143 day — lindsay lu



Lindsay Lu / Lu Lin Xi (鹿林夕)
username: exo_lover66
:: Lin (her normal nickname + stage name)
:: Elsa (as called by Luhan due to her cold personality)
:: Fawn (since the deer title was taken by her brother + fanclub name - called by EXO and fans)
:: Lin-ah (Luhan and Kris added the '-ah' for aegyo)
age: 22
birthday: October 29, 1992
ethnicity: Chinese (sorry. explained in background)
languages: Chinese (mother tongue), English (very fluent), Korean (fluent), Cantonese (lacking ability)
ulzzang name: Lee Dasom
gallery: click!
backup ulzzang: Wang YiYi
gallery: click!


She was born in Beijing, she was the last of the two children of the Lu Family. She made lots of friends, they loved to play and sing together. When she was 5, her 14-year-old cousin returned from America and taught her English, though her brother had trouble learning the language. Lin would always sing with her brother as her mother composed a few duets for them to sing together. She had always dreamed to be a famous singer when she grows up, and begs her parents to help her reach for her dreams. When she was 6, her parents enrolled her into ballet, jazz, and hip-hop lessons when her brother got into popping and hip-hop. When she was 7, her parents enrolled the siblings into singing classes, and the teachers were impressed with her sweet voice, but were quite shocked of her cold personality. When she was 11, her uncle started to teach her archery, and she loved it. She trained harder and harder with her brother. Her cousin had to get back to USA when she turned 14 to continue his studies.
Time passed by and they had to move to Korea at the age of 17 (her age) and 19 (her bro's age) in a boarding school event. Then her brother got scouted when they were shopping in Myeondong with a couple of his friends. It made her feel lonely living alone in their apartment. A year after her brother got accepted into S.M. Entertainment, she decided to pursue her dream and chase after her brother. She entered S.M.Ent's audition in Seoul, with the category 'Singer'. She was so nervous, of course. She played with her own fingers as she waited for her turn. She practiced her song, made sure she hit the notes precisely and practiced her prononciation. What surprised her was that her brother actually skipped his trainee schedule and visited her at the audition venue. He cheered her up and supported her, wishing her the best luck. When it was time for her to sing, she glanced at her white necklace -that her family gave her as a birthday present when she turned 5- and prayed for the best. She faced the judges and started to sing an acapella of SNSD's 'The Boys'. She sang the song with all her heart, and she expressed it on her facial expressions really well. The judges were impressed by her sweet voice. The judges then thanked her for auditioning and wished her luck, in which she smiled, bowed and thanked them in response before walking out of the room. A few days later, she received an e-mail that she got accepted, passing the audition. Luhan congratulated her for this, sending a bouquet of roses and camellias to her apartment room since he can't visit because of his trainee schedules.
Her trainee life wasn't quite enjoyable at first. She was bullied by the Korean female trainees and some of the male trainees. But once they knew that she was sister of Luhan (applicant's note: BOOM! SURPRISE~) who was their friend, they relented on her and stopped bullying her. She met some of the SNSD members and BoA during the trainee periods, and they were impressed when she sang and played the piano. When her brother debuted, she kept training and training harder, just to make her dream come true and reunite with her brother on-stage. She then heard of S.M.Ent who was about to debut her in a few months. Knowing this, Luhan turned down a few advertisements and a role in a Chinese drama just to train his little sister. And proudly, he made it when she debuted as a soloist on the exact year after EXO's debut. She appeared at EXO's Wolf and Growl Drama MV (it all started when Luhan dragged her into the set and the director casted her to be the main female). She said that it went a bit well since she was Luhan's little sister, after all: why wouldn't Luhan love his own sister? But she also said that it was awkward standing in Kai's arms and having him kissing her cheek for the teaser scene. (!!!) But because of her tight trainee schedule, she couldn't make it until the end of the shoot so the producers replaced her for Yoon SoHee. The kissing scene was also replaced with Yoon Sohee so Lin felt disappointed that her first kiss was stolen by a guy she didn't actually love. Luhan, getting the basics of loving a girl, continued the drama with a success thanks to Lin. She also made a cameo in EXO's Miracles in December MV as the girl that Sehun was staring at (same thing happened on how she got casted).
↪ ATTENTIVE ⇒ She is a very attentive girl. Whenever she's in her class, it's very hard for the other students to gain her attention. Also, when she's assigned to do something, she'd always work on it until it's completely finished. She is a very hard-working girl that wants the best for her and her friends. When it comes to training archery with her father or cousin, she'd listen well and learn fast. She is a very good listener, and she is fast to understand things. She was once avoided by most students because of how she's like the 'teacher's pet', always caring and being a good student.
↪ BALANCED ⇒ Lin is a very thoughtful girl, she always cares about her family and friends. She's like a mother to them, caring and sweet. But also, she's ambitious. She is passionate and has a strong will in success. Though, she can handle stress easily, she is a calm-before-the-storm type of girl. When her rival loses, she often goes up to her/him, takes a deep breath to calm her anger, and turns her back on him/her and struts off, saying the words "See ya later, alligator." She is, overall, a bit of a quick-tempered person.
↪ FLEXIBLE ⇒ Always making friends, she can suit in any personality her friends have. She is a bit of a bipolar girl. She worries about something, staying silent for a minute. But when her friend suddenly comes over and tells her a joke, she'd get talkative and laugh all the time. She is friendly and kind. She can understand what her friends need, or feel, or even their problems. Although, she isn't really used to boys' personality, as how mature she is and how often she goes out with only female friends while the others hang out with both male and female.
↪ AGGRESSIVE ⇒ Sometimes, when it gets to fights, Lin just couldn't stand it. She'd yell "GUYS! ENOUGH! NO MORE FIGHTING!" and shift into a liger (lion-tiger) or a cobra whenever two guys fight over something, either it was a big problem or a small one. The harder people fight, the more aggressive she is. She kinda uses her rage to stop the fight. Also, when her close ones are hurt because of the bullies, she'd yell "Leave him/her alone or you'll pay the price," and when the bullies didn't budge, she'd start attacking them with her Tai Chi. She is a very skilled fighter, also trained to fight well in archery. She hits precisely in the bullseye, which made her opponents slightly terrified of her.
↪ GLARING PRINCESS ⇒ She often glares at people, especially the ones she hate or the ones who threaten her and her friends. When some boys, or any flirty boys casually walk and call her name, she'd return and threaten them with a glare, as if her eyes say "Don't you come closer or my wolf will kill you." In other cases, when one of her friends get threatened by someone, she'd glare as if her eyes said "If you're gonna mess with him/her, you'll have to get through me first". When she's pissed off and someone comes over to her, she'd glare at the person, signing him/her to leave her alone. She often has a glaring contest with her rival before she starts fighting. She was like an ice princess to the queenkas in her schools. Hence, only some who truly understand her would be her friends.
↪ COMPETITIVE-PERFECTIONIST ⇒ She is a girl who loves challenges. New tricks? New lessons? New rivals? Bring it on! She's always wanted to strive for first place, thus becoming very perfectionist in her combat skills and her powers. She always trained harder and longer than her brother does. She doesn't stop until she's 100% sure that she's able to beat her rival. She would even ask her brother to accompany her. So be aware of her... She might be a strict trainer to you someday.
+ Horses and animals
+ Pastel colors, mostly the color white and soft pink
+ Roses and camellias (flowers)
+ Fantasy
+ Romance novels
+ Butterflies and birds
+ Fresh air, wide open space
+ Maths (as much as it seems impossible for other people)
+ Having fun
+ Staying in her bedroom
+ Dresses with laces (white or pastel colors)
+ Brushing her hair
+ Punctuality
+ Peace
+ Insects (excluding butterflies)
+ Bullies
+ Fights
+ No Internet
+ Being late
+ History Studies
+ The color black
+ Childish people
+ People who underestimate her
+ Shirtless guys (she's still a as much as she loves romance)
+ Loud, sudden noises (e.g. the door suddenly banging open)
+ Has a pet peeve of lisps. She'd shudder every time she hears one. (a/n: imagine her being around sehun ㅋㅋㅋ)
+ She's right-handed
+ She's arachnophobic AKA phobic of spiders - she'd faint everytime she sees one
+ Has a white mare named "Luna" (click!) and a husky named "alex" (short for "alexandra") (click!)
+ She dislikes aegyo and never falls for it, except when it comes from Luhan or Kris (which rarely happens)
+ Favorite food: Bulgogi, ramyun, noodles, scrambled eggs, apples
+ Her lucky charm/gem: White diamonds
+ Favorite color: silver
+ Has a very flexible body
+ Her mother's blood type is O, while her father's was B, which sorta explains why she has different blood type from her brother.
+ Wishes she would have bloodbending powers so she could bloodbend every person involved in a fight so they would stop fighting at once (explained in personality, she hates fights/war)
+ Hates the color hot pink
+ Is a fan of Hello Kitty
+ Her role model is BoA
+ Is the younger sister of EXO's Luhan and a rookie soloist under S.M.Ent
+ Debuted a year after EXO with the song "Only One" (originally by BoA) (dancer: EXO's Sehun)
+ Comebacks:
- Gone (originally by JIN) (MV ft. EXO's Xiumin) November 2013
- Breathe - CHINESE DEBUT (originally by S.M. The Ballad) (ft. EXO's Chen) January 2014
- I Will (originally by Zhang LiYin) upcoming August 2014
+ When she's happy, she'd smile more often.
+ When she's amused, she'd smirk a kinda scary yet satisfied smirk. She often says "Impressive." or "Cool." or something that's much similar to the first one "I'm impressed." She sometimes use sarcastic words in addition.
+ When she's sad, she'd become a mute. If you keep asking her "What's wrong?" "Why are you frowning?" "Did something happen?", she'll break into tears. But slowly, though, it's not like she's gonna sob and cry on your shoulder. Probably a drip or two of her tear would roll down on her cheeks. Plus, she's not an easy person to cheer up.
+ When she's angry, she'd become a mute, clench her fists, make an inaudible growl, then finally she'll burst out like a raging lion.
+ When she's stressed or confused or don't know what to do, she'd pace all around the room, head facing the ceiling, muttering stuff. She keeps doing that until someone asks her "Lindsay, what's wrong?" Only then she'll let out a deep sigh and finally sit down, gaze on the floor, and replies with a soft quiet voice "I don't know. I really, really don't know." which refers to not knowing what to do or what choice to make.
+ When she's shy, she'd stutter and look down a lot, sometimes blushing in embarrassment.
+ When she's lying, she'd send a death glare to the person right in the eyes and her tone would get higher a bit.


love interest's name: Kris Wu / Wu Yi Fan of EXO
backup love interest's name: Lay / Zhang Yi Xing of EXO
any requests?: {you don't really have to write all of them}
+ First meeting in the program ::
Kris was shocked to see his trainee crush Luhan's sister in front of him. Lin's reaction was the same. When the two of them were asked to introduce each other, Lin answers "We already know each other." but the PD insists for the viewers. And the both of them were awkward turtles when the staff leaves them at their house until Lin decides on what to do.
+ When Lin saw a spider when Kris wasn't there and she fainted, Kris rushes to the hospital in panic
+ EXO shipping Kris and Lin, naming the ship "KLIN"
+ Luhan: "Geez. Calm down, Elsa."
   Lin : "gege, i told you not to call me that."
+ Lin singing a song for Kris (Taylor Swift - Love Story)
+ Lin teaching Kris horse-riding and archery, Kris teaches her basketball in return
+ Luhan gets mad at Kris for hurting Lin (accidentally)
suggestions?: the couples compete in a basketball game
password: krease



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