The Dreaded Dot


"SeHun!" I screamed and I heard him rush up the stairs to my room. He shuffled around in my room. I screamed again.

"Where are you?" He asked, panicking. I groaned loud as the pain was excruciating. I screamed his name again and I heard him shuffled out to the halls and stand right in front of the bathroom door. He banged on the door mutlitple times, but it was a struggle for me to answer.

"I need! I need! Toilet paper! Ah! ing cramps! !" I paused in between each uncompleted phrase. I was already crying and I couldn't stop. I heard the quick steps that went down the stairs and a door slam open and the quick steps again. I saw the knob turn and SeHun's head popped in.

"Yah! UH! You ert, get out! OH MY ING NUGGET!" I chucked him the toothpaste.

"I'm not looking. I'm just going to put these rolls inside." He put half his body in with his eyes closed and then he took a whiff. "What the hell is that? What did you eat?" He swiftly got out and shut the door. I chucked a bar of soap at the door and then I saw a piece of paper rolled into a ball. I tried to get it to me with my feet. I bent over when it was near and unwrapped the ugly thing and saw two pills. I love him so much right now.

I took them straight and dry and in a few minutes the pain went away and the house seemed calm. It was a bit too calm. I wiped my bottom and washed my hands. I took a look at my ugly red face that swelled up and eyes red and hair in a fritz. I was dropped dead ugly. I looked like a zombie. I walked out of the bathroom to see SeHun fixing up my room and slip on a pair of red Chuck Taylor's that went with his light washed jeans and white v-neck shirt. He saw me and smiled. He came over to me and gave me a hug and kissed to the forehead.

"All better?" He gave me a small grin and another forehead kiss and let go. I held onto his hand.

"Where are you going?" I asked and he answered, "Just to the market. I'm just getting some sweets for my queen." He chuckled.

"I want to go too." I said and he looked at me weird. I stared back at him with the same weird face.

"What?" I finally asked.

"You sure? Looking like that? Last time-" He held my arms. I slapped them away and started to bawl.

"Are you saying I'm ugly? Am I dirty? Am I a monster that I can't be seen with you? Why do you always make me cry? Why are you so mean?" I said between whimpers.

"I didn't say that. I didn't mean that in the least either. I wasn't sure you wanted to go because you threw a tantrum the last time."


"No. No. No. Calm down. Never. I would never. I'm sorry for making you cry and being so mean. How about you stay here and I go get so much sweets that you can't even imagine? Okay?" I nodded. "Okay. I love you." I nodded again and flopped onto my bed and hugged my life-size pillow of Pooh bear. I waited and slowly dozed off when I smelt his delicious aroma. I got up lazily and walked down the stairs in my short shorts pajamas and messed up crew neck sweatshirt and my pony tail on the top right side of my head dangling. I saw SeHun put all the bags onto the coffee table and I then saw my heaven. It was a box of chicken and bubble tea. He knew what I was craving for before I did.

"CHICKAAN!" I screamed and charged for the chicken and tripped over SeHun. I punched him hard in the chest.

"Why'd you trip me?" I scolded. He stuck a chicken drum in my mouth and I chomped on it and I may have eaten two chickens on my own.

"Love you." I said and kissed him cheek with my greasy lips and chocolate smeared on my top lip like a mustache. He did the same.

"You eat like you're pregnant." He joked and I had to wonder.

"Am I pregnant?" He gave me the craziest look. He looked like an owl.

"Impossible. We haven't done anything." He put his chicken down like it was serious matter.

"Or did we?" I thought long and hard. He shook his head and then I remembered.

"It must've been my day dreams." I laughed it off, but a cramp came up again. It was short though.

"You're erted." He laughed. I pouted. Again he apologized. Then he gave a smirk. He then asked, "Should we get jiggity-jiggity?" I smacked him hard and kissed him tenderly on the lips. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me close like the beginning of a movie's scene.

"Ow!" I screamed at my tummy.

"What happened?" He looked up with concern. I pointed to my tummy. He laughed and let go off me. He then set me in the right position for his killer massages. He lifted my sweatshirt to show just my tank and he massaged my tummy. My bloated, painful, baby-bump looking tummy.

"You're so sweet." I said as he massaged my tummy. The benefits of periods... I say periods are worth it. NOT!

I HATE PERIODS. I love him to pieces.


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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 1: like it....
yoyoman #2
Chapter 2: so sweet....
Yah~ This is amazing~
hunhanisreal_ot12 #4
Chapter 2: This was so sweet!! Omg i can imagine sehun doing this to me when i'm on periods huhuhu ><
Chapter 2: Ahahahahaaaa~ that scene, sehun in the bathroom AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~ MAKNAE IN THE ROOM! >_< but looooooooooooooooooool~
his eyes are spoiled now T^T
InspiritHamster #6
Chapter 1: Sehun so sweet :) and yeah period ! I hate it >_<
pearwaffle #7
Chapter 1: i love this... update soon ♡
hunhanisreal_ot12 #8
Chapter 1: "I love you when you're vulnerable." >>>>> this line was omg hahahaha :)) gaaaaaaaaaah /faints
sehun25 #9
Chapter 1: too short T_T
yaniane #10
Chapter 1: this is really funny, cliffhanger there though (y)