Jaejoong and Gayoon

Love, Life and Death

    The smell of the coffee that had been sitting on the table was becoming unbearable. Bittersweet and cold now, Gayoon dropped the couple ring on the inside the cup -- hoping he would just throw it away with the rest of his bullcrap.
    "Why?" Jaejoong asked. It was simple though. The cheating, the lying, the abuse that he put her through -- it all finally added up to the point where their relationship needed to end.
    "There are a lot of reasons why," Gayoon pointed out, but he was still oblivious to it. No matter how much she tried to explain to him, he just wouldn't get it. She looked away and sighed sharply, then looked at her wristwatch. There was no more time to talk about their slim chances of being together. "I need to go."
    "You can't." His voice, becoming rough with anger, demanded her to stay. But she couldn't; then again, she wouldn't anyway. "You belong to me."
    Gayoon scoffed at his words. "You don't own me." Quickly, she made her way out of the cafe and out onto the busy pavement. Hurriedly chasing behind her, Jaejoong grabbed her wrist to stop her, but she pushed him away and kept her pace.
    Again, Jaejoong attempted to stop her -- but this time, in front of a crosswalk. A crowd of people waiting for the light to turn green were pushed aside as Jaejoong forcefully pushed her forward.
    Her feet, just barely touching the edge of the sidewalk, stopped her before she tripped so she could look him in the eyes. He grabbed her wrist once again. She pulled her hand away and slapped him. "Don't touch me!"
    "You like it, don't you?" Jaejoong sneered as he pushed Gayoon once more. Her frail body, falling onto the cement of the street.
    A woman shouts at the fighting couple from the sidewalk to come back. The two of them have become deafened by their anger, making their ears inaudible to anything other than their own voices. Once more, Jaejoong throws his hand out, pushing Gayoon's left shoulder. Pushing her further onto the street.
    "Stop!" The woman screams this time. But it's already too late.
    Gayoon turns her head to the sound of car tires screeching. Her eyes wide with fear. Her voice just short of shouting for help.
    Jaejoong stares as the woman he abused so much becomes a lifeless body on the street. Blood spilling all over the cement.
    A woman quickly steps out of the car and rushes over to Gayoon, shouting for help. A person on the scene takes out their phone and dials the emergency number for an ambulance.


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