
Sweet Fiction, Bitter Reality

Title: Sweet Fiction, Bitter Reality

Date started: January 16, 2014 - Thursday

Date finished: January 23, 2014 - Thursday

Genre: Angst, Romance, Drama, Five-shot, Short Story

Rating: PG-13

Characters: BaekYeol (main), KaiSoo (not main but is featured a lot), HunHan (just a dash)



Sweet Fiction, Bitter Reality



Part One.



A cold breeze blew Baekhyun's combed hair into its natural mess which made the brunette frown. A sigh came from the said boy's small lips and eyes wandered through his naturally messy and small bedroom. A single window on the left wall shows the beautiful sunrise at the beach just outside his house and a cabinet a little bit far from the window. A messy bed on the right wall in front of the open window had two pillows, one on top and the other was on the ground with the half side of the white wrinkled blanket. The pillows had visible marks of dried tears and the bed sheet was crumpled, which proved his inability to sleep that night... and all the nights before a few months ago. Voices and knocks from the door outside echoed around the quiet house.


Baekhyun let his hair be and walked towards the door, staring at it and not having the guts to open it knowing the person on the other side isn't him. It will not be him. It will never be him. Ever... but Baekhyun secretly hoped. He secretly wished. Even though it hurt him every time but he never learned. He did not want to give up; he wished and hoped for the same thing every morning risking his happiness while doing so.


"Who is it?" He whispered. He wanted to cry but he held back the tears that stung the corners of his eyes. He couldn't let himself cry in front of others. It wasn't manly. And to think he still had the guts to insult himself when he's sick and hurt.


"It's me, Kyungsoo and I’m with Kai. Open up." A slight turning of the corners of his lips was barely visible but it was there. It was his best friend, Do Kyungsoo. The guy that was there all his life. That special guy that knows every single fact about him. He was here... with his boyfriend that he loved so much, Kim Jongin. How achingly jealous he was of Jongin's position of being loved and loving back.


He snapped out of his thoughts as Kyungsoo spoke up again. "You still there? Can you hurry up? We're freezing out here," he chuckled at his best friend's shaking voice and flung the door open, surprising Kyungsoo and Jongin.


Before the two could even react to Baekhyun, he already threw himself at Kyungsoo, squeezing him as hard as he could. It made Kyungsoo choke with loss of air. Jongin tried pulling him away and prayed, thanking the Lord for not letting his boyfriend lose he's breath on the arms of someone else. If that was to happen, Jongin wanted it to happen to the both of them… together. In each other’s arms. Oh look that. Im thinking of death in such an early age. Jongin shook his head at his thoughts.


"Can you wait until we're inside? It's cold out here." Kyungsoo chuckled as he pulled Baekhyun and Jongin inside Baekhyun's huge house. But what was the use of a huge house if Baekhyun lived alone? Without no one to take care of him and no one to be taken care of. He did not need riches, he just wanted to love and be loved back but fate wasn’t in his favor. It always wasn’t.


Feeling the warmth, thanks to the fireplace, the couple took off their coats and plopped down next to each other at the only sofa available in the living room as the house had limited furniture because of certain reasons. Baekhyun handed them mugs with hot chocolate to warm them while they settled in on their positions.


"So? What's the news?" Baekhyun felt a bit disturbed at Jongin's question. It was a sensitive topic and Kyungsoo would've known not to open up that kind of topic as he was still in the process of recovering from his heartbreak.


Noticing Baekhyun's reaction, Kyungsoo nudged his boyfriend's arm making the other look at him with questioning eyes. This made Kyungsoo roll his eyes that made the other shut up. The tanned boy forgot how sensitive Baekhyun was towards that topic. He mentally slapped himself for creating an awkward tension around them.


"Umm... don't think about what Jongin asked. It's not important. What's important is that you're still well, right?" Kyungsoo tried averting the topic to erase the tension and pressure on his best friend. He was just worried that Baekhyun might have done what had happened before... and the situation wasn't even this bad before.


On the other side, Baekhyun was in the middle of fighting himself whether to not say what was really happening to him or to just say it but after a long useless fight, he'd rather not make his best friend worry about him and be a burden to the couple so he decided on what he thought was right... "I'm fine. Don't worry about me, D.O. I'm alright." He cracked a smile which made Jongin and Kyungsoo's hearts flutter with the petite boy's eye smile. It was real, no doubt.


Little did they know, Baekhyun had the ability to let his eye smile show whenever he wanted and it was sometimes a proof that someone was happy if it was visible. He was glad it worked on the two as he had no more selfishness left to make the two worry about him.


"Okay. You say so, Baekkie. But if anything happens, just call us, alright?" Kyungsoo held Baekhyun's hand reassuringly but Baekhyun's reflex wasn't to be underestimated. He unconsciously slapped the other's hands away and trembled in fear.


The couple's eyes widened with Baekhyun's reaction. It wasn't that they didn't know about his flaw and how sensitive the boy was but it wasn't to the point that he'd tremble and tears were rapidly flowing from his eyes.


No doubt, this was trauma




Sorry. I know there are lots of grammatical errors and I know it's crappy. Sorry. > <


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Chapter 5: omfgg this was so sad it made me cry buckets ;; author-nim I liked it so much <3
Unipandahond #2
what is your actually language?