Just A Dream

My Beautiful Monster

It was a cold afternoon. People were out and about doing their casual routine. Some people were busy placing up posters on the tree or just simply handing them out. There were also some who were busy excercising or bringing their child to the playground or even taking their pets out for a walk.

You were simply sitting on a bench watching your little brother playing on the slides and on the swing set. You had a scarf around your neck and had a cup of coffee with you. You sighed softly as you looked at the ground. You stared at it for a while and looked back up to see that your little brother wasn't there anymore. You stood up and looked around the small playground. You called out for his name but there was no reply back from him.

You made your way to the store next door. You sighed in relief as you saw, who you thought was your brother, near the ice cream section. You grabbed onto the persons shoulder. You spun him around and saw a dead skeleton there. Just holding a piece of cookie while tiliting its head. You let go of the shoulder and it fell to pieces on the ground. What was bones has now turned to ashes as the harsh wind blew away the ashes of the little boy.

The surroundings around you started to change. The small market was now a living room with Christmas presents around a tree. There was a little boy sitting in front of the tree. Two girls were on the couch giggling with each other. Two mature adults came in the room with a plate filled with warm cookies and five cups of hot cocoa.

"Okay everyone. We have hot drinks here and a plate of delicious cookies made by your grandmother." the woman said as she placed the cookies and a cup of hot cocoa on the table. The man set the cups on the table as well. He place his hands to his hips and smiled at his wife. He pecked her forehead and sat down next to his son.

The woman sat down with her daughters on the couch. "So, what have you two been laughing about?" the woman asked as she placed her arms around her daughters shoulders. They just stared at each other and giggled again. "What's with your giggling? Did Heosung finally find a boyfriend?" she asked.

"Nope." the older daughter said. "Someone asked Yeosung out to prom. Can you believe that? He is handsome and smart." Heosung said as she giggled again. Yeosung's cheek was red. It was obvious that she was blushing. She also hid her head in her arms and pretended that she fell asleep.

"Yeosung," the mother called, "that is great! Who is he? Tell umma. I promise I won't bite if I meet him." she said. Yeosung shook her head and still pretended.

You remembered. This was the day when your family had finally gotten together for Christmas. It was also your little brother's first Christmas. Everytime, when you were a little girl, for Christmas, you would spend time with your mother only. Your father usually went out to go to 'work' but ever since your little brother was born, everyone seemed to get closer together than before. You were thankful to that he was born. You were also thankful to your parents.

Your eyes started tearing just thinking that you could never have a Christmas like this. Sometimes, life isn't being fair. The only thing you want is your little brother back. That was all. Just him and no one else. 

The surroundings changed again. This time, you were in an empty room. It looked quite old and there was also a chair in the middle of the room. Sitting on a chair was a man. He was tied up and his head was covered with a bag. He was looking down and you knew there was blood coming out from his mouth or nose because the bag had stains of blood on it.

A woman came in with two built men behind her. She was wearing a very seductive dress. It was blue and had shown her body shape. She was holding something in her hand. It was some kind of necklace and it had a gem, a small one, as the pendant. She walked seductively towards the man on the chair and pulled of the bag.

Your eyes immediately went wide. Daehyun. He was on the chair with a bloody face. The lady started touching his face which made you feel a little uncomfartable. She walked behind him and pressed her chest to his back.

"Daehyun..." she spoke seductively into his ears. "I missed you..." she muttered and kissed the nape of his neck. The two men stepped outside of the room and gave those two privacy. The lady turned to face Daehyun and sat on his lap. "Don't you miss me?" she asked.

He spat at her and gave a small growl, "I will never love you. Nor will I ever miss you. What have you done to yourself? You were so innocent back then and just look at you know. A filthy !" he yelled. She flinched and stood up. She pressed something to his neck. It was a sharp blade. He drew in a sharp breath and looked at the blade that was pressed to his neck.

"She's next.." the lady said and turned around as she walked away leaving Daehyun in the room screaming his lungs out telling the lady to stop before he did anything. She gave him a smirk and told him to shut up. He shook his head and kept yelling at her.

"Yeosung..." he muttered.

"Yeosung." it got louder.

"Yeosung!" now he was yelling.

"Yeosung!" you felt someone shaking you as you immediately opened your eyes. You looked around and saw Daehyun there holding your shoulders as he looked at you with worry. "Are you okay?" he asked as he looked into your eyes. You gave a small nod. He sighed in relief as he sat next to you on the bed. "Thank God! You were freaking me out just now. You started crying and yelling and kept saying that you wanted him to live." Daehyun said as he looked at you. "Who's 'he'?" Daehyun asked.

You gave a small shrug, "I don't know. Everything that happened in my dream confused me alot." you said as you sat up and rubbed your eyes. "It was a weird nightmare." you added as you looked at your bed sheets.

"What was it about?" he asked as he looked at his feet.

"It was about my happy moments and my sad moments. I saw my little brother and I saw my family together. We were just having our Christmas morning. Funny how people get what they want at times and I never do. My parents are afraid to come here. My sister is engaged and she told me the morning before yesterday and now I'm imagining things. I really need to see that therapist." you said as you continued starring at the bed sheets.

"Imagining things? Like what?" he asked.

You looked at him, "Like you. I'm totally imagining you right now. I have seriously gotten crazy. I'm in that state where I'm going crazy. Yes. That explains everything." you said as you played with your fingers.

"I'm not an imagination. Nor am I a hallucination. " he explained as he placed his hands on the back of his neck. "How would it be logic if an imaginary friend brought you here? After you passed out, how do you think that I could bring you here? Oh yeah, because I'm real." he said as he starred at you.

"I... I'm just shocked, okay..." you muttered as you starred outside the window, avoiding eye contact with him. 

"Shocked about what?" he asked as he moved closer to you.

"Everything. What just happened in my dream took my breath away and it scared the out of me." you said.

"What happened exactly?" he asked as he rubbed his chin with his index finger and thumb.

"What happened was, I was at the park with my little brother. It was cold and everything seemed like heaven. I starred at the ground for a while and when I looked up, he wasn't there. It was like, he was gone. Like he vanished into thin air." you said. He nodded as he understood what you meant. "So, I stood up and tried to search for him. Yelling out his name and just look everywhere for him. When I was sure he was not in the park, I searched somewhere else. I went to the small store next door and saw him at the ice cream section. But there was a problem. I don't know whether it was him or not."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, when I spun him around, it was just all skeleton and bones. And when I let go, it turned into ashes. Just ashes. There was a harsh wind that blew the ashes away along with the surroundings. It was NOT the small store anymore. It was my living room. This time, my parents and my siblings were there. I think my dream wanted me to picture the happiest moment of my life. When I was together with my family. " you said and looked down, trying to blink those tears away. 

"Go on." he said as he rubbed your back.

"After that, everything went away and..." you trailed off.

"And? What happened next?" he asked.

"It was an empty room. There was a chair in the middle and you were sitting on it. This lady came in saying something but I wasn't sure what I heard. She pressed a knife on your throat and she threatened to kill me and when she left, you kept yelling my name and then I just... woke up." you explained as you looked up at him. 

He gave you a look that made your spine shiver. It was the look of some kind of anger. It washed over him. He left that and said, "I'll be out for a while." and left the room leaving you confused and shocked of how fast his expression and entire mood changed. You made your way to the window and saw him stick his hands in his pockets and walked by the pavement. 

You didn't know why but somehow, you felt some kind of pain and sting in your heart just seeing him like that. He looked so sad and when you looked into his eyes, you saw a pinch of sorrow in it. You quickly sat back down on your bed and starred into the air like you were thinking of something. 

You suddenly thought about that dream and about what happened earlier at the book store when you saw a 14 year old Daehyun sitting down there looking innocent. You felt sad for him. Then again, you knew that he felt sad for you. Because of the look he gave you everytime you started talking about your little brother. It was a look of pity he gave you. You didn't feel comfortable with it. You felt like you needed to pity yourself. You felt like a fool. 

You laid on your bed looking up at the ceiling. You waited for a while for Daehyun to come back but he has been gone for more than just a while. You tried not to sleep again so you won't have that nightmare. You kept on keeping yourself busy like, folding your messy clothes or put away the dirty dishes. You finished your chores all in just two hours. You went up to your room and laid in bed again. Your eyes started betraying you and you soon fell asleep again.

You opened your eyes only to see that you were in a dark room. You couldn't see anything. Not a single thing. You tried to move but you felt your hands and legs tied together. You had something in your mouth and it tasted bad. You felt hot tears springing to your eyes and spilled down your cheeks. You groaned and tried to move around but everytime you did, the rope would hurt you more. It was tight and you knew that the blood had run up your fingers and wrists.

When the lights of the room was , you flinched and looked up at the figure in front of you as you tried to adjust to the light. The person standing in front of you chuckled and by then, you knew that the person was a girl.

"Well look who we have here. Looks like we found his 'friend'. Boys, you know what to do. Bring her to him. Don't let her free." the lady said as she looked at he men behind her. They both nodded and when she left the room, you were carried by one of the man. You kicked your legs but he only held you down tighter. You swore that he hit you hard against a wall because you nearly fell unconcious.

"Stop moving, !" the man scolded and you felt a wave of sickness hit you.

The man reached a room and opened the door. He tossed you inside and you felt pain shot up your arm. The man the lights and you saw that you were facing someone. Someone whom you'd never expect to see.


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stephani_bap #1
Chapter 2: who are they???
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 1: i like this! update soon^^