I. Welcome To The First Class

「 THE FIRST CLASS ♡ highschool!au / applyclosed + will be reviewing and choosing soon!



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"Wu Yifan! Wu Yifan!"

Ryu Rahee and Baek Subi both turn their heads around, eyes travelling around the hectic court as '00' play his way through, shooting a three-pointer so casually. The massive crowd roar loudly, chanting his name loudly, enough for soundwaves to resonate the entire gymnasium. Subi spots a couple of schoolmates from the other section, seated snugly between a couple of Seungri boys.

She can't help but sneer in disdain when the girls begin to shoot glares as sharp as daggers their way. Rahee rolls her eyes at her friend, tugging on her arm before any careless comment can escape her lips. 

"But they're so—" When Subi feels Rahee's death stare, she stops and instead sulks, following the path of class president Kim Minseok. "I don't know why they're so jealous of us being picked. If they want to be in the class with the damn boys, then they should have protested and rallied against Seo Inyoung saem."

Rahee ignores the younger girl's comment and instead charges her attention towards Minseok. "The team does charity games every weekend right?"

Minseok nods, explaining how the goods gathered at the end of the game went to different rural areas around South Korea. "It may not seem alot to us but it's enough for families who are less fortunate than we are."

Subi's mouth form a small 'o'. "This is only a charity game yet so many people are watching."

He turns around briefly and flashes both of them a warm smile. Subi finds herself almost knocked off her two feet. Despite his lack of height, Kim Minseok seems to know a thing or two about smiling so beautifully. "Yeah, it's because of those two down there."

Both the girls follow where his finger is pointed at. It was the same '00' player who shot a 3-point overhead throw-in along with player '61', whom Rahee and Subi both recognize: Park Chanyeol.

"Chanyeol oppa looks different in the court, don't you think?" Subi whispers stealthily onto her eunnie's earlobe.

Minseok suddenly clasps his hands together and says, "Oh, that's right! You're neighbors with Chanyeol right?"

She nods, watching closely as the familiar elf eared boy clears through, marking on a player a couple of inches taller than he is. As the three of them ascends on the bleachers, a sudden rising commotion stirs and they all turn their attention back to the court where '00' is arguing with the referee.

Rahee can't  help but notice his strong demeanour inside the court.

She isn't surprised when Minseok announces that '00' is actually Seungri's basketball team captain. "His name is Kris Wu. Wu Yifan"

Subi's eyebrow perches up. "Yeepen? Krease?" She settles herself beside Minseok, carefully taking out a wrapped pastry she got before the game. "He looks like a sad angry bird though."

Minseok snorts at her comment but restrains in adding more to her insult. Instead, he looks around the bleachers and marvels, "I don't know where the other guys are. They told me they couldn't wait to meet some of our new classmates but they're not even here."

Finally, the player from the other team is declared for an offensive foul and Chanyeol is granted two free throws.


- - - - - - - -


After successfully earning the team two points, Kris catches Chanyeol's attention wavering to the last row of the bleachers. He trails his gaze and spots Minseok seated with two unfamiliar faces.

"School starts next week." Chanyeol begins. Kris hums in reply. During this time, Chanyeol takes the time to point his small finger towards Minseok's way. "See those two girls up there? They'll be two of our new classmates.

Kris hastily wipes the beads of sweat on his temple, fixing the tiny ponytail he had on top of his head. He pushes Chanyeol back to the court when the buzzer alarms but steals a quick glimpse towards Minseok, the girl who has a cupcake on her hand and a fan on the other, and the one who sat besides her, eyes fixated on him.


- - - - - - - -



"♪ Oven "

" Oooh-ven "

" Ooooven~

Three frigid looking male students clad in the signature navy blue and black Seungri uniform begins to sing the national opening Oven Radio anthem to start the (first) Monday right for fellow Seungri High students, getting higher by the octave as each one finishes humming. Following tradition, Seungri's very own 5 minute Monday morning radio continues its' ignorance filled legacy by starting with a whole bunch of pretentious weekly announcements that President Kim Joonmyeon deems important enough to share (Sehun: He's the only one who thinks they are). 

However, since Class Rep Minseok seems to give too much importance to irelevant events as well, the assigned radio talk hosts have no choice but to follow orders and go through the rather boring line up as lively as they can, if that was even possible.  

While others can usually argue their way in being assigned, there isn't much to do when you're part of the maknae line.

Oh, and the fact that flower-aegyo barfing-boy Hwang Zitao is part of the '94 line doesn't really help much at all, seeing how a colossal fraction of Seungri's population seem to love his endless buing-buings and aing-aing, including the high school's staff and faculty. 

"Are you kidding me?" Kyungsoo had asked in disbelief when Tao himself attepted to wiggle out of being part of the first day broadcast. Not even his wink-a-dink aren't-I-cute-buy-me-gucci could buy himself out of the dire situation. "You have to do it. Just act cute and pester Sehun and Jongin, the boys will love it." 

The trio frowned upon one another when the red cue for them to speak lit up. 

"Welcome welcome welcome to the paradise of man sweat, Seungri Academy." Jongin rolls his eyes as he takes the lead in talking to the intercom. (Sehun: Konichiwa / Tao: Sawadeekap) "It's the first day of school today and here we are weeping with you 'cause we can feel just how not excited all of you are."

Sehun rolls his eyes, clasping his hands together to simulate a clap. "Oharat." He adds sarcastically.

Tao, who is the only one who seems to be enjoying the fact that he's assigned to Seungri High's most futile job this morning, pipes in, "Now now children, we'll get some Taewan girls today so who's excited for that? I know I— Hey! I was"

"You prat!" Sehun hisses sharply from behind him. His voice is clear and roaring through the school's speakers. "You're not supposed to say that stupid, you—"

Tao manages to snap him a sassy reply before the microphone is completely taken away by Jongin. "It's what everyone wants to hear about anyways! You were just telling me earlier how you—"

There's a couple of more loud, clattering ruckus before Jongin takes complete control over the microphone again. "So," he starts, staring at Sehun and Tao in disbelief as the two boys attempt to reach for each other's earlobes. It was so hard to believe that these two boys were his age. If only Kyungsoo were here, he'd surely put an end to their nonsense. "Let's take this time to congratulate Seungri's basketball team for their 65-60 charity win yesterday against the team of—"


"Not the hair Sehun, not my hair!" Tao's shrilly screams echoes from behind despite Jongin's attempts of saving the show. 

Jongin has never been the one to have long patience, they had Joonmyeon and Yifan for that, and right now, the two imbeciles were getting on his last nerves. Through gritted teeth, he grips the microphone in hand, and says, "So for the highlight of this week's school events—"

However, he's once again interrupted by the doltish duo.

"Hahahehehihihohohuhu oharat kkaebsong." Sehun's taunting mocks continues, only drilling more into Tao's shallow basket of invisible tolerance. "I can touch you here," He pokes Tao in the cheek. "And here." He pokes him once more but this time, on his other cheek. "I can—"

Tao feigns a cry. "Sehuna, hajima!"

Jongin finally snaps, shooting them a death glare. "Didn't we make a compact? I thought it was clear that there would be—"

A high pitched, frenzy shriek squeaks out of Sehun's mouth as Tao grabs a thick strand of his hair. 

"Screw this, I'm out." Jongin murmurs as he heaves a breath, slamming his fists against the dark mahoganny table of the school's broadcasting room. A loud thud rings throughout the school speakers as rustling sounds resonates the room. "Goodbye, 5 minutes of torture. I swear, I'm never letting Tao babytalk me into anything."    

Sehun shakes his head, giving Tao one last slap in the forearm. "It'll get boring without Jongin, I'm leaving."

Tao lets out an exasperated sigh as he says, "I need to re-think my life and question my choices in friends." 


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"That was a show." Baekhyun smiks when the three maknaes enters the classroom, folding his arms and legs while he was at it. "Those three might as well burn down the school with the reputation of educating the most ignorant students in the nation." 

Their homeroom teacher, Jung Yunho, is suddenly out of his desk and is slapping the back of the trio's heads ruthlessly. There's no mercy in his face as the scoldings begin and the rest of the guys are snickering as they watch the three bow their heads shamelessly.

"Aigoo, what am I going to do with you, Oh Sehun, you are such a problem child!" Yunho blowed, his hand whacking the back of Sehun's back hard. Sehun's face contorted with pain and the rest of the guys watched with amusement. "You're either the cause of the problem or the reason why it started! What the hell am I going to do with you."

Yunho has been Section XOXO's homeroom advisor since freshmen year and the guys know him inside and out, and of course, vice versa. Hearing him slightly cuss the maknaes isn't something exactly new, especially bratty Sehun. 

"Sign on it, sign on it." Minseok suddenly ushers a piece of paper towards the direction of the rest of the guys. 9 heads turn in syncronization, averting their gaze from the three scolded muskateers to the eldest of the classroom. "10 things girls say that have different meanings."

Jongdae raises an eyebrow and carefully snatch it. "Where'd you find this, the internet?"

Minseok gasps. "You're a genius, how did you know?!"

The former rolled his eyes. I can't believe he's the oldest out of all of us, Jongdae thinks. Sarcastically, he says, "It doesn't take a genius to figure out that you took it off the internet, you have the url written on the right corner."

Chanyeol's fingers are all over the place as he tries to take a look. "Let me see," he begins, his chin. "I need to go to the bathroom. I have nothing to wear. Call me. I'll be quick — funny, I hear these come out from my sister's mouth almost every day."

"Exactly, so it's up to us to decipher them!" Minseok gloriously stands and adds, "It's like our own little dictionary! Isn't it so exciting?"

As they began to crowd over the paper, Kyungsoo leans in over Joonmyeon's shoulder and whispers, "We are surrounded by an ocean of idiots."

Joonmyeon nods. "Ditto." 


- - - - - - - -


Sehun wrinkles his nose when the paper lands on his desk and he flashes a look of confusion over to Jongin who sat silently beside him. Figures, he probably doesn't want to get scolded again by Yunho, especially since it was the first day of classes. Besides, the Taewan girls should arrive any minute.

Now that Sehun thought of it, it got him to look around the classroom only to realize that the guys were all acting strange. 

He rolls his eyes. They'll find out what kind of people they are anyways so why put up an act?

"What's this?" He asks.

Jongin shrugs. "Sign on it, it says."

Sehun takes a pen out from his pockets and examines it. With a devious smirk adorning his face, he begins to scribble on the paper. "Hehe." He snickers to himself. "A little decoration won't hurt, right?"


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#yehet i am finally finished with the first chapter like #whatislife seriously sobs ;;; i know it but bear with me pleasus. just reminding everyone that the deadline was moved to may 12 so you guys still have a week to submit apps. i'll be going over the new ones and the changes soon. again, thank you for being patient with both your oppar and senpai. arigatou saranghue everyone <3 


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❛ im not dead. just saying. hope you guys arent too otl


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Excited for this~
Chapter 11: super late but
and ever
Chapter 11: hELLO.
but hmm. i wouldnt mind
having kai as a backup.
i can sort of see him with
the personality i gave luhan o/
orisitjustme e n e
Chapter 11: kai is my character's cousin though XD
but i don't mind some skinship between looooooool
well who doesn't want kai <333
Chapter 11: i wouldn't mind him as a backup like omg its kai yo
but it may seem he's already taken so-- orz
Chapter 11: i would love to love kai <3
goldrushed #8
Chapter 11: *raises hand*
i would be more than willing to give some love to kai. haha. c:
take your time in updating. i heard that roleplaying is tedious work. :))
Chapter 11: still aliveeeeu <3