Yunho and Fei

Love, Life and Death

    "How was your day?" Yunho questions his fiancee with a smile, wanting to hear every detail. Hands carefully directing the wheels of the car as they speak in the car.
    Fei looks over at him from the passenger seat with a grin. "My day was very wonderful." She replies. But it still doesn't seem like enough. "I worked hard at missing you." Ending with a cheesy line makes it all sound even cuter.
    The smile on Yunho's face becomes bigger. "Well, aren't you just the cutest thing?" The car pauses at a stoplight. He looks over at his lover and softly pinches her cheek. "This is why I want to marry you."
    Both of them laugh, happiness written all over their gleaming faces.
    In just a week, Yunho and Fei will finally be wedded. The pure, white wedding that the both of them have dreamed of for years is approaching soon. Nothing but excitement fills their minds as they plan it all together. A life of everlasting love.
    Back to paying attention to the streets, Yunho slowly speeds up the car as the light turns green. The busy streets of Seoul seem even busier today. Hoardes of people seem to be running all over the place to arrive at a certain destination.
    For a mere second in time, Yunho turns to look at his gorgeous fiancee. Her hair, lightly bouncing in the wind. Fei looks at Yunho and smiles quickly, then focuses back on the streets.
    Suddenly, her eyes turn wide, she gasps and shouts at Yunho to watch out.
    Turning his head back to the road, Yunho steps on the break as fast as he can. But it's already too late.
    The tires on the car screech as it tries to pause midway on the street. A young woman screams as her body is hit, falling onto the road and bleeding her life out.
    Yunho looks out at who he has just hit.
    Fei gets out of the car and runs over to the young woman, shouting for someone to call for an ambulance. She turns her head and sees a man, standing on the roadway staring at the bleeding woman. He does nothing but stare with his wide eyes.
    A young man from the side runs over to her and dials the emergency number, checking her heartbeat to make sure that she's still alive. Unfortunately, the young girl had died from the collision.


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