Please give me food

Bang, bang – out of hand

Please give me food – and a conversation starter.


    I just continued to stare at them with a blank expression on my face, eating for all life’s worth until the one from before spoke up. “Can I have some?”

    There was an awkward silence in the air. “What are you going to do for me in return?” I blatantly asked, wiping my mouth clean of food.

    His facial expression indicated that he was genuinely thinking about an answer, before eventually giving up and returning to look at my lunchbox. They fidgeted under my intense glare and uncaring look. I didn't care what was happening at the moment, and what was I supposed to do anyways? Run? Not in with me currently stuck up a shelf and all. 

    “How long have you’ve been up there,” Kyungsoo snapped in an angered tone.

    “Long enough to know that this was your previous hideout,” I declared.

    “Since yesterday then,” the one with an angelic smile said, I nodded in response.

    “Who even checked behind here anyways, everyone gave a clear signal.” The tallest guy declared with fury. All of them spoke up at once, “you did.” Everyone seemed to be glaring at him now putting the blame on the angry bird. “It not only my fault, Tao was there too!” He exclaimed whilst dragging a black haired teen with a sharp jaw line in front of him. All he got was an angered kick to the shin by the latter.

    Another pointed out that I was still here, “guys we’ve got another problem on our hands and I’m hungry.” He may have looked innocent, but his words packed a punch. He just offhandedly called me a problem. 

    That’s when my brain started kicking into gear. They were all vocally hungry. I was too but I could use my food as a bribing source to keep me safe until needed. I put my spoon down and clapped my hands to gain their attention. “I have a proposition for you guys?” Why did I hesitate?

    “Like you can offer anything to us, with that look and everything... I mean look at you,” the tall blonde one decreed. That’s why. These people were certainly not like the polite males that I was used to. I simply ignored his offensive remark, continuing on with my previous suggestion whilst vigorously shaking my head from side to side to emphasise my rejection of the statement. Not like that, you guys are not worth it. “I was going to offer you lunch and my card for a temporary service but if you don’t want to I can just simply leave?” I suggested.

    No one replied to my answer, they just stared at me accusingly. “You know we can just rip your nametag off, right?” Kyungsoo said in an undignified tone.

    “Try me.” I snapped back, using my two fingers to beckon them on. This little innocent act was not working – why did you have to bring the real Jieun out for biting?! One began climbing the ladder and tried to grab me to come down. I withdrew my legs to a cross-legged position and timely kicked the ladder when he was not looking. It wobbled a bit, the passenger grabbing on for life’s sake, the others grabbing the ladder to steady it back into position.

    “Woah, dangerous!” He squealed. He attempted again, however with my back pressed up against the wall he had no chance with his cautious hands trying to not grab anything inappropriate. After a few more unsuccessful attempts he gave up.

    A lot of them sighed in defeat. “We comply with your proposition!” The drooling one exasperated, “now give us the food!” Typical hunger talking.

    I glimpsed at the others and saw them nodding in response – they were definitely aiming for my lunchbox, well… with the look of a predator and all – it was definitely my lunchbox. Satisfied with their answer, I sighed and whispered under my breath “hopefully this useless bunch will keep me alive till half of the first years are gone .” I whipped my head back at them again. “If you would kindly move out of the way, I would be eternally grateful.” I waved to them sarcastically, “go back to that little corner of yours again.” They gave me a questionable glare, before I said, “I’m wearing a skirt, it’s not like I’m going to run away after promising something. My dad told me to keep my promises.” They scampered away once they notice I was indeed wearing a skirt, never failing to here an exaggerated tone of 'my dad told me to keep my promises' that whined out in a mocking voice.

    Stepping down the ladder, I organised the lunchbox back in its material case before carefully retreating from the perfect hiding spot. Now's the time to run Jieun. RUN! – I couldn't bring myself to though, promises digged hard into my system, although they didn't seem to appreciate it. 

    Making my way to their ‘hideout’ I detected that the mountain of boxes had disappeared. When met with the sight of a makeshift lounge area I knew where those boxes had exactly gone to. Flattened boxes were laid out on the floor; a few boxes were folded into pillows just like the one I made, and others kept their original shape and were used as chairs or tables. 

    Walking to the middle of their lounge I was ignored again, just like yesterday morning during homeroom. I placed down my lunchbox and began opening it again. Now this gained some attention – the drooling one flanked closer until he was right in front of me. 

    Ignoring his growling stomach and dribbling, I lifted up the lid, then the first layer as well as the second. Using a spoon and some chopsticks I grabbed my share of the food and place it onto the lid before throwing down the bag of utensils that was packed for me to use in the dorms. I grabbed a box placing it in the corner before leaving my food on top of it to come back to.

    I began walking back to the posterior of the room, one of them asked me where I was going but I disregarded him and kept on going.

    I heard one of them say, “just let her go… we already got the food and it’s not like she can escape with us blocking the doorway like this.” So they didn’t know about the other exit? Interesting.

    The one who asked the question still ran up to me just as I was retrieving my backpack. He said a simple ‘oh’ before I lugged it onto my back. He knew I was having trouble with it so he helped me by carrying it. At least some of them were gentlemen.

    “You can distribute them if you want to,” I said whilst gesturing for him to open it. He was mildly surprised by the contents before handing one to me. “Thanks”

    “They’re your's anyway,” he murmured. I gave a little laugh.

    We returned to a lunch box that was half empty and an evident smile from the drooling one. The guy from before began handing out the water bottles, whilst I made my way towards a well-deserved dinner? Snack? What time was it exactly?

    “So that’s what was in there!”

    Some of them were staring at me, looks saying ‘why would you have a bag full of water bottles?’ I simply shrugged off his looks when his eyeliner encrusted eyes continued to stare at me and I just stared back at him whilst chewing on some overcooked meat.

    That bag of water and the food that you’re currently eating was supposed to last me two weeks! The meat that was currently on my plate did not look appetising anymore; it was chewy as well – considering how it has been as least a day and a half since it has been cooked.


    After some time observing, you could straightforwardly point out that they were taking turns sending me awkward glances, when one of them stopped looking another would take his place.

    It was getting awkward to say the least as their conversation seemed to dwindle with my presence. I was still overwhelmed by the fact that this school was playing Running Man as their main source of functionality regarding ranks, so I can’t seem to start a discussion that would be remotely interesting or say something that they didn’t already know.

    I was totally not used to talking to people my age either. This was a big contrast to the small children or old residents that I was used to, the only experience I had with guys my age was when I was fourteen, and even they left the neighbourhood to pursue a better education. I couldn't just sing a song to entertain them and hope that they would find me funny.

    The five hours staring at that spot on the ceiling was used to decipher the game, not gather possible conversation topics. I didn't even know their names.

    Currently I classify them as the drooling one, the tall blonde, manly guy, angry bird, Guyliner, angel, gentleman, problem – cause he called me a problem, cheekbones, black haired teen – Tao I presume, tall elf and test killer – aka Do Kyungsoo.

    Referring them to their nicknames was fun and all, but I couldn’t exactly directly call them that publicly.

    Names, that’s it.


    “I’m going to need names if I’m staying here for a while,” I half whispered.

    “So… you only know Kyungsoo. Bias much?” The one with high cheekbones ratted out.

    “We technically only ‘know’ each other because we’re in the same homeroom.”

    “So you don’t know who I am?” The angry bird pointed out, I shook my head.

    “You’ve got to be kidding me…” The tall blonde exclaimed.

    I shook my head once again.

    “That’s new, everybody knows us.” More than one of them said this at the same time.


    “Woah… Okay, I haven’t introduced myself in a while, so the name’s Kim Jongin, first year. People call me Kai.” The drooling one waved at me; waving back he continued to talk. “You’re food was delicious by the way! I could have died back there, you saved me!” He grinned and then nudged the guy next to him.

    The guy with the high cheekbones muttered a simple, “Kim Jongdae, second year. Fatty here’s my younger brother.” I chuckle a little – not loud enough for anyone to hear though, before nodding at his introduction; the accused fatty giving his brother a little pout.

    “The eldest brother – third year Kim Junmyeon, that’s me. I also go by the name Suho, and you can call Jongdae, Chen if you want.” The angel spoke up, disrupting the debacle between brothers.

    “Chanyeol, Park Chanyeol. You can call me… Chanyeol. I’m also a second year,” the deep manly voice shouted next to him. I couldn’t believe that a voice like that came out of an innocent face like his. Initially I thought he was a tall elf, not a hot damn fine piece of meat with voice to match.

    He knew I was shocked, so he whispered with a downcast look and pout “don’t be scared of me, people are usually scared of me when they hear my voice.” Awww….

    “I’m not scared of you; I think it matches you and its endearing.” I said softly. He smiled widely and continued on to annoy the guy next to him, so that he could introduce himself.

    “Stop it Chanyeol!” he shoved him in the face and looked into my eyes, “Byun Baekhyun, second year.” The eyeliner had sass.

    “Xi Luhan,” the manly guy proclaimed. “Third Year.”

    “Otherwise known as Bambi,” said the tall blonde, not once looking in my direction.

    “That is Oh Sehun – first year,” Luhan introduced for him. An empty water bottle proceeded to fly past everyone’s visage and hit Sehun smack bang on the nose. The target grabbed his nose in pain. The bottle was presumably thrown by a ninja Luhan as he was currently sporting a victorious smirk.

    “Kim Minseok, also by the name Xiumin – and no… I am not their brother,” he said whilst pointing to the other Kims. I want to pinch those cheeks. No, what… What am I thinking?! Wasn’t he the one who called me a ‘problem?’  He looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully before saying, “oh, yeah… I’m a third year,” he jeered whilst smiling. Nope can’t stay mad at him, he’s adorable.

    An affirmed tone snapped me out of my daze, “am Kris. Real name Wu Yifan – only son of Wu Corporations, aspiring fashion designer and artist. You have to remember that, you can forget about these peasants.” He said in a nonchalant way, “and this here…” He pointed to the black haired teen to his left, “is my personal bodyguard, Hwang Zitao – he’s in his first year.”


    “You must have heard of me sometime in your boring life,” he boasted whilst cleaning out his nails.

    “Nope,” I whispered under my breath whilst looking away.

    “Then you must be living in the Stone Age!”

    “Whatever you say, angry bird,” I half spitted out unknowingly.

    “What did you just call me?!!” Oops did I say that out loud?

    “Angry bird,” I plainly repeated.

    Jongdae began bawling over in laughter with Jongin and Chanyeol promptly following after.

    “I am not an angry – bird!” Clearly accentuating the ‘angry bird’ part with calmness.

    “No, Kris… You have to agree on the angry bird part. You definitely look like one,” Sehun stated out. He received another bottle thrown in his direction, luckily this time he avoided it.

    We returned to introducing ourselves as everyone scanned the room for those who were left out. Eyes landed on Kyungsoo, he huffed and just stated, “just skip me, she already knows my name.”

    They began looking again, I saw Junmyeon trying to calculate how many names were said before he shouted out, “Lay!”

    Everyone jumped up in surprise then looked at the polite guy from before. He simply looked up as if he was not paying any attention before and said, “Zhang Yixing – Lay, second year.”

    I gave him a smile that he returned.

    “Ummm….” I contemplated, “I might as well introduce myself as well. As you all know, my name if Lee Jieun – I’m a first year, it was nice meeting you all. I’ll be in you care so thank you in advance, I hope my 990 points come in handy.” I politely said, snorting out the last bit. Awkward… Totally awkward…

    Everyone’s eyes widened, except Kyungsoo’s.

    What? Did I say something wrong?



a/n: so... introductions ehh...? I don't like this chapter but it has to happened sometime :L  = p.s like my poster?
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Chapter 21: bsbskdba i cannot. i waited for this story for a long time already- years. i can't help but think of it everytime

can i please please please know the continuation or atleast how the story will go? spoil me with it juseyo. ;;
Plooky #2
Chapter 21: How could I only find your story now ?! I'm a huge fan of Running Man and I love Jieun (and EXO too, they're cute together) ! It's really well-written and very interesting ! I'd love to see more interaction with the other members (Yixing really has this big bro attitude with Jieun and i love that !) As much as I want an update, i know how hard university is... Ha... Fighting ! Ad hope to read some other chapters soon !!! :D
LazilyArtisticXox #3
Chapter 21: TT..TT I felt so depressed because of this chapter, I read it all again
Chapter 21: Aww~ I'm going to miss you so much, and do well in your study! Hope everything will be easy for you in the future. - Yuki
Salsal28 #5
Chapter 20: Please update your story again author-nim, i really love your story and can't wait for next chapter >.<
elephantie #6
Chapter 20: Can't wait until you continue with this story again! I hope your studies are going well!
Chapter 20: Update soon!!
PearLee #8
hmm you're not updating anytime soon?
PearLee #9
Chapter 20: I really like hoe the story progresses on :) thanks for the update~
Chapter 20: Ahahahaha this was great! :D