the meeting // nam hye jin & wang jackson

143 days — apply closed
an interview with jackson:
Q. Are you excited?
"DUH! I was born for this!" Jackson was way to hyper, the staff laughed.
an interview with hye jin:
Q. Are you excited?
"Uhh... I guess so, I'm just scared, well a little bit, but other than that i'm okay, i guess?" Hyejin shrugged.

"I can't do this, I''m scared" Jackson was wearing a black tuxedo, and was holding a bouquet of flowers. He started

jumping up and down. He saw a limo show up and focused on it. He even leaned foreword just to see who it was.

"OH! She's pretty..." Jackson talked to the camera. He got in position and smiled while she walked down the aisle.

Hye Jin was wearing a white long dress, with her hair curled.

"Please introduce yourselves" the staff said. Hye Jin smiled.

"Oh, ok, COME AND GET IT, JACKSON IMNIDA!" Jackson ended with a pose at the end, making Hye jin laugh.

Jackson stopped and tried to cue Hyejin.

"Uhm, annyeong, Nam Hye Jin imnida..." Hye Jin bowed awkwardly. Jackson laughed at her cuteness.

"oh, kyomi.."" Jackson said silently squealing. Hye Jin touched her cheeks to not become red.

"Okay, now that you guys have introduced each other, it's time to meet the house!" The staff cheered, along

with Jackson and Hye Jin


Jackson and Hye Jin arrived to their small but beautiful house.

"The staff won't be around as much during the show, unless there are missions! So there are hidden cameras in

your house right now." The staff pointed out. Hye Jin and Jackson nodded.

"Okay guys, enjoy your new home for 143 days! Day 1, GO!" the staff left, but left a camera at the front door.

Hye Jin smiled at Jackson, without knowing what to do, They both laughed.

"Uh.. let's go inside..." Jackson said awkwardly. Hye Jin nodded and headed in. Jackson helped her as well. Once they entered

they tried to look for the cameras.

"Oppa! Here's one!" Hye Jin pointed at it. Jackson ran over.

"Smile!" Jackson said making a v pose with her. Hye Jin sat down on the couch and took off her shoes.

"Oppa, I can't wear this anymore, I'm gonna go change." Clothes were prepared for them when they entered their room.

Hye jin walked to the closet and looked for comfortable clothes.

"Oh, that scared me..." Hye Jin found another camera. She found matching pajamas and laughed.

"It's so cute, uh.. I gotta change so, sorry camera?" She laughed and then covered up the camera with a shirt.

After a minute or so she took the shirt off.

"Do I look okay? Do you think oppa will like it?" Hye Jin Was wearing pink pajamas withe hearts on it. She walked out of the 

closet and saw Jackson laying down. He stared at her for a bit and started laughing.

"What? You dont like it?" Hye Jin sat on the bed. He shook his.

"Ani, your so cute like that" Jackson said smiling. 

"Whatever, oh, and there's another one for you too, I think it's blue!" Hye Jin smiled.

"Did you want me to wear it or something?" Jackson looked worried.

"If you want to.. But I think it would look cute on you..." Hye Jin shrugged. Jackson sighed.

"Fine, I'll wear it..." He sighed and walked to the closet. Hye Jin silently clapped. After a a minute of changing, Jackson

walked out with the blue pajamas on. Hye Jin smiled and laughed.

"Why are you laughing, this isn't funny!" Jackson put his hand on his hips. 

"Oppa, your look cute in it, so it's fine! .. oh and did yunno that there was a camera in there..." Hye Jin got up and dragged

Jackson to the closet. Jackson gave her a confused look. Hye Jin pointed at the camera, that was apparently unseen.

"Do you mean, I changed in front of a camera?" Jackson asked. Hye Jin started laughing. Jackson ran out of the closet and

jumped onto the bed. His face was stuffed into the pillow. Hye Jin followed after and smiled at him. She laid next to him.

"Are you okay oppa?" Hye Jin poked him. Jackson laughed.

"I'm okay, but why didn't you tell me earlier?" Hye Jin shrugged.

"Woah, it's already 8.. Did you wanna eat something?" Hye Jin asked.

"Um, since it's the first day, we can have a barbeque!" Jackson said smiling.

"Then we have to go shopping..." Hye Jin sighed.

"Hye Jin-ah~ Let's keep these on.. I'm to tired to change.." Jackson whined. 

"Fine, but only for today..." Hye Jin sighed. She put on her shoes and got ready. She waited for Jackson.

"OPPA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Hye Jin crossed her arms and waited. Jackson came down with a camera.

"Why are you bringing that?" Hye Jin started lecturing him.

"So I can film us. The staff told me before you came, that whenever we leave the house, we gotta film ourselves." Jackson



"YAY! we finally arrived!" Jackson cheered. He was filming Hye Jin walking aroung and looking for the right meat.

"Oppa, which one do you think we should get?" Hye Jin looked at the meat. Jackson was filming the meat.

"Um.. It doesn't matter cause any kind of meat tastes good!" Jackso said busy fimling. Hye Jin picked the meat and carried on.

They next got kimchi, onions and other side dishes.

"YAY! We are done shopping! Hye Jin is a really, REALLY great person for buying the food!" Jackson smiled.

"You owe me one Jackson, I even bought you ice cream..." Hye Jin said looking at Jackson.

Jackson was cooking the meat and Hye Jin was sorting out and making the side dishes. After they finished eating,

They cleaned up and went to bed.

"Are we sleeping in the same bed?" Jackson asked. Hye Jin shrugged.

"If you want to, but I'm just gonna go to sleep." Hye Jin pulled the blanket over her. Jackson stood there looking at her.

"Yah! Hye Jin-ah! .. Where do I sleep?" Jackson stared at the camera. He sighed and got on the bed.

"I guess we're sleeping together.. goodnight Hye Jin!" Jackson closed the light and they both fell asleep.

hey guys, chubbs has updated the story.. I think for day 2, there might be a mission / game involved. just saying. hope you guys liked this chapter, and I will update more, I promise!

princess sparkles story shall arrive soon, and so will yours. Subscribe for more updates, and comment so we can get awesome feedback from you guys!

— chubbs



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Chapter 3: This chapter was cute and I think you captured Jackson well.
Chapter 2: and i'm gonna add little things so you can know her more^^
Chapter 2: unnir,i'm gonna fix my app,neeee
Lillyanna #6
Chapter 3: OMG! Jackson and Hyejin are a very cute couple~~~~ <3
I'm so excited to see the next update!!! ^^
Chapter 1: I applied!! Hope you like her~