"Open your eyes..."

My Beautiful Monster

It was a cold night. The night was silent and the wind was blowing softly through the night sky. It all seemed to lovely to be destroyed. No car was on the street and people were probably in their homes watching the softly lit candles blow out. 

You were outside in your back porch where the garden was. You were sitting on a chair with a book on the table and a cup of hot chocolate next to it. You were hugging your legs that were brought up to your chest. You tied your hair tightly into a bun and had a warm and soft blanket wrapped around your small body. There was a small candle in the palm of your hand. The flames of the candle was swaying from left to right.

You heaved a sigh as you stared at the candle. It reminded you of how misrable your life was. But you were grateful because you were actually alive. You were suffering from a terrible car accident three years ago. But it slowly disappeared because you weren't the one who passed away. It was your little brother. He was everything to you. You loved him dearly and protected him. But it looks like he was the one who protected and saved you.

You closed your eyes as tears swelled up in the back of your eye lids and they started rolling down your face like pearls rolling away. You sniffed as you wiped your tears away with the edge of the sleeve of your sweater. You were alone. Your mother and step-father were in Canada with your older sister who just got engaged. You were happy for her.

You opened your eyes and stared at the candle, "Happy birthday, little brother." you said as you blew out the candle and darkness filled in everywhere. Even in your mind. You couldn't control your sobbings and started crying. You didn't want to bother anyone so you just covered your mouth and continued crying until you felt like screaming your lungs out.

Your little brother was just an innocent 6 year old with a wild imagination. He always pretends that he has faeries dancing around him and he would always play along. He also had an imaginary friend who he called 'Daehyun'. They would play around in the garden. Your little brother once told you that Daehyun had a crush on you. You smiled softly at him and patted his head.

You didn't believe that Daehyun actually existed. But eventually, you did. It felt like Daehyun had somehow stuck on to you like a piece of chewing gum on the bottom of someone's shoe. You would always feel Daehyun beside you. But of course you've never seen his face. But you have heard his voice. It sounded like soft honey.

"Yeosung-ah, don't cry.." 

There he was. Daehyun. The person who had always brought your spirits alive and take them somewhere you felt comfortable. Sometimes, you wanted Daehyun to just hold you and your hair telling you that it was okay and telling you to stop crying. But you know that it could never happen. Daehyun existed but he only existed in your mind. And it was all because of your little brother.

"Daehyun-ah, where are you? Why aren't you here?" you asked as you started looking around.

"I am here."

"No you're not. I can't see you..." you muttered as you looked at your feet and played with your fingers which was a habit of yours.

"I am. You just have to open your eyes..." 

"What do you mean?" you asked as you looked up at the sky.


There was no answer. No cool and calming voice.

"Daehyun, are you still here?" you asked. There was still no answer from the mysterious boy. You just gave up and rested your chin on your knee cap. You stood up from your seat and brought your things in the house with you. 


The following morning was a Sunday. There was nothing going on on Sunday, so you decided to go to the church to pray for your little brother. You left your house wearing a large sweater with a scarf around your neck. It was cold that morning as well because of the rain that was lightly drizzling.

You quickly made your way to the bus stop and sat down there. You stared ahead of you and saw a man holding his daughter's hand while walking across the street. It reminded you about you and your father. After he betrayed you and your family, you couldn't trust anyone else. Unfortunately, he had passed away due to a sickness that he carried from Africa. 

A song suddenly popped into your head while staring at the tall building in front of you. It was a song that your father used to sing to you to make you fall asleep. When you were a little girl, you were afraid of the dark and would always run to your parent's bedroom because you couldn't sleep. Every time your mother asked you why you were still awake, your answer would always be, "There's a monster under my bed." Your mother would giggle and place you in between herself and your father. Then he would start singing a song to you that made you fall asleep without any nightmares.

But when you turned 15, everything changed. You would always ask your parent's to get out of your room because you were 'busy'. At night, you would sneak out to meet boys and hang around in dark corridors. When your father found out, he threw a fit and started yelling and lecturing you. You had an idea. You wanted to run away. And you did. You ran to your friend's house and slept there until your parents forced you to come back. Which was the next day.

Basically, you were grounded. And after that day, which was the next day, your mother annoucned that she was pregnant. After that, everyone started to become a family again. You took care of your family well and when that little boy was born, you were a happy and proud sister. You started playing with the little boy and took care of him and showered him with love. 

Then, tragedy happened. You just started to learn how to drive. So you took your little brother out to get some comics when you got your driving licsence. An unstable man was driving fast and he hit your car which turned over. You were loosing alot of blood but you were concious. You looked at your little brother and saw his body on top of the hood of the car. The gas was leaking as well. So after that, well, you know what happened. 

You blamed yourself for that incident. You remembered that your little brother pushed you away and out of the car. He smashed into the window and when the car was flipped over, he was under the hood of the car.

The bus arrived pretty late and you were sure that the church had closed. You sighed deeply and decided to go to the bookstore instead. You hurriedly made your way to the bookstore which was not so far. It was only three blocks away. You went in and saw an old man taking care of the cashier while reading a book. He looks like he was going to die if he continue reading that book.

You walked to the back of the bookstore and looked around to see if there was any interesting book for you. You ran your fingers across a shelf of books and tried looking for one. You heaved a sigh when you saw nothing interesting. You were about to walk away when something caught your eye. You turned around and saw the back door was open. You saw a shimmer of light and saw someone running pass by the door. You gasped silently as you walked towards the door.

You opened the door slightly and saw the dark room supported with a faint light in the middle. There was a table underneath the light. Your heart was pounding when you saw someone sitting on the chair with his hands into a fist on the table.

Everything was a sudden blur. You turned around but didn't find a door behind you.

"Why did you do it?" 

You gasped as you turned around and saw TWO people now. It looked like they were talking to each other.

"I wanted her safety. Her safety only." 

*That voice!* you thought as your eyes widen as you stared at the man who was sitting down with the darkness covering his face.

"If you wanted her safety, then why did you kill her?" the man in the suit asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"She was going to die anyways. What do you think I should do if someone I love was dying? She forced me to kill her." the mysterious but quite familiar voice said.

"So you did kill that innocent girl? You don't have a heart, do you? She was only 15!" the man in the suit said.

"How old do you think I am?! I'm just 14! I can't do anything about it either!"

"You didn't love her."

"I loved her with my last breath! Why can't you believe that?!"

"Who could ever love a monster like you, Jung Daehyun." the man said and walked away while carrying a fail in his arms.

"So, that's me." a male voice said. You turned around and saw a male with his hands in his pocket.

"W-Who are y-you?" you stuttered as you started walking away from him.

"Jung Daehyun. The one you seem to really need right now." he said as he sat on the edge of the table.

"D-Daehyun..? Y-you mean..." your eyes were filled with terror. You were terrified completely.

"Yes. The one who was there to see your brother pass away. The one who has been with you ever since he has passed away." he said as he smiled softly at her. "Come here." he said as he gestured her to come to him.

You shook your head as you looked at your feet and stayed where you were with your back against the wall.

He stood up, "It's fine. I'll go to you then." he said as he walked towards you with that soft yet dangerous smile on his face. He was now in front of you. With his height overshadowing you, he gave you a tight hug.

It all didn't feel real to you. So you had to ask, "A-Are you r-real?" you stuttered once again.

"Open your eyes. I am real and I'm standing right in front of you."

Sorry for the short chapter. My mind was literaly buzzing with no inspirations right now. Anyways, hoped you enjoyed my short chapter. Hope that you would also SUBSCRIBE or even UPVOTE. COMMENTING would be nice though.


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stephani_bap #1
Chapter 2: who are they???
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 1: i like this! update soon^^