Of Wedding Vows and Nerd Love

Wedding Day Jitters

Breathe. Just take a breath and let it out slowly. Midori stared at herself in the mirror and followed her mental instructions. She could not be any more nervous than she was at this moment; in her white dress and heels that gave her three inches in height which she really hoped didn’t cause her to trip on her way down the aisle because that would just be completely embarrassing. The chatter of her bridesmaids faded into the background while she tried to remember what she wrote for her vows. Her eyes widened and she spun around to face the others.

“Oh my God, I can’t remember my vows,” Midori exclaimed, cursing her stupid pregnancy hormones as her eyes began to water. This caught the attention of everyone in the room and the chatter stopped as they all stared at her following her outburst. Midori looked from each girl in panic with wide eyes.

“Chill, calm down, you are just freaking out, it’s just nerves. You remember your vows, you wrote them for crying out loud,” Hani said, actually calm and level headed for once. The rest of the bridesmaids silently shuffled out of the room leaving this job to Hani.

“But I don’t remember them! My mind is literally blank right now!” Midori shouted. She started to hyperventilate and Hani led her to a chair.

“Calm down before you force yourself into labor or something!” Hani yelled. Her best friend was freaking out even more than when she had to meet her soon-to-be husband’s mother for the first time. And she freaked out when that happened.  “We don’t need any babies shooting out like a cannon ball!”

“I’m not even seven months so I doubt that would even happen!” Midori yelled right back, calming down some, if you consider yelling to be calm and collected. The play on a Spice Girls quote did seem to help though since she let out a small laugh at the end of her sentence.

“You never know! Now think, what are your vows?” Hani questioned. Midori took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and calmed down. With her eyes closed she thought back to when she wrote down her vows, she could still remember Junsu trying to sneak a peek at her paper to see what he should include in his because he was drawing a blank.

She could remember his stupid little pout on his stupid face when he realized that she wouldn’t let him see her paper since she wanted him to actually work on his vows because he should know her well enough to personalize his own vows. She remembered seeing when the light bulb went off in his head and he rushed over to his paper and began to write furiously on it.

“You have this stupid grin on your face, did you remember them?” Hani asked with amusement very obvious in her voice.

“Yeah I did, I remember them and his stupid face that day very clearly,” Midori replied with a grin.

“Stupid face, huh? I’m sure Junsu feels the love…really I do. Now what the hell are your vows?” Midori grinned even wider before opening her eyes.

 “I, Regina Aguilera, take you, Kim Junsu to be my lawfully wedded husband and my time travel partner when the Doctor shows up with the TARDIS, which he will. For richer, for poorer, for better or worse, when you go crazy over soccer, and when you put up with my love for Supernatural. When we argue over the most ridiculous things like when you forget what the word vacation means or when I can’t accept defeat during board games even though you so cheat, for when we stay awesome and the extremely rare occasion when we forget to be awesome, I promise to always love you because you’re the Rory to my Amy.” 

“Those are some of the nerdiest vows I’ve ever heard but I love them and you did remember them,” Hani said. “Now, let’s get going before the poor guy thinks that you’ve left him at the altar.”

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Chapter 1: awww, nerdy vows are always some of the cutest. this was nice to read ^^
LOL true I guess
At least they aren't the fail wedding vows from "Wedding Crashers" LOL<br />
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*le subscribes*