1/2 Reasons Why I Did That to You

Reasons Why You Should Stay Alive

He looked back at the past. Remember every little thing he did to his wife. How he treated his wife bad, how he cheated on his wife, how he hurt his wife's feeling. He remembered those things. Making him feels so bad as a husband, he failed as a husband. He feels sorry for his wife. He didn't know that his wife loved him so much that his wife decided to still stay with him. And what he had done to his wife was ignoring him and sometimes he hurt his wife. Now, when he realized his wife was going to leave him, he regrets it. Yeah, regrets always comes late, but what can he do now ?

When he found a letter his wife left for him, he couldn't hold back his tears. His tears running down like a heavy rain until he couldn't feel his tears anymore. Those tears, the tears of regrets. But, those tears couldn't return the time. What had happened,just happens . His wife maybe would choose to leave him any second. But why, why did his wife still stay alive ? It's not like he wanted his wife to leave him, but looking his wife's condition it's impossible for his wife to stay still. 


He hold his wife's hand, seeking the warmth from his wife's hands who is lying on the bed. It's warm and it made his heart beating so fast and somehow he found comfort when he was holding his wife's hands. While his left hand hold his wife's hand, his right hand his wife's silky brown hair. 


" Sungyeol-ah, im sorryナ im so sorryナ.. " he murmured. His eyes staring at Sungyeol's beautiful face. Those face still looked so beautiful behind his paleness. He traced the shady face of his sleeping wife. He kissed his wife's cheek lovingly. 


" You should eat more, baby. Look, you lost your chubby cheek ." He said to his wife but there's no answer at all from Sungyeol. The room was so quite. It just a cardiograph's sound that filled the room.


" Sungyeol-ah, you will wake up, right ? Say yes, yeollie-ah." No answer. He bite his lower lips trying to hold his sobs.


" Sunyeol-ah, they said a comatose patient heard everything we said. You will hear it from your subconscious. So, let me explain everything, Yeollie-ahナ" still talked to his wife while holding Sungyeol's hand and Sungyeol's back hand with his thumb.


" I've read your letter that you left for him in our room. I never know that you hurt so much because of me. I..im sorry.. Sungyeol-ah, you know right our wedding was an arranged marriage. I never agreed with that. You knew it so well, Sungyeol-ah. I never loved you. And I really hated you that time. You had ruined my relationship and I really hated you for that. So, I took a revenged on you. Avoiding you, ignoring you, abusing you. You really knew what I did when I was not coming home. Yes, I cheated on you. I back to my boyfriend because I felt our home was not home. It just a prison for me. Trapped with a person that I never loved. And when we did that thing, I just wanted my parents knew that we acted like a normal couple but inside my heart I wanted you to die two times. Did that thing with someone that not loved you and I wanted you to feel how it felt when you lost your precious one. I was a monster. No, im a monster, I know that. But, when you hug me I didn't know what was wrong with me. I felt like a thousands butterly flew on my stomach and my heart beat so fast. I hated that feeling. I was afraid that I would fall for you and betrayed my boyfriend. Yes, you were a burden for me. Because of you, I couldn't marry my boyfriend. Because of you, I almost lost him. Because of you, my parents threatened me with everything they could do and I felt like I was a robot. And because I wanted you to be free from me, I talked a lot about him. He was perfect. He was the perfect human ever. You were nothing compared to him. I wanted you to divorce me. But, look. You are so stupid Sungyeol. You choose to stay with this monster. You keep your marriage promises. You keep your faith on me. You stil love me after what I had done to you. Sungyeol, you are very beautiful. Not just your face but your heart to. I don't deserve someone like you. But, this selfish me want to keep you. This selfish me want to  have you for all my life. Sungyeol, it seems this is a karma for me trifle you away. I lost him. He betrayed me for someone else. He used me, Sungyeol-ah. He wanted to take away my money. He didn't love me. He loved my money. Now, I can see who is the one really love me and the one I love. It's you, Sungyeol-ah. But, are you still love me ? Sungyeol-ah, would you give me another chance? Sungyeol-ah, are you gonna wake up right ? Sungyeol-ah, If you don't love me anymore, can you at least hold out for the sake of our Sooyeollie ? Sungyeol-ah, I miss you.. I miss you, Yeollie. I miss to hear your voice, I miss to see your smile. Sooyeol miss you,too. Sungyeol-ah, I promise you I will make up my mistake in the past. " He couldn't take his tears anymore. Myungsoo cried so hard. Holding Sungyeol's hands so tight with no stop saying sorry. He really really regretted it. 


" Myungsoo-yah, if I love someone that I shouldn't love, Would I be punished ? " 


" Of course. Because maybe you ruined their love life. Like what you do to me right now."


" So, I would be punished "


" Yes. And you will never have my heart for you ."


Myungsoo remember those conversation between him and Sungyeol in the first day of their marriage. He was so harsh to Sungyeol. He was so selfish until he lost his human sense. He couldn't understand Sungyeol's feeling while Sungyeol so respected his feel. Sungyeol decided to keep quiet eventhough he knew Myungsoo cheated on him. Sungyeol didn't tell Myungsoo's parents and told them as if they were a happy marriage couple. Sungyeol still treated him nice. Preparing breakfast for him, preparing his work uniforms, waiting him for dinner, but he never treated Sungyeol nice. He also didn't know about Sungyeol's pregnancy. He knew it after he almost kill Sungyeol and his baby. If it was not his hyung told him, he would never know that he will become Sooyeol's daddy. He said that Sungyeol just wasted money when Sungyeol spent 8 months lived in America. He didn't know that actually Sungyeol still in Korea. And when Sungyeol came to home, he got mad at Sungyeol and Sungyeol almost got a miscarriage. Luckily, Myungsoo and his hyung,Sunggyu, saved him. And after the labor, Sungyeol was in comatose because complication and his weak heart.. And Myungsoo just know that Sungyeol also had a problem with his heart.  Myungsoo found Sungyeol's letter when he back to home to bring Sungyeol's and Sooyeol's clothes.


" In the end it's me who got punished because treated you bad, Yeollie-ah. And yeah, I got punished because I loved someone who shouldn't I love. And, now I should love you only. Only you and always you." Said Myungsoo with a thin smile on his face.


" Myungsoo-yah.. "  Myungsoo turned his head toward the voice's owner. He smiled wider when he saw who called him, no, he smiled wider when he saw a figure that be hold by his hyung. He stand and went to his hyung, brought Sooyeol to his arm.


" Now, you realized your feeling,do you ? " 


" Yes, hyung. Thanks"


" Don't thanks me. Thanks to Sungyeol and little Sooyeol, Myungsoo-yah. And you should make up all your mistake to them by be a good father for Sooyeol and good husband to Sungyeol. When you want to do something bad, always remember how you almost lost your wife and son. Keep your faith for Sungyeol. He fight against his illness. He fight for his life. You have to be very thankful you are given a wife like Sungyeol, " said Sunggyu reminded Myungsoo.


" Yes, hyung. "


After that, Sunggyu left Myungsoo with sleeping Sooyeol in his arm. Myungsoo smiled while seeing his handsome baby. So much like him and Sungyeol, his nose,his lips, his eyes just like Sungyeol also his face's shape. 


" Sungyeol-ah, we are waiting for you to awake. Wake up soon, mommyナ" said Myungsoo. He kissed Sungyeol's forehead while carrying his baby. He went to take a walk with his little baby in his arms without noticing a single tears fell from Sunyeol's eyes.


People who love you are the one who will cry over you

" Myungsoo-yah, Saranghae  "




Teaser 2/2 Reasons Why You Should Stay Alive

" Myungsoo-yah, Sooyeol can't stop crying .. "


" Sungyeol-ah, when will you wake up? Look, Sooyeol missing you so much. He doesn't want to stop crying. He needs you .."


" I don't know, im not sure if he will make it or not "


" sungyeol-ah, you have to wake up .. I've replied your letter, you should read it "


" Myungsoo-ssi, sorry we can't- "




Hi! Thanks for subscribing and vote and commented. Here is the update for you~
I dont know why i end up wrote this kind of story. hehehe
I dont know what you think about this update. kkk
Sorry for the story. kkk 
Sorry for the grammar mistake and typo. 
I decided to make 2 Shot for this. A verbal explaination from Myungsoo why he did those bad things to Sungyeol and Chap 2 it's a letter from Myungsoo for Sungyeol. A reply, an answer why Sungyeol should stay alive.
And i give you a short teaser for Chap 2.
And i added 2 quotes from a novel titled Cheeky Romance by Kim Eun Jeong. Have you read it ??

and,Feel free to leave a comment 

Happy Reading and Hope You Enjoy it ^^


Thank You!!





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UmmaNi #1
Chapter 3: the next bonus chapter looks so interesting , I love how woogyu takes sides haha.
interesting,update soon.
x0x0_bap #3
Chapter 5: okay~ make sure to update soon though~
Ooooh this is cool :o
Chapter 3: Aaaahh my heart hurts so bad at the beginning, can't stop sobbing T_T

So glad that you didn't kill Sungyeol /hugs you/, he's such an angel. Even after what Myungsoo done, he's still forgive him.
Chapter 3: poo~ really awesome!!!
Happy ending >_< but I still can't stop sobbing..
very beautiful story..
ehm, I think I know someone there~ kkk

Okay I'll wait for sooyeol pov~
Poo fighting!!
deliciousyou #7
Chapter 3: Wow!! This story is sad yet so beautiful. Normally i would cursed a lit to people like yeol because he is too naive and stupid. But this myungyeol is beautiful <3
Chapter 3: This made me cry… it's so sad ㅠ.ㅠ
But it's full of love too and well, I just love it. I love it with everything. ♡

Myungsoo and Sungyeol will always be meant to be together forever and overcome every obstacle in their life.

Wahh. This is just so … perfect. I love it! ♥♥♥

And SooYeol … why is he so adorable?? > ///// < The preview is soooo~ great!

UmmaNi #10
Chapter 3: awwww that was so sweet ! I'm glad it ended well.