my business, I was on my way to him when I saw a familiar figure. She was walking with a guy and they are walking towards me and I just froze. She saw me and smiled at me as she walk towards me.


“Hey Ri, we meet again ! Isn’t it weird that we keep accidentally meet each other these days? Or is it not a coincidence at all.” She said smirking.


I was so shocked. What does he meant by that? “Wh-what?” I said because I was so shocked. Does she really think I still have a crush on her? That I’m that pathetic to chase her even though she dumped more-like-cheated me?


“Korea is a big place and yet we meet twice this week. Isn’t it weird Seungri? It is either luck or ~” She said stopping midway while looking at me from head to toe while holding his boyfriend tighter.


“Or you stalked me. You still have a crush on me? You can’t forget about me do you Seungri ~ To bad I’m already taken. It’s your fault anyway. You’re such a loser. You have a cute face but overall, you’re nothing really. My oppa is WAY better than you. Right oppa?” She said while batting her eyelashes to her boyfriend after making fun of my while smiling with her oh-so-sweet-and-innocent smile.


“Wow, my baby girl sure is famous aren’t you jagiya!? I guess I need to take more good care of you my precious. I don’t want other people to steal you away from me !” Taeyang said while patting her head and pecked her lips.


I just froze. I should say something to them, no, I should deny it. I should fight for myself ! But I don’t know why but my body won’t listen to me. I was too shocked from their mocking that I don’t know what to do.


“Hold it.” I suddenly heard Jiyong’s voice and there I saw him standing not too far from us. He walk towards me and stand by my side.


“What do you mean by that? Seungri still have a crush on you? He can’t forget you and he’s stalking you? HAHAHAHAHAHA oh my god, that’s the funniest joke I’ve heard !” Jiyong said sarcastically.


Jiyong .. Oh my god, he heard all of it? He’s fighting for me?! I said to myself while looking at him.


“For your information, Korea is a small country and since Seoul is a small place, it’s not hard for us to meet twice or even trice in a week ! Don’t get your hopes all high lady. You think you’re so pretty that guys will keep chasing you? Tch, I may be gay but I still know the standard of beauty and for me, I’ll grade you only 5 out of 10 ! And I’m sure your face is not even original.” Jiyong said in a mocking tone. I was shocked to hear him saying that but I chuckled when he talked about her face and I can see she looked so pissed and Taeyang looked doubtful for a second.


“You should wake up from your dream and get your brain check. I’m sure that your boyfriend over there” He said pointing towards Taeyang, “Is not even in love with you and he probably has another girlfriend. He’s probably just using you just like you used my friend ! To be honest, Seungri doesn’t give a about you !” He said making both of the gasped.


“Let’s go Ri. Let’s not waste our precious time with low people like them !” He said grabbing my hand and pulled me away. I turned my face a few times and I can see that both of them are fighting. I looked at Jiyong back and smile to myself while looking at his back as he pulled me.


“Seriously, why don’t you fight back?” Jiyong said while still dragging me to who knows where.


“You should have deny it ! Why did you let them make fun of you? Don’t you care if they think that you still have a crush on her? I’m the one got all hyped up !” Jiyong said as we stop walking. There aren’t many people around here and it’s pretty quiet.


“Jiyong …” I said after some time. I just listen to Jiyong mumbling about how mad he is and how I should defend myself and more the whole time until he finished talking.


“Hmm?” He hummed in a question tone as he looked at me.


“Why are you so kind to me? Why do you help me? Why are you always there for me?” I asked looking at him. It’s been on my mind for some times because he’s really nice to me. He keeps treating me to eat during the whole time of our search and he keeps making me happy by telling jokes and funny stories.


“To be honest … I don’t know.” He said and looked away from me making me facing his back.


“You always looked sad, you try your best in what you believe, sometimes you’re annoying but you always laugh at what I say and you always appreciate what I do to you and you even treated me normally even though you know that I’m gay. I don’t know why but I just can’t help it from being there for you.” He said shyly and I can see his cheeks turned red. Is he blushing?


“Well, of course sooner or later I’ll leave you alone if you started dating.” He said still not looking at me.


We just keep quiet and I keep thinking of what he said,  I just can’t help it from being there for you.


“Then .. I guess I don’t need your help anymore.” I said breaking the silence between us while staring at the groud.


“What?” He said looking at me.


“Like I said, I don’t need your help anymore. I really appreciate it hyung, I do but I don’t need it anymore.”


“Oh, ok then. B-but why? Did I do something wrong? Is it something I said?” He asked sadly.


I shake my head as I keep staring at the groud. “I don’t need your help anymore because ..” I said as I walk towards him and I look at him in the eyes.


“.. because I’ve found my other half. I’ve found him all along. He’s funny, he’s nice, always wear weird cloth but still look good in them and he is always there for me.” I said while smiling and blushing and I can see him blushing too.


He just look at me and give me a smile ; a smile of happiness and love. Fall, fall and rise. The true love that I’ve been searching, finally I’ve found it. My other half that I’ve been looking for, finally I am complete.






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Lujiee #1
Chapter 3: Sequel please! This is a good story!
Chapter 4: Sequel pls
Chapter 4: A sequel on their life afterwards will be sweet too ❤️
Chapter 3: Awwwwww ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 3: Yeahhhh this was good
did you write a sequel here ??!
it's really good
mcir66 #7
Chapter 1: Wow, Jiyong is like a force of nature...moved in and takes over everything. lol. Seungri never knew what happened.
may_aa #8
Chapter 4: SEQUEL plssssssssss
Chapter 4: SEQUEL!!!!! SEQUEL!!!!! Moreeeeee!!!!!!!