hyung and donsaeng part 2

My Moonlight Angel




“im glad you came”

hongki was really happy to see me because I think he didn’t have much friend but plenty of bullies instead…

After a minute. The program started and he is the first to sing a song, I was so amazed after hearing his voice, that was a GREAT voice I’ve ever heared since I came here on earth.. the people was obviously drowned to his wonderful voice but.. in the nearly end.. his voice crack-up, he’s now having a hard time singing until he completely lost his voice.

I can see that he is already forcing his self to sing but nothing really came out to his mouth


“are you going to sing or not?” one of the crowded people shouted


*what the heck?* I look at the person who shouted and saw a guy, he’s oneof the group of guys who bullied hongki

“GET OFF of that stage you LOSER!” another guy shouted, but this time he came upon the stage with a mic pushing hongki out of the stage….at that very moment, I wanted to punch that guys face and teach him a lesson but, when I see hongki leaving the stage with full of embarassement…*why do he need to be treated like that?*

Right after he reach the ground, his feet dragged him away as fast as he could to get out of this place.. I feel pity for him, not because he embarrass his self on the stage, but because his dream seemed to be ruined now…and to make it worst, his confidence to sing in front of a lots of people might fade as well… its hard to rebuilt the tower when its already collapse before you even finish it…..




“looks who’s here? The voiceless crying baby…hahahaha” I heared a plently of namja’s voice that laughing hard while making fun of someone. I tried to look who’s the poor guy and got shock to see that it was HONGKI

“YA!” I shouted as I run onto them, they look at me head to toe “who are you?” the feeling leader ask

“I believed I don’t have to answer that” I replied, he’s kinda pissed off  “who do you think you are to interfere in others bussines. Huh?” he told me with a get-lost. look

“nothing much, im just the friend of this guy, who you are bullying right now, so if you don’t mind.. I’ll take him with me now”

I attempt to drag hongki away with me but the so-called gangsters block the way out

“where do you think your going? Were not done yet”

I faced him fiercely “im warning you, if you don’t want your secrets to be revealed…GET LOST!!”

They just laugh at me, not believing what I said


I let out a smirk “GUYS! LISTEN!!”


I yelled to get the attention of all the people on the campus… students surrounding us now

“did you know that this guy in front of me (gang leader) is actually a gay in the past!”

I announced making all them gasp in shock, specially the leader

“you don’t have a proof that I am, didn’t you?” he said confidently, thinking that I really no have evidence

“want me to reveal it in front of them?”

“as if im scared to you” he spoke with a cross-arm

“as you wish” I sarcastically said and reach out something on my bag….before I pulled it up, I glance at him and smirk “what are you wating for?” he tries to be cool…

That words of him makes me continued my actions.

I roughly bring out the printed pictures on my bag and threw it all over the place where the students surrounds us, including his gang member and him…the leader is totally in a great shock and embarrassment, not knowing what to do.. I walk in front of him and whisper “if you want me to settle back what I do just now…be nice to HIM” I pointed at hongki who is still dumbfounded to know the truth “kaja” [let’s go] I grab hongki’s wrist and pulled him with me

“WAIT” he called out and I look back “can you really do that?”

“wae? You’re afraid that I cant?” [wae - why] I replied and he stared at me silently

“look, if I can do these kind of things that you already removed a long time ago, do you still think that I cant do more than that?” I ensure him and left with hongki…


After that day, the gangsters became so good to hongki that no one can ever hurt him.. they do that for a week..and so, I forgave them and told the students that the photos was just photoshop by me..of course they believe me.. since then, no one ever try to bullied hongki ….atleast that what I thought before…..


-men’s restroom-


“ya, do you see how good my acting skills was… that stupid smarty guy and that minho actually believe on me…how FOOLISH” the first namja said with a laugh

“ye, he’s just brave because he got that picture at that time” the other namja said

“they are really IDIOTS for not knowing that were just pretending…. And I believe that minho guy is a GAY too… I didn’t even seen him fight even once, I bet when we have a battle fight.. im gonna win over him”

“why don’t we play  dirty tricks on them, like triping them with our feets…its fun”

“ye, let’s start with that smarty guy, he’s fun to play with”

 the 3rd namja said with a huge laugh with his friends

*what a perfect timing to have an entrance*

“AIGOO~ what a boring day of school” I said as I enter the room.. they all got VERY startled upon my appearance and of course nervous

“why do I feel like beating up SOMEONE~” after saying that I punched the wall real hard that makes it almost break. The three guys got very sweaty as they stared at the soon to be collapse wall that I punched earlier

“I swear, if I ever make a fight to someone today.. or maybe the other day, I’ll make sure his no longer gonna be recognized by the persons that he knows because his face is already BROKEN…” I turned to faced the 3 guys who just gulp with a scared face

“you know what I hated the most? the BACKFIGHTERS who called other people a FOOLISH!! And the other one is the person who BREAKS MY RULES…get it?”

They nod their heads without any hesitation due to nervousness…

I smiled and went back to class  *now, no one can ever hurt hongki…as long as im with him…. I’ll make sure of that………*


*End of flashbacks*


“I promise to come and visit the three of you, more often”

“but still…” hongki tries to complain, but I stop him by just shooking my head

“hongki-ah, I need to say goodbye to suzy before my time runs out….take care of my donsaeng and yourself…ok?” I hugged him before leaving….

*this is the reason why i hate leaving, its hurts….a lot*


=End of Minho POV=




author's note:


that's all for now!! 

is it boring?? well, i cant think clearly so i end up putting about that gay thing...

and yeah... thanks for new subscribers!!

specially to rawan-ki..

love u guys~




T-ara's MV teaser is so cooool!! specially Jiyeon

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Chapter 34: Update soon!
kpop4u #2
@rawan-ki<br />
im so happy to hear that from you ^-^<br />
keep supporting..... love u :3
rawan-ki #4
really loved your story<br />
it gave me warm and lovely feelings ^^<br />
keep it up and update soon please :)
2DevapaiN2 #5
ahm nice love story , <br />
<br />
@jaylote14 yup, pilipino aq.. tnx for reading~
jaylotte14 #7
so you are filipino ? maganda ang fanfiction mo , antayin ko update mo ? : D
2DevapaiN2 #8
hmm got ,<br />
finish chap. 9 .. <br />
<br />
congrats na nmn.. for what?
2DevapaiN2 #10
now ,, done reading chap. 8 .. haiist HongYeon .. congrats .. <br />
haaaaaayyywww . felt asleep ..<br />
<br />
tc . <br />