Lacking A Heart


Key doesn't mind being friends with robots but he doesn't like the idea of a love relationship between a robot and a human.  Besides, he was already in love with someone named Lee Jinki... he just doesn't know that Jinki is a robot.


Thanks to FutureEtoile from Wishful Thoughts Shoppe for the poster and background~


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Chapter 1: Hi, I am going to be reviewing your fanfiction.

This fanfiction from the description showed a lot of promise
and then it started.

Your writing here is too simplistic, it lacks emotion and mocks
a writing style of someone who is writing out a business report.

You give NO indication, who the robots are, why they are there and
if for any reason, any personality. You don't tell us if Key was
there, heck, you don't even introduce him.

Suddenly, we are thrown into this mock excuse of a plot development
with Key (who mind you hasn't been in the story for the first 8 sentences
that was your intro.) saying he likes robots, (Throwing in a few random
character names, whom we know nothing of nor care about.) but he would never
commit to a relationship with them.

WHO IS JINKI? (I mean, beside the fact that we only know him from the band.) But
we get no background, no development of the interest, no HINT to even how they
connect, he just suddenly "likes" him and for the what? The sake of a plot that
has no substance?

This story falls flat of anything more than a description of what should be a
much more DETAILED and well written piece.

All in all, I give this story a, 3/10.

Organization: *
Originality: ***

I would like to see this rewritten with more description and
Chapter 1: Keys' confession was so sweet...i love Jinki ^^ ~<3
Chapter 2: How sweet, good for key surpassing their differences
favoriteboy #4
Chapter 2: my onkey heart! so nice!
Chapter 1: This is a beautiful story. :)
Chapter 2: Awww... So lovely. And I also like the poster. The boys look so angelic there... <3
Chapter 1: i absolutely love all your stories... because its different than others.. and well, only onew can change key.. because no matter what, human or not, he will fall for onew.. they're destined together ..
colourful_clouds #8
Chapter 2: Loved this. Key's love confession to Jinki was so sweet and sincere, it would have had me in tears if I were Jinki.

Thanks for writing! :)