Chapter IV

At Your Service

A week passed and Bom’s parents had returned from their trip. During this week she was alone in her house. Her security doesn’t allow her to go clubbing or go to parties because they have orders from her parents to never let her out in their absence.


Sometimes she felt frustrated because she can’t feel freedom anymore, she only can go out in weekends and that made her angry. But she didn’t know why the reason of this new “Rules”: her father had received 3 calls in the week threatening her life and that makes them alert and paranoid about it.


Finally is weekend and as usual, Bom go to party. This time the party will be held in home of one of her rich friends.


She dressed in a black micro dress, adjusted, sleeveless, reveling her collarbone, her perfect “S” line and her beautiful legs. She obviously does it to flirt with Seunghyun who couldn’t avoid his gaze to her; she looked so hot in that dress. She is a temptation that some day he would fall and he knew it. He can feel his heart beat faster when their eyes met is like the world stopped.


Chaerin knew that Bom dressed on purpose to provoke him and that made her mad. She love flirt with men and especially with Seunghuyn, she seems like she wants to play.


Once in the party, the atmosphere was very good. The music was very loud and all the people were drinking a lot. The house was beautiful; it had a pool, Jacuzzi and a bar near at the edge of the pool with a giant LCD. There was a dj to put the music. Some people were dancing and other just jumping like fools.


Bom was talking with a group of well dressed guys you could tell they had a lot of money. They were laughed nonstop.


Chaerin just watched their behavior; she couldn’t explain why the rich kids always like to do shows. She never was in these kinds of parties, for real, she never likes parties.


When she has free time, she likes to read, sing or make exercise. This is opposite with Bom, definitely.


The night past and Bom was so drunk. As always they would have to carry her but this time would be Chaerin because Seunghyun was outside waiting with the driver.


When everyone started to leave the place Bom finally decided to leave, they were like 3:30 am; Bom couldn’t walk so Chaerin told her to lean on her and try to walk. On the way to the car, Bom was talking a lot; she is trying to explain to Chaerin how badly men are and how they took advantage of her.


“Yeah how can man don’t take adventage if you wear that kind of dress?” Chaerin thought to herself. “Hey Chaerin you know, you don’t like me right?” Bom said like whispering. Chaerin felt uncomfortable with the comment and she didn’t respond.


Bom was still talking but Chaerin doesn’t pay her attention, so She stopped suddenly and let out the support of Chaerin, she looked at her puzzled and before she can speak " I don’t like being ignored, much less when I'm drunk," she said upset and then she raised her hands and Chaerin thought she would give a slap but what she did was grab her face with her hands and kissed her lightly. Chaerin was frozen at the moment and when they separated from the kiss Bom smiles devilish. "Now you must pay attention or the consequences will be worst" Bom said as she return to support on her to walk. Chaerin felt like it was all a bad dream; she can’t believe that her first kiss would be like this and with a woman.


Once inside the car, Bom fell asleep on her shoulder and she can’t stop think about what happened. She now thinks this job is really a divine punishment.


Seunghyun carried Bom on his arms to her to her room. One of her maids immediately go inside to change her as usual but this time Chaerin stayed outside meditating on what had happened.


"Hey Lee is something wrong? You seem like in other dimension" Seunghyun said a little worried. "Don’t worry it's nothing important, make sure all is well with her, I go to rest it has been a very long day. Good night, “she said leaving his puzzled.


She quickly got to her room, took a shower and go to bed. She was staring at the ceiling. She touched her lips trying to understand why she kissed her maybe she just wants to play. She felt her face hot when she remembered the kiss. Bom's lips were soft and tasted like cherry. She smiled again. "What the hell is happening to me? She hates me, I hate her, I don’t understand why she did it” she said to herself. “Maybe she just playing around so I don’t mind” she said while covering herself to try to relax and take some sleep.

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Chapter 31: awwwww <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 i love you baby. i love your writing.
Chapter 31: thx for the updateeee ^^ btw can you add more drama??? Kekeke
Chapter 31: Thank you for the update ❤️❤️ Those two are too cute together hope you update soon
Chapter 30: Thankyou for the update again ^.^ hope that the criminal will be captured soon
Chapter 30: YAY an update<3333 it's too short though haha. but i love it still!! it's so cute aw i love how in love they are
bomrin21 #6
Chapter 30: WAAAA... to short..!! T_T
but tks for ur update :)
i'll waiting for ur next update patienly T__T
bomrin21 #7
autornim where are u?? where my bomrin?? π_π update pleasee.. T_T
Chapter 28: lmao I love bom being this flirty character it's so hot
Chapter 29: hahahah OMfgg maybe I can eat something else lol I love it