Chapter 1

I'm a Human,You're Vampire
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"Himchan! Are you crazy!? You can't married with that girl! You must married with princess Jun Hee! She's not same with us!." said King of Vampires Kingdom.

"But appa I love her,not Jun Hee! Appa,please." Himchan begged.

"No!" "Okay appa but remember I will not going to marry with that stupid princess! Dila,let's go!." Himchan said while held Dila's hand and walk away.

Yah! Yah!! Himchan! Kim Himchan!! Aisshh,that boy!" "Yeobo,please be patient.I will talked to Himchan after this." "But tomorrow he has to marry with Jun Hee or our Kingdom will ruined!" "Yes,I understand.I will talked to him." said Queen of Vampires Kingdom.

Himchan still held Dila's hand.Suddenly,Dila stop walked."Himchan-ah,we have to broke up.I didn't want my life to be like this.Mianhae." said Dila."Yah,Yoon Dila! Are you out of mind or what!? We're going to marry and life happily together.Arasso?" "Himchan-ah,we can't be like this.You have to follow your parents said.Mianhae." "Dila-ah,please don't leave me.I begged to you." Dila just walked away."Dila-ah!! Dila!!"

His name is Kim Himchan.He was son of King of Vampires Kingdom.Her girlfriend named is Yoon Dila but Dila was a human.They have to broke up because 'THEY'RE DIFFERENT'.

"B.A.P! You have to find Himchan as fast as possible! All of you are Himchan bestfriend so I trusted you all.He have to marry today so find now!" "Nae!"

"Himchan-ah,you have to come home now." "No! I have to find my Dila!" "Dila has died Himchan.You have to accept the fact that Dila has gone!" "No!" Himchan please!" "I said no!"


"Miss Park! Followed me to my room,now!" "Nae,sonsaengnim." "Miss Park,can you helped me arranged the books in library everyday? After school ended?" "errmm,yes sonsaengnim.I will." said Dila."Okay,good then."

"Hi! Your

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stephani_bap #1
Chapter 4: I like this story! thank you unnie^^
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 3: huhuhu TT_TT you should update soon unnie :'(
stephani_bap #3
Chapter 2: is YooYoon really a human? somehow i doubt it
Inspirit2807 #4
Chapter 2: cool!when will you update this?
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 1: this is not end yet, right?