
Sweet Fiction, Bitter Reality

Part Four. Stories.



"D.O, I'm so sorry." Baekhyun mumbled, tears stinging the corners of his eyes. Seeing this, Kyungsoo felt troubled as it was also his fault in the first place. "Baekhyun, it's alright. You weren't yourself. It's my fault for giving you what you would regret later on." The lad explained, cradling the brunette in his arms. "No, D.O. I didn't regret anything. What you did made me happy and you satisfied my needs, it was more than enough." The brunette smiled which made Kyungsoo's heart flutter.


A few minutes ago


The sun was up high and clearly visible in Baekhyun's room. The two woke up at the same time and had this awkward tension surrounding them. They wouldn't look at each other's eyes and the crimson red faces were to be clearly seen from the two’s. They were gay, yes. But it wasn’t to the point that they’d dress up as girls and act like es. They were just attracted to men and still had the heart of a man and having bright red faces were unmanly for the two.


Baekhyun was the first to use the bathroom which gave a lot of thinking time for Kyungsoo. What should he say to Baekhyun? Should he greet him? Should he leave? Kyungsoo was confused and scared... the friendship... what about the friendship? What will happen to the two of them? Will their friendship be of no use anymore? Kyungsoo's heart ached and it never seemed to loosen up. The lad scratched his head with annoyance plastered on his face, this was getting him all pissed off. "Ouch!" Baekhyun had hit Kyungsoo in the head as he was calling him a while ago to bring the towel to Baekhyun but Kyungsoo was too busy with his thoughts that he did not hear the lad’s calls.


"What did you do that for?" Baekhyun rolled his eyes at Kyungsoo's complaints. "I was calling for you! I told you to bring the towel to the bathroom! I kept on waiting and I was hella freezing in there!" Baekhyun whined as he walked towards the clothes Kyungsoo brought with him yesterday. He took the towel and walked back to the bathroom.


Kyungsoo couldn't process what just happened. It wasn't a shock that Baekhyun was talking to him after what had happened the other night but it was because Baekhyun was walking around and- 'Oh, . Was that Baekhyun just now? That isn't the Baekhyun I know! Ughhh. Now I gotta deal with this . Tsk.' Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and placed his pillow on his lap so as to not make his visible. Baekhyun would surely if he were to see this but Kyungsoo couldn't help it. Baekhyun's six packs were just so... yummy. And- '. I'm getting . This isn't good.' Because of Kyungsoo's green thoughts, he decided to leave the room and get two coffee lattes to cool himself down. Especially his wild thoughts.


After getting the lattes and going back to the room, Kyungsoo found no one inside. Where was Baekhyun? Kyungsoo started to panic. "Baekhyun!" He called but no one answered. "Baekhyun-ah! Where are you?!" He called again but like the first try, no one answered. He put down the coffee lattes on the coffee table and started to search the room and the bathroom but Baekhyun wasn't inside the room or the bathroom. 'Where would he go?' Kyungsoo thought.


Just when he was about to open the door, it flung open. There was Baekhyun, leaning on the door, trying to catch his breath while smiling at him; this made the doe-eyed boy smile in return. He helped Baekhyun walk inside the room and sat him down the bed and just as he was about to leave and close the door, Baekhyun hugged him and apologized for making Kyungsoo worry. Kyungsoo was startled but he still returned the embrace while telling the brunette that it wasn't his fault as he was not himself that night. "Why were you like that, Baekkie? What happened?" Kyungsoo was dying to know what made Baekhyun go ually active that night but he wished he hadn't brought up the topic as Baekhyun started sobbing.


"D.O... he came back for me..." Baekhyun collapsed on the bed and started crying out loud. 'Not again, Baekhyun.' Kyungsoo cried in his thoughts while comforting the brunette. "Baekhyun, stop it. Please. I can't see you like this anymore..." Baekhyun heard him but was too hurt to respond. He knew he should stop thinking about Daehyun but he just can't. Everything around him reminded him of the blonde. It was hard to just let go. "Baekhyun..." Kyungsoo brought the brunette in a heart-warming embrace and let the lad cry on his shoulders. "Hey... it's alright. You see, I'm here for you. I always am. I always will be right here for you." Kyungsoo comforted Baekhyun with his words.


Hearing this, Baekhyun fell asleep in the arms of Kyungsoo who was already crying. He just couldn't do this anymore. Baekhyun was crying so much, even in his sleep. He hadn't stopped crying. Kyungsoo caressed the brunette's cheeks and wiped the older's tears. He kissed the lad's forehead and whispered at the brunette's ears. "Sweet dreams, Baekhyun." He stood up to take the things he brought with him yesterday and bring new clothes for the brunette to wear. Before he left the room, he glanced at the lad who was still sleeping, with tears in his eyes.




"Kyungie... wake up." Jongin whispered. He was worried sick at the lad's health. He hasn't been eating and was completely focused in taking care of Baekhyun. He was jealous, yes. But this wasn't the time to be jealous of Baekhyun, the lad was in a coma. It must hurt Kyungsoo very much as they grew up together.


Kyungsoo rubbed his eyes and looked around the room, gaze stopping at the unconscious body of his best friend Baekhyun in front of them. Baekhyun had tubes all over his body and the brunette was getting skinnier every time Kyungsoo would lay his eyes on him. It was a sickening sight to see but Kyungsoo couldn't afford to be disgusted by Baekhyun, he treasured the brunette so much that the sight did not affect him. Without his knowing, Kyungsoo's tears fell and Jongin wiped them away, snapping Kyungsoo from his daze. "Thank you." He whispered, smiling at the taller.


Jongin's heart fluttered but he couldn't help but feel sad. "Kyungie, I'm always here for you. You can cry, hit me and tell me all your worries and feelings. I'll listen and accept all of them." Jongin pulled Kyungsoo into a heartening embrace which Kyungsoo genuinely accepted. "Thank you, Jongin. For everything you've done for me. I know you feel left out but I just can't leave knowing Baekhyun's in a state of fighting between life and death." Kyungsoo explained and Jongin listened. He always did.


What Kyungsoo said was true ang Jongin perfectly understood his reasons. If Kyungsoo was in this state, he'd also do the exact same thing but hopefully something like this doesn't happen to his lover, it’d kill him. "I understand you, Kyungie. I know your reasons. I do feel left out at times but I still understand why you're like this." Kyungsoo's heart fluttered. He knew Jongin was understanding but to this point... it was making Kyungsoo pleased... but why couldn't he let Jongin know? It's as if he really felt happy but there was no evident or such.


His eyes slowly shifted to Baekhyun’s unconscious body and that’s when he felt weak and sad again. It’s as if a part of him was taken away from him.




After bringing the old clothes home, he brought new ones back and upon arriving at Baekhyun's room, he stumbled upon Baekhyun who was frozen and eyes wide, staring at the world outside. This made Kyungsoo worry as he hurried to put his things down. He rushed to the brunette who did not seem to notice the doe-eyed boy's presence.


"Baekhyun?" The brunette did not move but his tears started to fall endlessly, he didn't even look at the worried lad and it seemed as if he wasn't breathing at all. "Baekhyun, you okay?" Kyungsoo called again but like the previous effort, Baekhyun did not answer and it seemed like Kyungsoo wasn't even there in the first place, it’s as if his existence was mere hallucinations. "Baekhyun! What's wrong?!" Kyungsoo was starting to panic but like the other attempts, Kyungsoo didn't get an answer. But he reacted too fast.


"...he died..."


The line Baekhyun said struck Kyungsoo's heart. 'Died...? Daehyun died? When? How? I was just out for a few minutes and this is the news I get?' Kyungsoo checked Baekhyun's reactìon and saw nothing. No expression or even a glint of sentiment from the brunette’s eyes... nothing. But the tears were there, the tears that seemed to not stop falling.


Baekhyun was frozen. He didn't know what to do anymore. All he knew was... his important person died... Daehyun had left him... for real. Kyungsoo couldn't tolerate to see Baekhyun this way and pulled the brunette in a heartwarming embrace. "Baekhyun... don't worry. Everything will be fine. I'm still here for you... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Baekhyun." The lad couldn't help but apologize. His heart hadn't stopped aching and it was getting harder for him to breathe. The thick tension around them was blocking the air from entering his lungs and he felt really weak. But Baekhyun was weaker than he was and he needed to be strong for the brunette.


"No… Kyungsoo… no. Daehyun… he… he left me… Kyungsoo… Daehyun left me… he already did. What am I supposed to do now? *sniff* Kyungsoo… I miss Daehyun. I miss him so much. Everything's not fine, Kyungsoo. Daehyun... he... he promised me. He told me he wouldn't leave me! Kyungsoo, you told me he'd be okay! You told me he'd come back! Kyungsoo, you told me! Why’d you lie, Kyungsoo?! Why?!" Baekhyun held onto Kyungsoo for dear life. He was bawling his eyes out. Shaking violently and horrified. Kyungsoo felt responsible and guilty at Baekhyun's reaction. He was heartbroken at his best friend's state.


He shouldn’t have said such things, such words that gave his cherished best friend false hope.


"I'm sorry, Baekhyun. But there are things that are promised but are broken. There are things that you thought was possible but really isn't. There are things that you want to happen but just can't because that’s its fate. Baekhyun, I'm sorry. But this is the truth and you can't blind yourself in sweet dreams, no matter how bitter reality really is." Kyungsoo’s heart ached as he said those words but he knew he should do so.


Baekhyun held his breath as he knew that Kyungsoo's words were nothing but the truth. He knew Kyungsoo wouldn't do anything to hurt him... but he couldn't accept it. The fact that Daehyun died was too big of a shock for the brunette. It was hurting him, he felt like he was being struck endlessly in the heart. It was suffocating. Kyungsoo embraced the lad, comforting him was the only way to lessen the cries of the brunette.


The funeral had gone by pretty fast and before they know it, after a year Baekhyun was back in his old self and Kyungsoo couldn't be happier. Baekhyun started working in a cafe for work experience as he had his own successful business and had a lot of spare time. That was the cafe where Baekhyun and Chanyeol met. They became pretty close until two years later; Baekhyun fell in love, deeply in love. They would hang out more than Kyungsoo and Baekhyun did and the doe-eyed boy felt alone and left out by the two.


Chanyeol wasn’t gay… but he thought wrong. He fell in love with the brunette without his knowledge. It just happened and when Chanyeol had finally noticed, he couldn’t stop himself from falling more and more in love with the brunette. Baekhyun was just too perfect for Chanyeol. It was just too much to take. Every day they would hang out. Jog every morning, eat breakfast at the same place, go to work together, eat lunch together at the same place, go separate ways and then eat dinner together. It was as if they were really ‘together’ but unfortunately, they weren’t. How they wished so.


Baekhyun had told Kyungsoo all about his fantasies and dreams about Chanyeol and with Chanyeol. He just couldn’t help but fall in love with the giant. His voice, eyes, big ears, nose, white teeth and everything about the giant. All the fluffiness he felt and how Chanyeol would rap to him about nonsensical things was just funny and entertaining that he’d do the same and sing nonsensical things to Chanyeol. They’d sing together, Chanyeol on the guitar and Baekhyun on the vocals. They composed a few songs together but it was all for fun.


How happy the two was together. Very happy, in fact.


Kyungsoo should've been happy but because he still loved Baekhyun, he couldn't be. During those mournful moments that Baekhyun would talk nonstop about how much he loved Chanyeol, Kyungsoo was heartbroken. But being heartbroken doesn't mean your heart will forever be broken.


While out at night in a local bar, Kyungsoo was drunk. Very drunk for a 23 year old male. Because of the alcohol Kyungsoo took, he fell unconscious on the cold pavement of Seoul. And no one dared help the young male... except for one. Out with his college friends, Kim Jongin found the older lad which miraculously looked younger than he was, sleeping on the sidewalk. It alarmed his friends but Jongin couldn't care less on what people would think about him as long as he did what he thought was right. Because of embarrassment, Jongin's friends left him and he carried the older back to his condo alone since he didn't know where the man lived.


Upon arriving at the neat condo, Jongin laid Kyungsoo down the sofa and started taking off his coat. It was a pretty cold November, with this in mind, Jongin rushed to make the man some soup to cool him down and to sober the guy up. Unfortunately, Kyungsoo had too much of a drink and didn't wake up. Realizing this, Jongin laid the extra blanket he had and let Kyungsoo sleep peacefully. He then, took of his top and slept, topless. Like usual.


Kyungsoo woke up with the harsh pain in his head. It was like breaking a watermelon in two, the watermelon as his head. He looked around and the place wasn't familiar at all. The place was made of entirely black and white. The curtains were white and the tiled floor was black. The couch he slept on was real leather and black; the staircase leading to the bedrooms were black and the television cabinet was also in black. The ceiling was of course, white and the window panes were black; the walls were all white and the chandelier was too. Looking around the place, he noticed how organized and neat the place was.


The person who took care of him... was it a girl? But no girl in Korea could've lived in a condo in black and white, right? Realizing how unfamiliar the place was, he started questioning himself and trying to remember if he had been taken by someone to their home but Kyungsoo couldn't remember anything of a sort. 'Oh my God.' Kyungsoo checked his body and noticed he still had his clothes on. 'Phew. That was close...' Kyungsoo groaned as he sat up, noticing the water on the coffee table that had a sticky note on it. 'Good morning. Drink this before you eat the soup I made. Just heat it so that you'd sober up. (:' Kyungsoo's eyebrows furrowed. Confused on who had taken him home. He took out his cellphone and noticed the time: 5 pm. 'It was this late?' Kyungsoo stood up and folded the blanket that was on him for some reason and he was glad for that since it was a very cold month and because he shouldn't be sniffing around the house, he just placed the blanket on the square pillows and headed towards the door.


Just as he was about to open the door, it flung open, revealing Jongin's anxious face. For some reason, Jongin longed for the older's presence and rushed home from his dance practice just to check on the older. He actually did not expect to find him home but to catch up on him while he was about to leave, Jongin felt happy for some reason he did not know of. "Good afternoon. Are you about to leave? Can't you eat first? I know you still haven't out of courtesy." Jongin talked while taking off his coat and scarf and placing it on the stand just beside his door and heading towards the kitchen.


Kyungsoo felt disturbed as Jongin did not use formality and just by the tanned boy's ID, he knew he was older but he decided to let it go since it really wasn't a big deal for him if people used informality on him, as long as he remained formalities with his elders. "Thank you for the offer but I'll decline. Thank you for everything you've done for me but I have to leave." Kyungsoo left as fast as he could. He felt flustered but what for? What was the reason?


Noticing the stranger left in lightning speed, Jongin's heart sank. He wanted to make the man stay longer. He felt happy of actually seeing a cute guy waiting for him at home and seeing the smaller there... he felt overjoyed. Without any second thoughts, he hurried to get his coat and ran after the smaller. Kyungsoo hadn't gone any further because of the hunger and the occasional dizziness caused by the alcohol. As he looked at his cellphone, he noticed the missed calls and new messages... all from Baekhyun. How happy he felt to see the name of the person who sent him 75 missed calls and 84 messages.


As he was about to call the brunette, a sharp pain hit the back of his head and he fell unconscious, on the cold pavement. Luckily for him, Jongin saw this and hurriedly brought back Kyungsoo to his condo, laying him down on the couch and rushing to make soup for the man to sober him up. When he was almost finished, Kyungsoo woke up. As he noticed the same place where he came from, he felt happy.


"Oh. You're awake now. Here... I cooked for you." Jongin placed the soup on the coffee table just in front of Kyungsoo and a glass of orange juice on the side. "Eat this so you'll feel warm and drink the orange juice, it's good for you. You'll sober up after taking these." Jongin pointed at the two liquids in front of Kyungsoo and sat down beside the doe-eyed boy. Kyungsoo was hesitant at first but he felt no harm in following the younger's words. While eating, the two were quiet except for the television that Jongin opened a while ago. Kyungsoo's eardrums felt like it was about to be broken because of the silence in the room and fortunately for him, Jongin felt the same and broke the silence.


"I haven't heard your name... what was it?" Kyungsoo realized he hasn't learned the name of the lad who helped him and decided to play question and answer with the tanned boy. "Do Kyungsoo. You?" Jongin noticed the lad wasn't using any formalities with him and that concerned him as he thought the lad was younger than he was. 'I mean, seriously. With that face? He's got to be younger than me!' Jongin stated in his thoughts. "Oh, that's a pretty name. Mine's Kim Jongin but my parents call me Kai. You can, too. How abour your age?" This was the time to learn if he should be calling Kyungsoo 'hyung' or the other way around.


"19 years old..." Jongin's face went pale. 'Was Kyungsoo THAT young?!'


"Hahaha! Just kidding, Kai. I'm 23. You're 22, right? Oh and it’s alright if you don’t use formalities with me. I don’t care about such things." Hearing Kyungsoo's laugh made the butterflies in Jongin’s stomach go wild. "Really? I’ll put that in mind. Oh and yeah. I'm turning 23 next year. You?" Looks like Im the younger here. Jongin thought. But the doe-eyed boy looked awfully younger than he was.


As he stared at the boy in front of him drinking the orange juice, he saw something that made him fall for the lad. He saw a drop of orange juice that Kyungsoo forgot to wipe, trickle down his neck in a y manner... 'Oh, God. What's happening to me? Since when did I have green thoughts of someone?' Yes, he was attracted to men but for some reason, men around him couldn't guess so at first as he was very y and cool that a lot of men couldn't believe he was gay at first. "Me too. I'm turning 24 on January 12 next year." Kyungsoo had finished the food that Jongin prepared for him and was now sitting comfortably while chatting with Jongin. "Really?! I'll be 23 on January 14!" Jongin exclaimed, earning a smile from the other.


They continued talking and getting to know each other. Jongin even danced for the lad and Kyungsoo's heartbreak was healed in an instant. A day with Jongin made him fall in love with the tanned guy. Jongin was very affectionate and gentle and even though he felt awkward in voicing his feelings, it was still conveyed properly.


On the other side, Baekhyun was alone with Chanyeol in a restaurant as Chanyeol asked the guy for a dinner invitation. Baekhyun liked to think it was a 'date' and so did Chanyeol, they just didn't have the guts to tell each other how they felt. Friendship was on the line. Both did not want to give up such a precious relationship. They both wanted to stay with each other, especially Chanyeol as Baekhyun was his first love... and a guy at that. He need not worry about his gender as his family accepted him openly. While dining together, the two told stories they often told only their friends and got to know each other. After dining together, they left and headed for Baekhyun's house and continued their so-called 'date' there. The atmosphere was bright and full of hearts as they fell more and more in love with each other... without the knowledge about their mutual feelings.


Baekhyun couldn't be happier to have moved on over Daehyun. Same goes for Chanyeol, hoping his first love was also his last.


The two couples eventually got closer until one day, Kyungsoo eventually got tired of Chanyeol being a coward and decided to ask the giant what his plans were.


“Hey, Chanyeol.” Kyungsoo approached Chanyeol who was busy choosing what he was going to eat. Kyungsoo had called the giant out, ‘a talk’ was Kyungsoo’s reason and even though Chanyeol was doubtful at first, he still agreed after hearing Kyungsoo was going to treat him food. “Yeah?” The giant answered not even looking up at Kyungsoo’s eyes. “Yah! Look at me when I’m talking to you!” The doe-eyed lad was getting impatient, this was a very important talk and Chanyeol is acting like it’s not a big deal. Chanyeol put down the menu and stared lazily at Kyungsoo, “What? You happy now?” Kyungsoo heaved out a frustrated sigh, trying to calm himself down for he knew that acting based on emotions wasn’t a good way to start this conversation.


Before Kyungsoo started the conversation, they gave their orders to the waitress. While waiting for their order, Kyungsoo decided to open the topic which he knew Chanyeol would try and escape but he wasn’t going to let the giant do that. This was the only time he had as he begged Jongin to not come with him and hang out with Baekhyun instead for this purpose. “So, Chanyeol… what’s your plans?” Kyungsoo asked wiggling his eyebrows and smiling at the lad.


Chanyeol knew what the lad was talking about but tried to act innocent. “What do you mean by ‘plans’?” He tried but Kyungsoo saw through his disguise as he was expecting the giant to do this. “Oh come on, Chanyeol! What’s the point of avoiding my eyes when I can see right through your actions?” The doe-eyed boy rolled his eyes at the giant and took a sip from his water.


“I guess I really am obvious about my feelings… oh. Before I answer your question, can I ask something?” Chanyeol stated, uneasy at his position. “Yeah, sure. You’re already asking though.” Kyungsoo replied, inching closer at Chanyeol as the giant was bending his head down to be in level of Kyungsoo’s head, planning to whisper his question. “Umm… how dense is your best friend?” Kyungsoo let out a laugh embarrassing the giant. “How can you ask such a thing, Chanyeol? Hahaha! Baekhyun’s as dense as a brick so he probably has no clue about your feelings. I know so since he always tells me stories about you. Don’t worry.” Kyungsoo winked… but he couldn’t so it ended up like he had something in his eyes, which was really awkward for Chanyeol but he decided to let it go so as to not embarrass Kyungsoo.


“Anyway, when do you plan on asking the guy out? You’ve been in love with my best friend since 4 years ago! Baekhyun’s single and so are you. What’s holding you back, Chanyeol?” The lad let out a desperate sigh. He badly wanted the two to get over their feelings and just get together but it was harder than he thought. He had tried everything he could but it just won’t work. And to add to that frustration, Kyungsoo’s best friend Baekhyun was as dense as a brick.


“I just can’t, Kyungsoo. I can’t risk our frienshi- Ouch! Hey!“ Kyungsoo couldn’t stop himself from hitting the giant’s head. Chanyeol felt awkward as people started to stare at the two. “Idiot! Can you stop being a coward, Chanyeol?! Go and just tell him! Declare your feelings! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!” Chanyeol had nothing against Kyungsoo. He couldn’t disobey the doe-eyed lad for some scary reason he preferred not to tell.


“Okay, okay! I get it! Can you pipe down? People are looking weirdly at us,” Chanyeol whispered and that was when Kyungsoo realized he was in a restaurant with Chanyeol… and other people. The people near them were staring at the two with judging eyes which stopped Kyungsoo. He forgot his manners because he let his emotions get the best of him. He stood up and bowed a deep and straight one. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb anyone. I let my feelings get the best of me.” He apologized and people started looking away one by one, accepting the lad’s apology, not just because he apologized but because he was cute and most of the reservists were ladies and women of various ages.


As Kyungsoo proceeded to sit back down, their food arrived one by one. After finishing the food and leaving the restaurant, Kyungsoo brought Chanyeol to a nearby park to continue their ‘talk’.


“What are we doing here, Kyungsoo?” Chanyeol asked, tilting his head to show his curiousness. “Well, I want to know what you plan on doing for my best friend. It’s got to be perfect, you know? He is important to me after all.” Kyungsoo explained, sitting on the bench and crossing his arms and legs in the process. Chanyeol sat back down and thought deep and hard for his plan to capture Baekhyun’s heart in a night… and then it hit him. “I got it!” Chanyeol pumped his fist in midair. “What is it? What is iiit?” Kyungsoo blinked uncontrollably and leaned towards Chanyeol. “Why not make it simple but beautiful and remembered?”


With these words, Kyungsoo knew Chanyeol was the perfect man for his best friend. He knew they’d go perfect for each other.


Chanyeol prepared the event and made sure everything was perfect in Baekhyun’s house before the lad came home from shopping. Hoping it would be successful, Chanyeol turned off the lights after being signaled by Sehun and Luhan who were in charge of keeping an eye out for the brunette. Upon arriving at his house, Baekhyun was about to open the lights when a spotlight was opened and directed towards him. He wondered of possibilities. Is it my birthday? Wait it isnt even May yet. Heck, its just early February. Baekhyun thought.


To Baekhyun’s surprise, another spotlight opened and was directed beside him and how he almost fainted to find Chanyeol smiling beside him. A slow song suddenly played out of nowhere which crept Baekhyun out but what was more important was, why was Chanyeol here? How did he get inside? I havent given him a key before. “May I have this dance?” Kyungsoo almost squealed at the scene but luckily, Jongin was there to cover his lover’s mouth to prevent ruining the mood.


“U-Umm… o-okay.” Baekhyun left his things somewhere in the dark and headed towards Chanyeol who took the brunette’s hands and started swaying to the music. “Just so you know, I am not the girl here.” Chanyeol let out a low giggle, placing his chin on top of the brunette’s head while Baekhyun leaned on Chanyeol’s chest. He felt like he was in cloud 9. “Oh sure you’re not.” The giant mocked and with this, the brunette rolled his eyes and giggled, sending shivers up Chanyeol’s spine. “Shut up.” Baekhyun replied and playfully smacked the giant’s chest earning a laugh from the other.


After the slow dance, Chanyeol quietly wrapped a blindfold around the brunette’s eyes, catching Baekhyun off guard. “Hey! What’s the blindfold for? Can you take it off? I can’t see anything.” Baekhyun sounded so cute that Chanyeol almost took it off but after fighting the urge to do so, he held Baekhyun’s hand and led him out in the backyard. “Don’t worry, Baek. I’ll be here.” That answer made Baekhyun smile. He wished to be like this with Chanyeol but he had no guts to initiate. Then he realized something, Why was Chanyeol doing this to him? What was going on? Was it okay for Baekhyun to think that Chanyeol liked him? Baekhyun snapped out of his thoughts when the blindfold suddenly fell off and he swore he could faint then and there.


His knees felt weak and he had to hold on to Chanyeol to support himself. The brunette hadn’t had enough time to process everything when blasts of fireworks were suddenly visible in the night sky. It created beautiful harmonizing colors and the message that the fireworks showed brought Baekhyun to tears and seeing this, Kyungsoo couldn’t be happier. I love you. The sight lingered in his head over and over again. But suddenly… it stopped.


Baekhyun looked up at Chanyeol as if he had heard something utterly unbelievable… “You heard me right, Baek. I love you and Im asking you if you would like to be mine.” Baekhyun stared at the giant, tears in his eyes and completely speechless. Chanyeol thought Baekhyun was going to turn him down so he started doing adlibs to lessen the awkwardness of the situation. “U-Umm… I mean, you know, only if you want to. I’m giving you time so you don’t have to feel pressur- Ah! What was that for?” Baekhyun had hit the giant on his head. “Idiot! Of course I’ll be your boyfriend!” Baekhyun jumped on the taller and squeezed the life out of Chanyeol but he decided to just accept the hug and return it with lesser amount of force so as to not squeeze his baby Baekhyun too much.


“Thank you, Hyunnie. You made me the happiest person alive…” Chanyeol inhaled the brunette’s exotic scent and tears escaped his eyes. Ans as he did, the rain started to pour but the trauma Baekhyun had from Daehyun didn't work anymore. He was so happy that he wished their love lasted forever…


But there isn’t forever in love... there is always an end to everything.



Headed to Chanyeol’s place in the middle of the night after an overtime at his office (since he quitted his waiter job because of disapproval of his workers – he owns a company), Baekhyun was on the phone with earphones on and at its loudest volume, the brunette crossed the street. He couldn’t care less if the light was green since there was no one around because of the time. A sports car encountered problems with the car’s brake and seeing someone on the empty street, worried the driver. He tried honking but the lad wouldn’t look his way. The driver tried diverting the position of the car but he couldn’t, the speed was uncontrollable.


Noticing a light coming from his left side, Baekhyun looked and just when he did… the car hit him. But the car wasn’t able to stop.


Baekhyun was left alone on the cold night street with no one as a witness.



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Chapter 5: omfgg this was so sad it made me cry buckets ;; author-nim I liked it so much <3
Unipandahond #2
what is your actually language?