Chapter 17

Mr. Perfect

Inside Charmaine and Myolie's Apartment - 7:00 pm:

Charmaine came out of her room grabbing her purse from the sofa. "I'm going out now. See you guys later."

Ron got up and stood in front of her. In an offhand manner he asked, "Where are you going?"

Myolie also came beside her. "You didn't tell me that you had plans tonight."

Charmaine looked at the two and wondered why they were acting so peculiar. They never questioned her whereabouts before. "Yeah.. last minute. Benny called and wanted to take me out for dinner."

Hearing Benny's name, Myolie and Ron looked at each other uncomfortably. Myolie pulled Charmaine to the side. "Why are you having dinner with him?" She then looked at Charmaine in shock. "You didn't get back with him did you?"

Charmaine smiled reassuringly at Myolie. "Don't worry. I'm a big girl and I know what I'm doing."

Myolie thought otherwise and the look on her face told Charmaine how she felt. "We were planning on taking you out for your birthday. Raymond should be here any minute."

Charmaine looked gratefully at Myolie. "Thanks you guys. How about tomorrow night?" She stuck her hand into her pocket and felt around. "I forgot something in my room. Be right out," she said and headed in the direction of her room.

The doorbell rang and Ron opened the door for Raymond. Seeing the expression on their faces, Raymond knew that something was amiss. "What's wrong?"

"Charmaine is going out to dinner with Benny tonight!" Ron anxiously informed Raymond.

Hearing that, Raymond turned to Myolie for confirmation. When she nodded miserably his pulse started to beat at high speed. Running his hand through his hair, he asked, "Did she leave yet?"

Myolie came forward and whispered, "Not yet. She almost did but forgot something in her room."

The door to Charmaine's room opened and she came out again heading straight for the front door, pausing only briefly to say hello to Raymond.

When the door closed behind her, Raymond quickly turned to Ron and Myolie. With his mind made up, he declared, "I'm going to follow her and make sure that Benny doesn't hurt her again."

Out on the streets - 7:15 pm:

Charmaine walked leisurely down the street. She was surprised that Benny had called. At first she debated on whether to hang up on him. At the same time she was also curious as to why he called after so many months. After hearing him out, she was relieved and agreed to have dinner with him.

She walked passed a glass building and turned to view herself through the reflection. Out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of Raymond standing idling behind - or in the reflection - next to her. She spinned around rapidly catching him by surprise. "Raymond Lam, why are you following me?"

Raymond smiled sheepishly and walked towards her. Trying to play it cool he said, "I was just around the area."

Glaring at him, she skeptically said, "You were in my apartment not too long ago and you're here now. I don't believe in such a coincidence."

Without a good explanation to justify his actions, he settled on telling her the truth instead. "Alright. I admit I was following you."

Astonished, Charmaine peered up at him. "Why?"

Raymond looked straight into her eyes and gently said, "I wanted to make sure that Benny won't hurt you again. That's what friends are for."

Charmaine was touched by his protectiveness and felt an odd fluttering in her heart. "Well since you're just looking out for me, the only way you would know for sure is to come along and join us." Smiling, she resumed her walking and called over her shoulder. "No need to follow me. I prefer that you walk beside me rather than behind me."

Raymond shouted Hooray! to himself and quicken his pace. Soon he was walking right beside her.

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charray #1
Oh Simcon Simcon I'm gonna die for you!!! Hehe!!!