Chapter IV

Memoirs of an Overnight Heiress

Madame Jung stepped out of the car as the driver opened the door for her.

“Thank you, Lee,” she tipped her head to him. In response, he put a hand to the tip of his hat, and bowed a perfect 90 degree angle.

“My pleasure, Madame Jung,” he answered.

Madame Jung moved to approach the gated entrance of her home, but was surprised to find a girl standing there with her back to her.

Madame Jung raised an eyebrow and made an obvious sound to clear , catching the girl’s attention.

“Oh,” the girl gasped. “Mianhamnida,” she bowed quickly, clearly nervous.

“Who are you?” Madame Jung eyed her suspiciously, crossing her arms.

“My name is Sooyeon, Jung Sooyeon,” she replied, anxiously avoiding eye contact.

Madame Jung looked her up and down. “Well, Ms. Jung Sooyeon,” she said with a hint of distaste, “What are you doing in front of my home?”

“Um, I’m looking for a ‘Han Mi Sook,’” Sooyeon answered.

Madame Jung’s eyes widened and Sooyeon did not miss her look of surprise.

This is the girl Krystal was talking about…

“You were here yesterday,” Madame Jung said under her breath.

“Yes, I was…can you help me?” Sooyeon asked.

The sadness in this girl’s eyes was apparent.

But Madame Jung just shook her head and waved her hand at Sooyeon, “No, I’m sorry, but you must be mistaken. That person does not live here.”

In an attempt to avoid the girl, Madame Jung walked around her, went up to the keypad next to the gate, and entered the passcode to get through.

“Wait,” Sooyeon called as Madame Jung opened the gate. She hesitantly looked over her shoulder, taking notice of Sooyeon’s somewhat sad expression.

“Please,” she pleaded.

“I’m sorry,” Madame Jung genuinely apologized this time. “But you’re looking in the wrong place.”

“But…it’s just…this is the address my father gave me…” she tried to explain.

“Well, he must have made a mistake because ‘Han Mi Sook,’” she emphasized, “does not live here.”

“I understand,” Sooyeon dropped her head. “But…I don’t think my father would make a mistake right before he died.”

Madame Jung held her breath at the mention of Sooyeon’s father’s passing. They held each other’s gaze for a moment…

There was a pause—

And then Madame Jung heaved a sigh.



“Thank you, Sang Byuk,” Madame Jung said to the maid as she laid down a tray with a pot of tea onto the coffee table.

She bowed in response and left the two women to go into the kitchen.

“Your home is…beautiful,” Sooyeon said as her head swirled around, taking in her surroundings. Madame Jung’s home is truly a lap of luxury with marble tiles, tall pillars, and high ceilings.

“Thank you,” Madame Jung responded. “Please,” she looked at Sooyeon, gesturing to the spot next to her on the loveseat.

Sooyeon nodded her head in compliance and sat next to Madame Jung. Even the couch feels expensive – it’s so soft and luxurious.

“Some tea?” Madame Jung asked as she poured herself a cup.

“Oh, yes, that would be nice.”

Madame Jung carefully handed her a small plate with a cup of tea and Sooyeon also added a spoonful of sugar.

“So, tell me about your father,” Madame Jung requested as she mixed her tea.

“Well, he was a very gifted jeweler. He owned his own little jewelry shop in California,” she stated. “But I guess he knew that things were going downhill when he realized how ill he was because he sold his jewelry store and left his inheritance to me.”

The sadness from his passing was visibly evident on Sooyeon’s face and in her tone.

“I’m so sorry for your loss,” Madame Jung apologized, but Sooyeon shook her head.

“It’s alright.”

“If you don’t mind me asking – how did he pass?”

“Lung cancer,” she replied simply. “He suffered a lot, so I’m happy he can be at peace.”

“You said your father led you here?”

Sooyeon nodded her head and placed her tea on the coffee table.

“He left me his will and some other documents, but most importantly, he left me with a name and an address.”

’Han Mi Sook…’”

“Yes,” Sooyeon confirmed.

“And…he gave you my address…”

“It would appear so.”

“Why would your father send you to a stranger?” Madame Jung inquired, obviously confused.

“Not many people know…” Sooyeon started reluctantly. “But…I was recently diagnosed with Young Onset Parkinson’s disease.”

Madame Jung tried to remember where she had heard of that before.

“I’m currently in the very early stages. But basically, it’s a disease that affects my motor system. Over time, as the disease becomes more serious, my movements become harder to control – which is why I have to consistently take medications to reduce the symptoms.

“Oh my,” Madame Jung was genuinely surprised. “I am so, so sorry.”

“That’s why my father sent me to find this person. He believed that this person is someone who can take care of me. He told me that this person would know what to do and would do the right thing.”

Madame Jung audibly gulped in nervousness. Eotteokhae… she thought to herself.

“But since the person I’m looking for truly doesn’t live here…I guess I’ll just have to return home.”

Sooyeon made to leave but Madame Jung placed a gentle hand on her lap.


Sooyeon looked at the woman curiously.

“You came all this way,” she started. “Why don’t you just stay here for a couple of days – until you leave?”

Sooyeon defensively put up her hands. “Oh, I couldn’t impose.”

“You’re not imposing if I’m offering,” she pointed out.

“But you really don’t have to do this, it’s okay.”

“Please, I insist.”



“Umma! I’m home,” Krystal called out as she came in through the front door.

“I’m in the dining room,” her mother replied, her voice echoing through the large house.

Krystal made her way to her mother’s location.

“Ya, umma, you won’t believe what happened in my sewing class today—“

Krystal stopped mid-sentence and froze in her spot when she saw that her mother was not alone in the dining room.

“Krystal, I’m so glad you’re here,” her mother stated.

“What is she doing here?” Krystal pointed at Sooyeon.

“Well, you two have already met, right?” Madame Jung looked to Sooyeon.

She nodded her head and smiled. “We have,” she said looking back to Krystal. “Nice to see you again.”

“Um, same here,” Krystal responded curtly.

“Sit down and have lunch with us, Krystal. Sooyeon was just telling me about how she majored in fashion design at FIT in New York. Isn’t that interesting?”

Fabulous,” she replied back, obviously annoyed. “Mother, could I speak with you in the kitchen for a moment?...It’s about…dinner.”

“I’ll be right back,” Madame Jung told Sooyeon.

Krystal tried her best not to stomp into the kitchen, but couldn’t hide her annoyance.

She pushed through the kitchen door with her mother in tow and once they were in private, she twisted around and crossed her arms.

“Eomeoni, what is that girl still doing here?”

“She stopped by again and I sort of…told her…she could stay here for a few days,” she answered albeit reluctantly.

“Ya, umma,” Krystal scolded. “Why would you do that?!”

“Because she came all this way only to come up with nothing,” she explained. “It’s the right thing to do.”

“A total stranger? Staying in our house? What are we? A hotel?”

“Stop being so dramatic,” Madame Jung batted her hand at Krystal. “It’s just for a few days.”

Krystal rolled her eyes.

“Be nice,” her mother ordered, wagging her finger.



“Even though I didn’t find the person I was looking for, it must have been fate for me to meet the editor-in-chief of Korea’s RUNWAY Magazine,” Sooyeon stated in awe.

Krystal raised her eyebrow at her, clearly miffed. “I can’t believe you didn’t know who my mother was,” she replied a bit impudently.

Madame Jung gave Krystal a hard glare, reminding her to be a bit more respectful toward their guest.

“Krystal is currently attending Hongdae University for fashion,” Madame Jung explained.

“Wow, so you probably want to take your mother’s place one day, right?”

“Obviously,” Krystal arrogantly replied.

“I think that’s really cool.”

“What is?” Krystal asked.

“That you’ll get to follow in your mother’s footsteps.”

“What about you, then?” Krystal inquired further. “Whose footsteps will you follow? What do your parents do?”

“Krystal—“ Madame Jung tried to stop her, but Sooyeon shook her head.

“Both my parents are dead.”

Krystal immediately felt a pang of guilt and averted her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay,” Sooyeon assured her. “I guess I’ll just have to make my own path to follow.”



Even the guest room that Sooyeon was staying in was gorgeous.

The bed was huge, the ceilings were high, and there was everything she could need in there to keep herself occupied – a television, a computer, and even a sound system.

After changing into her pajamas, she happily tucked herself into the comfy bed and reached for her backpack to pull out her diary.

She’d always wanted to keep a diary, but often forgot to write in it.

But ever since she was first diagnosed with Parkinson’s, she thought it might be a good way of keeping track of her progress.

She wrote about her trip to Korea, all the people she met, and getting to stay as a guest in the home of Korea RUNWAY’s Editor-in-Chief.

My journey to search out for ‘Han Mi Sook’ seems to be coming to a close…

Why would abeoji lead me to a place where there is nothing for me?

There must be something I’m missing…

Sooyeon couldn’t stop pondering over the fact that she doesn’t seem to be any closer to finding this person.

She could hear her father’s voice in her head again.

“It’s someone whom I trust…I know this person will do the right thing.”

She turned off the lamp on her nightstand and put away her diary, silently praying that something will finally go right.




Once home, Yunho went straight to the kitchen for a snack.

“Oh.” He was surprised to find Krystal in the kitchen, eating a bowl of cereal and watching TV.

“You’re up late,” he pointed out.

“Yeah, and you’re home late,” she countered.

“Work’s been pretty busy,” he said as he reached for an apple in the fruit bowl next to his sister.

“Oppa, remember that girl that I told you about?”

“The one that came looking for some stranger?” he recalled.

She nodded her head. “She came back and mom is letting her stay in our house for the next few days.”

“New girl in the house?” Yunho smiled devilishly. “And nobody thought to tell me? The man of the house?” he demanded, placing his hands on her hips. “Is she pretty?”

Ya,” Krystal stood up from her seat. “This is no time for jokes. I don’t like her.”

“Why?” he snickered. “What did she do to you?”

“She came back even though we told her that the person she’s looking for doesn’t live here. I think she’s up to no good.”

“You’re such a drama queen, you know that?” Yunho poked her against her forehead. “You need to learn to be a little nicer.”

Krystal suddenly caught a whiff of something familiar and began to sniff around. She stepped closer to her brother who had to take a step back.

“What are you doing??”

She took inhaled deeply through her nose and her eyes lit up.

“You’re wearing cologne.”

“Yeah? And?” he demanded. “I always wear cologne.”

She crossed her arms. “Yeah, but you don’t normally wear that cologne for work…let alone douse yourself in it…”

Yunho’s eyes widened at his baby sister’s perceptiveness.

As if she had just solved a mystery, she smiled, but a bit too fiendishly for Yunho’s liking.

“You were with a girl!”

“Was not!” he immediately argued back.

“Yes you were. You’re such a liar,” she teased. “Who was it?”

“None of your business,” he huffed, crossing his own arms and turning away from her.

“Ah, so you admit it, then?” she walked around him so he’d have to look at her again.

“Well, would you look at the time,” he looked at his watch, trying to divert their conversation elsewhere. “It’s about time that I go to bed,” he said as he faked a yawn.

“Aigo~, geojitmal,” she hissed.

“Goodnight, Krystal,” he crooned walking away from her.



Yunho walked over to his bed after hearing his phone tweet, alerting him that he just received a text message.

Lying down on his bed, he opened up the newest message.

I had a really nice time tonight Jit read.

Yunho smiled to himself.

Me too,” he began to type.



Same time again, next week?” She read from her phone.

Ara couldn’t help but smile to herself like a little school girl.

Changmin quietly walked up to his sister’s bedroom door – which was open – and leaned in the doorway.

He didn’t fail to notice how happy she seemed to look and he raised in eyebrow in curiosity.

“Annyeong,” he greeted, tapping his knuckles against the door frame.

“Oh, oppa.” Surprised, she immediately put her phone face down on the bed next to her. “Come to say goodnight?”

“What are you so happy about?” he crossed his arms.

“Oh nothing,” she replied, hugging her knees to herself.

“It better be nothing,” he teased and she just rolled her eyes at her over-protective brother.

Her phone dinged again, letting her know she received another text message.

“Who are you talking to?”

She picked up her phone and clutched it to her chest with one hand, while she shooed him away with the other. “It’s just a friend.”

“Is this friend a man or a woman?”

“None of your business,” she looked at him snootily.

He put up his hands defensively. “Arasso,” he shook his head. “I’ll find out who he is sooner or later.”

Her face scrunched up at that statement.

So nosy, she thought to herself.

“Are we still good for lunch tomorrow?” he asked.

She nodded her head. “Of course.”

“Okay. Goodnight,” he said as he walked away, closing her door.

As soon as he was gone, she looked back down at her phone.

There’s this nice seafood place my friend told me about...”

Let’s do it,” she typed back.

She turned off her light and buried herself in her sheets.

Just as she was about to close her eyes, her phone rang again.

She opened her phone to the latest message.

Ya, you better be asleep.

It was from her brother down the hall.

She shook her head and replied:

How can I sleep if you’re texting me? Meeeeeeerong :P.”

She placed her phone on the nightstand and was ready to finally go to sleep until there was another text message.

She was just about ready to get up from her bed and pound on her brother’s bedroom door.


Awesome. Goodnight ;) ”


Luckily it wasn’t from Changmin this time and she went to sleep with a smile permanently etched into her face.

[A/N] Long time, no update! Finally back!

Important notes if you're still confused:

  • Jung Family: Madame Jung (Jung Sung Ryeong), Jung Yunho, and Jung Krystal. Madame Jung is the editor-in-chief of RUNWAY Magazine, and the artistic director of Advance Publications. Yunho is Advance Publications' Chairman.
  • Madame Park (Park YiSook) is the mother of Park Gyuri and (later) Kris, and owns ELITE Modeling Agency.
  • Shim Changmin is the heir to his father's company, Shim Industries. His younger sister is Shim Ara (Go Ara).
  • Yunho and Ara are secretly dating.


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Chapter 5: keep going please!:)
Chapter 5: Oh my god, I'm sure that the next chapter will be so good! Can't wait to know who Han Mi Sook is. Totaly looking forward to it!!!
Chapter 5: Soojung is so spoiled here, hahaha. Wow, it's pretty convenient of you to summarized everything.

Changmin is so charming and Woobin is a bit of a jerk but I guess that's apart of him charms. I can't wait for you to reveal Han Mi Sook's identity!
storys #4
Chapter 5: The chapter is kinda short, but I suppose this is your way to bring out the important stuff. That Han Mi Sook is still the greatest mystery here, but I still have no idea why Madame Jung is so scared for her reputation. I think she did something really bad... Krystal is spoiled, but I don't think she's the antagonist. She and Sooyeon may be friends... The Kim Woo Bin-moment is really short, but since he went to jeweler it's obvious he's thinking about her. And the real question: the girl from the last scene is Sooyeon?! Maybe he'll save her...
Hope you'll update soon, but I also want a longer chapter! (I'm asking a lot, I know ;D)
Keep up the good work!
sauvignon #5
Chapter 5: A great plot you have here! I have a feeling Han Mi Sook is related to Madame Jung in a way or maybe she IS Han Mi Sook.
storys #6
Chapter 4: Awesome story! All the characters have a connection with each other in a way or another... Kim Woo Bin and Jessica couple is an interesting pairing, too. I never saw it before in any other fanfic. At first I thought that the person she was looking for was Kim Woo Bin or someone related to him, but... Anyway, I got no idea who that Han Mi Sook is , as none of the other characters are named Han.. And why would madame Jung have this reaction every time he is mentioned? I'm still not sure if she and Krystal are good or bad.. Please, next time more moments with the main couple? You did an awesome work here, hope you won't give up! I'm looking forward an update soon!
I'm a new reader and OMG I'm so looking forward to your next update!
Princessjessica92 #8
Chapter 4: Update
ParkRika #9
Chapter 3: omg what SAVE ME PLEASE UPSATE SOOOOON❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 3: HELLO AUTHOR-NIM! I am truly amaze with the idea of the plot! So....maybe you can do some update? This is such a good story!!! Update sooon:))