C h a p t e r 2: Might Be Her

Hearing You Out

C h a p t e r 2:

“_____! Please help serve table 4. They’re your normal customers,” said Ms. Lee, her manager. You nodded and walked up to their table with a smile.

“Ah, _____~ah, always here with such a bright expression. We would take the special,” said Mrs. Choi. You nodded and wrote down what they needed. She looked at her with a smile and pointed at the drinks.

“Oh, I would like some water,” said Mr. Choi.

“Tea please?” Mrs. Choi ordered. You smiled and handed the order to the chef while she gave the beverage. You soon walked to table 4 and gave them their beverages.

“Thank you,” they said happily and you bowed and started to clean a couple of the tables.

You turned as she saw 5 men come in with their sunglasses on and three of them wearing hats. You walked up to them and mentioned them to follow her.

“Um…what do we do?” JunSu asked.

“Uh, we follow her?” YunHo questioned. The others just shrugged and followed her. You turned to them and smiled as they sat down. You took out her pad and pen and waited for their order.

“Um…?” ChangMin said confusingly. You frowned a little and soon an idea just popped out. You did an action of drinking water.

“Oh…I’ll have a coke,” said YunHo.

“Oh, coke too, please,” said YooChun.

“Water,” said ChangMin.

“I’ll have tea,” JunSu said.

“Tea here, too,” said JaeJoong as he looked at you suspiciously. You nodded and wrote down her order. You gave them menus and left as she was going to get their beverage and give table 4 their order.

“Wow, she won’t talk,” said JunSu.

“JunSu, don’t say it like that, she’s just mute most likely,” said YunHo.

“Mianhe.” The others laughed and started to look at the different orders.

“Thank you, _____,” said Mrs. Choi.

You bowed and walked to table 7 where DBSK are. They turned to you as you just bowed and gave them their drinks. You took out a pad and pen and waited to what they will order.

“Um…3 specials, Dokokkbi, and kimchii stew,” YooChun ordered for them. You nodded and left as you gave the order to the chef.

Everyone sighed and just started talking. JaeJoong’s gaze turned to where you were cleaning the table next to him. You were facing him as he can see you perfectly. ‘It can’t be her. I must be missing her too much,’ JaeJoong thought. You slightly looked up. You gave a shy smile as JaeJoong smiled back at you. YunHo looked at JaeJoong then at you and back to JaeJoong.

“Hyung, do you think it’s her?” YunHo asked. YunHo looked at you and slightly raised an eyebrow. ‘She seems familiar,’ he thought.

“Anio, I doubt it,” said JaeJoong.

“Are you sure?” YunHo asked. JaeJoong sighed and looked at him. Everyone else was then listening.

“Well…I don't know,” said JaeJoong.

“Don’t doubt it then, hyung,” said JunSu.

“Yeah,” said ChangMin.

“Well, I need to hear her voice again and mostly, I need to see her necklace. Remember, I gave her a necklace,” JaeJoong said.

“With his name on it, too,” ChangMin added.

“Yeah.” After a while, their food finally came. You happily placed their plate in front of them. “Um…what’s your name?” JaeJoong asked. You smiled and held out your nametag.

“Ah, Lee _____,” said ChangMin. You nodded happily. “Oh…your DongHae’s sister?” You nodded your head. YunHo smiled widely at her.

“Yah, _____, do you remember me?” YunHo asked. You looked at him carefully. “I’m DongHae’s friend, Jung YunHo. We always hung out and aish, now you forget me?” YunHo pouted. You smiled widely and hugged him as you slightly jumped happily. YunHo laughed as the rest smiled at them. “I miss you, too.” Their hug broke and YunHo scooted a seat next to him. Luckily, you only had to assist them for the rest of the night. “Did you lose your voice?” You nodded sadly.

“Oh…how?” asked JunSu. You took out her notebook paper and pen and answered his question. While waiting, the members ate. Soon, you passed down the paper and YunHo took it and read it.

“She has acid reflux,” YunHo answered. “She’s trying to get treatment and DongHae is helping her out while he’s working.”

“We’re sorry, _____,” said JunSu. You shook your head.

“No need to be sorry, JunSu,” said YooChun. While everyone was busy eating, you wrote something and handed it to JaeJoong. You stood up and left, leaving everyone clueless.

“Where is she going, hyung?” ChangMin asked.

“She said that she has to finish her job,” JaeJoong answered and showed the paper to him.


JaeJoong turned to where you were. You were helping out the other workers with the plates. He smiled at you. He sighed as his attention slightly turned back to the food. ‘Who is she? She’s…too familiar,’ he thought. YunHo looked at JaeJoong then to where his gaze was which was at you. He looked at JaeJoong again.

“Haha, you like her?” he asked.

“Bwoh? Anio,” JaeJoong answered.

YunHo shrugged and just ate. They then finished and they said bye to you. You cleaned up the table once they left. YunHo stood outside of the car.

“Hyung, c’mon, we need to sleep early,” said YooChun.

“You guys go ahead! I’ll head home soon,” YunHo said.

“Araso. Let‘s go,” said YooChun.

Everyone then left, leaving YunHo standing outside of the restaurant. After 10 minutes of waiting, you walked out with a shock expression on your face. YunHo turned to you and smiled.

“C’mon, I’ll walk you home. I wanna catch up,” YunHo said. You smiled and nodded. Both of you walked side by side as YunHo followed to where you lived. “So…w-when did you lose your voice? DongHae told me nothing.” He looked at you as she stuck out 3 fingers. “3 days ago?” You shook your head. “3 weeks?” You shook your head again. “3 years?” You shook your head and rolled your eyes. “Ah, 3 months.” Finally, you nodded your head. “Do you still wanna sing?” You looked at the ground and frowned as You nodded your head. YunHo frowned and wrapped his arm around you. “Don’t worry, you’ll be able to once you get surgery.” You nodded with a smile.

They stopped by an apartment. You turned to him and bowed with a smile. You waved goodbye and entered inside as he waved bye back and walked home. He opened the door to the apartment DBSK stays in, finding the place quiet and dark. He figured that everyone was sleeping.

“Oh *yawns* YunHo, you’re here just now?” JaeJoong asked tiredly.

“Oh, yeah. I'm sorry, did I wake you?” YunHo asked.

“Anio, I was waiting for you. Um…YunHo~ah, I have a question actually,” JaeJoong said as YunHo sat next to him.

“What is it?” YunHo asked.

“That girl _____, how did you meet?” JaeJoong asked. YunHo sighed.

F l a s h b a c k

“Aish, I can’t do this right!” you yelled as she couldn’t do a dance step.

“_____, don’t be such a baby and try!” DongHae yelled from the bleachers.

“I am trying, Fishy,” you said as you stuck her tongue out of him.

“Aish, just jump, cross, pop, kick and free style,” said DongHae.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” You turned the music back on and started to dance. After jumping after a few times, you fell. “Aish.” You heard a chuckle then saw a hand in front of her.

“Here, I’ll help you out,” he said. You accepted his help and smiled. “Jung YunHo, DongHae’s friend.

“Oh, Lee _____, his little sister,” you introduced herself.

“Ah, so you’re the famous _____ that DongHae always talks about,” YunHo said.

“Oppa, you talk about me?” you asked.


“Ah, well I really hope you heard great things about me,” you said.

“Oh, I did. I’ll help you with your dancing if you want,” YunHo suggested.


End of Flashback

“Oh, just because of dancing and she’s related to DongHae,” said JaeJoong.

“Yeah, but you know what was really weird. I saw a necklace on her and it wasn’t even her name,” said YunHo.

“Chincha? What was the name?” JaeJoong asked.

“Mianhe, I forgot. I just remembered that it was a black and red necklace,” said YunHo. JaeJoong’s eyes widened yet shook his head. ‘If it has my name, then it’s her,’ he thought. 

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lazycharms #1
AW! So cute! :D Nice ending!
lazycharms #2
AW! My Junsu is cute as always when he argues with hyukie. :D
lazycharms #3
AH!~ I hope they know the truth soon!
lazycharms #4
Aw, they are so cute together. :D I mean as in siblings...hahahaha
lazycharms #5
Hi there! :D<br />
I love the storyline. <br />
Update soon. ^^^