Chapter 9

Coincidence or fate?

-Hyung I will explain you everything – Sehun got up from his place!

-Guys I don’t need any explanation, I’m just happy. You both are really bad in acting. We all knew that you are together!

-Yah when did you find out about us?

-Do you remember party? That day you came together, and when we asked where you were Diana blushed and you told that you were searching for Ann and Kai.  I already told you that you are bad in acting.

-Aish, Okay you, Ann, Kai know about us, but don’t tell the others!

-Arasso, I won’t! By the way what’s wrong with Ann and Kai – Suho looked at me.

-I don’t want to tell it, you better ask Kai!

-No, tell us. - Sehun told me!

I don’t know maybe it was wrong decision but I told them everything.

-What? - Suho said surprised- I will kill Kai! How he dares to do something like that to Ann!

-Suho please, don’t do anything, Ann will get angry!

-No, Diana now it’s not your problem, I will talk with him! He loves her too much to let her go just like this!


Kai’s pov

-Kai? - I heard Suho shouting. I ran out of my room

-Yes hyung! Did something wrong?

-Yes, come down we need to talk! – He scares me. What’s going on?

-Kai I want to talk about you and Ann.

-Suho again? How many times I need to tell that I don’t want to talk about her. I know that you and Ann are really close to each other, and you want to protect her, but I’m your friend so stop it. – As I was about to leave the room Suho talked again.

-I know everything! I know that it was your idea to break up! I’m not worrying only about Ann. I’m worrying about you too. You love each other and I know that I’m not the one who needs to tell that! You know it better. Every time you see Ann and Youngjae together you just leave the room. Diana told me that Ann is dating Youngjae just to forget you! I know that Ann is good in acting and the smile that she is wearing is fake! Kai understand Ann is not going to do something first, you need to do it! And you better do it as fast as possible or Ann will forget you! – I didn’t answer him I just went to my room!  He is right, He is ing right! I’m an idiot; if Ann leaves me like this I will never forgive myself! I hate myself whenever I remember that I told her, that I just used her!  This can’t last like this! Tomorrow I will talk with her and she won’t be able to reject me!


Anna’s pov

It was 10pm Diana came home from date. We watched movie and went to sleep! When we were at our beds we were talking about drama! And then Diana changed the subject!

-Ann I have to tell you something! Just promise that you won’t get angry!

-What you did this time? – I told teasingly.

-Aish Ann seriously.

-Okay, okay, what’s wrong?

-I told Suho what happened with you and Kai?

-What? Diana are you crazy?

-Ann he just kept on asking. Please don’t be angry with me.

-Aish, I’m not angry with you! I know that you do something then think!  But just an advice next time thinks before talking! Or it can turn into tragedy! Now sleep we need to wake up early!

-Okay, thanks! Good night!

Kai’s pov

When I walk up I was just thinking about talking with Ann! God help me! She can’t reject me, I won’t handle that! Boys and I went into entertainment as always! Diana was already there!

-Diana where is Ann?

-She’ll be here soon. -  Sure she is with that Youngjae! As long as he is with Ann I hate him! 5 Minutes later Ann and Youngjae entered SMbuilding. Paparazzi were all over them. They were keep asking about their relationship, and when I heard someone asked them to kiss for the photo I wasn’t able to handle that I went to them and grabbed Ann’s hand.

-She is mine! Their relationship is fake! – I shouted and took Ann to the training room!

-What are you doing Kai! – She shouted at me! – We are not together! If you forget , you told me that you just used me. I don’t love you anymore Kai!- As this words left from , I pushed her against the wall  and shut with my hand.

-Never… Never tell me again that you don’t love me! I won’t handle this. I know that I was wrong. Yes I’m sorry for my words! But I was just selfish. Seeing you every day with Youngjae is killing me! I know that you love me! Ann please forgive me! I can’t leave without you! I will not make the same mistakes again.

 Ann’s pov

- You never thought of anyone else, you just saw your pain!  Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me. Now let me go. And please help me to forget you! – As I was about to leave the room He grabbed my hands and pushed me against the wall again!

-Try to forget me! – I smacked his hand away and tried to side step him, but he grabbed me by the arms and pinned them to my side. He came closer to me. He put one of his hands under my chin and lifted my face up to meet his eyes! – Never told me that you want forget me or that you don’t love me! I don’t want to listen it again -I wanted to shout on him, but the words I love you ran out my mouth! I felt him lean over me. His breath, warm and measured, hit my cheek. Then I heard him stop breathing, and a second later, I felt his lips on my mouth. It wasn't the sort of kiss we had before. This kiss was so hot and  passionate! I grab hold of his shirt as he continued to kiss me!

-Saranghae- he whispered in my ear. - I told you this once,  but I will tell it again YOU ARE MINE! You are my girl! - I wasn’t able to tell him something so I just hugged him tightly!

-I missed your hugs, I missed you kisses, I missed you!


Diana’s Pov


30 Minutes already past, Kai and Ann still do not come back! What if something wrong! Boys were talking all the time and trying to keep me away from these thoughts!

-Here they are holding hands like nothing happened- Chanyeol shouted. I turned and saw Kai and Ann holding hands and coming towards us!

-Oh, you are again together? – Sehun asked


-Finally, hope you’ll never argue again..- I told!  

-Kai I need to see Youngjae and talk with him!

-No I already told you not to communicate with him out of drama!

-Aish, I hate when you are jealous.

-And let show begin again! Guys stop it! By the way where you were so long?

- At directors room. – Kai told. – I talk with him and told that we’ll be together no matter what!

-Oh perfect!-Sehun told and looked at me, I was surprised when he took my hand- Boys I want to tell you something! – Everyone looked at him – I can’t hide this anymore, Diana and I are dating for real!

-What? - Suddenly manager Ma appeared!

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